526 research outputs found

    Factors that influence the choice of first jobs of the students and recent graduated students: information technology area vs socio-humanistic and economic area

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    Classifications according to the JEL Classification System: A2 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: A22.Undergraduate, A23.Graduate O1 Economic Development: 015 Human Resources • Human Development • Income Distribution • MigrationThe present master dissertation was a result of the interest in investigate about which kind of determinant characteristics will influence the choice of first job by students and recent graduated students, especially the ones that belong to the Informatics and technology area and socio-economic/ socio-humanistic area. This empirical research was just applied to a national context. Going on with this study, firstly were structured a literature review where was described and analysed as an influent dimensions organisational characteristics and characteristics according to wished function or task. Afterwards these specific dimensions were tested and analysed using a questionnaire answered by two hundred and four students. Making this empirical study was possible to take some conclusions in terms of type of influent characteristics by academic graduation area, testing also if the same dimensions depend on factors such as gender or age. The interest and convenience of this study relies on the actuality of the topic. In general and according to the valid sample of this study we can conclude that there are effective differences in terms how students and recent graduated students value the importance of function and organisational characteristics, mainly considering dimensions as work context and task characteristics and on the other side when making a correlation between the ten dimensions and age variable.A presente dissertação de mestrado resultou do interesse em investigar as determinantes influenciadoras da escolha do primeiro emprego por parte de estudantes recém-graduados, principalmente os estudantes das áreas de Informática e Tecnologia e Ciências Sociais e Económicas. Este estudo empírico foi aplicado apenas num contexto nacional. Para este efeito, numa primeira fase procedeu-se a uma revisão de literatura na qual se consideraram como dimensões influenciadoras características organizacionais e características de acordo com a função a desempenhar. Posteriormente estas foram testadas e analisadas através de um questionário submetido a duzentos e quatro alunos. A partir deste estudo empírico foi possível retirar algumas conclusões relativas ao tipo de características influenciadoras por área de formação, testando também se as mesmas dependem de outros fatores como é exemplo género ou idade. O interesse e conveniência deste estudo prendem-se principalmente pela atualidade do tópico. De maneira geral e segundo a amostra válida neste estudo conclui-se que efetivamente há diferenças na valoração de importância de caraterísticas funcionais e organizacionais, por parte de estudantes e recém graduados, principalmente considerando dimensões como contexto de trabalho e características da tarefa ou por outro lado a correlação entre as dez dimensões testadas, com a variável idade

    Prevalência da automedicação na população estudantil do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

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    A automedicação é uma prática habitual nos dias de hoje, sendo definida como uma forma comum de auto-atenção à saúde, consistindo no consumo de um produto sem prescrição médica. Este estudo teve como objectivo determinar a prevalência da automedicação nos alunos que frequentam o ensino superior público no Distrito de Bragança. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário durante o mês de Novembro de 2008. A amostra é constituída por 225 indivíduos, de uma população total de 4168 alunos. Os dados foram sujeitos a tratamento estatístico através do programa SPSS 16.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). A prevalência da automedicação é de 90,7% e destes apenas 117 (57,4%) têm conhecimentos sobre os efeitos adversos dos medicamentos. As principais razões que levaram à automedicação foram as dores em geral, principalmente, a dor de cabeça; a febre; as tonturas e o sono. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram o Paracetamol (Ben-u-ron) e o Ibuprofeno (Brufen). The self-medication is a normal practice today, defined as a common form of self-health care, consisting in the consumption of a product without a medical prescription. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the self-medication level in the Braganza Polytechnic Institute student’s population. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in a probabilistic sample including 225 individuals, from a total population of 4168 students, during November 2008. The data collected were treated with the statistical software SPSS 16.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The level of self-medication was 90,7% and, of these, only 57,4% have the knowledge about the adverse effects. The main reason which led to self-medication was pain, mostly headache, fever, dizziness and sleep, and the drugs generally used were Paracetamol (Ben-u-ron) and Ibuprofeno (Brufen)

