62 research outputs found

    Simulation and measurement of quasi-optical multipliers

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    Innovative RFID Sensors for Internet of Things Applications

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    Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) devices and sensors are among the main innovations of the last years, with an enormous impact on the Internet of Things (IoT) physical communication layer as well as on logistics and robotics. The aim of the present paper is to review the main technologies available for RFID sensors, and to identify the corresponding state-of-the-art when these technologies are applied to realistic IoT scenarios. Firstly, the concepts of radio backscattering and harmonic backscattering are analyzed, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach. Then, state-of-the-art solutions are reported, and the performance of each of them are discussed, to provide an overview of the potential of RFID-based sensing in different scenarios

    Performance analysis of a ultra-compact low-power rectenna in paper substrate for RF energy harvesting

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    In this paper the experimental results of a compact low-power rectenna in paper substrate, designed to operate in the Wi-Fi band, are presented. The complete prototype, based on an annular slot antenna and a single-diode rectifier, features a weight of 1.5 grams and shows an RF-to-dc conversion efficiency in the design band of about 40 % for a -10 dBm available input power, of about 28 % at -15 dBm, and in the range [10, 22] % at -20 dBm, corresponding to an output DC voltage in the order of 320, 240 and 60 mV respectively. Additionally, the rectenna features an efficiency higher then 7 % in the whole band 1.8-2.7 dBm for a power density estimated around 3 μW/cm2.Grant numbers : The work was supported by the EU COST Action IC1301 WiPE (Wireless Power Transmission for sustainable Electronics). © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Millimeter-Wave Avalanche Noise Sources Based on p-i-n Diodes in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology: Device Characterization and CAD Modeling

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    Integrated noise sources (or hot loads) are essential to enable precise gain and noise figure Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) measurements. The present paper describes a millimeter-wave, solid-state noise source implemented in a standard, 130-nm Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) Bipolar-Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (BiCMOS) process. This device is based on a p-i-n (varactor) diode that has two states: a cold state, when it is off, and an hot state when the diode is driven into avalanche breakdown. Two noise diodes with 10 and 20 square microns area have been fabricated and experimentally characterized. The measurements highlight a breakdown voltage is close to 10.7 V, whereas Excess Noise Ratio (ENR) equal to 16 dB (10 square microns diode) and 19 dB (20 square microns diode) are observed at 40 GHz, for a current density of 0.1 mA per square micron. For the first time the ENR is studied as a function of the physical device temperature, showing a slight decrease of -0.008 dB/K as the temperature increases from 298 to 358 K. An accurate modeling of the noise source is finally provided through a small-signal equivalent circuit that can be easily implemented into Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools. This contains some modifications with respect to the original Gliden and Hines model. The obtained results enable the employment of p-i-n avalanche noise diodes for the automatic characterization of integrated circuits in the production environment, as well as for the calibration of millimeter-wave receivers and radiometers during their operational life

    Adaptación de ns-2 para una variante del protocolo 802.11e (EDCA)

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    En el estudio de los diversos mecanismos tendientes a mejorar los protocolos de redes de datos, se requiere de simuladores para evaluar su comportamiento. El simulador Network Simulator ns-2 [1] es uno de los referentes utilizados en los trabajos de investigación sobre las redes de datos inalámbricas. En este trabajo se muestra la forma de adaptar el código (abierto) del ns-2 para poder evaluar redes ad-hoc. A modo de ejemplo se implementó una modificación del código del simulador para analizar una variante sobre el mecanismo EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) del estándar IEEE 802.11e [2]. Esta propuesta denominada RT-EDCA [3]. (Real Time EDCA) permite garantizar la latencia de los mensajes para sistemas de tiempo real sobre el Control de Acceso al Medio (MAC) de EDCA.Presentado en el VI Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evaluación de una variante de control de acceso al medio inalámbrico para tiempo real basada en 802.11e

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    Las tecnologías inalámbricas son una buena elección para trabajar en ambientes industriales, donde es necesario interconectar sistemas móviles o bien se desea evitar el cableado de sensores y controladores en planta. Sin embargo estas tecnologías presentan problemas de confiabilidad y temporizado inherentes a las características de los canales de radio, a los mecanismos de acceso al medio, etc. El estándar 802.11e provee dos alternativas de acceso al medio (EDCA y HCCA) con cuatro niveles de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) diferenciados. Este trabajo propone un mecanismo de control de acceso al medio, denominado WRTMAC (Control de Acceso al Medio Inalámbrico para Tiempo Real), desarrollado a partir del esquema EDCA del estándar 802.11e, optimizado empleando clases de prioridades. El manejo de los espacios entre tramas para arbitraje (AIFS) fue modificado a fin de que el tiempo de respuesta de la red sea predecible. Esto provee un mecanismo de control de acceso al medio (MAC) libre de colisiones en redes inalámbricas. Se presenta además una comparativa de WRTMAC con respecto a EDCA, simulado en ns-2.Wireless technologies are a good choice for work in industrial environments, where it is necessary to interconnect mobile systems or it is wanted to avoid sensors and controllers wiring. However, these technologies present reliability and timing problems inherent to radio channels, medium access mechanisms, etc. The standard 802.11e provides two types of medium access (EDCA and HCCA) by differentiating traffic into four Access Categories (ACs). This paper proposes a mechanism for medium access control, so-called WRTMAC (Wireless Real Time Medium Access Control), developed from the EDCA scheme of 802.11e and an optimization method using priority classes. The handling of the arbitration inter frame spaces (AIFS) has been modified in order to make deterministic the medium access. This provides a free-collision MAC mechanism in a wireless environment. Also, it is presented a comparative between WRTMAC and EDCA, simulated in ns-2.Presentado en el V Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI