1,229 research outputs found

    O problema dos falsos valores-p (p-values) na acumulação de evidencia estatística

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    A secção UAciência é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.[…]. O nosso trabalho de investigação incidiu sobre o problema da estimação do número de falsos valores-p numa amostra. Foi necessário arranjarmos um modelo estatístico que espelhasse a realidade. Como a situação mais verosímil é um investigador repetir uma só vez a experiência, é expetável que este venha escolher como melhor resultado aquele que conduzir ao valor mínimo ou ao valor máximo de dois valores-p uniformes. A escolha entre estes dois valores dependera das expetativas inicialmente criadas pelo investigador em relação ao resultado da experiência. Assim, consideramos o que se chamou modelo de Mendel para descrevermos uma amostra de valores-p, a qual pode conter observações não uniformes. O modelo de Mendel tem um único parâmetro m (-2≤m≤2), que está relacionado com a proporção de falsos valores-p na amostra. Se -2≤m<0, uma variável aleatória (v.a.) de Mendel e uma mistura entre uma v.a. uniforme padrão, e uma v.a. Beta(1,2); ou se 0<m≤2, é uma mistura entre uma v.a. uniforme padrão e uma v.a. Beta(2,1). Acontece que o mínimo entre duas uniformes padrão independentes é uma Beta(1,2), enquanto o máximo é uma Beta(2,1). Logo, o coeficiente de mistura |m|/2 determina a proporção de valores-p não uniformes na amostra. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceptions of obstacles to creativity with university students from different subject areas and grade levels

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    As características da atualidade exigem que se seja criativo e inovador. Todo o indivíduo pode rentabilizar intencionalmente seu potencial criativo, podendo e devendo a universidade ter um papel importante nesse desenvolvimento. Porém, observam-se perceções de barreiras à expressão criativa em alunos universitários, apesar de existir muito pouca investigação acerca do tema. Neste estudo, quis-se então analisar perceções de barreiras à criatividade em estudantes universitários portugueses, tomando 582 alunos de três áreas curriculares (Artes e Humanidades; Ciências e Tecnologias; Ciências Sociais e Humanas) e dois níveis de graduação (licenciatura e mestrado). Usou-se o Inventário de Barreiras Pessoais à Expressão Criativa, adaptado à realidade portuguesa. Foram avaliadas diferenças, considerando os fatores do inventário, mas também os seus itens numa análise mais detalhada. Encontraram-se diferenciações nos fatores para a área curricular e, no caso dos itens, para as duas variáveis estudadas. Algumas reflexões são feitas no sentido de repensar práticas no quotidiano académico.The current features require to be creative and innovative. Everyone can intentionally develop their creative potential and the university should play an important role in this development. However, there are perceptions of barriers to creative expression in university students, although there is very little research about this subject. This study, wants to analyze perceptions of barriers to creativity in Portuguese university students, and were considered 582 students from three subject areas (Arts and Humanities; Science and Technology; Social Sciences and Humanities) and from graduation and post-graduation levels. It was used the Inventory of Personal Barriers to Creative Expression, adapted to the Portuguese reality. Differences were evaluated considering the dimensions of the inventory, but also its items in a more detailed analysis. Significant statistical differences were found in the inventory dimensions for the subject area; in the case of items, they were found for both variables. Some reflections are appointed in order to reconsider practices in the academic daily life

    “Eu seria mais criativo se...”: barreiras à expressão criativa percebidas segundo o gênero dos universitários