    Administração profiláctica de plasma no síndrome hemolítico urémico atípico recorrente

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    O síndrome hemolítico urémico (SHU) define- se pela ocorrência simultânea de anemia hemolítica microangiopática, trombocitopenia e insuficiência renal aguda. A forma atípica de SHU, ou SHU não associado à toxina shiga like(SHU-não-Stx), ocorre em 10% dos casos na criança e apresenta prognóstico reservado. Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de uma criança com idade actual de cinco anos e oito meses com SHU atípico esporádico, de aparecimento precoce, aos quatro meses de vida, com carácter multirecidivante (seis recidivas). O doseamento sérico do factor H do complemento, a análise molecular dos genes do factor H (SCR 20 — sequenciação, os 19 restantes SCRs e o promotor —SSCP), e da membrane cofactor protein (SCR 1-4, e os 14 exões), a determinação da actividade de ADAMTS 13 e a pesquisa de inibidores foram normais. A biópsia renal revelou lesões glomerulares difusas com tumefecção das células endoteliais e redução dos lúmens capilares. O estudo ultraestrutural evidenciou extensa duplicação das membranas basais das ansas capilares e ausência de depósitos imunes. A doente apresentou boa resposta ao tratamento profiláctico com plasma, efectuado com intervalos de 3 semanas, com ausência de novas recaídas durante os períodos em que efectuou profilaxia (duração total de profilaxia: dois anos e sete meses). Conclui-se que esta forma de tratamento profiláctico se revelou, neste caso, e até à data, segura e eficaz na prevenção das recorrências, pelo que deve ser tida em consideração no tratamento de casos de SHU com perfil recidivante


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    This article is part of the Master's Research of the Graduate Program of the University of Cuiabá and its object of study is the teaching of geometry in the formation of normal teachers of primary education in Barra do Garças. Anchored in the historical-cultural approach, the study was based on the theoretical contributions of Chervel (1990), De Certeau (1982), Julia (2001), Pinto (2014) and Silva; Valente (2014). It aimed to analyze the presence of geometry in the training of normalists who attended the teaching and taught at the Santa Marta Institute in the limited period of the research. The sources were constituted by statements and class diaries with an emphasis on teaching geometry in primary school. The data reveal the presence of geometry, indicating how normalists learned and taught geometric concepts in the classroom, enabling new questions and reflections in the face of the neglect of schools by the discipline.Este artigo é parte da Pesquisa de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Cuiabá e tem como objeto de estudo o ensino de geometria na formação de professoras normaliatas do ensino primário em Barra do Garças/MT. Ancorada na abordagem histórico-cultural, o estudo fundamentou-se nos aportes teóricos de Chervel (1990), De Certeau (1982), Julia (2001), Pinto (2014) e Silva; Valente (2014). Teve como objetivo analisar a presença da geometria na formação das normalistas que cursaram o magistério e lecionaram no Instituto Santa Marta no período delimitado da pesquisa. As fontes foram constituídas pelos depoimentos e diários de classe com ênfase no ensino da geometria na escola primária. Os dados revelam a presença da geometria indicando como as normalistas aprendiam e ensinavam os conceitos geométricos em sala de aula, possibilitando novas indagações e reflexões frente ao descaso das escolas pela disciplina

    O ensino de geometria e as tendências pedagógicas presente na coletânea “Criança, Geometria, Aritmética”

