185 research outputs found

    Crosstalk analysis of uniform and nonuniform lossy microstrip-coupled transmission lines

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    In this article, an analytical method is presented to precisely estimate the crosstalk of uniform and nonuniform microstrip-coupled transmission lines (TLs) in frequency domain using modified transmission matrix. The obtained expression is quantitatively related in terms of the geometrical parameters of the coupled lines. A straightforward procedure is presented to obtain a closed form formula to accurately determine the crosstalk of a microstrip-coupled line. For a nonuniform structure, the TL is divided into a few series of uniform sections with a specific modified transmission matrix. The total modified transmission matrix is determined by multiplying the modified transmission matrix of different sections and then the crosstalk can be calculated using the total modified transmission matrix. Several structures are considered to confirm the validity of the presented method. It is shown that the obtained results are in a good agreement with those obtained by simulation and measurement

    Crosstalk analysis of multi‐microstrip coupled lines using transmission line modeling

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    This article presents a new analytical method to predict crosstalk of a homogeneous terminated two microstrip coupled lines over a ground plane using transmission line theory. The derived formula is frequency and location dependent, which can be used to quickly estimate the crosstalk of a coupled line. Also, the effect of the geometrical parameters of the lines and load are included in the derived formula. Presented method can be used for the other types of coupled lines including lossy or lossless lines. To verify the accuracy of the introduced method, a few microstrip coupled line structures with different geometrical parameters are considered numerically and experimentally. The results of crosstalk based on the proposed analytical methods, simulation study using high frequency structure simulator and those obtained by measurements are reported and compared with each other. It is shown that our proposed method accurately estimates the amount of crosstalk for a two microstrip coupled lines

    Crosstalk analysis at near-end and far-end of the coupled transmission lines based on eigenvector decomposition

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    In this paper, a new analytical method is proposed to accurately estimate the near-end and far-end crosstalk of a coupled Transmission Lines (TLs) based on eigenvector decomposition. For a non-homogenous two coupled lines, the related linear differential equations system (LDES) is derived for distributed voltage and current and then using matrix analysis, its four distinct eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors are determined. It is shown that the two eigenvalues represent the self-propagation constant, while the other ones are linked to the mutual propagation constant of the coupled lines. In addition to, for these lines a closed form expression for near-end and far-end crosstalk is presented. In special case of homogenous coupled lines, the LDES is also determined and it is shown that they provide two couples of eigenvalues. Using the concept of generalized eigenvalues, the solution of these systems is derived and a closed form formula is derived for crosstalk. In order to verify the accuracy of the proposed method a few types of coupled lines, including homogeneous or non-homogeneous are investigated and the amount of crosstalk is estimated. The calculated crosstalk is presented and compared with those obtained by numerical investigation. It is shown that a good agreement is obtained between the calculated and measured results

    Effect of the nursing process using via "accessible care cards" on the patients' satisfaction of nursing care in intensive care units of Golestan Hospital, Ahvaz

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    Background and aims: Nursing process is performance Standard for nursing cares. According to their conditions and facilities, various centers can choose and implement a nursing process that is more efficient for them. This study was aimed to determine the effect of nursing process the way "accessible care cards" on patients' satisfaction from care in intensive care units. Methods: This is a cross-sectional interventional study with plan case-control study that was conducted in Golestan hospital in Ahwaz in 2014. Considering the inclusion criteria and available sampling method, a total of 38 controls and 38 cases were selected for the intervention group were evaluated. Data were collected questionnaire made by researcher, which was assess the scientific validity, the content validity method were used validated. As well as its reliability using Cronbach's alpha test (α= 0.9) was determined. Intervention was conducted by accessible care cards in nursing process for two weeks and its impact on patient satisfaction was measured. The control group was routine care. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 19 and statistical tests. Descriptive statistics such as mean, and standard deviation was used. Chi-square test, Mann-whitney and t-test were used to compare groups. Results: Results showed that 28.90% of patients in the control group had great satisfaction of care, while the 97.36% of patients in the intervention group reported nearly excellent satisfaction. The observed difference in patients' satisfaction with nursing care in both the experimental and control group was statistically significant (P<0.001). Conclusion: Implementation of nursing process, in a manner of available cards led to an increase in patient satisfaction compared with the routine manner and the use of these cards makes the nursing process of a greater degree of mental state, to objectively state, that can help in saving a lot of time for nurses

    Estimation of genetic parameters for productive and reproductive traits in Esfahan native chickens

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    Abstract The main aim of this research was to estimate the genetic and phenotypic parameters for productive and reproductive traits of Esfahan native chickens. Traits included body weights at hatch (BW1), 8 weeks of age (BW8), 12 weeks of age (BW12), and at sexual maturity (WSM)], age at sex maturity (ASM), egg number (EN), average egg weight (AEW) in the first 12 weeks of production, and egg production intensity (Eint). Data were collected over 13 generations (during 1998 to 2011) at the breeding center of Esfahan native chickens in Iran. Genetic parameters were estimated by a (bi)-univariate animal model using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedure. Heritability estimates for body weight at different ages varied from 0.14±0.01 to 0.42±0.01. Estimated heritability for reproductive traits ranged from 0.12±0.01 for Eint to 0.36±0.01 for AEW. Estimates of heritability values were moderate but BW1 and AEW showed higher heritability values. Genetic correlation among body weight traits varied from 0.20±0.03 to 0.82±0.02. Fairly small negative Genetic correlation between body weight traits and egg traits (EN and Eint) was small (in the range of -0.22±0.05 to -0.03±0.03), while they showed positive and moderate genetic correlation with the average egg weight, ranging from 0.11±0.04 to 0.39±0.02. There was a low negative genetic correlation (-0.09±0.02) between egg number and egg weight. Therefore, during simultaneous selection for growth and egg production, probable reduction in egg production due to low reduction in egg number may be compared by increases in egg weight

    Impact of independent and non-independent parameters on various elements’ rejection by nanofiltration employed in groundwater treatment

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    Nanofiltration is one of the widely used robust methods in water sweetening throughout the world. This work highlights the comparison of the impact of independent and non-independent parameters on element rejection to treat groundwater of a region located in Qazvin province, Iran. A pilot-scale FILMTEC-NF90-4040 nanofilter membrane was applied. Samples were collected from three various wells and the volume of 50 cc was tested, each of which was tested three times, and then cations and anions were measured in raw water and treated water by ion chromatography. The data collection and operation of the system was performed by the 761 compact IC version 1.1 software where statistical analyses were performed with SPSS, version 19. Results showed that the degradation efficiency of divalent ions was greater than that of monovalent cations. The content of ion rejection in the nanofilter membrane was not an independent phenomenon. For instance, the results revealed that the presence of high magnesium ion is very effective in disposing sodium ion. At the same time, the rejection rate of ions does not always follow the Van’t Hoff series. Optimal pressure was determined to be 10 bar

    Controlling the Production of Acid Catalyzed Products of Furfural Hydrogenation by Pd/TiO2

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    We demonstrate a modified sol-immobilization procedure using (MeOH)x/(H2O)1-x solvent mixtures to prepare Pd/TiO2 catalysts that are able to reduce the formation of acid catalyzed products, e. g. ethers, for the hydrogenation of furfural. Transmission electron microscopy found a significant increase in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) deposition at the metal-support interface and temperature programmed reduction found a reduced uptake of hydrogen, compared to an established Pd/TiO2 preparation. We propose that the additional PVA hinders hydrogen spillover onto the TiO2 support and limits the formation of Brønsted acid sites, required to produce ethers. Elsewhere, the new preparation route was able to successfully anchor colloidal Pd to the TiO2 surface, without the need for acidification. This work demonstrates the potential for minimizing process steps as well as optimizing catalyst selectivity – both important objectives for sustainable chemistry

    Comparison of electronic versus conventional assessment methods in ophthalmology residents; a learner assessment scholarship study

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    Background: Assessment is a necessary part of training postgraduate medical residents. The implementation of methods located at the �shows how� level of Miller�s pyramid is believed to be more effective than previous conventional tools. In this study, we quantitatively compared electronic and conventional methods in assessing ophthalmology residents. Methods: In this retrospective study, eight different conventional methods of assessment including residents� attendance, logbook, scholarship and research skills, journal club, outpatient department participation, Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), and professionalism/360-degree (as one complex) were used to assess 24 ophthalmology residents of all grades. Electronic media consisting of an online Patient Management Problem (e-PMP), and modified electronic OSCE (me-OSCE) tests performed 3 weeks later were also evaluated for each of the 24 residents. Quantitative analysis was then performed comparing the conventional and electronic assessment tools, statistically assessing the correlation between the two approaches. Results: Twenty-four ophthalmology residents of different grades were included in this study. In the electronic assessment, average e-PMP scores (48.01 ± 12.40) were much lower than me-OSCE (65.34 ± 17.11). The total average electronic score was 56.67 ± 11.28, while the total average conventional score was 80.74 ± 5.99. Female and male residents� average scores in the electronic and conventional method were (59.15 ± 12.32 versus 83.01 ± 4.95) and (55.19 ± 10.77 versus 79.38 ± 6.29), respectively. The correlation between modified electronic OSCE and all conventional methods was not statistically significant (P-value >0.05). Correlation between e-PMP and six conventional methods, consisting of professionalism/360-degree assessment tool, logbook, research skills, Multiple Choice Questions, Outpatient department participation, and Journal club active participation was statistically significant (P-value < 0.05). The overall correlation between conventional and electronic methods was significant (P-value = 0.017). Conclusion: In this study, we conclude that electronic PMP can be used alongside all conventional tools, and overall, e-assessment methods could replace currently used conventional methods. Combined electronic PMP and me-OSCE can be used as a replacement for currently used gold-standard assessment methods, including 360-degree assessment. © 2021, The Author(s)