59 research outputs found

    Geoferramenta para aquisição de dados hidrometeorológicos

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    O principal banco de dados com informações sobre recursos hídricos no Brasil é o Portal HidroWeb, coordenado pela Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA). A geoferramenta ECO-Pluvia Downloader foi desenvolvida para facilitar a aquisição dos dados de estações em território brasileiro, e também da América do Sul, diretamente do SIG livre QGIS. Entretanto, a aquisição automática de dados abrange apenas estações de monitoramento da precipitação. Sendo assim, tendo em vista a importância de outros dados necessários a realização de estudos hidrológicos, este trabalho visa ampliar a aquisição automática de dados para estações fluviométricas, climatológicas, dentre outras também disponíveis no Portal HidroWeb.The main database with information on water resources in Brazil is the Portal HidroWeb, coordinated by the National Water Agency (ANA). The ECO-Pluvia Downloader geo-tool was developed to facilitate the acquisition of data from stations in Brazilian territory, and also from South America, directly from the free GIS QGIS. However, automatic data acquisition covers only rainfall monitoring stations. Therefore, due to the importance of other data necessary to carry out hydrological studies, this work aims to expand the automatic acquisition of data to fluviometric and climatological station, among others also available at Portal HidroWeb.Fil: Petry, Ingrid.Fil: Piccilli, Daniel Gustavo Allasia.Fil: Fontoura, Jessica Ribeiro.Fil: Pachaly, Robson Leo

    Investigação a campo da colmatação com diferentes tipos de sedimentos em um sistema de pavimentos permeáveis com baixo custo de manutenção

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    Maintenance has a significant impact on permeable pavements’ service life. Proper cleaning procedures include pressure washing and heavy-duty wet/dry vacuum to remove accumulated sediment and maintain permeability. Aiming to analyze the influence of sediment type and size on the clogging process and the importance of preventive maintenance, six experimental permeable pavement modules were assessed. Pairs of in-situ Pervious Concrete (PC), Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (PICP) and Permeable Interlocking Pervious Concrete Pavement (PIPCP) were monitored over two consecutive periods: i) under natural clogging process; ii) accelerated clogging under sand and clay sediment types. At the end of both periods, all modules received maintenance through water pressure washing. The results showed a reduction of up to 80% in the surface infiltration capacity during the natural clogging period, but that most of it could be recovered using pressure washing. Result in all situations also reinforced that periodic cleaning every 4-6 months, even with just pressure washing, as a key factor to extend permeable pavements’ life cycle.A manutenção tem um impacto significativo na vida útil dos pavimentos permeáveis. Os procedimentos de limpeza adequados incluem lavagem sob pressão e aspiração a vácuo molhada/seca para remover sedimentos acumulados e manter a permeabilidade. Com o objetivo de analisar a influência do tipo e tamanho do sedimento no processo de entupimento e a importância da manutenção preventiva, foram avaliados seis módulos experimentais de pavimento permeável. Pares de Concreto Permeável In-situ (PC), Pavimento de Concreto Intertravado (PICP) e Pavimento de Concreto Permeável Intertravado (PIPCP) foram monitorados em dois períodos consecutivos: i) sob processo natural de colmatação; ii) entupimento acelerado com sedimentos de areia e argila. No final de ambos os períodos, todos os módulos receberam manutenção por meio de lavagem com pressão de água. Os resultados mostraram uma redução de até 80% na capacidade de infiltração da superfície durante o período de colmatação natural, mas a maior parte pode ser recuperada com a lavagem sob pressão. O resultado em todas as situações também reforçou que a limpeza periódica a cada 4-6 meses, mesmo com apenas lavagem sob pressão, é um fator chave para prolongar a vida útil dos pavimentos permeáveis

    Treatment of water containing methylene by biosorption using Brazilian berry seeds (Eugenia uniflora)

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    Brazilian berry seeds (Eugenia uniflora) were used as an eco-friendly and low-cost biosorbent for the treatment of textile effluents containing methylene blue. Characterization techniques indicated that Brazilian berry seeds are constituted of irregular particles, mainly composed of lignin and holocellulose groups, distributed in an amorphous structure. Methylene blue biosorption was favorable at pH of 8, using a biosorbent dosage of 0.8 g L−1. The equilibrium was reached in the first 20 min for lower M methylene blue concentrations and 120 min for higher methylene blue concentrations. Furthermore, the general and pseudo-second-order models were suitable for describing the kinetic data. Langmuir was the most adequate model for describing the isotherm curves, predicting a biosorption capacity of 189.6 mg g−1 at 328 K. Biosorption was spontaneous (− 9.54 ≤ ΔG0 ≤ −8.06 kJ mol−1) and endothermic, with standard enthalpy change of 6.11 kJ mol−1. Brazilian berry seeds were successfully used to remove the color of two different simulated textile effluents, achieving 92.2% and 73.5% of removal. Last, the fixed-bed experiment showed that a column packed with Brazilian berry seeds can operate during 840 min, attaining biosorption capacity of 88.7 mg g−1. The data here presented indicates that textile effluents containing methylene blue can be easily and successfully treated by an eco-friendly and low-cost biosorbent like Brazilian berry seeds