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    Disponível em: http://www.ojs.asocolme.org/index.php/RECME/article/view/333Este artigo tem como objeto de estudo a análise empreendida na coletânea “Criança, Geometria, Aritmética” de Molina e Rico, publicada no ano de 1969 pela editora Tabajara que circulou nas escolas públicas Mato-grossenses. A pesquisa de Mestrado em Ensino, ancorada na abordagem histórico-cultural fundamenta-se nos aportes teóricos de autores que contribuem sobremaneira para a compreensão do objeto de estudo. Nosso objetivo foi analisar a presença da geometria na formação de professores, tendo como referência quatro dos seis volumes da coletânea utilizada no período de 1970 e 1980 no Curso Normal de Mato Grosso. Os dados revelam a presença da geometria indicando como as normalistas aprendiam e ensinavam os conteúdos de geometria, a partir das tendências pedagógicas que norteavam o processo de ensino e aprendizagem na escola primária mato-grossense

    Central giant cell granuloma of the jaws and giant cell tumor of long bones: an immunohistochemical comparative study

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated whether some components of the extracellular matrix and CD68 expression may drive the differences between the central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) of the jaws and giant cell tumor (GCT) of long bones, which present distinct evolution and clinical behavior. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eight cases of CGCG and 7 cases of GCT were selected and immunohistochemically analyzed to verify the pattern of expression of CD68, tenascin (Tn) and fibronectin (Fn). RESULTS: A large number of the mononuclear cells and multinucleated giant cells CD68+ was observed in both of the studied lesions, indicating histiocyte/ macrophage origin. Seven cases of CGCG of the jaws showed intense staining of Fn, with uniform distribution predominantly. In all 7 cases of GCT of long bones the Fn displayed intense expression, with distribution pattern varying from uniform to reticulate/fibrillar. Six cases of CGCG were intensively stained by Tn, presenting focal expression in half of specimens, and reticulate/ fibrillar pattern of expression in 4 cases. All cases of GCT of the long bones presented intense expression of Tn, uniform distribution, and reticulate/fibrillar pattern of expression in four cases. CONCLUSIONS: The immunoexpression of CD68 in mononuclear cells and multinucleated giant cells and staining patterns of Fn and Tn were similar in both entities. These findings indicate that these proteins could not be used to explain the differences between the CGCG of the jaws and GCT of the long bones


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    Conhecer os significados do trabalho para os diferentes grupos funcionais, constitui-se, ainda na atualidade, em verdadeiro desafio aos gestores, principalmente em momentos que ocorrem mudanças no contexto do trabalho. Esta é a situação vivenciada pelos docentes de instituições públicas federais, mediante as políticas que vem sendo implementadas no sentido de promoção do acesso ao ensino superior. Diante deste cenário, este estudo inicial busca analisar o significado que os docentes de uma IFES atribuem aos seus trabalhos, já que tais modificações apresentam potencial de impactar significativamente em suas atividades. Tratase de uma pesquisa exploratória, de cunho qualitativo, caracterizada como um estudo de caso. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas a docentes que atuam junto à instituição pesquisada. Pode-se verificar que o trabalho apresenta forte relação com a identidade dos mesmos, sendo fonte geradora de orgulho e status. Percebeu-se, também, a forte associação atribuída entre trabalho e vida. Espera-se, assim, subsidiar o desenvolvimento de novas políticas voltadas à gestão de pessoas, já que o sentido atribuído ao trabalho é capaz de afetar as crenças sobre o que é legítimo e o que se pode tolerar do trabalho (MOW, 1987)

