97 research outputs found
Corrosion and wear behaviour of alumina coatings obtained by various methods
Alumina coatings are widely used in a range of industrial applications to improve corrosion protection, wear and erosion resistance and thermal insulation of metallic surfaces. From various efficient and adjustable processes refined alumina surfaces with long-term use are obtained. It can be seen that cost-efficient arc-sprayed Al coatings post-treated by plasma-electrolytic oxidation (PEO) form Al₂O₃-layers with remarkable corrosion protection, hardness, bonding strength and abrasion resistance as well as extended service time. The properties of these coatings are compared to alumina coatings obtained by flame spraying and atmospheric plasma spraying.Покриви на основі оксиду алюмінію широко використовують у промисловості для поліпшення корозійного захисту, зносо- та ерозійної тривкості, а також теплоізлояції металевих поверхонь. Різними методами отримано удосконалені покриви. Показано, що економічно ефективні алюмінієві покриви, сформовані методом електродугового розпилення, а потім оброблені плазмово-електролітичним оксидуванням, утворюють шари Al₂O₃ з високими антикорозійними характеристиками, твердістю, силою зчеплення та абразивною тривкістю і продовженим ресурсом роботи. Порівняно їх властивості з покривами на основі оксиду алюмінію, одержаними методами полуменевого та атмосферного плазмового розпилення.Покрытия на основе оксида алюминия часто применяют в промышленности для улучшения коррозионной защиты, износо- и эрозионной стойкости, а также теплоизлояции металлических поверхностей. Различнымы методами получены усовершенствованные покрытия. Показано, что экономически эффективные алюминиевые покрытия, сформированные методом электродугового распыления, а потом обработаные плазменно-электролитическим оксидированием, образуют слои Al₂O₃ с высокими антикоррозионными характеристиками, твердостью, силой сцепления, абразивной стойкостью и длительным ресурсом работы. Сравнены их свойства с покрытиями на основе оксида алюминия, полученными методами пламенного и атмосферного плазменного распыления
Identification of rare de novo epigenetic variations in congenital disorders
Certain human traits such as neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs) and congenital anomalies (CAs) are believed to be primarily genetic in origin. However, even after whole-genome sequencing (WGS), a substantial fraction of such disorders remain unexplained. We hypothesize that some cases of ND-CA are caused by aberrant DNA methylation leading to dysregulated genome function. Comparing DNA methylation profiles from 489 individuals with ND-CAs against 1534 controls, we identify epivariations as a frequent occurrence in the human genome. De novo epivariations are significantly enriched in cases, while RNAseq analysis shows that epivariations often have an impact on gene expression comparable to loss-of-function mutations. Additionally, we detect and replicate an enrichment of rare sequence mutations overlapping CTCF binding sites close to epivariations, providing a rationale for interpreting non-coding variation. We propose that epivariations contribute to the pathogenesis of some patients with unexplained ND-CAs, and as such likely have diagnostic relevance.The authors are grateful to the patients and families who participated in this study and to
the collaborators who supported patient recruitment. This work was supported by NIH
grant HG006696 and research grant 6-FY13-92 from the March of Dimes to A.J.S., grant
HL098123 to B.D.G. and A.J.S., Gulbenkian Programme for Advanced Medical Education and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BDINT/51549/
2011, PIC/IC/83026/2007, PIC/IC/83013/2007, SFRH/BD/90167/2012, Portugal) to P.M.,
F.L., and M.B., by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE
2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional
Development Fund (FEDER) (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013) to P.M., a Beatriu de
Pinos Postdoctoral Fellowship to R.S.J. (2011BP-A00515), and a Seaver Foundation
fellowship to S.D.R. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect those of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute or the National Institutes of
Health. Research reported in this paper was supported by the Office of Research
Infrastructure of the National Institutes of Health under award number S10OD018522.
This work was supported in part through the computational resources and staff expertise
provided by Scientific Computing at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.The authors are grateful to the patients and families who participated in this study and to the collaborators who supported patient recruitment. This work was supported by NIH grant HG006696 and research grant 6-FY13-92 from the March of Dimes to A.J.S., grant HL098123 to B.D.G. and A.J.S., Gulbenkian Programme for Advanced Medical Education and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BDINT/51549/ 2011, PIC/IC/83026/2007, PIC/IC/83013/2007, SFRH/BD/90167/2012, Portugal) to P.M., F.L., and M.B., by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013) to P.M., a Beatriu de Pinos Postdoctoral Fellowship to R.S.J. (2011BP-A00515), and a Seaver Foundation fellowship to S.D.R. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute or the National Institutes of Health. Research reported in this paper was supported by the Office of Research Infrastructure of the National Institutes of Health under award number S10OD018522. This work was supported in part through the computational resources and staff expertise provided by Scientific Computing at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Longitudinal study of DNA methylation during the first 5 years of life.
Background: Early life epigenetic programming influences adult health outcomes. Moreover, DNA methylation levels have been found to change more rapidly during the first years of life. Our aim was the identification and characterization of the CpG sites that are modified with time during the first years of life. We hypothesize that these DNA methylation changes would lead to the detection of genes that might be epigenetically modulated by environmental factors during early childhood and which, if disturbed, might contribute to susceptibility to diseases later in life. Methods: The study of the DNA methylation pattern of 485577 CpG sites was performed on 30 blood samples from 15 subjects, collected both at birth and at 5 years old, using Illumina® Infinium 450 k array. To identify differentially methylated CpG (dmCpG) sites, the methylation status of each probe was examined using linear models and the Empirical Bayes Moderated t test implemented in the limma package of R/Bioconductor. Surogate variable analysis was used to account for batch effects. Results: DNA methylation levels significantly changed from birth to 5 years of age in 6641 CpG sites. Of these, 36.79 % were hypermethylated and were associated with genes related mainly to developmental ontology terms, while 63.21 % were hypomethylated probes and associated with genes related to immune function. Conclusions: Our results suggest that DNA methylation alterations with age during the first years of life might play a significant role in development and the regulation of leukocyte-specific functions. This supports the idea that blood leukocytes experience genome remodeling related to their interaction with environmental factors, underlining the importance of environmental exposures during the first years of life and suggesting that new strategies should be take into consideration for disease prevention
Characterization of LINE-1 Ribonucleoprotein Particles
The average human genome contains a small cohort of active L1 retrotransposons that encode two proteins (ORF1p and ORF2p) required for their mobility (i.e., retrotransposition). Prior studies demonstrated that human ORF1p, L1 RNA, and an ORF2p-encoded reverse transcriptase activity are present in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes. However, the inability to physically detect ORF2p from engineered human L1 constructs has remained a technical challenge in the field. Here, we have employed an epitope/RNA tagging strategy with engineered human L1 retrotransposons to identify ORF1p, ORF2p, and L1 RNA in a RNP complex. We next used this system to assess how mutations in ORF1p and/or ORF2p impact RNP formation. Importantly, we demonstrate that mutations in the coiled-coil domain and RNA recognition motif of ORF1p, as well as the cysteine-rich domain of ORF2p, reduce the levels of ORF1p and/or ORF2p in L1 RNPs. Finally, we used this tagging strategy to localize the L1–encoded proteins and L1 RNA to cytoplasmic foci that often were associated with stress granules. Thus, we conclude that a precise interplay among ORF1p, ORF2p, and L1 RNA is critical for L1 RNP assembly, function, and L1 retrotransposition
A Molecular Clock Infers Heterogeneous Tissue Age Among Patients with Barrett's Esophagus
National Institutes of Health (www.nih.gov) and the National Cancer Institute (www.cancer.gov) under grants U01CA182940 (BG-U01) (to EGL, CJW, WDH, WMG, and KC), 5P30CA015704 (to WMG and CJW), 5U01CA152756 (to WMG and CJW), 5U54CA163060 (to AC), and NIH1P50CA150964-01A1 (to JEW
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