405 research outputs found

    Studi Potensiometri dalam Membran Cair Berpendukung Ptfe dengan Amina Sekunder sebagai Pengemban dalam Upaya Penentuan Penisilin

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    Penisilin G atau benzilpenisilin merupakan antibiotik yang dihasilkan oleh jamur Penicillium notatum. Antibiotik ini merupakan jenis obat yang sering digunakan untuk pengobatan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri aerob dan anaerob. Penentuan kadar dari penisilin dalam sediaan farmasi biasanya diwajibkan untukdilakukan dalam upaya menjaga kualitas sediaan farmasi yang dihasilkan. Elektroda selektif ion (ESI) merupakan sensor elektrokimia potensiometri yang berfungsi sebagai pengesan keberadaan dan kuantitas analit dan banyak digunakan karena selektif, peka, akurat dan batas deteksinya cukup rendah. Berdasarkan penelusuran metoda analisis untuk penisilin diketahui bahwa penentuan penisilin menggunakan elektroda selektif dalam membran cair berpendukung PTFE dengan amina sekunder sebagai pengemban belum pernahdilakukan. Agar respon potensiometri dari ESI yang dihasilkan dapat diprediksi dan ditingkatkan sensitivitas dan selektivitasnya, maka diperlukan studi potensiometrik dalam membran untuk memahami proses kinetika transfer muatan yang terjadi pada antarmuka larutan-membran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat ESI penisilin dalam membran cair berpendukung PTFE menggunakan amina sekunder sebagai pengemban yang memiliki karakteristik optimal untuk pengukuran analisis. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil: terdapat hubungan linier antara potensial dengan konsentrasi analit melalui pengukuran potensial membran pada arus nol. Dari karakterisasi non transport diketahui terjadi proses swelling pada membran yang telahdiimpregnasi amina sekunder dengan volume efektif membran yang terisi pelarut sebesar 12,7%. Transport ion penisilin ke dan dari membran dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan konsentrasi dan pH. Dari hasil penelitian ini, terlihatadanya peluang bagi membran cair berpendukung PTFE dengan amina sekunder sebagai pengemban untuk digunakan sebagai sensor potensiometri pada penentuan penisilin

    Quantitative analysis of chemical constituents in medicinal plant coleus aromaticus extracts

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    Background: Indian medicinal plants have great potential towards curing many diseases. Medicinal plant Coleus aromaticus is known for its wide medical applications. The main objectives of the study undertaken were to analyze the phytochemicals and compare the concentration present in the dialyzed Coleus aromaticus protein extract with various solvents.Methods: Various extracts of the medicinal plant Coleus aromaticus leaves such as dialyzed Coleus aromaticus protein, hydro alcoholic extract, ethanol extract and chloroform extract were prepared and analyzed for various phytochemical concentrations such as Total phenols (Folin-Ciocalteu method), Flavonoids (Aluminum chloride method), total sugars (Dubois method) and Proteins (Bradford’s method). Standard graph for each component was plotted.Results: The protein concentration in dialyzed Coleus aromaticus protein extract is considerably higher (5.8μg/10μl) than hydro alcoholic extract (1.6μg/10μl), ethanol extract (5.2μg/10μl) and chloroform extract (2.8μg/10μl). The other phytochemicals like total phenol, flavonoids and total sugars were low in concentration in the dialyzed Coleus aromaticus protein extract compared to hydro alcoholic extract, ethanol extract and chloroform extract.Conclusions: In this study, the protein concentration in dialyzed Coleus aromaticus protein extract is considerably higher than the same in other solvent extracts. This is the basis for further studies to unfold the antioxidant activity of Coleus aromaticus protein in vitro

    Hubungan antara Kontrol Diri dengan Prokrastinasi dalam Menyelesaikan Skripsi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Muria Kudus

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between self-control with procrastination in finishing the final project on college students. In this study the subjects of research is the student at Universitas Muria Kudus, with a purposive sampling. That is based on a characteristics are students at the Universitas Muria Kudus who already took a final project at least two semesters and take the achieve study period more than 8 semesters. Results of analysis of data obtained from both the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.401 with a p = 0.000 (p <0.01) this means there is a very significant negative relationship between self-control with procrastination in completing the final project on student at Universitas Muria Kudus. Effective contribution of self-control variables on procrastination in finishing the final project are 16.08%

    Differential responsiveness of MET inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer with altered CBL.

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    Casitas B-lineage lymphoma (CBL) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase and a molecule of adaptor that we have shown is important for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We investigated if MET is a target of CBL and if enhanced in CBL-altered NSCLC. We showed that CBL wildtype cells have lower MET expression than CBL mutant cells. Ubiquitination of MET was also decreased in CBL mutant cells compared to wildtype cells. Mutant cells were also more sensitive to MET inhibitor SU11274 than wild-type cells. sh-RNA-mediated knockdown of CBL enhanced cell motility and colony formation in NSCLC cells, and these activities were inhibited by SU11274. Assessment of the phospho-kinome showed decreased phosphorylation of pathways involving MET, paxillin, EPHA2, and VEGFR. When CBL was knocked down in the mutant cell line H1975 (erlotinib-resistant), it became sensitive to MET inhibition. Our findings suggest that CBL status is a potential positive indicator for MET-targeted therapeutics in NSCLC

    Pemanfaatan Asam Laktat Hasil Fermentasi Limbah Kubis Sebagai Pengawet Anggur Dan Stroberi

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    Mountain Magelang is one of agricultural sectors that produces cabbage, which will then be delivered to market Ngablak, Magelang. The unsold cabbage usually becomes waste which can damage the environment, but at the other side, it can become food preservative if it is fermentated. The objective of this research is to utilize the lacted acid from the fermentation of cabbage waste as the preservative of strawberries and grapes. This research is an experiment research, whose steps include: fermentation of cabbage waste with NaCl as much as 3%, microbiology and organoleptic test. The organoleptic test includes flavour, texture and color. The sample of this cabbage waste is obtained from market Ngablak Magelang Regency, while the strawberry and grape sample is then obtained from Cemoro Sewu, Sarangan area. As much as 20 strawberries and grapes are used in this research, which is divided into 2 groups. These groups are control group and treatment group with the total of fruits for each group as much as 10 fruits. For the treatment group, each 10 fruits (grapes and strawberries) are submerged in 100ml of the lactid acid solution from the fermentation of cabbage waste as long as 1 to 7 times 24 hours. The result of microbiologic test shows that the amount of microbes in grapes on the day-1 control is as much as 2.1 times 10-4 col/grams. At the treatment is as much as 3.3 times 10-5 col/grams, while on the control day-5, the amount of microbes are as much as 3.6 times 10-6 col/grams and on the treatment day-5 is as much as 6.0 times 10-6 col/grams. The amount of microbes in strawberries on the control day-2 are as much as 5.0 times 10-5 col/grams and is as much as 7.1 times 10-5 col/grams for the treatment day-2. While on the control day-5, the amount of microbes are as much as 3.0 times 10-6 col/grams and are as much as 5.8 times 10-6 col/grams for the treatment day-5. For the result of organoleptic test of grapes on the control day-1, the fruits' colour are semi brown, the flavour is (+++). The fruit reduced around 0.406 grams and expandes as much as 0.22 grams for the treatment day-1. Meanwhile on the control day-5, the fruits' color are blackish red, with (+++) flavour and the fruits did not shrink. On the treatment day-5, fruits' color are still fresh-red with (+) flavour and the fruits' size increase as much as 1.398 grams.The result of organoleptic test of strawberries show that the color of the fruits on the control day-1 are brownish red with (+++) flavour. The fruits shrink as much as 2.479 grams. On the treatment day-1, they shrink as much as 0.901 grams, meanwhile on the control day-5 the fruits' color are blackish red with (++) flavour. The fruits shrink as much as 10 grams. On the treatment day-5, the fruits' color are faded red with (+) flavour. The fruits' size increase as much as 2.172 grams. The conclusion is that the amount of microbes in the treatment group is more than the amount of microbes in the control group because of the lactid acid bacteria, and the shrink in the control group is bigger than in treatment group. Finally, it can be concluded that the lactid acid from cabbage waste fermentation can be utilized as the preservative of strawberries and grapes

    The Quality of Edible Film Made from Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Skin Gelatin with Addition of Different Type Seaweed Hydrocolloid

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    The functional properties of fish skin’s gelatin lower than mammals, hence the gelatin proteins needed a polysaccharides hydrocolloids to form a continuous and more cohesive network of edible film. Polysaccharides hydrocolloid (carrageenan, agar and alginate) containing phenol compounds was oxidized to be converted into quinone and it was expected to act as a cross linking agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics (thickness, tensile strength, elongation, solubility and water vapour transmition rate) of edible film made from nile tilapia skin gelatin by adding different type polyssacharide hydrocolloid. Edible film was made by mixture of gelatin 5 g and addition of carrageenan (C1), agar (C2), alginate (C3) concentration ; 0,5% (v/w), all the materials were poured into 100 ml destilled water that containing 10% glycerol (w/w). The solution was then heated on a hot plate stirer at 40o C for 30 min and dehydrated in a oven at 50o C. All data were analysed using ANAVA. Based on the result it can be seen that the addition of oxidized polisacarides hydrocolloid have a significant effect on tensile strength (TS), water vapor transmision rate, solubility and elongation at break properties, but did not in thickness. Edible film gelatin with the addition of alginate has better characteristics viewed by tensile strength (23.05 Kgf/cm2 ), water vapor transmission rate (0.61 gram/m2 /hour) and thickness (0.16 mm) than carrageenan and aga

    The Efect of Calcination Temperature on Toxin Adsorption Materials for Diarrheal Diseases

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    The synthesis and characterization of kaolin as a toxin adsorption material for diarrheal diseases has been performed. Adsorption ability is one important factor in determining the effectiveness of the adsorbent. Each adsorbent has different strengths depending on the adsorption capacity of each. The kaolin has been calcined at 400 °C, 600 °C, and 800 °C. The purpose of this study was to examine the changing character of the kaolin after calcination on the adsorption capacity. The characterization of samples includes the analysis phase, density test, porosity test, and the adsorption test of metal timbale as a medium toxin. We concluded that the kaolin has the highest adsorption capability level is a kaolin has been calcined at 400 °C with characteristic are kaolinite phase containing, degree of crystallinity of 76.59 %, has a density of 2.6275 g/ mL, the optimum porosity of 75 %, and the adsorption capacity of lead metal of 99.7325 %. The adsorption capacity of kaolin have been calcined at 400 °C is much better than the kaolin without calcinations and expected to be more effectively used to cure diarrhea