    Evaluation of Ocotea puberula bark powder (OPBP) as an effective adsorbent to uptake crystal violet from colored effluents: alternative kinetic approaches

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    The Ocotea puberula bark powder (OPBP) was evaluated as an effective adsorbent for the removal of crystal violet (CV) from colored effluents. OPBP was characterized and presented a surface with large cavities, organized as a honeycomb. The main functional groups of OPBP were O-H, N-H, C=O, and C-O-C. The adsorption of CV on OPBP was favorable at pH 9 with a dosage of 0.75 g L−1. The Avrami model was the most suitable to represent the adsorption kinetic profile, being the estimated equilibrium concentration value of 3.37 mg L−1 for an initial concentration of 50 mg L−1 (CV removal of 93.3%). The equilibrium was reached within 90 min. The data were better described by the Langmuir isotherm, reaching a maximum adsorption capacity of 444.34 mg g−1 at 328 K. The Gibbs free energy ranged from − 26.3554 to − 27.8055 kJ mol−1, and the enthalpy variation was − 11.1519 kJ mol−1. The external mass transfer was the rate-limiting step, with Biot numbers ranging from 0.0011 to 0.25. Lastly, OPBP application for the treatment of two different simulated effluents was effective, achieving a removal percentage of 90%

    Adsorptive decontamination of wastewater containing methylene blue dye using golden trumpet tree bark (Handroanthus albus)

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    The golden trumpet tree bark (GTB), a wood-processing residue, was tested as adsorbent material for decontamination of wastewaters containing methylene blue dye (MB). The powdered material was preponderantly amorphous, containing an irregular surface with the presence of lignin and holocellulose. The adsorption was favorable at basic pH of 10 and adsorbent dosage of 0.5 g L−1. The kinetics has finished in only 30 min and fitted by the general order model (GO). The isotherm behaviors were successfully represented by the Langmuir model. The value found for the maximum adsorption capacity was 232.25 mg g−1, being obtained at 328 K. The standard variation of Gibbs free energy (ΔG0) ranged from − 10.77 to − 8.09 kJ mol−1, indicating a spontaneous and favorable adsorption. A variation of standard enthalpy (ΔH0) of 18.58 kJ mol−1 revealed an endothermic adsorption. A sloped forward curve was found in the continuous operation, with breakthrough time (tb) of 325 min. The stoichiometry capacity of the column (qeq) and the length of mass transfer zone (Zm) were, respectively, 23.57 mg g−1 and 11.28 cm. The GTB was efficient in the treatment of a simulated effluent, obtaining color removal of 96%. These results show that GTB can be applied as adsorbent for decontamination of wastewaters containing methylene blue

    Transforming shrub waste into a high-efficiency adsorbent: Application of Physalis peruvian chalice treated with strong acid to remove the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide

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    In this study, the chalice generated from the production of the Physalis peruviana fruit was subjected to a treatment with sulfuric acid and applied in the adsorption of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The precursor, and the treated material before and after the adsorption, were analyzed by different techniques. After the acid treatment, it was found that the surface was changed from a smooth to an irregular surface with the presence of cavities with irregular size. The adsorption was favored at pH = 2 and with a dosage of 0.8 g L−1. The pseudo-second-order model was the best to represent kinetic data. The isothermal experiments were well represented by the Langmuir and Tóth models, reaching a high capacity of 244 and 320 mg g−1, respectively. The computed thermodynamic values show that the 2,4-D adsorption was spontaneous and exothermic. Overall, this study indicates that the Physalis peruviana chalice treated with strong acid presents great potential as an alternative material for the adsorption/removal of 2,4-D herbicide from liquid effluents

    Highly effective adsorption of synthetic phenol effluent by a novel activated carbon prepared from fruit wastes of the Ceiba speciosa forest species

