241 research outputs found

    Implementação do TPM na Simoldes Plásticos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialNum mercado globalizado como o que se vive atualmente, dar resposta às necessidades dos clientes e obter vantagem competitiva face à concorrência torna-se cada vez mais difícil. A ferramenta Lean Manufacturing tem assumido um particular destaque no mercado industrial, pois permite às empresas atuar sobre os desperdícios e melhorar a sua flexibilidade, qualidade, capacidade de resposta, eficiência e ainda diminuir os custos. Tal facto confere às empresas uma maior atratividade para os clientes e quota de mercado. Existem diversas ferramentas para alcançar os objetivos do Lean, das quais se destaca o TPM (Manutenção Produtiva Total). Este projeto possui como objetivos mostrar qual a relação entre o TPM, Lean Manufacturing e melhoria contínua e como podem criar vantagem competitiva; mostrar de que forma o TPM dá suporte ao Lean, como se atinge os zero-desperdícios com a implementação do TPM; como se melhora a eficiência dos equipamentos e a fiabilidade das instalações; mostrar como pode a manutenção ajudar o TPM e ainda qual o contributo do operador para a manutenção. O projeto em causa propõe-se descrever todo o processo de implementação do TPM e os resultados obtidos na Simoldes Plásticos. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que a implementação do TPM ofereceu um contributo positivo para aumento da eficiência global dos equipamentos. O TPM revelou-se uma mais-valia para a organização, permitindo diminuir os desperdícios e ainda melhorar a sua capacidade competitiva, porém só funciona se todos (desde direção até aos operadores) se envolverem e cooperarem.In a globalized market like the one currently lives, response at needs of customers and gain competitive advantage against the competition becomes increasingly difficult. The tool Lean Manufacturing has taken a particular emphasis on the industrial market, because it allows companies acts on waste and improve your flexibility, quality, responsiveness, efficiency and further reduce costs. This fact gives at companies more attractive to customers and percent of market. There are several tools to achieve the goals of Lean like the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The objectives of this project are to show the relationship between the TPM, Lean Manufacturing and continuous improvement and how they can create competitive advantage, show how TPM gives support to Lean, show how the implementation of TPM reaches zero-waste, show how it improves the efficiency of equipment and reliability of company, show how maintenance can help the TPM and also show the contribution of the operator for maintenance. The project describes the process of implementation of TPM and the results obtained in Simoldes Plásticos. The results of the study are satisfactory and show that the implementation of TPM offers a positive contribution to increasing the overall efficiency of the equipment. The TPM provides benefits for the organization, because it allows reducing waste and improving the competitive capacity of the company, however it only wins if everyone (from direction to operators) is engaged and cooperative

    Gestão de solventes nas atividades de revestimento e formulação de tintas

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de um plano de gestão de solventes e sua análise para propor melhorias no cumprimento dos valores legalmente impostos. Foram realizados dois planos distintos, um referente à indústria de revestimento e outro à indústria de formulação de tintas. As abordagens na realização e análise de resolução de problemas são distintas, uma vez que os limites legais são diferentes em ambos os casos. Os componentes que apresentam uma maior expressão face ao plano de gestão de solventes são os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), e é a partir destes componentes que se efetuou toda a análise. Inicialmente foi necessário conhecer todo o funcionamento de cada empresa, os procedimentos adotados, a utilização dos produtos e as técnicas operacionais. Determinaram-se os pontos críticos na avaliação dos problemas que se verificaram nos planos de gestão de solventes e analisaram-se as possibilidades técnicas e tecnológicas passiveis de utilização para a resolução ou minimização desses problemas principalmente na empresa A que excede o limite legalmente imposto. As possibilidades centram-se a nível tecnológico de equipamentos e em produtos utilizados em ambos os casos.This study aimeds at carrying out solvent management plans and to propose improvements in compliance with the legally prescribed values. Two separate plans were conducted, one applied to the coating industry and other one in the paint formulation industry. The approaches for making and troubleshooting analysis are distinct, since the legal limits are different in both cases. Initially it was necessary to know the whole operation of each company, the procedures adopted and the products and techniques used in each operational step. Critical points the were determined in each process. Also, an analysis was performed to explore the technical/technological possibilities to solve or minimize the identified problems in the industry that exceeds the legal emissions limit. Chances focus on the technological level of equipment and products used in both cases. In order to evaluation of the problems that have occurred in solvent management plans and analyzed the insusceptible techniques used to solve or minimize these problems. The techniques involved are both technological equipment and products used in both cases. Components that have an increased expression compared to the solvent management plan are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and it is from these components that the analysis were made

