52 research outputs found

    The VgrG Proteins Are "à la Carte" Delivery Systems for Bacterial Type VI Effectors

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    The bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a supra-molecular complex akin to bacteriophage tails, with VgrG proteins acting as a puncturing device. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa H1-T6SS has been extensively characterized. It is involved in bacterial killing and in the delivery of three toxins, Tse1–3. Here, we demonstrate the independent contribution of the three H1-T6SS co-regulated vgrG genes, vgrG1abc, to bacterial killing. A putative toxin is encoded in the vicinity of each vgrG gene, supporting the concept of specific VgrG/toxin couples. In this respect, VgrG1c is involved in the delivery of an Rhs protein, RhsP1. The RhsP1 C terminus carries a toxic activity, from which the producing bacterium is protected by a cognate immunity. Similarly, VgrG1a-dependent toxicity is associated with the PA0093 gene encoding a two-domain protein with a putative toxin domain (Toxin_61) at the C terminus. Finally, VgrG1b-dependent killing is detectable upon complementation of a triple vgrG1abc mutant. The VgrG1b-dependent killing is mediated by PA0099, which presents the characteristics of the superfamily nuclease 2 toxin members. Overall, these data develop the concept that VgrGs are indispensable components for the specific delivery of effectors. Several additional vgrG genes are encoded on the P. aeruginosa genome and are not linked genetically to other T6SS genes. A closer inspection of these clusters reveals that they also encode putative toxins. Overall, these associations further support the notion of an original form of secretion system, in which VgrG acts as the carrier

    Comparative proteomics of uropathogenic Escherichia coli during growth in human urine identify UCA-like (UCL) fimbriae as an adherence factor involved in biofilm formation and binding to uroepithelial cells

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in humans. For the successful colonisation of the human urinary tract, UPEC employ a diverse collection of secreted or surface-exposed virulence factors including toxins, iron acquisition systems and adhesins. In this study, a comparative proteomic approach was utilised to define the UPEC pan and core surface proteome following growth in pooled human urine. Identified proteins were investigated for subcellular origin, prevalence and homology to characterised virulence factors. Fourteen core surface proteins were identified, as well as eleven iron uptake receptor proteins and four distinct fimbrial types, including type 1, P, F1C/S and a previously uncharacterised fimbrial type, designated UCA-like (UCL) fimbriae in this study. These pathogenicity island (PAI)-associated fimbriae are related to UCA fimbriae of Proteus mirabilis, associated with UPEC and exclusively found in members of the E. coli B2 and D phylogroup. We further demonstrated that UCL fimbriae promote significant biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and mediate specific attachment to exfoliated human uroepithelial cells. Combined, this study has defined the surface proteomic profiles and core surface proteome of UPEC during growth in human urine and identified a new type of fimbriae that may contribute to UTI

    Probing the internal micromechanical properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms by Brillouin imaging

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Biofilms are organised aggregates of bacteria that adhere to each other or surfaces. The matrix of extracellular polymeric substances that holds the cells together provides the mechanical stability of the biofilm. In this study, we have applied Brillouin microscopy, a technique that is capable of measuring mechanical properties of specimens on a micrometre scale based on the shift in frequency of light incident upon a sample due to thermal fluctuations, to investigate the micromechanical properties of an active, live Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Using this non-contact and label-free technique, we have extracted information about the internal stiffness of biofilms under continuous flow. No correlation with colony size was found when comparing the averages of Brillouin shifts of two-dimensional cross-sections of randomly selected colonies. However, when focusing on single colonies, we observed two distinct spatial patterns: In smaller colonies, stiffness increased towards their interior, indicating a more compact structure of the centre of the colony, whereas, larger (over 45 μm) colonies were found to have less stiff interiors

    AmrZ is a major determinant of c-di-GMP levels in Pseudomonas fluorescens F113

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    The transcriptional regulator AmrZ is a global regulatory protein conserved within the pseudomonads. AmrZ can act both as a positive and a negative regulator of gene expression, controlling many genes implicated in environmental adaption. Regulated traits include motility, iron homeostasis, exopolysaccharides production and the ability to form biofilms. In Pseudomonas fluorescens F113, an amrZ mutant presents a pleiotropic phenotype, showing increased swimming motility, decreased biofilm formation and very limited ability for competitive colonization of rhizosphere, its natural habitat. It also shows different colony morphology and binding of the dye Congo Red. The amrZ mutant presents severely reduced levels of the messenger molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP), which is consistent with the motility and biofilm formation phenotypes. Most of the genes encoding proteins with diguanylate cyclase (DGCs) or phosphodiesterase (PDEs) domains, implicated in c-di-GMP turnover in this bacterium, appear to be regulated by AmrZ. Phenotypic analysis of eight mutants in genes shown to be directly regulated by AmrZ and encoding c-di-GMP related enzymes, showed that seven of them were altered in motility and/or biofilm formation. The results presented here show that in P. fluorescens, AmrZ determines c-di-GMP levels through the regulation of a complex network of genes encoding DGCs and PDEs

    The cytochrome bd-I respiratory oxidase augments survival of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli during infection

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a toxic free radical produced by neutrophils and macrophages in response to infection. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) induces a variety of defence mechanisms in response to NO, including direct NO detoxification (Hmp, NorVW, NrfA), iron-sulphur cluster repair (YtfE), and the expression of the NO-tolerant cytochrome bd-I respiratory oxidase (CydAB). The current study quantifies the relative contribution of these systems to UPEC growth and survival during infection. Loss of the flavohemoglobin Hmp and cytochrome bd-I elicit the greatest sensitivity to NO-mediated growth inhibition, whereas all but the periplasmic nitrite reductase NrfA provide protection against neutrophil killing and promote survival within activated macrophages. Intriguingly, the cytochrome bd-I respiratory oxidase was the only system that augmented UPEC survival in a mouse model after 2 days, suggesting that maintaining aerobic respiration under conditions of nitrosative stress is a key factor for host colonisation. These findings suggest that while UPEC have acquired a host of specialized mechanisms to evade nitrosative stresses, the cytochrome bd-I respiratory oxidase is the main contributor to NO tolerance and host colonisation under microaerobic conditions. This respiratory complex is therefore of major importance for the accumulation of high bacterial loads during infection of the urinary tract

