441 research outputs found

    Glycolytic and Gluconeogenic Growth of \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e O157:H7 (EDL933) and \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e K-12 (MG1655) in the Mouse Intestine

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    Escherichia coli EDL933, an O157:H7 strain, is known to colonize the streptomycin-treated CD-1 mouse intestine by growing in intestinal mucus (E. A. Wadolkowski, J. A. Burris, and A. D. O\u27Brien, Infect. Immun. 58:2438-2445, 1990), but what nutrients and metabolic pathways are employed during colonization has not been determined. In this study, when the wild-type EDL933 strain was fed to mice along with an EDL933 ΔppsA ΔpckA mutant, which is unable to utilize tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and gluconeogenic substrates for growth, both strains colonized the mouse intestine equally well. Therefore, EDL933 utilizes a glycolytic substrate(s) for both initial growth and maintenance when it is the only E. coli strain fed to the mice. However, in the presence of large numbers of MG1655, a K-12 strain, it is shown that EDL933 utilizes a glycolytic substrate(s) for initial growth in the mouse intestine but appears to utilize both glycolytic and gluconeogenic substrates in an attempt to maintain colonization. It is further shown that MG1655 predominantly utilizes glycolytic substrates for growth in the mouse intestine whether growing in the presence or absence of large numbers of EDL933. Data are presented showing that although small numbers of EDL933 grow to large numbers in the intestine in the presence of large numbers of MG1655 when both strains are fed to mice simultaneously, precolonization with MG1655 affords protection against subsequent colonization by EDL933. Moreover, in mice that are precolonized with EDL933, small numbers of MG1655 are able to grow rapidly in the intestine and EDL933 is eliminated. In situ hybridization experiments using E. coli-specific rRNA probes showed that while MG1655 is found only in mucus, EDL933 is found both in mucus and closely associated with intestinal epithelial cells. The data are discussed with respect to competition for nutrients and to the protection that some intestinal commensal E. coli strains might afford against infection by O157:H7 strains

    Detection of circulating tumour DNA is associated with inferior outcomes in Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma: a report from the Children's Oncology Group.

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    BackgroundNew prognostic markers are needed to identify patients with Ewing sarcoma (EWS) and osteosarcoma unlikely to benefit from standard therapy. We describe the incidence and association with outcome of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) using next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays.MethodsA NGS hybrid capture assay and an ultra-low-pass whole-genome sequencing assay were used to detect ctDNA in banked plasma from patients with EWS and osteosarcoma, respectively. Patients were coded as positive or negative for ctDNA and tested for association with clinical features and outcome.ResultsThe analytic cohort included 94 patients with EWS (82% from initial diagnosis) and 72 patients with primary localised osteosarcoma (100% from initial diagnosis). ctDNA was detectable in 53% and 57% of newly diagnosed patients with EWS and osteosarcoma, respectively. Among patients with newly diagnosed localised EWS, detectable ctDNA was associated with inferior 3-year event-free survival (48.6% vs. 82.1%; p = 0.006) and overall survival (79.8% vs. 92.6%; p = 0.01). In both EWS and osteosarcoma, risk of event and death increased with ctDNA levels.ConclusionsNGS assays agnostic of primary tumour sequencing results detect ctDNA in half of the plasma samples from patients with newly diagnosed EWS and osteosarcoma. Detectable ctDNA is associated with inferior outcomes

    Considering Fish as Recipients of Ecosystem Services Provides a Framework to Formally Link Baseline, Development, and Post-operational Monitoring Programs and Improve Aquatic Impact Assessments for Large Scale Developments.

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    In most countries, major development projects must satisfy an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process that considers positive and negative aspects to determine if it meets environmental standards and appropriately mitigates or offsets negative impacts on the values being considered. The benefits of before-after-control-impact monitoring designs have been widely known for more than 30 years, but most development assessments fail to effectively link pre- and post-development monitoring in a meaningful way. Fish are a common component of EIA evaluation for both socioeconomic and scientific reasons. The Ecosystem Services (ES) concept was developed to describe the ecosystem attributes that benefit humans, and it offers the opportunity to develop a framework for EIA that is centred around the needs of and benefits from fish. Focusing an environmental monitoring framework on the critical needs of fish could serve to better align risk, development, and monitoring assessment processes. We define the ES that fish provide in the context of two common ES frameworks. To allow for linkages between environmental assessment and the ES concept, we describe critical ecosystem functions from a fish perspective to highlight potential monitoring targets that relate to fish abundance, diversity, health, and habitat. Finally, we suggest how this framing of a monitoring process can be used to better align aquatic monitoring programs across pre-development, development, and post-operational monitoring programs

    Immune-derived PD-L1 gene expression defines a subgroup of stage II/III colorectal cancer patients with favorable prognosis that may be harmed by adjuvant chemotherapy