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    Fruit wastes of the Ceiba speciosa forest species were employed as raw material for preparing activated carbon towards removing phenol from water. Concave cavities spread over the entire material surface were observed from characterization results, resulting in a high surface area, 842 m2 g−1. Adsorption isotherm and kinetic studies were performed under the best conditions of pH (7) and adsorbent dosage (0.83 g L−1). An increase in temperature from 298 K to 328 K disfavored the phenol adsorption, decreasing from 156.7 to 145 mg g−1 for the best-fit model, Langmuir. The thermodynamic results indicated that the phenol adsorption was spontaneous, favorable, and exothermic. The phenol concentration decay shows that the equilibrium is reached at 120 min. The pore volume and surface diffusion model (PVSDM) was employed satisfactorily to describe the phenol decay behavior. The surface diffusion coefficient values were in the range of 10−9 cm2 s−1. The external and the internal mass transfer were the rate-controlling mechanisms. Therefore, the application of fruit wastes from Ceiba speciosa as raw material for preparing activated carbon proved very efficient towards removing phenol from an aqueous medium. The activated carbon is an alternative material to suppress water contamination due to phenol-derived species

    Preferências da população de diferentes estratos sociais no manejo das águas pluviais urbanas

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    Muitos municípios brasileiros possuem legislação específica voltada para o manejo das águas pluviais no meio urbano, tendo como principal objetivo a redução do escoamento superficial. Entre as medidas promovidas se encontra a obrigatoriedade de implantação de diferentes dispositivos nos lotes que funcionem armazenando ou infiltrando o excesso do escoamento superficial causado pela urbanização, de forma a compensar o impacto desta. Esse tipo de prática é conhecido como técnica compensatória (TC). Diante das diferentes TC que podem ser escolhidas, neste artigo são apresentadas as preferências e principais percepções da população de três diferentes estratos socioeconômicos a respeito das TCs. O estudo foi conduzido na cidade de Santa Maria, RS, que como outros municípios brasileiros de médio porte, ainda deverá adotar algum tipo de política pública voltada para a gestão das águas pluviais no meio urbano. Foram entrevistadas 518 residências em bairros representativos da baixa classe alta, alta classe média e baixa classe média, que possuem a mesma diretriz para ocupação do solo. Os resultados revelaram importantes aspectos a respeito do entendimento dos entrevistados no que se refere ao manejo das águas pluviais em meio urbano e evidenciaram que a preferência por TC de armazenamento ou infiltração pode ser influenciada pela classe socioeconômica. Ainda, a entrevista permitiu identificar que em mais de 90% dos domicílios entrevistados já existe conhecimento sobre esse tipo de política pública

    Geoprocessamento Aplicado à Determinação do Índice de Susceptibilidade das Captações por Poços Tubulares do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral em Frederico Westphalen – Rio Grande do Sul

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    A problemática relacionada à contaminação dos recursos hídricos superficiais e subterrâneos, associada à falta de monitoramento do ambiente, instigam pesquisadores e profissionais pela busca de novas fontes de informações e métodos que visem promover sua gestão adequada. Deste modo, buscando um maior conhecimento sobre a suscetibilidade à contaminação dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos do município de Frederico WestphalenRio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e suas potenciais fontes de contaminação. Esse trabalho combina as metodologias do Índice de Susceptibilidade (IS) com o sistema Pollutant Origin Surcharge Hydraulically (POSH), por meio de ferramentas de geoprocessamento. Para isto, construiu-se um banco de informações hidrogeológicas com base no Sistema de Informações de Águas Subterrâneas (SIAGAS) do Serviço Geológico do Brasil, para os parâmetros profundidade do nível d’água e o material do aquífero. Ainda, foram levantadas informações de relevo e uso do solo a partir das imagens disponibilizadas pelo United States Geological Survey (USGS). A partir destas informações, foi determinado o IS e aplicado o método POSH para a determinação das fontes potenciais de geração de carga poluidora do aquífero local. Os resultados apresentaram um IS variando entre baixo e muito baixo em 14 % do município, moderado baixo em 55 %, moderado alto em 30% e elevado em 1 %, sendo as maiores classes encontradas ao leste do município principalmente nas áreas de cultivos agrícolas de subsistência. O emprego do método POSH indicou que as fontes potenciais de geração de carga contaminante estão localizadas nas áreas de moderada a alta susceptibilidade à contaminação, sendo essas áreas, mais sujeitas a contaminação de origem difusa, em função dos cultivos anuais, dos mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos. Portanto, conclui-se que as técnicas de Geoprocessamento, aplicadas na associação entre o IS e POSH, otimizam a identificação dos potenciais locais e fontes de poluição das águas subterrâneas, sendo úteis no monitoramento e planejamento do ambiente