110 research outputs found

    The South Region Cancer Registry: an evaluation of its exhaustiveness in a cohort of lung cancer patients

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    Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress of CiiEM: Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health Sciences, 11-13 June 2017, Campus Egas Moniz, Caparica, PortugalN/

    Differential responses of the antioxidant defence system and ultrastructure in a salt-adapted potato cell line

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    Changes in lipid peroxidation and ion content and the possible involvement of the antioxidant system in salt tolerance at the cellular level was studied in a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) callus line grown on 150 mM NaCl (salt-adapted) and in a non-adapted line exposed to 150 mM NaCl (salt-stressed). Salinity reduced the growth rate and increased lipid peroxidation in salt-stressed line, which remained unaltered in the adapted line. Na+ and Cl− content increased due to salinity in both lines, but the adapted line displayed greater K+/Na+ ratio than the stressed one. Total superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC, and glutathione reductase (GR, EC activities decreased in both salt-exposed lines; catalase (CAT, EC activity did not change in the adapted line, but decreased in the stressed cell line. Salinity caused the suppression of one GR isoform, while the isozyme patterns of SOD, APX, and CAT were not affected. Ascorbate and reduced glutathione increased in both salt-exposed calli lines. α-Tocopherol increased as a result of salt exposure, with higher levels found in adapted calli. Electron microscopy showed that neither the structural integrity of the cells nor membrane structure were affected by salinity, but plastids from adapted cells had higher starch content. The results suggest that the enzymic and non-enzymic components of the antioxidant system are differentially modulated by salt. Different concentrations of antioxidant metabolites are more relevant to the adaptive response to salinity in potato calli than the differences in activity of the antioxidant enzymes.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Impacto das variáveis sociofamiliares no desenvolvimento cognitivo da criança

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    O presente estudo explora a variável meio (urbano vs rural) no desenvolvimento cognitivo das crianças. A investigação na área aponta que fatores sociofamiliares (profissão da mãe e do pai, habilitações escolares da mãe e do pai e meio de pertença urbano vs rural), assim como os contextos escolares, estão associados a diferenças nas habilidades cognitivas das crianças. Nesta comunicação recorremos à aplicação da Escala de Competências Cognitivas (ECCOs4/10) a uma amostra de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 9 anos, do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de escolas públicas e privadas, do meio rural e urbano. Esta aplicação da escala procurou analisar as reações e atitudes das crianças em relação a cada uma das provas e aos seus itens, no fundo um estudo mais qualitativo dos processos e estratégias cognitivas que as crianças usam na resolução da ECCOs.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    P-1186 - The recovery process of persons living with psychiatric disabilities: values and principles of nova aurora community association psychosocial rehabilitation program

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    The Nova Aurora Community Association psychosocial rehabilitation program was developed based in the most current values of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Some nuclear assumptions were considered, such as a) suppressing the disease stigma, b) defocusing from the mental ill role, promoting empowerment and self-determination, c) developing personal competencies directly related to the individuals’ social integration specific context (readiness, cognitive, social, emotional stress management, employability).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How Humans Judge Machines

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    How people judge humans and machines differently, in scenarios involving natural disasters, labor displacement, policing, privacy, algorithmic bias, and more. How would you feel about losing your job to a machine? How about a tsunami alert system that fails? Would you react differently to acts of discrimination depending on whether they were carried out by a machine or by a human? What about public surveillance? How Humans Judge Machines compares people's reactions to actions performed by humans and machines. Using data collected in dozens of experiments, this book reveals the biases that permeate human-machine interactions. Are there conditions in which we judge machines unfairly? Is our judgment of machines affected by the moral dimensions of a scenario? Is our judgment of machine correlated with demographic factors such as education or gender? César Hidalgo and colleagues use hard science to take on these pressing technological questions. Using randomized experiments, they create revealing counterfactuals and build statistical models to explain how people judge artificial intelligence and whether they do it fairly. Through original research, How Humans Judge Machines bring us one step closer to understanding the ethical consequences of AI. Written by César A. Hidalgo, the author of Why Information Grows and coauthor of The Atlas of Economic Complexity (MIT Press), together with a team of social psychologists (Diana Orghian and Filipa de Almeida) and roboticists (Jordi Albo-Canals), How Humans Judge Machines presents a unique perspective on the nexus between artificial intelligence and society. Anyone interested in the future of AI ethics should explore the experiments and theories in How Humans Judge Machines

    Tratamento do carcinoma pulmonar de não pequenas células, doença avançada, com erlotinib em segunda e terceira linhas. A propósito de dois casos clínicos

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    AbstractAgents that inhibit the activity of cell membrane receptor tyrosine kinases, such as the human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have been an attractive target because EGFR is expressed by 80% of NSCLC. Erlotinib as monotherapy in the treatment of NSCLC after failure of at least one prior chemotherapy regimen, prolonged survival and improved quality of life, although modest response rate. Women, Asiens, patients with Adenocarcinoma and never smokers, were more likely than other patients to have a response to erlotinib. This is the group of patients that most commonly have an EGFR mutation. The authors describe two cases, with important control of symptoms and increased time to progression, independently o response rate (stable disease or partial response).Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (Supl 3): S53-S6

    The cultural stereotype of professional groups: Consensus, accessibility and typicality of stereotypic contents

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    The purpose of the present work was to measure the stereotypic content of several professional groups, by determining the culturally shared stereotypic attributes, their accessibility and typicality. Study 1 used a spontaneous attribute-generation-task to collect the stereotypic content of 28 professional groups in a Portuguese samples. The frequency of generation was used to measure consensus on the attributes generated. The order of generated attributes was used to determine their accessibility. To further explore the link between attributes and the professional group, a new sample (Study 2) rated how typical each attribute was of the professional group. We map out the usefulness of studying professional stereotype's content

    Magnetic stimulation drives macrophage polarization in cell to–cell communication with IL-1β primed tendon cells

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    Inflammation is part of the natural healing response, but it has been simultaneously associated with tendon disorders, as persistent inflammatory events contribute to physiological changes that compromise tendon functions. The cellular interactions within a niche are extremely important for healing. While human tendon cells (hTDCs) are responsible for the maintenance of tendon matrix and turnover, macrophages regulate healing switching their functional phenotype to environmental stimuli. Thus, insights on the hTDCs and macrophages interactions can provide fundamental contributions on tendon repair mechanisms and on the inflammatory inputs in tendon disorders. We explored the crosstalk between macrophages and hTDCs using co-culture approaches in which hTDCs were previously stimulated with IL-1β. The potential modulatory effect of the pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) in macrophage-hTDCs communication was also investigated using the magnetic parameters identified in a previous work. The PEMF influences a macrophage pro-regenerative phenotype and favors the synthesis of anti-inflammatory mediators. These outcomes observed in cell contact co-cultures may be mediated by FAK signaling. The impact of the PEMF overcomes the effect of IL-1β-treated-hTDCs, supporting PEMF immunomodulatory actions on macrophages. This work highlights the relevance of intercellular communication in tendon healing and the beneficial role of the PEMF in guiding inflammatory responses toward regenerative strategies.This research was funded by the ERC CoG grant MagTendon (No. 772817), FCT Project Mag TT PTDC/CTM-CTM/29930/2017, and project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000021 supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020). A. Vinhas is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)-doctoral grant PD/BD/128089/2016

    Novel Perspectives in Management of Angiogenesis and Cancer Therapy

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    Funding: The project was funded by IPOLFG EPE and by iNOVA4Health (UID/Multi/04462/2019) a program financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Educação e Ciência, through national funds. We also acknowledge funding from FCT-MCTES through the project DREAM—PTDC/MEC-ONC/29327/2017. FL-C PhD fellowship was funded by FCT (PD/BD/128337/2017).The activation of endothelial cells (ECs) is a crucial step on the road map of tumor angiogenesis and expanding evidence indicates that a pro-oxidant tumor microenvironment, conditioned by cancer metabolic rewiring, is a relevant controller of this process. Herein, we investigated the contribution of oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis to ECs activation. Moreover, we also addressed the anti-angiogenic effect of Propranolol. We observed that a ferroptosis-like mechanism, induced by xCT inhibition with Erastin, at a non-lethal level, promoted features of ECs activation, such as proliferation, migration and vessel-like structures formation, concomitantly with the depletion of reduced glutathione (GSH) and increased levels of oxidative stress and lipid peroxides. Additionally, this ferroptosis-like mechanism promoted vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin) junctional gaps and potentiated cancer cell adhesion to ECs and transendothelial migration. Propranolol was able to revert Erastin-dependent activation of ECs and increased levels of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) underlie the mechanism of action of Propranolol. Furthermore, we tested a dual-effect therapy by promoting ECs stability with Propranolol and boosting oxidative stress to induce cancer cell death with a nanoformulation comprising selenium-containing chrysin (SeChry) encapsulated in a fourth generation polyurea dendrimer (SeChry@PUREG4). Our data showed that novel developments in cancer treatment may rely on multi-targeting strategies focusing on nanoformulations for a safer induction of cancer cell death, taking advantage of tumor vasculature stabilization.publishersversionpublishe

    A controvérsia da avaliação psicológica e o estudo da diferenciação cognitiva na infância

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    O debate em torno do número e organização das habilidades cognitivas mantém-se como um dos temas atuais no estudo da inteligência, nomeadamente no seio da abordagem psicométrica. Considerando-se que a maioria dos autores defende que a diferenciação cognitiva (formação das aptidões ou habilidades cognitivas diferenciadas) ocorre a partir da adolescência, com a realização deste estudo pretende-se averiguar a sua incidência ou sinais de ocorrência, já na infância. Nesta comunicação, a par da descrição deste projeto de investigação, dos objetivos e da metodologia utilizada junto de uma amostra nacional de crianças entre os 5 e os 9 anos, respeitando o género, o nível socioeconómico e o meio de proveniência, analisa-se também a controvérsia em torno da avaliação da inteligência através dos testes psicológicos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Universidade do Minh