274 research outputs found

    Nouveaux et anciens espaces de circulation internationale au Maroc: Les grandes villes marocaines, relais migratoires émergents de la migration transnationale des Africains subsahariens au Maghreb

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    International audienceSubsaharian transnational migrants going to Europe come from a variety of countries, have various motivations, may have experienced quite different situations. However, once away from home, they reorganize collectively in the stopping places which constitute steps in their long journey. In each of these stops and steps, they get to acknowledge their resemblance and to cooperate, thus progressively building up a common story, or "adventure": the migration project and techniques they share make them share more. Once across the Sahara, the Subsaharian trans-migrants stick to the Maghrebi societies by grafting their own circulations on those of the local populations. In Morocco, the populations who deal with the passing and the more or less durable settling of these newcomers are the ones living in socioeconomic relegation areas, such as the poorer suburbs of Rabat, Casablanca or Tangiers; these populations know what migration is about, as they are themselves the product of a continuous arrival of inland migrants. The neighborhoods we studied therefore are constituted of a superposition of varied forms of mobility and migration logics and strategies. The analysis of such migration dynamics is a good platform from which to observe how the " bottom-up " introduction - by populations in constant mobility - of this alterity inside Maghrebi societies affects these societies, and their own cities.Si la migration transnationale des africains subsahariens vers l'Europe débute de manière hétéroclite, en terme de lieux, de raisons et de situations, une fois partis de chez eux avec un projet migratoire personnel, ces acteurs se réorganisent collectivement durant les étapes qui rythment leur périple. Durant ces étapes, ces individus se " reconnaissent " entre eux et coopèrent, créant peu à peu une histoire commune, une " aventure " : leur projet migratoire et leur mode migratoire se ressemblent et les rassemblent. Une fois le Sahara franchi, les transmigrants subsahariens s'ancrent dans les sociétés maghrébines en greffant leurs propres circulations sur celles des populations locales. Au Maroc, ce sont les populations vivant dans les lieux de relégation socioéconomique (populations ayant elles aussi une relation étroite avec la migration), notamment celles des quartiers populaires périphériques de Rabat, Casablanca ou Tanger, qui traitent et intègrent les phénomènes du passage et de l'installation plus ou moins temporaire de ces nouveaux venus. Dans ces quartiers, qui sont le produit de l'arrivée de migrants de l'intérieur, se superposent alors des formes de mobilités et des logiques et stratégies migratoires hétéroclites. Ces dynamiques migratoires montrent combien cette altérite introduite " par le bas " au Maghreb, par des populations en constantes mobilité, agit sur les sociétés locales et sur la ville

    La migration transnationale des Africains subsahariens au Maghreb.: L'exemple de l'étape marocaine.

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    International audienceFrom Sahara to the Mediterranean, the cross-national migration of sub-saharian Africans across North-African countries reshape from this area, migration forms, length of time and territories. Indeed, they search for new destinations, but also other ways to counter the different brakes to transcend boundaries, all boundaries. Sub-saharian cross-migrants "anchored" to North-African societies by settling their own movement network jointly to the local one. More precisely concerning Morocco, people that have been marginalized in low standard suburbs are the ones that assimilate more the presence, the migration and even the social settling of those cross-migrants. To survive within those areas and to redefine their migration projects, cross-migrants collectively behave in order to compensate the lack of their own territorial and social norms through individual migration initiatives. The key for surviving is a crucial sense of organization : while emanating from different ethnic groups, ages, sex and nationality, cross-migrants do gather within several sub-groups according to those factors. This cooperation and mutual support exist through their complementarity and adaptation skills : they do gather because of the similarity of their migration projects. Also, to make the migration process across North-African countries easier, they adapt to their way of living and avoid any social control by reducing the stranger stereotype.Du Sahara à la Méditerranée, la migration transnationale des Africains subsahariens à travers les pays du Maghreb reconfigure, à partir de cet espace, les formes, les temps et les territoires de la migration en cherchant de nouvelles destinations mais aussi de nouvelles manières de contourner les contraintes territoriales et de passer les frontières. Les trans-migrants subsahariens s'ancrent dans les sociétés maghrébines en greffant leurs propres circulations sur celles des populations locales. Au Maroc notamment, ce sont les populations vivant dans des lieux de relégation socioéconomique qui traitent et intègrent les phénomènes de la présence, du passage et de l'installation plus ou moins temporaire des trans-migrants subsahariens. Pour survivre dans ces espaces, le temps de redéfinir leur projet migratoire, ces derniers doivent compenser collectivement une absence de territoire en concentrant des volontés individuelles de mobilité dans des groupes sociaux particuliers : les collectifs de trans-migrants subsahariens aux origines diverses qui organisent, lors de leurs étapes, la coopération et la solidarité autour de leur complémentarité. Ils doivent également s'adapter au mode de vie de leurs voisins marocains en évitant le contrôle social, et coopérer avec certains d'entres eux en organisant leur mixité autour de points communs

