29 research outputs found
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to Improve Understanding of Disability and Functioning
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) provides a useful framework and classification to better situate disability, health, and functioning. The ICF recognizes disability and functioning as the dynamic individual and environment interaction, promoting a more realistic perspective. This article describes the ICF, its utility, and its strengths/weaknesses
Influences: a lexicon of contemporary graphic design
This book looks at who or what is influencing, provoking, inspiring and informing graphic designers today. It looks at the vast and seemingly endless spectrum of objects, memories, people, ideas, thoughts and references that form the backbone of any given creative project.
This volume of almost 3000 entries, which begins with a definition of the 1978 book ‘100 Posters of Tadanori Yokoo’ and concludes with the influential designer ‘Zwart, Piet’, set out to select the people, artefacts, performances, movements, concepts and theories that have been the catalysts for the development of contemporary graphic design.
With reference to their respective professional colleagues and students, the co-authors scoped the volume in terms of the entries and jointly researched each one. Each entry has two layers. The first was subjective and was researched and compiled by the co-authors. The second layer was subjective and is the contribution to the volume of the person who nominated for inclusion.
The volume also acknowledges that graphic designers select catalysts from a number of fields so that the entries include, to give examples the arcade game ‘Xevious’ (nominated by Quentaro Fujimoto, the photocopy machine (nominated by Tony Credland), the dance performance ‘In the Upper Room’ (nominated by Michael Bierut), ‘Benetton Advertisements; (nominated by Thierry Brunfaut) and Frank Zappa (nominated by Pierre Di Sciullo).
The volume was designed to be a selectively and eclectically illustrated volume organised alphabetically. Thus a 1925 classic experimental typography design by Piet Zwart, a Xerox poster by Tony Credland, a modern photograph of Pierre Di Sciulls’s Frank Zappa album collection and an Olivero Toscani photograph for a Benetton campaign, are all included as visual references
Stroke Rehabilitation, Length-of-Stay, and Re-Admission Rates: A Literature Review
Stroke is shown to be a significant U.S. health problem with a profound impact on the nation’s rising healthcare costs (Hall, Levant, & DeFrances, 2012). Longer patient length-of-stay [LOS] and higher re-admission rates have brought consequences to healthcare systems as institutional budgets are unable to reconcile the additional services and the influx of healthcare demands. Through a comprehensive literature review, the author illustrates the general knowledge available on the stroke experience, on stroke care and rehabilitation, and on patient LOS and re-admission rates. The literature review is based on general medical research with a focus on the stroke population. The objectives of the literature review were: (1) to explore the patient and family experience of stroke, (2) to assess stroke rehabilitation services and the recovery process, (3) to evaluate LOS and re-admission rates associated with this population, and (4) to explore areas for improved practice and implications for social work intervention
Case Study on 3D Modeling and AMG Practices
The adoption of 3D modeling and automatic machine guidance (AMG) are becoming more popular in the transportation industry. With a 3D model uploaded to an on-board computer within a piece of heavy construction equipment, operators can easily monitor machine operations with respect to grad and location or engage the machine to produce the proper grade automatically. Thus, it provides great convenience and improved productivity for field workers. AMG and 3D modeling have been identified as enabling technologies for a Civil Integrated Management (CIM) system. When CIM is implemented, an entire transportation agency and stakeholder partners share in the use and development of a common data pool that is accessible to authorized users involved with all phases of a transportation facility life cycle (such as planning, design, construction, maintenance and rehabilitation) and all departments in the agency (Administration, finance, operation and others). The concept of CIM was developed and promoted by the United States Federal Highway Administration in 2013 and was established to make better use of accurate data and information that results from the utilization of advanced technologies and/or tools thus to facilitate more effective decision making for transportation projects. Using the CIM concept and framework, technologies such as 3D modeling and AMG could be more efficiently adopted within the full life cycle of a transportation facility. More importantly, data could be collected and managed systematically in the early phases of a project life cycle so they could be useful for later phases of the facility lifecycle. The purpose of this study is to investigate how CIM system could support autonomous construction and vice versa. During a domestic scan effort, seven state agencies and their contractors collaborated to present their extensive experiences on certain CIM related practices and tools. In particular, the experiences of the agencies that were under investigation regarding 3D modeling and AMG will be addressed in this paper. In addition, the benefits and challenges of using 3D modeling and AMG will also be discussed
Pasien pasca stroke iskemik cendrung memiliki gejala sisa yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi fisik dan aktifitas sehari-hari pada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Discharge Planning Dengan Pendekatan Family Centered Nursing Terhadap  Kualitas Hidup Pasien Stroke  Di RSI. Ibnu Sina Padang Tahun 2016. Desain penelitian quasi experimental, non equivalent, control group pre test dan post test design. Pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling yang berjumlah 26 orang. Sampel yaitu pasien stroke iskemik. Uji statistik yang digunakan wilxocon signed test. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Mann Whitney. Hasil uji satatistik dengan nilai p=0,346 artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan kualitas hidup pasien stroke siskemik sesudah diberikan discharge planning dengan pendekatan family centered nursing.  Disarankan bagi perawat agar dapat memberikan disharge planning dengan baik pada keluarga pasien dalam memberikan dukungan keluarga terhadap pasien pasca perawatan stroke selain itu disharge planning juga diberikan pada pasien untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat hidup yang tinggi sehingga pasien tidak mengalami depres
En man som heter Ove, Hannes Holm, 2015
Ove (Rolf Lassgård ) es un viejo gruñón que visita a diario la tumba de su esposa, a la que promete marchar con ella a la otra vida, de inmediato. Sin Sonja (Ida Engvoll) la existencia no tiene sentido para él. Pero todos sus intentos de suicidio son un fracaso y todas las cosas que le atan a la vida (su rutina, sus manías, sus a la vez ácidas y tiernas relaciones con el vecindario…) se van complicando, trenzando una maraña de pequeñas tramas que poco a poco le van atrapando, haciéndole posponer la decisión final. A partir de la fina ironía del bet-seller de Fredrick Backman, la película de Hannes Holm nos va enganchando a un personaje cada vez más entrañable, mal que le pese, como sucede a veces con estos gruñones “de libro” con fibra sensible, en la tradición escandinava de los cuentos de Andersen, pero que tiene a la vez algo de Dickens, como si Ove fuese una reencarnación del mismísimo Ebernezer Scrooge. Todo podría haber quedado en un relato edulcorado, con un coro de personajes que se arremolinan en torno al gruñón (algunos de ellos te quieres llevar a casa), pero la película tiene suficientes dosis de humor negro, vinagre e ironía, como para suscitar la condescendencia del espectador, a pesar de que nada la aparta de la previsibilidad y del sentimentalismo.Depto. de Ciencias de la Comunicación AplicadaFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónFALSEpu
O regresso a casa após hospitalização : análise da preparação da alta de enfermagem no caso particular da pessoa idosa autónoma
RESUMO: O envelhecimento demográfico é uma realidade dos nossos dias. A preparação da alta de enfermagem é um elemento da prestação de cuidados que pode ser explorado na fase de envelhecimento para dotar os idosos de conhecimentos, capacidades e responsabilidade na gestão da sua condição de saúde. Deste modo delineou-se um estudo de tipo descritivo, transversal e exploratório com o objectivo de analisar e compreender o processo de preparação da alta hospitalar de enfermagem ao idoso internado por agudização de doença, que se apresente autónomo no momento da alta, de modo a capacitá-lo para a gestão da sua condição de saúde.
O estudo decorreu num Serviço de Medicina Interna. Definiu-se como fontes de informação e métodos de colheita de dados 25 entrevistas a idosos, 16 questionários abertos a enfermeiros prestadores de cuidados e análise dos registos do processo de internamento dos idosos.