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    Creativity has become essential to the innovation that is demanded today. In this context, the university is fundamental in promoting creative skills and, thus, meeting such demand. Despite the lack of research concerning what college students think about creativity, these students perceive barriers to their creative expression. A total of 582 Portuguese college students were analyzed in the present study regarding their perceived barriers to the expression of creativity, using an inventory concerning psychological and social dimensions. Gender differences were assessed, not only considering the inventory’s factors, but also items independently. Statistically signifi cant differences were found in both analyses. These results are the starting point to a debate about the role of university in students’ development, which should be not only professional, but also social and personal, besides the importance of fi nding place to creativity in their daily academic lives.Research Center on Education (CIEd, Centro de Investigação em Educação), projects UID/CED/1661/2013 e UID/CED/1661/2016, Institute of Educação, Universidade de Minho, trough national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Como avaliar a prática do professor de educação especial: articular o DL 54/2018, de 6 de julho, com os art.º 16.º e 19.º do Decreto Regulamentar n.º 26/2012, de 21 de fevereiro

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    This article is a literature review on Special Education teacher evaluation whose objective is to analyze the specificity of this teacher and to update this vision taking into account one of the structuring referents of the legal regime of Inclusive Education, Decree- Law n 54/2018, of 6 July. In a conceptual and critical analysis, the evaluation process of the special education teacher is approached, which is largely derived from what is registered by the teacher himself, in a self-assessment report, focusing on how the whole process can be more useful and precise , contributing to its ultimate goal: improving teacher professionalism. To this end, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 of Regulatory Decree No. 26/2012, it is defended that the instrument for collecting the information contained in the self-assessment report provided for in article 19 of that Regulatory Decree should be adapted to the specific role of the special education teacher in the school.O presente artigo é uma revisão da literatura acerca da avaliação do professor de Educação Especial que tem como objetivo analisar a especificidade deste professor e atualizar esta visão à luz do que dispõe um dos referentes estruturantes do regime legal da Educação Inclusiva, o Decreto-Lei n.º 54/2018, de 6 de julho. Numa análise conceptual e crítica, é abordado o processo de avaliação do professor de Educação Especial, que decorre em grande parte do que é registado pelo próprio professor, em relatório de autoavaliação, com enfoque no modo como todo o processo pode ser mais útil e preciso, concorrendo para o seu objetivo último: a melhoria do profissionalismo docente. Para tal, e indo ao encontro do previsto no 16.º do Decreto Regulamentar n.º 26/2012, defende-se que o instrumento de recolha da informação contida no relatório de autoavaliação previsto no art.º 19.º daquele Decreto Regulamentar deverá ser adaptado à especificidade do papel que o professor de Educação Especial tem na escola

    Sinais de alerta da dislexia: perceção de alunos com dislexia

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    Based on a survey of dyslexia warning signs - a concept that, as we propose, is different from dyslexia markers - undertaken by DISLEX-Associação Portuguesa de Dyslexia, adapted by us within the scope of this study and integrated in the form of a questionnaire, fifty-three students were asked from the first cycle to high school, already diagnosed with this Specific Learning Disorder, about the intensity and frequency with which they experience these difficulties. With a quantitative methodology and the use of a questionnaire, it was possible to find the signs that more students feel with more and less intensity and frequency by level of education and teaching and globally. Realizing what are the biggest difficulties felt by the interviewed students, we were able to propose what should be done by the school in order to minimize the impact of the disadvantage related to the individual factor dyslexia.Partindo de um levantamento de sinais de alerta de dislexia – conceito que, como propomos, é diferente de marcadores de Dislexia - empreendido pela DISLEX - Associação Portuguesa de Dislexia, por nós adaptado no âmbito do presente estudo e integrado sob a forma de questionário, foram inquiridos cinquenta e três alunos desde o primeiro ciclo até ao ensino secundário, já com diagnóstico desta Perturbação de Aprendizagem Específica, sobre a intensidade e frequência com que sentem estas dificuldades. Com uma metodologia quantitativa e o recurso à aplicação de questionário, foi possível encontrar os sinais que mais alunos sentem com mais e com menos intensidade e frequência por nível de educação e de ensino e de uma forma global. Percebendo quais são as maiores dificuldades sentidas pelos alunos inquiridos, pudemos propor o que deve ser feito pela escola de forma a minimizar o impacto da desvantagem relacionada com o fator individual dislexia

    Pedro Teixeira and the Early Modern scientificity regarding the Past

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013Long before the physical and linguistic rediscovery of Oriental Antiquity, during the 19th-century, echoes of its cultures reverberated in Europe, through the knowledge of the Classics and the Old Testament. The Early Modern travellers, who crossed the lands of the Near and Middle East, tried to accommodate those venerable echoes into what they experienced in loco, which more regularly than expected was dissonant. This process constitutes an early form of reception of Antiquity, which broke the frontiers of time. Pedro Teixeira, amongst others, left his impressions regarding present, but more particularly, regarding past Oriental alterities, in an intertwined analysis of both his cultural framework and the local data he came across with. By doing so, he challenged the frontiers of knowledge of his time. Moreover, his thorough analysis displays a scientificity that seldom is manifested in merchants and soldiers, as he was. Thus, we propose to examine his travel accounts, hoping to highlight a case-study of the Portuguese contribution to the deconstruction of some misconceptions about the Oriental alterity.authorsversionpublishe

    Quando campesinato vira verbo: campesinar a escola!

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    ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between the peasantry, the educational process of peasant work and the school. To deal with this issue, we started with readings on the peasantry, Rural Education and Pedagogy of Alternation, as well as the analysis of data from the doctoral research developed in the northern territory of Espírito Santo, in the Southeast of Brazil, where peasant pedagogy has been expanded to several public schools. Pedagogy of Alternation, one of the ways found by peasants to educate their children, brings the voice and peasant productive and cultural practices to the training process, with the triad of land, work and family being the pillar of this experience. What we found in this research was a practice of the peasant movement and its attempt to include the school in the maintenance of this triad with the purpose of educating critically, implying an educational project that meets the horizons of emancipation built collectively - not only of schooling.ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between the peasantry, the educational process of peasant work and the school. To deal with this issue, we started with readings on the peasantry, Rural Education and Pedagogy of Alternation, as well as the analysis of data from the doctoral research developed in the northern territory of Espírito Santo, in the Southeast of Brazil, where peasant pedagogy has been expanded to several public schools. Pedagogy of Alternation, one of the ways found by peasants to educate their children, brings the voice and peasant productive and cultural practices to the training process, with the triad of land, work and family being the pillar of this experience. What we found in this research was a practice of the peasant movement and its attempt to include the school in the maintenance of this triad with the purpose of educating critically, implying an educational project that meets the horizons of emancipation built collectively - not only of schooling.RESUMEN. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir la relación entre el campesinado, el proceso educativo del trabajo campesino y la escuela. Para lidiar con esta cuestión, se ha analizado la literatura sobre el campesinado, la Educación Rural y la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, así como el análisis de los datos de la investigación de doctorado desempeñada en el territorio norte del estado de Espírito Santo, en la región sureste de Brasil, donde la pedagogía campesina se ha expandido a varias escuelas públicas. La Pedagogía de la Alternancia, una de las formas encontradas por los campesinos para educar a sus hijos, trae la voz del campesinado, y sus prácticas productivas y culturales, hacia el propio proceso formativo, configurándose como pilar de esta experiencia la triada tierra, trabajo y familia. Lo que hemos encontrado en nuestra investigación es una práctica del movimiento campesino y su intento de incluir la escuela en la manutención de esta triada con el propósito de educar críticamente, involucrándose en un proyecto educativo que atienda no sólo horizontes de escolarización, sino también verdaderos horizontes de emancipación colectivamente construidos.ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between the peasantry, the educational process of peasant work and the school. To deal with this issue, we started with readings on the peasantry, Rural Education and Pedagogy of Alternation, as well as the analysis of data from the doctoral research developed in the northern territory of Espírito Santo, in the Southeast of Brazil, where peasant pedagogy has been expanded to several public schools. Pedagogy of Alternation, one of the ways found by peasants to educate their children, brings the voice and peasant productive and cultural practices to the training process, with the triad of land, work and family being the pillar of this experience. What we found in this research was a practice of the peasant movement and its attempt to include the school in the maintenance of this triad with the purpose of educating critically, implying an educational project that meets the horizons of emancipation built collectively - not only of schooling.O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a relação entre o campesinato, o processo educativo do trabalho camponês e a escola. Para lidar com essa questão partiu-se de leituras sobre o campesinato, Educação do Campo e Pedagogia da Alternância, assim como da análise dos dados da pesquisa de doutorado desenvolvida no território norte do Espírito Santo, região Sudeste do Brasil, onde a pedagogia camponesa tem sido expandida para várias escolas públicas. A Pedagogia da Alternância, uma das formas encontrada pelos camponeses para educar seus filhos, traz a voz e as práticas produtivas e culturais campesinas para o processo formativo, sendo a tríade terra, trabalho e família o pilar dessa experiência. O que encontramos nessa pesquisa foi uma prática do movimento camponês e seu intento de incluir a escola na manutenção dessa tríade com o propósito de educar de forma crítica, implicando um projeto educativo que atenda horizontes de emancipação construídos coletivamente – não somente de escolarização. Palavras-chave: Campesinato, Educação do Campo, Escola Camponesa. When peasantry becomes a verb: peasantry the school!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to discuss the relationship between the peasantry, the educational process of peasant work and the school. To deal with this issue, we started with readings on the peasantry, Rural Education and Pedagogy of Alternation, as well as the analysis of data from the doctoral research developed in the northern territory of Espírito Santo, in the Southeast of Brazil, where peasant pedagogy has been expanded to several public schools. Pedagogy of Alternation, one of the ways found by peasants to educate their children, brings the voice and peasant productive and cultural practices to the training process, with the triad of land, work and family being the pillar of this experience. What we found in this research was a practice of the peasant movement and its attempt to include the school in the maintenance of this triad with the purpose of educating critically, implying an educational project that meets the horizons of emancipation built collectively - not only of schooling. Keywords: Peasantry, Countryside Education, Peasant School. &nbsp; Cuando el campesinado se convierte en verbo: ¡campesinar la escuela! RESUMEN. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir la relación entre el campesinado, el proceso educativo del trabajo campesino y la escuela. Para lidiar con esta cuestión, se ha analizado la literatura sobre el campesinado, la Educación Rural y la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, así como el análisis de los datos de la investigación de doctorado desempeñada en el territorio norte del estado de Espírito Santo, en la región sureste de Brasil, donde la pedagogía campesina se ha expandido a varias escuelas públicas. La Pedagogía de la Alternancia, una de las formas encontradas por los campesinos para educar a sus hijos, trae la voz del campesinado, y sus prácticas productivas y culturales, hacia el propio proceso formativo, configurándose como pilar de esta experiencia la triada tierra, trabajo y familia. Lo que hemos encontrado en nuestra investigación es una práctica del movimiento campesino y su intento de incluir la escuela en la manutención de esta triada con el propósito de educar críticamente, involucrándose en un proyecto educativo que atienda no sólo horizontes de escolarización, sino también verdaderos horizontes de emancipación colectivamente construidos. Palabras clave: Campesinado, Educación Rural, Escuela Campesina

    Creativity and teaching practices in Higher Education: how do students of different academic areas think?

