351 research outputs found

    Moddicom: a Complete and Easily Accessible Library for Prognostic Evaluations Relying on Image Features

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    Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are increasingly exploited in the area of prognostic evaluations. For predicting the effect of therapies on patients, the trend is now to use image features, i.e. information that can be automatically computed by considering images resulting by analysis. The DSSs application as predictive tools is particularly suitable for cancer treatment, given the peculiarities of the disease –which is highly localised and lead to significant social costs– and the large number of images that are available for each patient. At the state of the art, there exists tools that allow to handle image features for prognostic evaluations, but they are not designed for medical experts. They require either a strong engineering or computer science background since they do not integrate all the required functions, such as image retrieval and storage. In this paper we fill this gap by proposing Moddicom, a user-friendly complete library specifically designed to be exploited by physicians. A preliminary experimental analysis, performed by a medical expert that used the tool, demonstrates the efficiency and the effectiveness of Moddicom

    Annotated Checklist Of Echinoderms From Araçá Bay, Southeastern Brazil

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    We present a species list of echinoderms from Araçá Bay, state of São Paulo. Altogether, 863 specimens belonging to 25 species, 19 genera, and 13 families were exhaustively collected during three years in consolidated and non-consolidated substrate. Ophiuroidea was the most representative taxon with 16 species, follow by Asteroidea with four species, Echinoidea with three, and Holothuroidea with two species. The brittle stars Amphiura kinbergi and Ophiothela cf. mirabilis are new records for Araçá Bay. We confirm that Araçá Bay is one of the best known area of echinoderm diversity in Brazil considering that the perimeter (3 km) of the bay corresponds to only 0.03% of the Brazilian coastline (8500 km). This work complements the knowledge of Araçá Bay biodiversity and supports future interventions, management and maintaining the diversity of this wonderful group of marine animals. © 2016 Check List and Authors.12

    The augmentation of retinogeniculate communication during thalamic burst mode

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    Retinal signals are transmitted to cortex via neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), where they are processed in burst or tonic response mode. Burst mode occurs when LGN neurons are sufficiently hyperpolarized for T-Type Ca(2+) channels to de-inactivate, allowing them to open in response to depolarization which can trigger a high-frequency sequence of Na(+)-based spikes (i.e. burst). In contrast, T-type channels are inactivated during tonic mode and do not contribute to spiking. Although burst mode is commonly associated with sleep and the disruption of retinogeniculate communication, bursts can also be triggered by visual stimulation, thereby transforming the retinal signals relayed to the cortex.To determine how burst mode affects retinogeniculate communication, we made recordings from monosynaptically connected retinal ganglion cells and LGN neurons in male/female cats during visual stimulation. Our results reveal a robust augmentation of retinal signals within the LGN during burst mode. Specifically, retinal spikes were more effective and often triggered multiple LGN spikes during periods likely to have increased T-Type Ca(2+) channel activity. Consistent with the biophysical properties of T-Type Ca(2+) channels, analysis revealed that effect magnitude was correlated with the duration of the preceding thalamic interspike interval and occurred even in the absence of classically defined bursts. Importantly, the augmentation of geniculate responses to retinal input was not associated with a degradation of visual signals. Together, these results indicate a graded nature of response mode and suggest that, under certain conditions, bursts facilitate the transmission of visual information to the cortex by amplifying retinal signals.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTThe thalamus is the gateway for retinal information traveling to the cortex. The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), like all thalamic nuclei, has two classically defined categories of spikes-tonic and burst-that differ in their underlying cellular mechanisms. Here we compare retinogeniculate communication during burst and tonic response modes. Our results show that retinogeniculate communication is enhanced during burst mode and visually evoked thalamic bursts, thereby augmenting retinal signals transmitted to cortex. Further, our results demonstrate that the influence of burst mode on retinogeniculate communication is graded and can be measured even in the absence of classically defined thalamic bursts

    Annotated checklist of Echinoderms from Araçá Bay, Southeastern Brazil

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    We present a species list of echinoderms from Araçá Bay, state of São Paulo. Altogether, 863 specimens belonging to 25 species, 19 genera, and 13 families were exhaustively collected during three years in consolidated and non-consolidated substrate. Ophiuroidea was the most representative taxon with 16 species, follow by Asteroidea with four species, Echinoidea with three, and Holothuroidea with two species. The brittle stars Amphiura kinbergi and Ophiothela cf. mirabilis are new records for Araçá Bay. We confirm that Araçá Bay is one of the best known area of echinoderm diversity in Brazil considering that the perimeter (3 km) of the bay corresponds to only 0.03% of the Brazilian coastline (8500 km). This work complements the knowledge of Araçá Bay biodiversity and supports future interventions, management and maintaining the diversity of this wonderful group of marine animals