    Isotopic and multi-element characterisation of wine for identification of lead contamination sources and of the provenance region

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Química apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do PortoNeste trabalho, que foi pioneiro em Portugal no uso da técnica analítica de espectroscopia de massa com plasma acoplado por indução (ICP-MS), as duas potencialidades mais relevantes desta técnica, determinação de razões isotópicas e análise multi-elementar, foram exploradas no sentido de alcançar os seguintes objectivos finais: (1) identificação das fontes mais importantes de contaminação por chumbo em vinhos Portugueses; e (2) estudo da utilidade da razão 87Sr/86Sr e/ou da composição multi-elementar para a determinação da proveniência de vinhos com vista à detecção ou prevenção de fraudes. A implementação/optimização de metodologias analíticas adequadas quer para o pré-tratamento quer para a análise das amostras nos estudos propostos constituíram objectivos intermédios, embora relevantes. A maior parte dos estudos incidiram sobre dois vinhos da região do Douro, Portugal, um vinho de mesa tinto e um vinho tinto licoroso (idêntico ao designado vinho do Porto). O vinho de mesa foi produzido segundo um moderno processo de vinificação com uvas de uma vinha nova, plantada há dez anos numa área até aí de floresta. Em contraste, o vinho licoroso foi produzido com uvas de uma vinha muito mais velha, com sessenta a setenta anos, usando um processo de vinificação tradicional. Durante um ciclo anual de produção vinícola (ano de 2000) foram mensalmente colhidas e analisadas amostras de aerossóis atmosféricos da área das vinhas, solo das mesmas, folhas das videiras e uvas, bem como, amostras dos passos intermédios dos processos de vinificação e dos vinhos produzidos. A razão 87Sr/86Sr foi também determinada em oito vinhos provenientes de cinco regiões Portuguesas e em dois vinhos da região de Bordéus, França. Em relação às metodologias usadas, foram implementados/optimizados procedimentos de pré-tratamento de irradiação por UV e de digestão assistida a alta pressão por microondas (apenas para comparação) para vinhos e mostos. Digestões a alta pressão foram também optimizadas ..

    Evaluation of Metals Leaching in Permeable Asphalt Pavement and Conventional Asphalt Pavement

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    A permeable asphalt pavement (PP) and a conventional asphalt pavement (PD) have been tested regarding the potential leaching of the metals Cd, Cr, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn during 11 rain events immediately after their construction. Water samples were picked up for the rain water and in four sampling points of both pavements during every rain, two located at the surface of the pavements (PPE and PDE), and other two after infiltration in the pavements (PPI and PDI). The results show that there was introduction and transport of Cr, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn during surface runoff on pavements. After water infiltration in the pavements, there was significant removal of Cr in the PD pavement, Pb and Zn concentrations did not decrease in depth and concentrations of Fe and Ni increased after infiltration. However, the concentrations of all metals in the leaching water are very low comparing with the minimum standard legal values set up for irrigation and discharge on water courses

    Uso da internet, psicopatologia e qualidade de vida em estudantes portugueses de ensino superior