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    A criatividade é um requisito para a inovação. É então fundamental a sua presença face aos desafios atuais e o Ensino Superior é um contexto privilegiado para a preparação de cidadãos gestores de tais desafios. Como o docente assume um papel relevante na promoção de competências e de comportamentos nos alunos, o estudo da presença de criatividade nas práticas docentes universitárias tem surgido como relevante, sendo uma das fontes desta pesquisa a auscultação dos alunos. Por seu lado, áreas curriculares diferentes implicam competências e expectativas diferentes, espelhando-se essas diferenças nas perceções dos estudantes. Neste estudo, quis-se analisar como 582 alunos universitários percecionam as práticas docentes de que são alvo e valorizam o conceito de criatividade no Ensino Superior, em função de três áreas curriculares (Artes e Humanidades; Ciências e Tecnologias; Ciências Sociais e Humanas). Usou-se o Inventário de Práticas Docentes (versão adaptada a Portugal) e um questionário sobre a valorização da criatividade na universidade. Diferenças significativas emergiram em ambos os instrumentos. A discussão de tais resultados pode indiciar dificuldades e potencialidades a trabalhar no quotidiano do Ensino Superior.La creatividad es un requisito previo para la innovación. Es entonces esencial para su presencia en los retos actuales y la Educación Superior es un terreno privilegiado para la preparación de ciudadanos que gestionam esos desafíos. A medida que el docente juega un papel importante en la promoción de habilidades y comportamientos en los estudiantes, el estudio de la presencia de la creatividad en las prácticas docentes universitarias se ha convertido en relevante, siendo la auscultación de los estudiantes una de las fuentes pra esta investigación. Por su parte, las diferentes áreas curriculares requieren diferentes habilidades y expectativas con reflejo de estas diferencias en las percepciones de los estudiantes. En este estudio, querasse analizar cómo 582 estudiantes universitarios percecionam creatividad en las prácticas de enseñanza y la valorizacíon del concepto de la creatividad en la educación superior, de acuerdo con tres áreas curriculares (Artes y Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnología, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales). Utilizó el Inventario de Prácticas Docentes (versión adaptada a Portugal ) y un cuestionario para valorar la creatividad en la universidad. Surgieron diferencias significativas en ambos instrumentos. La discusión de estos resultados puede indicar dificultades y posibilidades de trabajo en la educación superior cotidiana.Creativity is a prerequisite for innovation. It is then essential its presence facing current challenges and Higher Education is a privileged context for preparing citizens in managing those challenges. As the teacher plays an important role in promoting skills and behaviors in students, the study of the presence of creativity in university teaching practices has emerged as relevant, being students perceptions one of the sources of this research. Students perceptions mirror the diversity of skills and expectations required for different curriculum areas. This study wish to consider the teaching practices perceptions of 582 university students and how they value the concept of creativity in higher education, according to three curriculum areas (Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social and Human Sciences). It was used the Teaching Practice Inventory (version adapted to Portugal) and a questionnaire assessing the value of creativity in the university. Significant differences were found in both instruments. Result discussion may indicate difficulties and capabilities to put into practice daily in higher education

    glyptic symbology from the Dyala region (4th–3rd millennia BC)

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019The importance of the rivers on the birth of Mesopotamian civilization is well known. One of these fluvial courses, the Dyala, an affluent of the Tigris, brought fertility to its region, which had a substantial geo-strategic importance given that it linked the aluvial Mesopotamian area with the Iranian plateau. During the transition from the 4th to the 3rd millennia BC, the Dyala region saw the rise of urbanism, and in centuries to come Ešnunna (Tell Asmar) would rise as one of the key powers in Mesopotamia. The archaeological excavations in this region, during the 1930’s and 1940’s, led by the Oriental Institute of Chicago, brought to light several sites dating back to the 4th millennium BC. Some of them display data that confirms a continuous occupation until the First Babylonian dynasty (19th century BC). Hence, the analysis of its material culture affirms itself as an excellent case-study to identify the multiple layers and traits of this civilization. In what concerns the religious sphere, the material found in the cultic structures, namely the cylinder seals and its symbolic content, can help to shed light on the religious thought and practices in Early times. Following the work we have been developing together in the last couple of years, focused on the Mesopotamian Divine Feminine representations, with this paper we propose to analyse the feminine symbols present in the cylinder seals found in three archaeological sites of Dyala (Tell Agrab, Khafajah, and Tell Asmar).publishersversionpublishe