2,540 research outputs found

    Financiamiento y nuevas formas de gerencialismo universitario

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    Este artículo parte de la vinculación que se genera entre la urgencia universitaria de mayores recursos presupuestarios públicos y el esquema de anarquía organizada, la cual favorece la emergencia de los múltiples problemas comunes que enfrentan las organizaciones de educación superior. Esto auspicia la exploración de los alcances y particularidades de los denominados nuevos esquemas de gobernación universitarios, que en diversos países se han desarrollado para la superación de tales ambigüedades. Son varias las razones que certifican la dificultad de transferir modelos de gerencialismo que han nacido en distintas partes del mundo para potenciar mejores gobiernos universitarios: hay un complejo de ejercicios políticos, económicos y administrativos particulares; las dificultades inherentes al modelo principalagent en la Universidad; la especial articulación de intereses que se tejen en las autarquías, y los contextos tan diferenciados con que las universidades responden a sus sociedades. Sin embargo, es imprescindible discutir y aventurarse en la creación de alternativas que auspicien mejoras en los entes universitarios sobre todo cuando la asfixia presupuestal se transforma en un eterno dilem

    Coordination and expertise foster legal textualism

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    This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-119791RA-I00; RTI2018-098882-B-I00), the Polish National Science Centre (2020/36/C/HS5/00111; 2017/25/N/HS5/00944), the Swiss National Science Foundation (PZ00P1_179912), and the European Research Council (805498).Data, Materials, and Software Availability. Anonymized study data, analysis scripts, and stimuli (including translations) have been deposited in the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/yw8ek/)A cross-cultural survey experiment revealed a dominant tendency to rely on a rule’s letter over its spirit when deciding which behaviors violate the rule. This tendency varied markedly across (k = 15) countries, owing to variation in the impact of moral appraisals on judgments of rule violation. Compared with laypeople, legal experts were more inclined to disregard their moral evaluations of the acts altogether and consequently exhibited stronger textualist tendencies. Finally, we evaluated a plausible mechanism for the emergence of textualism: in a two-player coordination game, incentives to coordinate in the absence of communication reinforced participants’ adherence to rules’ literal meaning. Together, these studies (total n = 5,794) help clarify the origins and allure of textualism, especially in the law. Within heterogeneous communities in which members diverge in their moral appraisals involving a rule’s purpose, the rule’s literal meaning provides a clear focal point—an identifiable point of agreement enabling coordinated interpretation among citizens, lawmakers, and judges.European Research Council 805498Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung PZ00P1_179912Narodowe Centrum Nauki 2017/25/N/HS5/00944, 2020/36/C/HS5/00111Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-119791RA-I00, RTI2018-098882-B-I0

    Internacionalización y globalización : notas sobre su incidencia en las condiciones y expresiones del riesgo en América Latina

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    El riesgo se explica en relación con una construcción social, producto de la relación dinámica,\ud cambiante y dialéctica entre los diversos tipos de amenaza y vulnerabilidad humana,\ud los procesos que contribuyen a la conformación del riesgo derivan de las modalidades\ud o estilos de crecimiento o acumulación económicas experimentadas en la\ud sociedad a lo largo de la historia. En América Latina, en general, el capitalismo en sus\ud distintas fases y formas ha conducido a la conformación de condiciones particulares de\ud riesgo. La globalización, como proceso objetivo, y las políticas impulsadas y sustentadas\ud en los principios del neoliberalismo cimientan nuevas expresiones del riesgo y del\ud desastre, surgen así nuevas formas de riesgo en el ámbito territorial y social, asociadas\ud con la conformación de zonas de libre comercio, corredores comerciales o logísticos,\ud grandes ciudades articuladoras de la nueva territorialidad de los procesos económicos y\ud la consecuente exclusión social de amplios sectores de la población