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    Abstract A recent phase II study of patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma showed that mismatch repair gene status was predictive of clinical response to PD-1–targeting immune checkpoint blockade. Further examination revealed strong correlation between PD-L1 protein expression and microsatellite instability (MSI) in stage IV colorectal carcinoma, suggesting that the amount of PD-L1 protein expression could identify late-stage patients who might benefit from immunotherapy. To assess whether the clinical associations between PD-L1 gene expression and MSI identified in metastatic colorectal carcinoma are also present in stage II/III colorectal carcinoma, we used in silico analysis to elucidate the cell types expressing the PD-L1 gene. We found a statistically significant association of PD-L1 gene expression with MSI in early-stage colorectal carcinoma (P &amp;lt; 0.001) and show that, unlike in non–colorectal carcinoma tumors, PD-L1 is derived predominantly from the immune infiltrate. We demonstrate that PD-L1 gene expression has positive prognostic value in the adjuvant disease setting (PD-L1low vs. PD-L1high HR = 9.09; CI, 2.11–39.10). PD-L1 gene expression had predictive value, as patients with high PD-L1 expression appear to be harmed by standard-of-care treatment (HR = 4.95; CI, 1.10–22.35). Building on the promising results from the metastatic colorectal carcinoma PD-1–targeting trial, we provide compelling evidence that patients with PD-L1high/MSI/immunehigh stage II/III colorectal carcinoma should not receive standard chemotherapy. This conclusion supports the rationale to clinically evaluate this patient subgroup for PD-1 blockade treatment. Cancer Immunol Res; 4(7); 582–91. ©2016 AACR.</jats:p

    Low dietary intake of magnesium is associated with increased externalising behaviours in adolescents

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    Objective: Adequate Zn and Mg intakes may be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. We aimed to investigate the prospective association between dietary intakes of Zn and Mg and internalising and externalising behaviour problems in a population-based cohort of adolescents. Design: Prospective analysis (general linear mixed models) of dietary intakes of Zn and Mg assessed using a validated FFQ and mental health symptoms assessed using the Youth Self-Report (YSR), adjusting for sex, physical activity, family income, supplement status, dietary misreporting, BMI, family functioning and energy intake. Setting: Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study. Subjects: Adolescents (n 684) at the 14- and 17-year follow-ups. Results: Higher dietary intake of Mg (per SD increase) was significantly associated with reduced externalising behaviours (β=−1·45; 95 % CI −2·40, −0·50; P=0·003). There was a trend towards reduced externalising behaviours with higher Zn intake (per SD increase; β=−0·73; 95 % CI −1·57, 0·10; P=0·085).Randomised controlled trials are necessary to determine any benefit of micronutrient supplementation in the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in adolescents.The study shows an association between higher dietary Mg intake and reduced externalising behaviour problems in adolescents. We observed a similar trend, although not statistically significant, for Zn intake. Randomised controlled trials are necessary to determine any benefit of micronutrient supplementation in the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in adolescents

    The Type Ia Supernova Rate in Redshift 0.5--0.9 Galaxy Clusters

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    Supernova (SN) rates are potentially powerful diagnostics of metal enrichment and SN physics, particularly in galaxy clusters with their deep, metal-retaining potentials and relatively simple star-formation histories. We have carried out a survey for supernovae (SNe) in galaxy clusters, at a redshift range 0.5<z<0.9, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope. We reimaged a sample of 15 clusters that were previously imaged by ACS, thus obtaining two to three epochs per cluster, in which we discovered five likely cluster SNe, six possible cluster SNe Ia, two hostless SN candidates, and several background and foreground events. Keck spectra of the host galaxies were obtained to establish cluster membership. We conducted detailed efficiency simulations, and measured the stellar luminosities of the clusters using Subaru images. We derive a cluster SN rate of 0.35 SNuB +0.17/-0.12 (statistical) \pm0.13 (classification) \pm0.01 (systematic) [where SNuB = SNe (100 yr 10^10 L_B_sun)^-1] and 0.112 SNuM +0.055/-0.039 (statistical) \pm0.042 (classification) \pm0.005 (systematic) [where SNuM = SNe (100 yr 10^10 M_sun)^-1]. As in previous measurements of cluster SN rates, the uncertainties are dominated by small-number statistics. The SN rate in this redshift bin is consistent with the SN rate in clusters at lower redshifts (to within the uncertainties), and shows that there is, at most, only a slight increase of cluster SN rate with increasing redshift. The low and fairly constant SN Ia rate out to z~1 implies that the bulk of the iron mass in clusters was already in place by z~1. The recently observed doubling of iron abundances in the intracluster medium between z=1 and 0, if real, is likely the result of redistribution of existing iron, rather than new production of iron.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. Full resolution version available at http://kicp.uchicago.edu/~kerens/HSTclusterSNe

    ABCC Multidrug Transporters in Childhood Neuroblastoma: Clinical and Biological Effects Independent of Cytotoxic Drug Efflux

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    Background Although the prognostic value of the ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C (ABCC) transporters in childhood neuroblastoma is usually attributed to their role in cytotoxic drug efflux, certain observations have suggested that these multidrug transporters might contribute to the malignant phenotype independent of cytotoxic drug efflux. Methods A v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (MYCN)-driven transgenic mouse neuroblastoma model was crossed with an Abcc1-deficient mouse strain (658 hMYCN1/−, 205 hMYCN+/1 mice) or, alternatively, treated with the ABCC1 inhibitor, Reversan (n = 20). ABCC genes were suppressed using short interfering RNA or overexpressed by stable transfection in neuroblastoma cell lines BE(2)-C, SH-EP, and SH-SY5Y, which were then assessed for wound closure ability, clonogenic capacity, morphological differentiation, and cell growth. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to examine the clinical significance of ABCC family gene expression in a large prospectively accrued cohort of patients (n = 209) with primary neuroblastomas. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox regression were used to test for associations with event-free and overall survival. Except where noted, all statistical tests were two-sided. Results Inhibition of ABCC1 statistically significantly inhibited neuroblastoma development in hMYCN transgenic mice (mean age for palpable tumor: treated mice, 47.2 days; control mice, 41.9 days; hazard ratio [HR] = 9.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.65 to 32; P < .001). Suppression of ABCC1 in vitro inhibited wound closure (P < .001) and clonogenicity (P = .006); suppression of ABCC4 enhanced morphological differentiation (P < .001) and inhibited cell growth (P < .001). Analysis of 209 neuroblastoma patient tumors revealed that, in contrast with ABCC1 and ABCC4, low rather than high ABCC3 expression was associated with reduced event-free survival (HR of recurrence or death = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.4 to 4.2; P = .001), with 23 of 53 patients with low ABCC3 expression experiencing recurrence or death compared with 31 of 155 patients with high ABCC3. Moreover, overexpression of ABCC3 in vitro inhibited neuroblastoma cell migration (P < .001) and clonogenicity (P = .03). The combined expression of ABCC1, ABCC3, and ABCC4 was associated with patients having an adverse event, such that of the 12 patients with the "poor prognosis” expression pattern, 10 experienced recurrence or death (HR of recurrence or death = 12.3, 95% CI = 6 to 27; P < .001). Conclusion ABCC transporters can affect neuroblastoma biology independently of their role in chemotherapeutic drug efflux, enhancing their potential as targets for therapeutic interventio

    Sediment Cores from White Pond, South Carolina, contain a Platinum Anomaly, Pyrogenic Carbon Peak, and Coprophilous Spore Decline at 12.8 ka

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    A widespread platinum (Pt) anomaly was recently documented in Greenland ice and 11 North American sedimentary sequences at the onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) event (~12,800 cal yr BP), consistent with the YD Impact Hypothesis. We report high-resolution analyses of a 1-meter section of a lake core from White Pond, South Carolina, USA. After developing a Bayesian age-depth model that brackets the late Pleistocene through early Holocene, we analyzed and quantified the following: (1) Pt and palladium (Pd) abundance, (2) geochemistry of 58 elements, (3) coprophilous spores, (4) sedimentary organic matter (OC and sedaDNA), (5) stable isotopes of C (δ13C) and N (δ15N), (6) soot, (7) aciniform carbon, (8) cryptotephra, (9) mercury (Hg), and (10) magnetic susceptibility. We identified large Pt and Pt/Pd anomalies within a 2-cm section dated to the YD onset (12,785 ± 58 cal yr BP). These anomalies precede a decline in coprophilous spores and correlate with an abrupt peak in soot and C/OC ratios, indicative of large-scale regional biomass burning. We also observed a relatively large excursion in δ15N values, indicating rapid climatic and environmental/hydrological changes at the YD onset. Our results are consistent with the YD Impact Hypothesis and impact-related environmental and ecological changes

    The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) birth cohort study: Assessment of environmental exposures

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    The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development birth cohort was designed to elucidate interactions between environment and genetics underlying development of asthma and allergy. Over 3600 pregnant mothers were recruited from the general population in four provinces with diverse environments. The child is followed to age 5 years, with prospective characterization of diverse exposures during this critical period. Key exposure domains include indoor and outdoor air pollutants, inhalation, ingestion and dermal uptake of chemicals, mold, dampness, biological allergens, pets and pests, housing structure, and living behavior, together with infections, nutrition, psychosocial environment, and medications. Assessments of early life exposures are focused on those linked to inflammatory responses driven by the acquired and innate immune systems. Mothers complete extensive environmental questionnaires including time-activity behavior at recruitment and when the child is 3, 6, 12, 24, 30, 36, 48, and 60 months old. House dust collected during a thorough home assessment at 3–4 months, and biological specimens obtained for multiple exposure-related measurements, are archived for analyses. Geo-locations of homes and daycares and land-use regression for estimating traffic-related air pollution complement time-activity-behavior data to provide comprehensive individual exposure profiles. Several analytical frameworks are proposed to address the many interacting exposure variables and potential issues of co-linearity in this complex data set
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