Como principais resultados destacamos que os idosos quando internados apresentam preocupações relacionadas com a sua condição de saúde e o motivo de internamento, os quais são pouco valorizadas na preparação da alta; os cuidados com a saúde que os idosos têm antes do internamento são valorizados nos registos de enfermagem; um terço dos idosos não teve conhecimento do seu diagnóstico médico; os diagnósticos de enfermagem activos no momento da alta não são contemplados na preparação da alta; os idosos com a aproximação do regresso a casa manifestam preocupações sobre os cuidados a ter com a sua saúde e manifestam interesse em ser informados sobre os mesmos; os idosos sentem pouca disponibilidade por parte dos enfermeiros para a preparação da alta; as intervenções de preparação da alta centram-se em intervenções do tipo ensinar, instruir e treinar, tendo-se verificado discrepâncias sobre os cuidados prestados e o seu conteúdo sob as várias fontes de informação; o diálogo é a estratégia de preparação da alta que prevalece; mais informação e informação escrita são aspectos que podem melhorar a preparação da alta segundo os idosos.
Podemos assim concluir que não existe uma estrutura de preparação da alta a idosos com capacidade para gerir a sua condição de saúde e que muito pode ser melhorado em termos de preparação da alta a idosos no sentido de tomar o máximo partido deste elemento dos cuidados e assim obter ganhos em saúde. ----------- ABSTRACT: The demographic aging is a reality nowadays. The nursing discharge planning is an element of care that should be studied on aging to provide older people with knowledge, abilities and responsibility in order to deal their health condition. Thus, it was outlined a descriptive study, transversal and exploratory in order to analyze and understand how the process nursing discharge occurs, by planning the elderly hospitalized with acute disease, in order to support patients for better management of health conditions. The study was carried in an Internal Medicine Service of a Central Hospital. As information sources and methods of data collection, we defined 25 interviews with elderly, 16 open-ended questionnaires to nurses and analysis of records from the process of the elderly hospitalized.
In the main results we observe the elderly hospitalized have concerns about their health condition and the reason for their hospitalization, which are undervalued in the discharge planning process; the health care reported by elderly related to time before hospitalization were registered in nursing records; one-third of the elderly don’t know the medical diagnosis; the active nursing diagnosis at discharge assets are not included in the discharge planning process; in the discharge, the elderly had concerns over the care of their health and expressed interest in being informed of it; the elderly don’t feel availability from the nurses in the discharge planning; the discharge interventions focus on interventions like teaching, instructing and training, and there have been different views about the care provided and its contents under the various sources of information; the high prevailing strategy to discharge planning is the dialogue; more information and written information are aspects that can improve the discharge planning process.
We conclude that there is no structure in discharge planning for the elderly with high ability to manage his health condition. There are several things that can be improved to the discharge planning for the elderly in order to take full advantage of this element of care
Counterfeiting and piracy from a rightholders perspective
This essay focuses on the increasing problems for companies and right-holders with counterfeited and pirated goods in the European Union and the problems for right holders to enforce their IPR rights. Will IPRED1 make a difference and is there really a need for the new Directive of Enforcement 2004/48/EG, or do the sanctions according to the TRIPS Agreement suffice. Further, IPRED2 is a follow up of IPRED1, with criminal sanctions to be implemented. Also the Council regulation (EC) No 1383/2004 concerning customs actions against goods suspected of infringing certain intellectual property rights and the measures to be taken against goods to have infringed such rights will be discussed. The second question to ask is&semic are IPRED1 and The Council regulation effective enough to protect IP rights. Will the intention of harmonizing criminal measures be what is necessary to improve enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Member States. Problems can arise when it comes to parallel import of goods, since there are no international directives for the customs to use against this kind of trade over the borderlines. The thesis will focus on infringement of intellectual property rights, mainly trademarks and design rights from a right-holders perspective and not the problems related to parallel import. The European Union has seen a 900% increase in the amount of different counterfeit products coming into the European Union in the last five years Statistics taken from EU institutions press release''Customs Counterfeiting and piracy in 2001'', issued from Brussels, 26 July 2002..Losses to U.S. business from the counterfeiting of trademarked consumer products is estimated at $200 billion a year according to the Department of Commerce. Often organized crime lies behind the trade of counterfeited goods and piracy. In 1998, the EU commission presented the Green Paper in an attempt to fight piracy and counterfeiting within the common market. This has resulted in a new directive, called IPRED1 in which the protection of intellectual property rights are secured