    SPINT2 deregulation in prostate carcinoma

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    SPINT2 is a tumor suppressor gene that inhibits proteases implicated in cancer progression, like HGFA, hepsin and matriptase. Loss of SPINT2 expression in tumors has been associated with gene promoter hypermethylation; however, little is known about the mechanisms of SPINT2 deregulation in prostate cancer (PCa). We aimed to analyze SPINT2 expression levels and understand the possible regulation by SPINT2 promoter hypermethylation in PCa. In a cohort of 57 cases including non-neoplastic and PCa tissues, SPINT2 expression and promoter methylation was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and methylation-specific PCR, respectively. Methylation status of the SPINT2 promoter was also evaluated by bisulfite sequencing and 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine treatment. Oncomine and TCGA databases were used to perform in silico PCa analysis of SPINT2 mRNA and methylation levels. A reduction in SPINT2 expression levels from nonneoplastic to PCa tissues was observed; however, none of the cases exhibited SPINT2 promoter methylation. Both bisulfite sequencing and 5-aza demonstrated that SPINT2 promoter is not methylated in PCa cells. Bioinformatics approaches did not show downregulation of SPINT2 at the mRNA level and, in corroboration with our results, SPINT2 promoter region is reported to be unmethylated. Our study suggests an involvement of SPINT2 in PCa tumorigenesis, probably in association with a post-translational regulation of SPINT2.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was supported by the ICVS internal research funds of participating authors and by FCT project, ref. PTDC/SAUONC/115513/2009. F.P. received fellowship from the FCT, ref. SFRH/BD/81369/2011 and M.VP from the ON.2 SR&TD Integrated Program (N-01-01-01-24-01-07), ref. UMINHO/ BPD/36/2013

    Exercício em pacientes oncológicos: reabilitação

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    Este estudo revisou artigos nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (Pub-Med) e outras fontes de pesquisa, sem limite de tempo. Para tanto, adotou-se a estratégia de busca baseada em perguntas estruturadas na forma (P.I.C.O.) das iniciais: "Paciente"; "Intervençao"; "Controle" e "Outcome". Como descritores utilizaram-se:(Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR specific muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR Cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR Specific Muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR Cancer-related Fatigue) AND (Chemotherapy, Adjuvant OR Combined Modality Therapy OR Drug Therapy,combination OR Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols) AND (Exercise Tolerance OR Oxigen Consumption* OR Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR specific muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance OR Intensity exercise); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); Neoplasm AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND Quality of Life ; (Bone Neoplasms OR Neoplasms Metastasis) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND (Fracture Bone OR Fractures, Bone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy) AND Fracture AND Neoplasm; (Bone Neoplasms OR Neoplasms Metastasis) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND (Fracture Bone OR Fractures, Bone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy) AND Fracture AND Neoplasm; (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumor OR Cancer) AND (Signs and Symptoms Respiratory OR Dyspnea) AND (Breathing Exercise OR Exercise Therapy); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumor OR Cancer) AND (Oxygen Inhalation Therapy OR Positive Pressure Respiration OR PEEP); Neoplasms OR Cancer OR Tumor OR Carcinogens AND Terminally ill OR Terminal Care OR Palliative Care AND Oxygen Inhalation Therapy; Neoplasm AND (Muscle OR Muscle Strength OR Muscle Weakness OR Cachexia) AND (Androgens OR Anabolic Agents OR Nandrolone OR Oxandrolone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy OR Rehabilitation); (Anthracyclines OR Trastuzumab OR Ciclofosfamide) AND (Physical Activity OR Exercise) AND (Cardiotoxicity); Neoplasm AND Thrombocytopenia AND (Exercise OR Rehabilitation OR Physical Therapy). Analisado esse material, selecionou-se os artigos relativos às perguntas e, por meio do estudo dos mesmos, originou-se as evidências que fundamentaram as diretrizes do presente documento.This study revised articles from the MEDLINE (PubMed) databases and other research sources, with no time limit. To do so, the search strategy adopted was based on (P.I.C.O.) structured questions (from the initials "Patient"; "Intervention"; "Control" and "Outcome". As keywords were used: (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR specific muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR Cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR Specific Muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR Cancer-related Fatigue) AND (Chemotherapy, Adjuvant OR Combined Modality Therapy OR Drug Therapy,combination OR Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols) AND (Exercise Tolerance OR Oxigen Consumption* OR Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Fatigue OR Muscles OR specific muscle OR Mental Fatigue OR Fatigue, Mental OR cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance OR Intensity exercise); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumors OR Cancer) AND (Fatigue OR Asthenia OR Lassitude OR Muscle Fatigue OR Cancer-related fatigue) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance); Neoplasm AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND Quality of Life ; (Bone Neoplasms OR Neoplasms Metastasis) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND (Fracture Bone OR Fractures, Bone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy) AND Fracture AND Neoplasm; (Bone Neoplasms OR Neoplasms Metastasis) AND (Exercise OR Physical Fitness OR Exertion OR Exercise Therapy OR Sports OR Exercise Movement Techniques OR Physical Fitness OR Physical Conditioning OR Physical Endurance) AND (Fracture Bone OR Fractures, Bone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy) AND Fracture AND Neoplasm; (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumor OR Cancer) AND (Signs and Symptoms Respiratory OR Dyspnea) AND (Breathing Exercise OR Exercise Therapy); (Neoplasms OR Carcinogens OR Tumor OR Cancer) AND (Oxygen Inhalation Therapy OR Positive Pressure Respiration OR PEEP) ; Neoplasms OR Cancer OR Tumor OR Carcinogens AND Terminally ill OR Terminal Care OR Palliative Care AND Oxygen Inhalation Therapy; Neoplasm AND (Muscle OR Muscle Strength OR Muscle Weakness OR Cachexia) AND (Androgens OR Anabolic Agents OR Nandrolone OR Oxandrolone) AND (Exercise OR Physical Therapy OR Rehabilitation); (Anthracyclines OR Trastuzumab OR Ciclofosfamide) AND (Physical Activity OR Exercise) AND (Cardiotoxicity); Neoplasm AND Thrombocytopenia AND (Exercise OR Rehabilitation OR Physical Therapy). With the above keywords crossings were performed according to the proposed theme in each topic of the (P.I.C.O.) questions. After analyzing this material, articles regarding the questions were selected and, by studying those, the evidences that fundamented the directives of this document were established

