169 research outputs found

    Multiple Redox Modes in the Reversible Lithiation of High-Capacity, Peierls-Distorted Vanadium Sulfide.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.5b03395Vanadium sulfide VS4 in the patronite mineral structure is a linear chain compound comprising vanadium atoms coordinated by disulfide anions [S2](2-). (51)V NMR shows that the material, despite having V formally in the d(1) configuration, is diamagnetic, suggesting potential dimerization through metal-metal bonding associated with a Peierls distortion of the linear chains. This is supported by density functional calculations, and is also consistent with the observed alternation in V-V distances of 2.8 and 3.2 Å along the chains. Partial lithiation results in reduction of the disulfide ions to sulfide S(2-), via an internal redox process whereby an electron from V(4+) is transferred to [S2](2-) resulting in oxidation of V(4+) to V(5+) and reduction of the [S2](2-) to S(2-) to form Li3VS4 containing tetrahedral [VS4](3-) anions. On further lithiation this is followed by reduction of the V(5+) in Li3VS4 to form Li3+xVS4 (x = 0.5-1), a mixed valent V(4+)/V(5+) compound. Eventually reduction to Li2S plus elemental V occurs. Despite the complex redox processes involving both the cation and the anion occurring in this material, the system is found to be partially reversible between 0 and 3 V. The unusual redox processes in this system are elucidated using a suite of short-range characterization tools including (51)V nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), S K-edge X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of X-ray data.SB acknowledges Schlumberger Stichting Fund and European Research Council (EU ERC) for funding. JC thanks BK21 plus project of Korea. We thank Phoebe Allan and Andrew J. Morris, University of Cambridge, for useful discussions. We also thank Trudy Bolin and Tianpin Wu of Beamline 9-BM, Argonne National Laboratory for help with XANES measurements. The DFT calculations were performed at the UCSB Center for Scientific Computing at UC Santa Barbara, supported by the California Nanosystems Institute (NSF CNS-0960316), Hewlett-Packard, and the Materials Research Laboratory (DMR-1121053). This research used resources of the Advanced Photon Source, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357

    Sterol 14α-demethylase mutation leads to amphotericin B resistance in Leishmania mexicana

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    Amphotericin B has emerged as the therapy of choice for use against the leishmaniases. Administration of the drug in its liposomal formulation as a single injection is being promoted in a campaign to bring the leishmaniases under control. Understanding the risks and mechanisms of resistance is therefore of great importance. Here we select amphotericin B-resistant Leishmania mexicana parasites with relative ease. Metabolomic analysis demonstrated that ergosterol, the sterol known to bind the drug, is prevalent in wild-type cells, but diminished in the resistant line, where alternative sterols become prevalent. This indicates that the resistance phenotype is related to loss of drug binding. Comparing sequences of the parasites’ genomes revealed a plethora of single nucleotide polymorphisms that distinguish wild-type and resistant cells, but only one of these was found to be homozygous and associated with a gene encoding an enzyme in the sterol biosynthetic pathway, sterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51). The mutation, N176I, is found outside of the enzyme’s active site, consistent with the fact that the resistant line continues to produce the enzyme’s product. Expression of wild-type sterol 14α-demethylase in the resistant cells caused reversion to drug sensitivity and a restoration of ergosterol synthesis, showing that the mutation is indeed responsible for resistance. The amphotericin B resistant parasites become hypersensitive to pentamidine and also agents that induce oxidative stress. This work reveals the power of combining polyomics approaches, to discover the mechanism underlying drug resistance as well as offering novel insights into the selection of resistance to amphotericin B itself

    Celiac disease diagnosis and gluten-free food analytical control

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    Insects betray themselves in nature to predators by rapid isomerization of green leaf volatiles

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    Plants emit green leaf volatiles (GLVs) in response to herbivore damage, thereby attracting predators of the herbivores as part of an indirect defense. The GLV component of this indirect defense was thought to be a general wound signal lacking herbivore-specific information. We found that Manduca sexta-infested Nicotiana attenuata attract the generalist hemipteran predator Geocoris spp. as the result of an herbivore-induced decrease in the (Z)/(E) ratio of released GLVs, and that these changes in the volatile bouquet triple the foraging efficiency of predators in nature. These (E)-isomers are produced from plant-derived (Z)-isomers but are converted by a heat-labile constituent of herbivore oral secretions. Hence, attacking herbivores initiate the release of an indirect defense a full day before the attacked plants manufacture their own defensive compounds

    Woodallite, a new chromium analogue of iowaite from the Mount Keith nickel deposit, Western Australia

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    AbstractWoodallite is a new Cr-rich member of the hydrotalcite group from the large, low-grade Mount Keith nickel deposit, in the northeastern Goldfields district of Western Australia. Woodallite occurs as whorls and clusters of minute platelets up to 6 mm across in lizardite+brucite-altered dunite. Individual platelets are typically 10–100 ”m in maximum dimension and are often curved. Associated minerals include chromite, lizardite, iowaite, pentlandite, magnetite, tochilinite and brucite. Electron microprobe analysis gave: Mg 25.90 wt.%; Cr 10.81; Fe 4.86; Al 0.68; Cl 9.89; S 0.03; Si 0.01; Ni 0.01; Na 0.01, yielding (after correction for loss of volatiles) an empirical formula of Mg6.19(Cr1.21Fe0.51Al0.15)∑1.87(OH)16[Cl1.62(CO3)0.17(SO4)0.01]·4H2O, by analogy with the hydrotalcite group. The simplified formula is Mg6Cr2(OH)16Cl2·4H2O. Combined thermogravimetric analysis and mass spectroscopy showed a two-stage weight loss of 12.7% and 27.3% occurring over the ranges 25–300°C and 300–660°C, respectively. The first weight loss is attributed to loss of interlayer water, chlorine-bearing species (e.g. HCl) and some CO2, the second to loss of hydroxide water, remaining CO2 and Cl species. The mineral is deep magenta to purple in colour, transparent, with a resinous to waxy lustre, and a perfect basal {0001} cleavage. Woodallite has a Mohs hardness of 1.5–2, and a pale-pink to white streak. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are [dobs (Iobs) (hkl)] 8.037 (100) (003); 4.021 (48) (006); 2.679 (1) (009); 2.624 (3) (012); 2.349 (5) (015); 2.007 (6) (0,0,12); 1.698 (2) (0,1,11); 1.524 (2) (23). These lines were indexed on a hexagonal cell with a = 3.103(2), c = 24.111(24)Å, V = 201.14 Å3 and Z = 3/8. The new mineral is isostructural with the hydrotalcite group and has space group Rm. The measured density is 2.062 gm/cm3. Woodallite is uniaxial negative with ω = 1.555 and Δ = 1.535 (white light); pleochroism is distinct from violet to pinkish lilac. Woodallite forms as a result of hydrothermal alteration of primary magmatic chromite by Clrich solutions at temperatures <320°C. Relict chromite fragments are frequently present in the whorls, and associated magnetite is altered extensively to iowaite. The mineral is named after Roy Woodall, eminent Australian industry geologist.B. A. Grguric, I. C. Madsen, A. Prin

    Oxylipin channelling in Nicotiana attenuata: Lipoxygenase 2 supplies substrates for green leaf volatile production

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    Lipoxygenases (LOXs) are key enzymes in the biosynthesis of oxylipins, and catalyse the formation of fatty acid hydroperoxides (HPs), which represent the first committed step in the synthesis of metabolites that function as signals and defences in plants. HPs are the initial substrates for different branches of the oxylipin pathway, and some plant species may express different LOX isoforms that supply specific branches. Here, we compare isogenic lines of the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata with reduced expression of NaLOX2 (irlox2) or NaLOX3 (irlox3) to determine the role of these different LOX isoforms in supplying substrates for two different pathways: green leaf volatiles (GLVs) and jasmonic acid (JA). Reduced NaLOX2 expression strongly decreased the production of GLVs without influencing the formation of JA and JA-related secondary metabolites. Conversely, reduced NaLOX3 expression strongly decreased JA biosynthesis, without influencing GLV production. The temporal expression of NaLOX2 and NaLOX3 also differed after elicitation; NaLOX3 was rapidly induced, attaining highest transcript levels within 1 h after elicitation, whereas NaLOX2 transcripts reached maximum levels after 14 h. These results demonstrate that N. attenuata channels the flux of HPs through the activities of different LOXs, leading to different direct and indirect defence responses mediating the plant's herbivore resistance

    Trichome-derived O-acyl sugars are a first meal for caterpillars that tags them for predation

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    Plant glandular trichomes exude secondary metabolites with defensive functions, but these epidermal protuberances are surprisingly the first meal of Lepidopteran herbivores on Nicotiana attenuata. O-acyl sugars, the most abundant metabolite of glandular trichomes, impart a distinct volatile profile to the body and frass of larvae that feed on them. The headspace composition of Manduca sexta larvae is dominated by the branched chain aliphatic acids hydrolyzed from ingested O-acyl sugars, which waxes and wanes rapidly with trichome ingestion. In native habitats a ground-hunting predator, the omnivorous ant Pogonomyrmex rugosus, but not the big-eyed bug Geocoris spp., use these volatile aliphatic acids to locate their prey