    To Accompany and to Observe: Engaged Scholarship and Social Change Vis-à-Vis Sub-Saharan Transmigration in Morocco

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    In this interview with Sabina Barone, Mehdi Alioua—Sociology Professor at the Université Internationale de Rabat (International University of Rabat), Morocco—reflects on the transformations that Sub-Saharan African migration has brought to Moroccan society over the last two decades, in particular with reference to identity and the denominations of the foreign others, the internal and regional dynamics of (im)mobility, and the challenges to social coexistence and national migration policies. He proposes conceptual categories such as “transmigrant,” “migration by stages,” and “migratory crossroads” to capture the complexity of the mobile experiences unfolding in Morocco. Based on his trajectory of engaged scholarship in favor of migrants and refugees, he calls for a renewed South-South and North-South academic collaboration and cross-fertilization through small scale, bottom-up research made possible by friendship among scholars

    Business Models as a Decision Support Tool for City Management: Translation from Generalized Qualitative to Adapted Quantitative

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    Faced with the transformations of cities due to the introduction of new technologies and the shift in value from infrastructure to services, city managers are in search of new urban economic models. The current paper examines the development of business model frameworks as a practical tool to assist two cities in assessing business model efficiency by adapting Business Model Canvas (BMC) components to operationalize sustainable cities. This article defines the business models and their usefulness, presents the requalification of the city of Jijel (Algeria) and the selection of the Canvas business model, explains the model selected for the city of Naples (Italy), and, through these two examples, extrapolates the approach towards the generalization of the tool and the approach, which can be adapted to the local context of each city. That is why the models can act as a management strategy and decision-making support tool with a scientific basis. The findings demonstrate that these business models are a practical tool incorporating all actions and a thorough organizational structure that considers all operations and choices. They offer a framework that facilitates effective communication and sustainable growth. Furthermore, they may promote innovative approaches to the creation of sustainable value

    Extraction et analyse des caractéristiques faciales : application à l'hypovigilance chez le conducteur

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    Studying facial features has attracted increasing attention in both academic and industrial communities. Indeed, these features convey nonverbal information that plays a key role in humancommunication. Moreover, they are very useful to allow human-machine interactions. Therefore, the automatic study of facial features is an important task for various applications includingrobotics, human-machine interfaces, behavioral science, clinical practice and monitoring driver state. In this thesis, we focus our attention on monitoring driver state through its facial features analysis. This problematic solicits a universal interest caused by the increasing number of road accidents, principally induced by deterioration in the driver vigilance level, known as hypovigilance. Indeed, we can distinguish three hypovigilance states. The first and most critical one is drowsiness, which is manifested by an inability to keep awake and it is characterized by microsleep intervals of 2-6 seconds. The second one is fatigue, which is defined by the increasing difficulty of maintaining a task and it is characterized by an important number of yawns. The third and last one is the inattention that occurs when the attention is diverted from the driving activity and it is characterized by maintaining the head pose in a non-frontal direction.The aim of this thesis is to propose facial features based approaches allowing to identify driver hypovigilance. The first approach was proposed to detect drowsiness by identifying microsleepintervals through eye state analysis. The second one was developed to identify fatigue by detecting yawning through mouth analysis. Since no public hypovigilance database is available,we have acquired and annotated our own database representing different subjects simulating hypovigilance under real lighting conditions to evaluate the performance of these two approaches. Next, we have developed two driver head pose estimation approaches to detect its inattention and also to determine its vigilance level even if the facial features (eyes and mouth) cannot be analyzed because of non-frontal head positions. We evaluated these two estimators on the public database Pointing'04. Then, we have acquired and annotated a driver head pose database to evaluate our estimators in real driving conditions.L'étude des caractéristiques faciales a suscité l'intérêt croissant de la communauté scientifique et des industriels. En effet, ces caractéristiques véhiculent des informations non verbales qui jouent un rôle clé dans la communication entre les hommes. De plus, elles sont très utiles pour permettre une interaction entre l'homme et la machine. De ce fait, l'étude automatique des caractéristiques faciales constitue une tâche primordiale pour diverses applications telles que les interfaces homme-machine, la science du comportement, la pratique clinique et la surveillance de l'état du conducteur. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la surveillance de l'état du conducteur à travers l'analyse de ses caractéristiques faciales. Cette problématique sollicite un intérêt universel causé par le nombre croissant des accidents routiers, dont une grande partie est provoquée par une dégradation de la vigilance du conducteur, connue sous le nom de l'hypovigilance. En effet, nous pouvons distinguer trois états d'hypovigilance. Le premier, et le plus critique, est la somnolence qui se manifeste par une incapacité à se maintenir éveillé et se caractérise par les périodes de micro-sommeil correspondant à des endormissements de 2 à 6 secondes. Le second est la fatigue qui se définit par la difficulté croissante à maintenir une tâche à terme et se caractérise par une augmentation du nombre de bâillements. Le troisième est l'inattention qui se produit lorsque l'attention est détournée de l'activité de conduite et se caractérise par le maintien de la pose de la tête en une direction autre que frontale. L'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir des approches permettant de détecter l'hypovigilance chez le conducteur en analysant ses caractéristiques faciales. En premier lieu, nous avons proposé une approche dédiée à la détection de la somnolence à partir de l'identification des périodes de micro-sommeil à travers l'analyse des yeux. En second lieu, nous avons introduit une approche permettant de relever la fatigue à partir de l'analyse de la bouche afin de détecter les bâillements. Du fait qu'il n'existe aucune base de données publique dédiée à la détection de l'hypovigilance, nous avons acquis et annoté notre propre base de données représentant différents sujets simulant des états d'hypovigilance sous des conditions d'éclairage réelles afin d'évaluer les performances de ces deux approches. En troisième lieu, nous avons développé deux nouveaux estimateurs de la pose de la tête pour permettre à la fois de détecter l'inattention du conducteur et de déterminer son état, même quand ses caractéristiques faciales (yeux et bouche) ne peuvent être analysées suite à des positions non-frontales de la tête. Nous avons évalué ces deux estimateurs sur la base de données publique Pointing'04. Ensuite, nous avons acquis et annoté une base de données représentant la variation de la pose de la tête du conducteur pour valider nos estimateurs sous un environnement de conduite

    dSDiVN: a distributed Software-Defined Networking architecture for Infrastructure-less Vehicular Networks

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    In the last few years, the emerging network architecture paradigm of Software-Defined Networking (SDN), has become one of the most important technology to manage large scale networks such as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Recently, several works have shown interest in the use of SDN paradigm in VANETs. SDN brings flexibility, scalability and management facility to current VANETs. However, almost all of proposed Software-Defined VANET (SDVN) architectures are infrastructure-based. This paper will focus on how to enable SDN in infrastructure-less vehicular environments. For this aim, we propose a novel distributed SDN-based architecture for uncovered infrastructure-less vehicular scenarios. It is a scalable cluster-based architecture with distributed mobile controllers and a reliable fall back recovery mechanism based on self-organized clustering and failure anticipation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted in I4CS201

    Analysis of linguistic features in reports of a political event : the Falklands War as a case study

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    The study reported in this thesis investigated the differences and similarities in the use of linguistic features by three English newspapers in the reports of the Falklands Conflict (1982). The aim was to assess the influence of ideological positions in the language used. The study describes discourse structure and specific forms which characterise some texts of the reports analysed. The purpose was to identify some salient features of what readers receive as an input while reading the news. The argument in this study is that identification of linguistic patterns that characterise newstexts must be uncovered not only to facilitate comprehension, newstexts being subjects to language constraints at the level of micro-structure but also to facilitate the understanding of the logic of their structure at the level of macro-structure. Our hypothesis is that there is no neutrality or neutral representation in newspaper supposedly factual re ports and this is even more obvious when we are in a situation ot conflict, because there is a predominance of patriotic feelings. It was discovered that although the texts analysed come from different discursive formations, there is some form of homogeneity in the use of certain stylistic features, and categories of participants occuring as agents or affected. The results of phase one of the analysis shows little differences in the way the three newspapers studied vary in the reports of a single event. The evaluation of verb-processes and their distribution with the categories of participants in the texts displays some neutrality on the part of the Guardian, but the semantic moves ‘generalisation’ and ‘nominalisation’ are frequent in the three newspapers reports. Our conclusion is that the type of ‘ideological competence’ shown by the three newspapers implies a certain neutralisation of the differences shown elsewhere. A number of theoretical and methodological issues are given an extensive treatment to understand the background of theories of language within the context of society. In this study, I have adopted the linguistic approach of Fowler, Trew, Kress and Ilodge (1979) for our analysis of the reports of the Falklands War with an extension of the semantic evaluation of processes of action verbs, mental speech acts in relation to their occurrence with animate or inanimate categories in agents or affected semantic roles. The conclusions describe the variations marking the differences in social meetings as vehiculated by the forms and their distributions in the texts studied

    Koncentracija teških metala u tkivu oslića Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) iz Oranskog zaljeva (Sredozemno more): procjena potencijalnog rizika za ljudsko zdravlje

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    To evaluate the potential human health risk to hake consumers, the bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) was measured in the edible tissues of hake Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) caught from Oran Bay on the western Algerian Mediterranean coast. Results revealed that the average metal concentrations varied significantly among sex and in target organs. The concentrations of metal accumulation take place preferentially in the liver compared to the muscle of hake species, with the highest levels found for Zn, followed by Pb and Cd. The Estimated daily intake (EDI) of each trace metal did not exceed the tolerable daily intake (TDI). Human health risk assessment from heavy metal exposure through fish consumption from Oran Bay for adults showed no significant non-carcinogenic adverse health risk since all calculated values for Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) and Total Target Hazard Quotient (TTHQ) were <1.Da bi se odredio potencijalni rizik za ljudsko zdravlje pri konzumaciji oslića, određena je bioakumulacija teških metala (Cd, Pb i Zn) u jestivom tkivu oslića Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) ulovljenog u zapadnom Sredozemlju u alžirskom zaljevu Oran. Rezultati pokazuju da prosječne koncentracije metala značajno variraju ovisno o spolu i testiranom organu oslića. Metali se više akumuliraju u jetri oslića nego u mišićima, a najviše razine utvrđene su za cink, nakon čega slijede olovo i kadmij. Procijenjeni dnevni unos (eng. Estimated daily intake, EDI) svakog metala nije premašio prihvatljivi dnevni unos (eng. Tolerable daily intake, TDI). Procjena rizika za ljudsko zdravlje zbog izloženosti teškim metalima pri konzumaciji ribe iz zaljeva Oran pokazala je da za odrasle osobe nema značajnog nekancerogenog ali štetnog zdravstvenog rizika jer su sve izračunate vrijednosti za kvocijent ciljane opasnosti (eng. Target hazard quotient, THQ) i ukupni kvocijent ciljane opasnosti (eng. Total target hazard quotient, TTHQ) bile <1