    Piperine decreases pilocarpine-induced convulsions by GABAergic mechanisms

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    Piperine, an alkaloid present in the Piper genus, was shown to have an anticonvulsant activity, evaluated by the pilocarpine-induced model, in mice. Pilocarpine (350 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered 30 min after piperine (2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg, i.p.) which significantly increased latencies to 1st convulsion and to death, and percentage of survivals. These parameters were also increased in the pilocarpine groups pretreated with atropine plus piperine (10 and 2.5 mg/kg, respectively), as related to the pilocarpine group. However, they were not altered in the pilocarpine groups pretreated with memantine (a NMDA-type glutamate receptors blocker, 2 mg/kg, p.o.) or nimodipine (a calcium channel blocker, 10 mg/kg, p.o.), both associated with piperine (1 or 2.5 mg/kg), as compared to the piperine plus pilocarpine group. Moreover, the pilocarpine group pretreated with diazepam (which binds to the GABA(A) receptor, 0.2 and 0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) plus piperine (1 and 2.5 mg/kg) significantly increased latency to the 1st convulsion, as related to the pilocarpine group, suggesting that the GABAergic system is involved with the piperine action. Furthermore, the piperine effect was blocked by flumazenil (2 mg/kg, i.p.), a benzodiazepine antagonist. Untreated P350 animals showed decreased striatal DA and increased DOPAC and HVA levels that were not affected in the piperine plus pilocarpine groups. Piperine increased striatal levels of GABA, glycine and taurine, and reversed pilocarpine-induced increases in nitrite contents in sera and brain. Hippocampi from the untreated pilocarpine group showed an increased number of TNF-alpha immunostained cells in all areas, as opposed to the pilocarpine group pretreated with piperine. Taken together, piperine anticonvulsant effects are the result of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions, as well as TNF-alpha reduction. in addition, piperine effects on inhibitory amino acids and on the GABAergic system may certainly contribute to the drug anticonvulsant activity. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)FMJ, Fac Med Estacio Juazeiro Norte, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Ceara, Fac Med, UFC, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc