49 research outputs found

    Міжнародні акти щодо рятування на морі та їх місце в системі законодавства України

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    Іванова А. В. Міжнародні акти щодо рятування на морі та їх місце в системі законодавства України / А. В. Іванова // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 18 травня 2018 р.) У 2-х т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. – Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. – С. 349-353

    Реализация международных стандартов труда в национальном законодательстве

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    Иванова А. В. Реализация международных стандартов труда в национальном законодательстве / А. В. Иванова // Lex Portus : юрид. наук. журн. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред. ради), Б. А. Кормич (голов. ред.), І. В. Сафін (заст. голов. ред.), Т. В. Аверочкіна (наук. ред., відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА", ГО "МА Святий Миколай". - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2017. - № 4. – C. 162-171.Статья посвящена изучению реализации норм международного права в нацио- нальном законодательстве. Выбор способа применения международных норм в разрешении государственных вопросов зависит от вида нормы международного трудового права. Показана эффективность реализации норм международного права на национальном уровне, указаны необходимые условия для такой реали- зации. Сделан вывод, что несмотря на всеобщий процесс глобализации во многих сферах жизнедеятельности, каждое государство оставляет за собой безупречное приоритетное право избрания конкретной политики в отдельно взятой сфере, т. е. сохраняет свою независимость в решении внутригосударственных вопросов.The article is devoted to the learning of realization international norms into national law. Selecting the method of application of international standards in the resolution of state questions depends on the type of international of law. There is reflected efficiency of the implementation of the norms of international law at the national level, are shown necessary conditions for such implementation. It is concluded that in spite of the general process of globalization in many spheres of life, every state reserves its own priority right to elect particular policy in a particular field, that is, maintains its independence and sovereignty in dealing with domestic issues.Статтю присвячено дослідженню особливостей реалізації норм міжнародного права в національному законодавстві. Вибір способу застосування міжнародних норм у вирішенні державних питань залежить від виду норми міжнародного права. Показана ефективність реалізації норм міжнародного права на національному рівні, вказані необхідні умови для такої реалізації. Зроблено висновок, що незважаючи на загальний процес глобалізації в багатьох сферах життєдіяльності, кожна держава залишає за собою бездоганне пріоритетне право обрання конкретної політики в окремо взятій сфері, тобто зберігає свою незалежність у вирішенні внутрішньодержавних питань

    Діяльність України у забезпеченні впровадження міжнародних норм у сфері рятування на морі

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    Іванова А. В. Діяльність України у забезпеченні впровадження міжнародних норм у сфері рятування на морі / А. В. Іванова // Lex Portus : юрид. наук. журн. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред. ради), Б. А. Кормич (голов. ред.), І. В. Сафін (заст. голов. ред.), Т. В. Аверочкіна (наук. ред., відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА", ГО "МА Святий Миколай". - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. - № 2. – C. 21-30.Статтю присвячено дослідженню проблем забезпечення безпеки мореплавства, що пов’язані як з міжнародним співробітництвом у цій сфері, так і з становленням і застосуванням технічних норм і стандартів, повноваженнями держави порту, прапора і прибережної держави, організацією пошуку і рятування на морі, імплементацією міжнародно-правових норм. Показана ефективність реалізації норм міжнародного права на національному рівні, вказані необхідні умови для такої реалізації. Зроблено висновок, що позитивні зміни у вирішенні питань безпеки мореплавства та рятування на морі неможливі без активної ролі усіх держав, які беруть участь у використанні Світового океану. На них покладається проведення низки заходів, спрямованих на створення нормативної бази щодо проведення рятувальних операцій на морі, організацію контролюючих та інспектуючих органів.The article is devoted to the study of the problems of ensuring the safety of navigation, which are related both to international cooperation in this area, and to the establishment and application of technical norms and standards, the powers of the port state, flag and coastal state, organization of search and rescue at sea, implementation of international legal norms. The effectiveness of the implementation of the norms of international law at the national level is shown, the necessary conditions for such implementation are indicated. It is concluded that positive changes in the solution of the safety of navigation and rescue at sea are impossible without the active role of all states participating in the use of the World оcean. They are entrusted with carrying out a number of activities aimed at creating a regulatory framework, preparing an effective maritime administration, and organizing monitoring and inspection bodies.Статья посвящена исследованию проблем обеспечения безопасности мореплавания, которые связаны как с международным сотрудничеством в этой сфере, так и со становлением и применением технических норм и стандартов, полномочиями государства порта, флага и прибрежного государства, организацией поиска и спасания на море, имплементацией международно-правовых норм. Показана эффективность реализации норм международного права на национальном уровне, указаны необходимые условия для такой реализации. Сделан вывод, что положительные изменения в решении вопросов безопасности мореплавания и спасания на море невозможны без активной роли всех государств, участвующих в использовании Мирового океана. На них возлагается проведение ряда мероприятий, направленных на создание нормативной базы, о проведении спасательных операций на море, организацию контролирующих и инспектирующих органов

    The electrochemical behavior’s character of a potential antiviral drug 3-nitro-4-hydroxy-7-methylthio-4H-[1,2,4]triazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazinide monohydrate

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    The results of this study of the electrochemical transformation of 3-R-4-hydroxy-1,4-dihydro-7-X-1,2,4-triazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4] obtained by voltammetry are presented. It was found that 3-R-4-hydroxy-1,4-dihydro-7-X-1,2,4-triazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4] derivatives are capable of electrochemical reduction in the potential range of –0.28 to –0.33 V (relative to Ag/AgCl) in Britton–Robinson buffer at pH = 2. The electrochemical behavior of the sodium salt of 3-nitro-4-hydroxy-7-methylthio-4H-[1,2,4]triazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazinide monohydrate (compound 1), which in silico modeling predicted possible biological activity against various tick-borne encephalitis and Coxsackie B3 viruses. At the potentials of the first stage of electroreduction at pH = 2, the main transformation process is the three-electron reduction scheme of the nitro group of compound 1. It was established that compound 1 in an aprotic medium is reduced in ionic form, most likely in the form of an ion pair with the Na+ cation, and in an aqueous medium in the form of a protonated particle. Based on this, a scheme was proposed for the probable electrochemical transformation of the studied compound

    Student Youth Legal Consciousness: Formation Problems and Prospects

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    The Article Relevance. In order to build the state of law and civic society, it is necessary to increase legal education of all citizens of the state in the field of human rights and freedoms, forms and methods of their protection. It is especially important to involve young people in this process actively, instill in them the desire to know more about their rights and show more interest in the legal field. The aim of the study is a systematic analysis of the legal consciousness of young people and the forms of organization of legal education of young people. Research methods: as a research method, a questionnaire survey was used as a method of collecting primary information, which allows determining the level of development of the legal consciousness of students. Research results: the article analyzes the forms of organization of young people’s legal education; recommendations on the use of forms of organization of young people’s legal education are developed. The novelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the legal activity of students was studied. The low awareness of students about the laws on the rights of youth and the youth environment was revealed. It is shown that the core in the formation of a young person’s social activity is ideological nature. It is revealed that students allocate informing, training, consulting and propagandizing forms of legal education of young people. It is shown that in higher educational institutions, legal education of young people is organized through training, informing and propagandizing forms through seminars, lectures, round tables, discussion clubs, mass media, printed publications, the Internet, social advertising. It is determined that for the organization of youth legal education one should take into account the wishes of the students: to develop programs of volunteerism, including the legal education of young people as activity; to develop a network of free youth agencies, in which young people can get all kinds of advice; regularly hold free legal aid. Insufficient legal literacy of students and unwillingness of the majority of students to participate in the solution of any social problems are revealed. It is shown that students demonstrate political passivity due to frustration and distraction of moral guidelines. Practical significance: The data obtained in this work can be used in legal psychology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Mechanisms of FUS1/TUSC2 deficiency in mesothelioma and its tumorigenic transcriptional effects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>FUS1/TUSC2 is a novel tumor suppressor located in the critical 3p21.3 chromosomal region frequently deleted in multiple cancers. We previously showed that Tusc2-deficient mice display a complex immuno-inflammatory phenotype with a predisposition to cancer. The goal of this study was to analyze possible involvement of TUSC2 in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) - an aggressive inflammatory cancer associated with exposure to asbestos.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>TUSC2 insufficiency in clinical specimens of MPM was assessed via RT-PCR (mRNA level), Representational Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis (DNA level), and immunohistochemical evaluation (protein level). A possible link between TUSC2 expression and exposure to asbestos was studied using asbestos-treated mesothelial cells and ROS (reactive oxygen species) scavengers. Transcripional effects of TUSC2 in MPM were assessed through expression array analysis of TUSC2-transfected MPM cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Expression of TUSC2 was downregulated in ~84% of MM specimens while loss of TUSC2-containing 3p21.3 region observed in ~36% of MPMs including stage 1 tumors. Exposure to asbestos led to a transcriptional suppression of TUSC2, which we found to be ROS-dependent. Expression array studies showed that TUSC2 activates transcription of multiple genes with tumor suppressor properties and down-regulates pro-tumorigenic genes, thus supporting its role as a tumor suppressor. In agreement with our knockout model, TUSC2 up-regulated IL-15 and also modulated more than 40 other genes (~20% of total TUSC2-affected genes) associated with immune system. Among these genes, we identified CD24 and CD274, key immunoreceptors that regulate immunogenic T and B cells and play important roles in systemic autoimmune diseases. Finally, clinical significance of TUSC2 transcriptional effects was validated on the expression array data produced previously on clinical specimens of MPM. In this analysis, 42 TUSC2 targets proved to be concordantly modulated in MM serving as disease discriminators.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data support immuno-therapeutic potential of TUSC2, define its targets, and underscore its importance as a transcriptional stimulator of anti-tumorigenic pathways.</p

    Blocking cell cycle progression through CDK4/6 protects against chronic kidney disease

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    Acute and chronic kidney injuries induce increased cell cycle progression in renal tubules. While increased cell cycle progression promotes repair after acute injury, the role of ongoing tubular cell cycle progression in chronic kidney disease is unknown. Two weeks after initiation of chronic kidney disease, we blocked cell cycle progression at G1/S phase by using an FDA-approved, selective inhibitor of CDK4/6. Blocking CDK4/6 improved renal function and reduced tubular injury and fibrosis in 2 murine models of chronic kidney disease. However, selective deletion of cyclin D1, which complexes with CDK4/6 to promote cell cycle progression, paradoxically increased tubular injury. Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) for CCND1 (cyclin D1) and the CDK4/6 inhibitor CDKN2B were associated with eGFR in genome-wide association studies. Consistent with the preclinical studies, reduced expression of CDKN2B correlated with lower eGFR values, and higher levels of CCND1 correlated with higher eGFR values. CDK4/6 inhibition promoted tubular cell survival, in part, through a STAT3/IL-1β pathway and was dependent upon on its effects on the cell cycle. Our data challenge the paradigm that tubular cell cycle progression is beneficial in the context of chronic kidney injury. Unlike the reparative role of cell cycle progression following acute kidney injury, these data suggest that blocking cell cycle progression by inhibiting CDK4/6, but not cyclin D1, protects against chronic kidney injury