    The typicality effect in basic needs

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    According to the so-called Classical Theory, concepts are mentally represented by individually necessary and jointly sufficient application conditions. One of the principal empirical objections against this view stems from evidence that people judge some instances of a concept to be more typical than others. In this paper we present and discuss four empirical studies that investigate the extent to which this ‘typicality effect’ holds for the concept of basic needs. Through multiple operationalizations of typicality, our studies yielded evidence for a strong effect of this kind: (1) Participants tended to recall the same core examples of the concept in a free-listing task. (2) They judged some basic needs to be more typical than others. (3) The items that were judged to be more typical were listed more frequently in the free-listing task. (4) These items were listed earlier on in the free-listing task. (5) Typical basic needs, as well as non needs, were classified faster than atypical basic needs in a reaction time study. These findings suggest that the concept of basic needs may have a non-classical (e.g., exemplar or prototype) structure. If so, the quest for a simple and robust intensional analysis of the concept may be futile.Austrian Science Fund (FWF)Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT)Japan Society for the Promotion of Science PE21001Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz (Start-Up Grant), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion PID2020-119791RA-I00Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P3316

    Do Formalist Judges Abide By Their Abstract Principles? A Two‑Country Study in Adjudication

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    Piotr Bystranowski was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the H2020 European Research Council research and innovation program, grant agreement 805498 (preparing study 1). Piotr Bystranowski, Bartosz Janik, and Maciej Prochnicki were supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, National Programme for the Development of Humanities, from the research Grant No. 0068/NPRH4/H2b/83/2016, obtained and carried out at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (preparing study 2). We would like to express our gratitude to the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution in Poland for helping us with collecting data, as well as to Tomasz Zuradzki for comments on earlier drafts of the paper. This article has also benefited from the discussion at the Ethics Research Seminar organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.Recent literature in experimental philosophy has postulated the existence of the abstract/concrete paradox (ACP): the tendency to activate inconsistent intuitions (and generate inconsistent judgment) depending on whether a problem to be analyzed is framed in abstract terms or is described as a concrete case. One recent study supports the thesis that this effect influences judicial decision-making, including decision-making by professional judges, in areas such as interpretation of constitutional principles and application of clear-cut rules. Here, following the existing literature in legal theory, we argue that the susceptibility to such an effect might depend on whether decision-makers operate in a legal system characterized by the formalist or particularist approach to legal interpretation, with formalist systems being less susceptible to the effect. To test this hypothesis, we compare the results of experimental studies on ACP run on samples from two countries differing in legal culture: Poland and Brazil. The lack of significant differences between those results (also for professional legal decision-makers) suggests that ACP is a robust effect in the legal context.European Research Council (ERC) European Commission 805498Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland 0068/NPRH4/H2b/83/201

    Attitudes of European students towards family decision‑making and the harmonisation of consent systems in deceased organ donation: a cross‑national survey

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    Background: European countries are increasingly harmonising their organ donation and transplantation policies. Although a growing number of nations are moving to presumed consent to deceased organ donation, no attempts have been made to harmonise policies on individual consent and the role of the family in the decision-making process. Little is known about public awareness of and attitudes towards the role of the family in their own country and European harmonisation on these health policy dimensions. To improve understanding of these issues, we examined what university students think about the role of the family in decision-making in deceased organ donation and about harmonising consent policies within Europe. Methods: Using LimeSurvey© software, we conducted a comparative cross-sectional international survey of 2193 university students of health sciences and humanities/social sciences from Austria (339), Belgium (439), Denmark (230), Germany (424), Greece (159), Romania (190), Slovenia (190), and Spain (222). Results: Participants from opt-in countries may have a better awareness of the family’s legal role than those from opt-out countries. Most respondents opposed the family veto, but they were more ambivalent towards the role of the family as a surrogate decision-maker. The majority of participants were satisfied with the family’s legal role. However, those who were unsatisfied preferred to limit family involvement. Overall, participants were opposed to the idea of national sovereignty over consent policies. They favoured an opt-out policy harmonisation and were divided over opt-in. Their views on harmonisation of family involvement were consistent with their personal preferences. Conclusions: There is overall division on whether families should have a surrogate role, and substantial opposition to granting them sole authority over decision-making. If European countries were to harmonise their policies on consent for organ donation, an opt-out system that grants families a surrogate decision-making role may enjoy the widest public support.CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI

    Study of second and third harmonic generation from an indium tin oxide nanolayer: Influence of nonlocal effects and hot electrons

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    We report comparative experimental and theoretical studies of the second and third harmonic generation from a 20 nm-thick indium tin oxide layer in proximity of the epsilon-near-zero condition. Using a tunable optical parametric amplifier, we record both spectral and angular dependence of the generated harmonic signals close to this particular point. In addition to the enhancement of the second harmonic efficiency close to the epsilon-near-zero wavelength, at oblique incidence, third harmonic generation displays an unusual behavior, predicted but not observed before. We implement a comprehensive, first-principles hydrodynamic approach able to simulate our experimental conditions. The model is unique, flexible, and able to capture all major physical mechanisms that drive the electrodynamic behavior of conductive oxide layers: nonlocal effects, which blueshift the epsilon-near-zero resonance by tens of nanometers; plasma frequency redshift due to variations of the effective mass of hot carriers; charge density distribution inside the layer, which determines the nonlinear surface and magnetic interactions; and the nonlinearity of the background medium triggered by bound electrons. We show that, by taking these contributions into account, our theoretical predictions are in very good qualitative and quantitative agreement with our experimental results. We expect that our results can be extended to other geometries where epsilon-near-zero nonlinearity plays an important role.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Bioética: una estrategia más allá de una política de paz

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    El presente trabajo se encamina al análisis y reflexión de los efectos de las estrategias adoptadas por los países latinoamericanos en la formulación de políticas públicas que permiten consignar y perpetuar diferentes actuares desde el constructo de nación que cada país ha pretendido alcanzar. Para ello, tomando en consideración distintos documentos e informes presentados por organismos como la CEPAL, el Banco Mundial, Naciones Unidas, entre otros, se plantea el cómo desde los resultados obtenidos para los distintos indica-dores, las políticas suscitadas desde los países de Latinoamérica proyectan un panorama que se aleja de la visualización y construcción positiva del concepto de paz (equilibrio y la estabilidad de la unidad). Para ello se ofrece, como medio y alternativa de reposicionamiento, la vinculación de la reflexión bioética a la construcción del planteamiento político, esto como un mecanismo que enlace las necesidades presentadas desde los indicadores país con las propuestas de cambio y mejora que desde las acciones políticas deben de presentarse. Se concluye que mientras se mantenga el distanciamiento entre la reflexión (bio) ética y las acciones que desde la política pública se deben encaminar en las distintas áreas, será complejo cambiar la presente realidad latinoamericana y de país hacia la concepción amplia del concepto de paz que desde su equilibrio y estabilidad interior logren la no violencia o guerra con el otro.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de Enfermerí

    El derecho a la salud en las inmigrantes nicaragüenses: una realidad a medias desde el trato de igualdad al otro.

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    Colegio de Enfermeros y Enfermeras de Costa RicaEl presente trabajo pretende, a través de la reflexión teórica, demostrar que las inmigrantes nicaragüenses reciben un trato desigual con respecto a lo que dicta el derecho de igualdad en la atención de los servicios de salud y en general dentro de un contexto social que les es adverso. Utilizan para su análisis la percepción que estas mujeres tienen de la realidad vivida, y el planteamiento que, desde las relaciones de poder, posibilita tales conductas. Se concluye que a pesar de que existen en el país algunas normativas que deberían solventar el trato inhumano e impersonal que reciben, a nivel social el discurso de una supuesta "superioridad" ejercida en parte por las relaciones de poder continúa estando presente en el común de las personas, y motiva a que se repitan conductas alejadas de la consciencia del humanismo y del valor del ser humano.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Interdisciplinarias::Doctorado Académico en Estudios de la Sociedad y la Cultur

    Aspectos Bioéticos de los Cuidados Paliativos

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    El presente ensayo busca dar a conocer los principales aspectos bioéticos relacionados con los cuidados paliativos. Con este fin,primeramente se hace un recorrido por la significancia de los conceptos, para luego analizar algunos aspectos relacionados con con la ética delos cuidados paliativos tales como el tratamiento apropiado, la nutrición e hidratación, y la posición frente a la eutanasia. Posteriormente discute algunos aspectos relacionados con la muerte digna y con el morir como acto humano junto con el concepto de la conservación de la dignidad humana hasta la muerte. Este es un tema de constante discusión en el que existen posiciones encontradas en relación con el principio de autonomía del “paciente”, los juicios en torno a la eutanasia, y aspectos en el soporte vital hacia el final de la vida.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Interdisciplinarias::Doctorado Académico en Estudios de la Sociedad y la Cultur