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    Mestrado em Psicologia da Saúde e Reabilitação NeuropsicológicaNos últimos anos surgiu uma crescente preocupação com a dependência da internet, sendo que a literatura científica evidencia uma associação entre a dependência da internet e perturbações psiquiátricas. Este estudo procurou caracterizar os estudantes de ensino superior quanto à psicopatologia e dependência da internet, bem como avaliar a psicopatologia e a qualidade de vida em estudantes com diferentes usos da internet. O estudo incluiu 302 estudantes que responderam a um protocolo de questionários: o sociodemográfico, o Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998; versão portuguesa: Pontes, Patrão, & Griffiths, 2014), o Brief Sympton Inventory (Derogatis, 1993; versão portuguesa: Canavarro, 1995), a Escala de Cognições e Comportamentos na Ansiedade aos Exames (Pinto-Gouveia, Pereira, & Melo, 2005) e o WHOQOL-Bref (WHOQOL Group, 1994; versão portuguesa: Canavarro et al., 2006). Os resultados demonstraram que 67.20% dos participantes manifestaram sintomas de dependência da internet, nomeadamente suave (49.30%) e moderada (17.90%). Os estudantes com dependência moderada e suave da internet apresentaram níveis superiores de psicopatologia e, adicionalmente, menores níveis de qualidade de vida comparativamente com os estudantes não dependentes. Além disso, o número de horas despendidas em redes sociais apareceu associado positivamente com a ansiedade fóbica, ansiedade aos exames, número de queixas sintomáticas e negativamente com os domínios físico e psicológico da qualidade de vida, assim como com a qualidade de vida em geral e perceção geral de saúde. Este estudo sugere que quanto mais grave é a dependência da internet maiores são os níveis de sintomatologia psicopatológica e, simultaneamente, menores os níveis de qualidade de vida. Estes contributos reforçam a importância do desenvolvimento de intervenções primárias direcionadas ao uso da internetIn recent years there has been a rising concern with internet dependency. Scientific literature has pointed out a possible connection between internet addiction and psychiatric disorders. This study aimed to characterize higher education students regarding psychopathology and internet dependency, as well as to evaluate student’s psychopathology and quality of life with different internet use. The study included 302 students which answered a series of questionnaires, including a sociodemographic, the Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998; portuguese version: Pontes, Patrão, & Griffiths, 2014), the Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993; portuguese version: Canavarro, 1995), the Cognitive and Behavioral Scale Related to Test Anxiety (Pinto-Gouveia, Pereira, & Melo, 2005) and the WHOQOL-Bref (WHOQOL Group, 1994; portuguese version: Canavarro et al., 2006). The results demontrated that 67.20% of the participants displayed symptoms of internet dependency, 49.30% mild and 17.90% moderate. Students with a moderate and mild internet dependency manifested higher levels of psychopathology and exhibited a lower quality of life, compared to students which did not exhibited internet dependency symptoms. Furthermore, the number of hours spent on social media was shown to be positively associated with phobic anxiety, test anxiety, number of symptomatic complains and negatively associated with both the physic and psychological domain of the quality of life, as well as quality of life in a broader sense and health perception. This study suggests that the more severe the internet dependency, the greater the severity of psychopathological symptomatology and, simultaneously, worsening the quality of life. These contributions reinforce the importance of the development of primary interventions directed to the use of the internet

    Movements and Parties: Beyond Contentious Performances

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    Use of Cellulosic Fibres in Double Layer Porous Asphalt