    Simultaneous Recordings from the Primary Visual Cortex and Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Reveal Rhythmic Interactions and a Cortical Source for Gamma-Band Oscillations

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    Oscillatory synchronization of neuronal activity has been proposed as a mechanism to modulate effective connectivity between interacting neuronal populations. In the visual system, oscillations in the gamma-frequency range (30-100 Hz) are thought to subserve corticocortical communication. To test whether a similar mechanism might influence subcortical-cortical communication, we recorded local field potential activity from retinotopically aligned regions in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and primary visual cortex (V1) of alert macaque monkeys viewing stimuli known to produce strong cortical gamma-band oscillations. As predicted, we found robust gamma-band power in V1. In contrast, visual stimulation did not evoke gamma-band activity in the LGN. Interestingly, an analysis of oscillatory phase synchronization of LGN and V1 activity identified synchronization in the alpha (8-14 Hz) and beta (15-30 Hz) frequency bands. Further analysis of directed connectivity revealed that alpha-band interactions mediated corticogeniculate feedback processing, whereas beta-band interactions mediated geniculocortical feedforward processing. These results demonstrate that although the LGN and V1 display functional interactions in the lower frequency bands, gamma-band activity in the alert monkey is largely an emergent property of cortex

    Radiotherapy of prostate cancer: Impact of treatment characteristics on the incidence of second tumors

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    Background: It has been hypothesized that radiotherapy (RT) techniques delivering radiations to larger volumes (IMRT, VMAT) are potentially associated with a higher risk of second primary tumors. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of RT technique (3D-CRT vs IMRT/VMAT) on the incidence of second tumors in prostate cancer (PCa) patients. Methods: A retrospective study on 2526 previously irradiated PCa patients was performed. Patients were treated with 3D-CRT (21.3%), IMRT (68.1%), or VMAT (10.6%). Second tumors incidence was analysed in 3 categories: pelvic, pelvic and abdominal, and "any site". The correlation with RT technique was analysed using log-rank test and Cox's proportional hazard method. Results: With a median follow-up of 72 months (range: 9-185), 92 (3.6%) cases of second tumors were recorded with 48 months (range: 9-152) median interval from RT. Actuarial 10-year second tumor free survival (STFS) was 87.3%. Ten-year STFS in patients treated with 3D-CRT and IMRT/VMAT was 85.8 and 84.5%, respectively (p:.627). A significantly higher 10-year cumulative incidence of second tumors in the pelvis was registered in patients treated with IMRT/VMAT compared to 3D-CRT (10.7% vs 6.0%; p:.033). The lower incidence of second pelvic cancers in patients treated with 3D-CRT was confirmed at multivariable analysis (HR: 2.42, 95%CI: 1.07-5.47, p:.034). Conclusions: The incidence of second pelvic tumors after RT of PCa showed a significant correlation with treatment technique. Further analyses in larger series with prolonged follow-up are needed to confirm these results

    Atlantic west ophiothrix spp. in the scope of integrative taxonomy: confirming the existence of ophiothrix trindadensis Tommasi, 1970

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    We re-describe and confirm the validity of Ophiothrix trindadensis Tommasi, 1970 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). This is a native species from Brazil, however it lacked a type series deposited in scientific collections. The recognition of O. trindadensis was made possible using integrative taxonomy applied to many specimens from the type locality (Trindade Island) as well as from different locations along the Brazilian coast (Araca Bay and Estuarine Complex of Paranagua). Initially, 835 specimens were studied and divided into four candidate species (CS) inferred from external morphological characters. Afterwards, the CSs were compared using integrative taxonomy based on external morphology, arm microstructures morphology (arm ossicle), morphometry, and molecular studies (fragments of the mitochondrial genes 16S and COI). Analyses indicated CS1 and CS2 as O. trindadensis, and CS3 as O. angulata, both valid species. CS4 remains O. cf. angulata as more data, including their ecology and physiology, are needed to be definitively clarified. Our integrative investigation using specimens from the type locality overcame the lack of type specimens and increased the reliable identification of O. trindadensis and O. angulata141CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP403940/2012-5; 303122/2016-1PDSE-88881.131940/2016-012011/50317-5; 2011/50724-0; 2016/06877-0; 2016/08869-