2,451 research outputs found

    Concussion-Related Vision Disorder Practice Patterns in Occupational Therapy: A Survey

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    Background: Occupational therapists are among the first providers to initiate care after a concussion; however, evidence is limited regarding current concussion-related vision disorder practice patterns. A better understanding of these practice patterns is important because of the impact of undetected and untreated vision problems on occupational performance. Method: A mixed-methods survey was administered online to occupational therapists to explore the assessments and interventions used to address concussion-related vision disorders, occupational therapy’s perceived role, and difficulties encountered when treating these conditions. Results: Of 23,910 occupational therapists invited to participate, 2,278 (10%) began the survey, and 1,187 (52%) met inclusion criteria. Assessment tools identified were subjective and objective in nature. Identification and treatment varied significantly based on years of practice, whether an optometrist was on site, and whether vision continuing education was completed. Identified roles included ADLs, compensation, and identification. Treatment difficulties included resources, education, and evidence. Conclusion: Data revealed inconsistent practice patterns, perhaps because of educational differences. The results suggested improving education in the areas of concussion and vision by developing interprofessional collaboration and standards of care, developing a vision remediation certification, and producing further research regarding concussion-related vision disorders and occupation in the occupational therapy literature

    Routine Preoperative Typing and Screening: A Safeguard or a Misuse of Resources

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    The probability of requiring blood products for cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and appendectomy is low. The authors, therefore, suggest the elimination of routine typing and screening before these procedures

    Barriers to Utilizing Medicaid Smoking Cessation Benefits

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    Introduction. Smoking is the number one preventable cause of deathin the United States. Under the Affordable Care Act, Kansas Medicaidcovers all seven FDA-approved smoking cessation therapies.However, it is estimated only 3% of Kansas Medicaid smokers usetreatment compared to the national estimate of 10%. The objectiveis to determine systemic barriers in place that prevent optimal utilizationof Medicaid smoking cessation benefits among KU MedicalCenter Internal Medicine patients. Methods. For this quality improvement project, a population of 169Kansas Medicaid smokers was identified who had been seen at the KUInternal Medicine Clinic from January 1, 2015 - February 16, 2016.Phone surveys were completed with 62 individuals about smokingstatus, interest in using smoking cessation treatment options, andawareness of Medicaid coverage of treatment. Results. Of the 62 respondents, 24 (39%) were prescribed pharmacotherapyand 41 (66%) were interested in using smoking cessationtreatment. There were eight who had quit smoking. Of the remaining54 smokers, 31 (57%) were unaware that Medicaid would coverpharmacotherapy. Of 24 participants who received a prescription forpharmacotherapy, 13 (54%) were able to fill the prescription at no costusing the Medicaid benefit. Conclusion. The majority of respondents were interested in usingsmoking cessation treatment, yet three main barriers existed to usingMedicaid smoking cessation benefits: physicians not prescribingtreatment to patients, patients not aware of Medicaid coverage, andinadequate pharmacy filling. Improved physician and patient awarenessof Medicaid coverage will facilitate more patients receivingsmoking cessation therapy and ultimately quitting smoking.KS J Med 2017;10(4):88-91

    Nest-Site Characteristics of Northern Bobwhites Translocated Into Weeping Lovegrass CRP

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    Habitat loss and fragmentation have been considered major causes for the decline of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). There are . 400,000 ha of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas some of which could be modified to provide usable habitat for northern bobwhites. Timely colonization of improved CRP habitat by northern bobwhite is unlikely without transplantation, because of distance from existing populations. We radio-marked and transplanted 94 northern bobwhite into weeping lovegrass CRP and monitored nest success. We recorded high nest success in 2002 (70%) and 2003 (71%) for northern bobwhite nesting in weeping lovegrass CRP in the area studied. The composition of weeping lovegrass CRP fields available in our study area appears to be suitable nesting cover for northern bobwhite

    AI solutions for human problems

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    Abstract Background Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory condition. Persistent bacterial colonisation in the stable state with increased and sometimes altered bacterial burden during exacerbations are accepted as key features in the pathophysiology. The extent to which respiratory viruses are present during stable periods and in exacerbations is less well understood. Methods This study aimed to determine the incidence of respiratory viruses within a cohort of bronchiectasis patients with acute exacerbations at a teaching hospital and, separately, in a group of patients with stable bronchiectasis. In the group of stable patients, a panel of respiratory viruses were assayed for using real time quantitative PCR in respiratory secretions and exhaled breath. The Impact of virus detection on exacerbation rates and development of symptomatic infection was evaluated. Results Routine hospital-based viral PCR testing was only requested in 28% of admissions for an exacerbation. In our cohort of stable bronchiectasis patients, viruses were detected in 92% of patients during the winter season, and 33% of patients during the summer season. In the 2-month follow up period, 2 of 27 patients presented with an exacerbation. Conclusions This pilot study demonstrated that respiratory viruses are commonly detected in patients with stable bronchiectasis. They are frequently detected during asymptomatic viral periods, and multiple viruses are often present concurrently

    Femoral Artery Atherosclerosis Is Associated With Physical Function Across the Spectrum of the Ankle-Brachial Index: The San Diego Population Study.

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    BackgroundThe ankle-brachial index (ABI) is inadequate to detect early-stage atherosclerotic disease, when interventions to prevent functional decline may be the most effective. We determined associations of femoral artery atherosclerosis with physical functioning, across the spectrum of the ABI, and within the normal ABI range.Methods and resultsIn 2007-2011, 1103 multiethnic men and women participated in the San Diego Population Study, and completed all components of the summary performance score. Using Doppler ultrasound, superficial and common femoral intima media thickness and plaques were ascertained. Logistic regression was used to assess associations of femoral atherosclerosis with the summary performance score and its individual components. Models were adjusted for demographics, lifestyle factors, comorbidities, lipids, and kidney function. In adjusted models, among participants with a normal-range ABI (1.00-1.30), the highest tertile of superficial intima media thickness was associated with lower odds of a perfect summary performance score of 12 (odds ratio=0.56 [0.36, 0.87], P=0.009), and lower odds of a 4-m walk score of 4 (0.34 [0.16, 0.73], P=0.006) and chair rise score of 4 (0.56 [0.34, 0.94], P=0.03). Plaque presence (0.53 [0.29, 0.99], P=0.04) and greater total plaque burden (0.61 [0.43, 0.87], P=0.006) were associated with worse 4-m walk performance in the normal-range ABI group. Higher superficial intima media thickness was associated with lower summary performance score in all individuals (P=0.02).ConclusionsFindings suggest that use of femoral artery atherosclerosis measures may be effective in individuals with a normal-range ABI, especially, for example, those with diabetes mellitus or a family history of peripheral artery disease, when detection can lead to earlier intervention to prevent functional declines and improve quality of life

    RadTalks: What Could Be Possible if the Law Really Stood for Black Lives?

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    A Series of Talks Delivered at the Law for Black Lives Convening, Organized by the Bertha Justice Institute at the Center for Constitutional Right

    Opposing Effects of Impulsivity and Mindset on Sources of Science Self- 5 Efficacy and STEM Interest in Adolescents

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    Impulsivity has been linked to academic performance in the context of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, though its influence on a wider spectrum of students remains largely unexplored, particularly in the context of STEM learning (i.e. science, technology, engineering, and math). STEM learning was hypothesized to be more challenging for impulsive students, since it requires the practice and repetition of tasks as well as concerted attention to task performance. Impulsivity was assessed in a cross-sectional sample of 2,476 students in grades 6-12. Results show impulsivity affects a larger population of students, not limited to students with learning disabilities. Impulsivity was associated with lower sources of science self-efficacy (SSSE) scores, interest in all STEM domains (particularly math), and self-reported STEM skills. The large negative effect observed for impulsivity was opposed by “growth” mindset, which describes a student’s belief in the importance of effort when learning is difficult. Mindset had a large positive effect, which was associated with greater SSSE, STEM interest, and STEM skills. When modeled together, results suggest that mindset interventions may benefit impulsive students who struggle with STEM. Together, these data suggest important interconnected roles for impulsivity and mindset that can influence secondary students’ STEM trajectories

    Physiological Ecology of Microorgansisms in Subglacial Lake Whillans

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    Subglacial microbial habitats are widespread in glaciated regions of our planet. Some of these environments have been isolated from the atmosphere and from sunlight for many thousands of years. Consequently, ecosystem processes must rely on energy gained from the oxidation of inorganic substrates or detrital organic matter. Subglacial Lake Whillans (SLW) is one of more than 400 subglacial lakes known to exist under the Antarctic ice sheet; however, little is known about microbial physiology and energetics in these systems. When it was sampled through its 800 m thick ice cover in 2013, the SLW water column was shallow (~2 m deep), oxygenated, and possessed sufficient concentrations of C, N, and P substrates to support microbial growth. Here, we use a combination of physiological assays and models to assess the energetics of microbial life in SLW. In general, SLW microorganisms grew slowly in this energy-limited environment. Heterotrophic cellular carbon turnover times, calculated from 3H-thymidine and 3H-leucine incorporation rates, were long (60 to 500 days) while cellular doubling times averaged 196 days. Inferred growth rates (average ~0.006 d-1) obtained from the same incubations were at least an order of magnitude lower than those measured in Antarctic surface lakes and oligotrophic areas of the ocean. Low growth efficiency (8%) indicated that heterotrophic populations in SLW partition a majority of their carbon demand to cellular maintenance rather than growth. Chemoautotrophic CO2-fixation exceeded heterotrophic organic C-demand by a factor of ~1.5. Aerobic respiratory activity associated with heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic metabolism surpassed the estimated supply of oxygen to SLW, implying that microbial activity could deplete the oxygenated waters, resulting in anoxia. We used thermodynamic calculations to examine the biogeochemical and energetic consequences of environmentally imposed switching between aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms in the SLW water column. Heterotrophic metabolisms utilizing acetate and formate as electron donors yielded less energy than chemolithotrophic metabolisms when calculated in terms of energy density, which supports experimental results that showed chemoautotrophic activity in excess of heterotrophic activity. The microbial communities of subglacial lake ecosystems provide important natural laboratories to study the physiological and biogeochemical behavior of microorganisms inhabiting cold, dark environments

    Microbial sulfur transformations in sediments from Subglacial Lake Whillans

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    Diverse microbial assemblages inhabit subglacial aquatic environments. While few of these environments have been sampled, data reveal that subglacial organisms gain energy for growth from reduced minerals containing nitrogen, iron, and sulfur. Here we investigate the role of microbially mediated sulfur transformations in sediments from Subglacial Lake Whillans (SLW), Antarctica, by examining key genes involved in dissimilatory sulfur oxidation and reduction. The presence of sulfur transformation genes throughout the top 34 cm of SLW sediments changes with depth. SLW surficial sediments were dominated by genes related to known sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotrophs. Sequences encoding the adenosine-5’-phosphosulfate (APS) reductase gene, involved in both dissimilatory sulfate reduction and sulfur oxidation, were present in all samples and clustered into 16 distinct OTUs. The majority of APS reductase sequences (74%) clustered with known sulfur oxidizers including those within the Sideroxydans and Thiobacillus genera. Reverse-acting dissimilatory sulfite reductase (rDSR) and 16S rRNA gene sequences further support dominance of Sideroxydans and Thiobacillus phylotypes in the top 2 cm of SLW sediments. The SLW microbial community has the genetic potential for sulfate reduction which is supported by experimentally measured low rates (1.4 pmol cm-3d-1) of biologically mediated sulfate reduction and the presence of APS reductase and DSR gene sequences related to Desulfobacteraceae and Desulfotomaculum. Our results also infer the presence of sulfur oxidation, which can be a significant energetic pathway for chemosynthetic biosynthesis in SLW sediments. The water in SLW ultimately flows into the Ross Sea where intermediates from subglacial sulfur transformations can influence the flux of solutes to the Southern Ocean