1,198 research outputs found

    Roles, Responsibilities, Celebrations, and Post-Presidency Aspirations of Female College Presidents

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    Of the 3,300 university and college presidents in higher education in the United States, only 23% are held by females (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2007). The percentage of female students in most institutions in higher education is higher than those of male students. The Central questions that guided this research study are as follows: What are the roles and responsibilities of presidents of higher educational institutions? How do presidents of higher education celebrate their professional and personal accomplishments? Additionally, what are the post-presidency aspirations of the eight women interviewed who all currently are in their first presidency position in either a private or public four-year institution? Qualitative research methods were used for this study. The collective case study tradition (Creswell, 2003) was used in order to capture thick, rich descriptions of the cases. Eight female college presidents in their first presidency participated in the study. Interviews, documents, and observations were collected and included in the data analysis. Within-case analyses were conducted for each participant, followed by a cross-analysis, with major themes emerging. While feminist leadership theories and culture theory were used as a lens and guided the current research, themes emerged from the study that may assist future women as they pursue presidencies in the future. Nine conclusions are presented that relate to the themes that emerged for each secondary research question. The nine conclusions were determined based on the research findings. The conclusions relate to the areas of interest for women in presidencies and/or seeking a presidency which are summarized as follows: (1) Becoming the Institution; (2) Understanding the Financial Complexities; (3) Involvement in Community, State, Regional, National Associations; (4) Family and Personal Responsibilities; (5) Professional Sacrifices; (6) Family and Personal Sacrifices; (7) Celebrations of Accomplishments; (8) Post-Presidency Aspirations; (9) Strategies for Post-Presidency Plans. Recommendations for females who aspire to become a president are detailed. Suggestions for future research are presented

    Post Procedural Care of Patients Receiving Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage Catheter Placement

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    A recent review of patients undergoing transhepatic biliary drainage catheter placement showed a 30-day readmission rate of 28%. New post-procedural processes were created to standardize the care of this patient population to decrease readmission rates and improve patient satisfaction

    Alien Registration- Nadeau, Almeda (Saint Francis, Aroostook County)

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    Counties of Iowa

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    Presentación : Enfoques no androcéntricos de las cárceles de mujeres

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    L'objectiu d'aquesta presentació és exposar un resum de la monografia «Dones, delictes i presons» de la revista Papers, així com també explicar els diversos articles que s'hi inclouen, el propòsit dels quals és fer visibles les reflexions i recerques sobre la delinqüència i l'empresonament de les dones en el marc de les perspectives crítiques i feministes, a més de justificar la importància d'aquest tema des de la sociologia i posar en relleu totes les contribucions realitzades.The aim of this presentation is threefold. First, to provide a summary of the special issue "Women, Crimes and Prisons" of the Papers journal. Secondly, to provide an overview of the various articles included in the issue, whose purpose is to make visible reflections and research on women's offending and incarceration in the framework of critical and feminist perspectives. And, finally, to justify the importance of this topic in the field of sociology and bring to the fore the contributions made.El objetivo de esta presentación es exponer un resumen de la monografía «Mujeres, delitos y prisiones» de la revista Papers, así como explicar los diversos artículos que se incluyen en ella, cuyo propósito es hacer visibles las reflexiones e investigaciones sobre la delincuencia y el encarcelamiento de las mujeres en el marco de las perspectivas críticas y feministas, además de justificar la importancia de este tema desde la sociología y poner de relieve todas las contribuciones realizadas

    Guide for nut cookery : together with a brief history of nuts and their food values

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    Digitized copy of Guide for nut cookery: together with a brief history of nuts and their food values by Almeda Lambert. This work was digitized by New York Public Library and published on the Internet Archive. Additional information about the digitization process can be found on the Internet Archives.https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/foodiesguide-1890/1110/thumbnail.jp

    Guide for nut cookery; together with a brief history of nuts and their food values

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    Digitized copy of Guide for nut cookery; together with a brief history of nuts and their food values by Almeda Lambert. This work was digitized by New York Public Library and published on the Internet Archive. Additional information about the digitization process can be found on the Internet Archive.https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/foodiesguide-1790/1002/thumbnail.jp

    What a new government in Spain means for Catalonia

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    Spain’s new prime minister Pedro Sanchez rose to office against a backdrop of unprecedented drama. But now he could capitalise on the circumstances that landed him the top job to resolve the conflict with Catalonia