    The role of nuclear technologies in the diagnosis and control of livestock diseases—a review

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    The Pseudomonas putida T6SS is a plant warden against phytopathogens

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    Bacterial type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) are molecular weapons designed to deliver toxic effectors into prey cells. These nanomachines play an important role in inter-bacterial competition and provide advantages to T6SS active strains in polymicrobial environments. Here we analyse the genome of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and identify three T6SS gene clusters (K1-, K2- and K3-T6SS). Besides, ten T6SS effector/immunity pairs were found, including putative nucleases and pore-forming colicins. We show that the K1-T6SS is a potent antibacterial device which secretes a toxic Rhs-type effector Tke2. Remarkably, P. putida eradicates a broad range of bacteria in a K1-T6SS-dependent manner, including resilient phytopathogens which demonstrates that the T6SS is instrumental to empower P. putida to fight against competitors. Furthermore, we observed a drastically reduced necrosis on the leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana during co-infection with P. putida and Xanthomonas campestris. Such protection is dependent on the activity of the P. putida T6SS. Many routes have been explored to develop biocontrol agents capable of manipulating the microbial composition of the rhizosphere and phyllosphere. Here we unveil a novel mechanism for plant biocontrol which needs to be considered for the selection of plant wardens whose mission is to prevent phytopathogen infections

    Causalities of war: the connection between type VI secretion system and microbiota

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    Microbiota niches have space and/or nutrient restrictions, which has led to the coevolution of cooperation, specialisation, and competition within the population. Different animal and environmental niches contain defined resident microbiota that tend to be stable over time and offer protection against undesired intruders. Yet fluxes can occur, which alter the composition of a bacterial population. In humans, the microbiota are now considered a key contributor to maintenance of health and homeostasis, and its alteration leads to dysbiosis. The bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) transports proteins into the environment, directly into host cells or can function as an antibacterial weapon by killing surrounding competitors. Upon contact with neighbouring cells, the T6SS fires, delivering a payload of effector proteins. In the absence of an immunity protein, this results in growth inhibition or death of prey leading to a competitive advantage for the attacker. It is becoming apparent that the T6SS has a role in modulating and shaping the microbiota at multiple levels, which is the focus of this review. Discussed here is the T6SS, its role in competition, key examples of its effect upon the microbiota, and future avenues of research

    RpoN/Sfa2-dependent activation of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa H2-T6SS and its cognate arsenal of antibacterial toxins.

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses three type six secretion systems (H1-, H2- and H3-T6SS) to manipulate its environment, subvert host cells and for microbial competition. These T6SS machines are loaded with a variety of effectors/toxins, many being associated with a specific VgrG. How P. aeruginosa transcriptionally coordinates the main T6SS clusters and the multiple vgrG islands spread through the genome is unknown. Here we show an unprecedented level of control with RsmA repressing most known T6SS-related genes. Moreover, each of the H2- and H3-T6SS clusters encodes a sigma factor activator (SFA) protein called, Sfa2 and Sfa3, respectively. SFA proteins are enhancer binding proteins necessary for the sigma factor RpoN. Using a combination of RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and molecular biology approaches, we demonstrate that RpoN coordinates the T6SSs of P. aeruginosa by activating the H2-T6SS but repressing the H1- and H3-T6SS. Furthermore, RpoN and Sfa2 control the expression of the H2-T6SS-linked VgrGs and their effector arsenal to enable very effective interbacterial killing. Sfa2 is specific as Sfa3 from the H3-T6SS cannot complement loss of Sfa2. Our study further delineates the regulatory mechanisms that modulate the deployment of an arsenal of T6SS effectors likely enabling P. aeruginosa to adapt to a range of environmental conditions

    The Pseudomonas aeruginosa T6SS-VgrG1b spike is topped by a PAAR protein eliciting DNA damage to bacterial competitors

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    The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a supramolecular complex involved in the delivery of potent toxins during bacterial competition. Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses three T6SS gene clusters and several hcp and vgrG gene islands, the latter encoding the spike at the T6SS tip. The vgrG1b cluster encompasses seven genes whose organization and sequences are highly conserved in P. aeruginosa genomes, except for two genes that we called tse7 and tsi7. We show that Tse7 is a Tox-GHH2 domain nuclease which is distinct from other T6SS nucleases identified thus far. Expression of this toxin induces the SOS response, causes growth arrest and ultimately results in DNA degradation. The cytotoxic domain of Tse7 lies at its C terminus, while the N terminus is a predicted PAAR domain. We find that Tse7 sits on the tip of the VgrG1b spike and that specific residues at the PAAR–VgrG1b interface are essential for VgrG1b-dependent delivery of Tse7 into bacterial prey. We also show that the delivery of Tse7 is dependent on the H1-T6SS cluster, and injection of the nuclease into bacterial competitors is deployed for interbacterial competition. Tsi7, the cognate immunity protein, protects the producer from the deleterious effect of Tse7 through a direct protein–protein interaction so specific that toxin/immunity pairs are effective only if they originate from the same P. aeruginosa isolate. Overall, our study highlights the diversity of T6SS effectors, the exquisite fitting of toxins on the tip of the T6SS, and the specificity in Tsi7-dependent protection, suggesting a role in interstrain competition