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    Climate change, namely precipitation patterns alteration, has led to extreme conditions such as floods and droughts. In turn, excessive construction has led to the waterproofing of the soil, increasing the surface runoff and decreasing the groundwater recharge capacity. The permeable pavements used in areas with low traffic lead to a decrease in the probability of floods peaks occurrence and the sediments reduction and pollutants transport, ensuring rainwater quality improvement. This study aims to evaluate the porous asphalt performance, developed in the laboratory, with addition of cellulosic fibres. One of the main objectives of cellulosic fibres use is to stop binder drainage, preventing its loss during storage and transport. Comparing to the conventional porous asphalt the cellulosic fibres addition improved the porous asphalt performance. The cellulosic fibres allowed the bitumen content increase, enabling retention and better aggregates coating and, consequently, a greater mixture durability. With this solution, it is intended to develop better practices of resilience and adaptation to the extreme climate changes and respond to the sustainability current demands, through the eco-friendly materials use. The mix design was performed for different size aggregates (with fine aggregates – PA1 and with coarse aggregates – PA2). The percentage influence of the fibres to be used was studied. It was observed that overall, the binder drainage decreases as the cellulose fibres percentage increases. It was found that the PA2 mixture obtained most binder drainage relative to PA1 mixture, irrespective of the fibres percentage used. Subsequently, the performance was evaluated through laboratory tests of indirect tensile stiffness modulus, water sensitivity, permeability and permanent deformation. The stiffness modulus for the two mixtures groups (with and without cellulosic fibres) presented very similar values between them. For the water sensitivity test it was observed that porous asphalt containing more fine aggregates are more susceptible to the water presence than mixtures with coarse aggregates. The porous asphalt with coarse aggregates have more air voids which allow water to pass easily leading to ITSR higher values. In the permeability test was observed that asphalt porous without cellulosic fibres presented had lower permeability than asphalt porous with cellulosic fibres. The resistance to permanent deformation results indicates better behaviour of porous asphalt with cellulosic fibres, verifying a bigger rut depth in porous asphalt without cellulosic fibres. In this study, it was observed that porous asphalt with bitumen higher percentages improve the performance to permanent deformation. This fact was only possible due to the bitumen retention by the cellulosic fibres.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of clogging on the hydrologic performance of a double layer porous asphalt

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    Nowadays, the increasing urbanisation and the effect of climate change in cities has been a constant concern. In particular, the floods cause a significant increase in surface runoff, mostly on roads and parking areas. As an alternative to asphalt pavements, usually used in these areas, permeable pavements have been developed with Porous Asphalt (PA). These pavements allow the infiltration of water from the surface to the ground due to the high void content of the PA, thus reducing the surface runoff and increasing recharge of groundwater. Over the years, the infiltration capacity of the mixtures decreases with the clogging by sediments from the vehicles themselves and/or from the local environment. In order to mitigate this effect, a Double Layer Porous Asphalt (DLPA) was developed. This research intends to deepen the knowledge about the influence of the clogging of a DLPA, with respect to the infiltration capacity, since it is an essential theme in the pavements lifespan and that needs to be developed. This study considered different evaluation phases of the infiltration capacity with two clogging cycles (500 and 1000 g/m2). The materials used were: sand, region soil, and rubber waste. The infiltration capacity test was performed in different phases after a rainfall event of 100 mm/h with a rainfall simulator developed for this purpose. Furthermore, the permeability test with the falling head permeameter was carried out in parallel, obtaining outflow times for each clogging phase and subsequent maintenance phase. The research concluded that DLPA has a high infiltration capacity after the first clogging cycle in both performed tests. In the second clogging cycle, the results show that the infiltration decreased due to the partial filling of the pores, mainly, for the rubber-filled DLPA. The type of clogging material influences the infiltration capacity, nevertheless partially recovered after simple maintenance was performed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Permeable pavements – green infrastructures as a flood mitigation measure

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    Permeable asphalt pavements have been one of the solutions used to increase the permeability of road pavements given the growing urbanization and climate change. The high porosity and permeability of surface layers with PA (porous asphalt) mixtures allows the water infiltration and, consequently, reduces superficial runoff and contributes to the recharge of underground aquifers. However, the infiltration capacity may be impaired by clogged pores with sediments. The double layer porous asphalt (DLPA) was developed to mitigate this effect. This is a key issue in the pavements’ service life. Information on the clogging processes in these layers is not yet well characterized. The study was carried out using a rainfall simulator in order to generate design storm events with a known intensity and duration. The experimental methodology adopted took into account different phases of evaluation of the infiltration capacity with two clogging cycles (500 and 1000 g m-2). The DLPA infiltration capacity was evaluated in the different phases after different precipitation events (100, 200 and 300 mm h-1). The results showed that, in general, the double layer porous asphalt has the capacity to drain the water, even after clogging and with lower voids content. The infiltration capacity was partially restored when subjected to simple maintenance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio