18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Scramble Bermuatan Literasi Sains terhadap Kompetensi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia di SMPN 13 Padang

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    This research is based on the problems that exist in SMPN 13 Padang, namely the learning model that is less varied, students learning abilities are still low, teacher-centered learning. The effort that can be done to apply the scramble learning model with science literacy in the human respiratory system at SMPN 13. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of applying the scramble learning model with scientific literacy on the learning competencies of grade VIII students of SMP 13 Padang. This research was an experimental research with a randomized control group posttest only design. The study population was grade VIII students of SMP 13 Padang in the 2018/2019 academic year which spread to eight classes. The research sample was taken using purposive sampling. The results were selected class VIII.3 as the experimental class and class VIII.2 as the control class. The hypothesis in this study was tested using the t-test. The results of the study using the t-test can be concluded that the competency of students knowledge about the value of tcount 2.83> ttable 1.67, the competency attitudes of tcount 5.77> ttable 1.67, and competency skills of tcount 1.91> ttable 1.67. This point that the hypothesis is accepted. So, it can be concluded that the application of the scramble learning model with scientific literacy can improve the competency of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of grade VIII students of SMP 13 Padang. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini didasarkan pada permasalahan yang ada di SMPN 13 Padang, yaitu model pembelajaran yang kurang beragam, kemampuan belajar siswa masih rendah, pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru. Perlu upaya untuk menerapkan model pembelajaran dengan orientasi literasi sains dalam sistem pernapasan manusia di SMPN 13. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dampak penerapan model pembelajaran dengan literasi sains terhadap kompetensi belajar siswa kelas VIII SMP 13 Padang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan randomized control group posttest only design. Populasi dalam studi ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP 13 Padang pada tahun akademik 2018/2019 yang menyebar ke delapan kelas. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil yang dipilih adalah kelas VIII. 3 sebagai kelas eksperimental dan kelas VIII. 2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Hipotesis dalam studi ini diuji menggunakan t-Test. Hasil penelitian menggunakan t-Test dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi siswa dengan nilai t-hitung 2,83 > t-tabel 1,67, kompetensi sikap dengan t-hitung5,77 > t-table 1,67, dan keterampilan dengan t-hitung 1,91 > t-tabel 1,67. Dengan demikian hipotesis alternative diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran dengan literasi sains dapat meningkatkan kompetensi pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan siswa kelas VIII SMP 13 Padang

    Comparison of Serum HIF-1α Levels in Swimming Athletes Before and After Hypoxic Non-Hypoxic Exercise

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    The situation of lack of oxygen supply to cells and tissues is often not realized by many people (hypoxia). Hypoxia can occur in various situations in life. The main effect of hypoxia is the effect on the brain, so the body will do everything it can to restore the state of homeostasis. HIF-1α protein is a marker of hypoxic conditions. HIF-1α regulates the synthesis of many genes to maintain and restore body homeostasis from hypoxia to normoxia. This study was a descriptive study with cross-sectional design. The sample of this study were six swimming athletes with a 12-19 year age range who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The HIF-1α protein is measured by the ELISA method. Data were analyzed statistically. The results showed higher levels of HIF-1α after anaerobic exercise than the levels of HIF-1α before and after aerobic exercise. This is greatly influenced by the intensity of the exercise carried out. This proves that cellular adaptation to hypoxia is more stable in aerobic exercise, where the body's metabolism during aerobic exercise is more stable &nbsp

    Validity Of the Human Circulatory System Booklets as an Independent Teaching Material for Natural Science in Class VIII Junior High School

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    Education important element develop knowledge make shape one’s character. Quality of education can be improved by paying attention to the curriculum and learning media used. 2013 curriculum based science textbooks and student worksheets are a medium used by student to study natural science in class VIII SMPN 11 Padang. The availability of learning resources  at school is still lacking, so that students are less motivated in learning science, in addition to the lack of availability of learning resources,  other factors that cause low motivation of students because textbooks are used thickly and are difficult to carry anywhere. Based on the weaknesses that were found, the booklet was developed  as an independent learning resources of natural science in class VIII junior high school. Booklet media development is made as attractive as possible, so that students are motivated to learn science. This development research uses a Plomp development model consisting of (preliminary research), (development and prototyping phase), and assessment  phase (assessment phase). Data analysis is qualitative and quantitative. Booklet development stage is validated by 2 validators. At the assessment stage uses one to one evaluation by 3 student in class VIII of the SMPN 11 Padang  which has high, medium, and low academic abilities.  Validity test result obtained of 87,62% with very valid criteria and results of one to one evaluation showed that the developed booklet had an attractive appearance and language that was easy to understand, sothat students were interested in using booklets in the learning process. Based on this, it can be concluded that the human circulatory system booklet as an independent teaching material of natural science developed is valid and suitable for use in the learning process

    Validitas Booklet Digital Bioteknologi Terintegrasi Eco-Enzyme Sebagai Bahan Ajar Digital Kelas XII SMA

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    Bioteknologi adalah cabang ilmu Biologi yang mempelajari pemanfaatan makhluk untuk menghasilkan produk yang dapat digunakan oleh manusia. Materi bioteknologi disajikan oleh guru disekolah dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang tersedia. Menurut peserta didik, media pembelajaran yang digunakan sudah lengkap namun peserta didik masih sulit memahami materi karena penjelasan yang panjang. Peserta didik dan guru membutuhkan media tambahan yang dapat menyajikan gambar dalam bentuk audio visual sebagai penunjang dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D dengan menerapkan 3 dari 4 tahap pengembangan 4D, yaitu define, design, dan develop. Uji validitas dilakukan oleh tiga orang dosen Biologi FMIPA UNP dan satu orang guru Biologi SMA. Aspek yang dinilai pada uji validitas yaitu  kelayakan isi, kebahasaan, penyajian dan kegrafikaan. Hasil uji validitas menunjukkan bahwa booklet digital yang dikembangkan mendapatkan nilai 95,59% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Dengan hasil tersebut, booklet digital bioteknologi terintegrasi Eco-Enzyme layak digunakan sebagai bahan ajar digital Biologi

    The effect of problem-solving learning models on creative thinking skills in science subjects

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of applying the Problem Solving learning model to the creative thinking abilities of grade VII students at one of the SMPN in Padang in 2019/2020. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study using the Randomized Control Group Posttest Only Design. This study's population was all students of class VII at one of the SMPN in Padang in 2019/2020; there were six classes. The research sample is class VII 3 (experimental class) and class VII 5 (control class). Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was an observation sheet of students' creative thinking abilities and a posttest creative thinking sheet. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that the students' creative thinking ability in the experimental class is higher than the control class with the average value of the experimental class creative thinking test (52.45) and the control class (39.39). Data analysis using t-test showed that t count (3.66)> t table (1.67). So the conclusion is the Problem Solving learning model has a positive effect on the creative thinking ability of grade VII students at one of the SMPN in Padang

    Analyzing Vitamin C Levels in Leersia hexandra Extract through Solvent Variations

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    Various food sources and herbal plants are rich in Vitamin C, a crucial antioxidant. One such plant is Banto grass, which belongs to the Poaceae family and is commonly used as an herbal drink in many communities. It contains active compounds known for their healing and disease-prevention properties. This study aimed to evaluate the levels of vitamin C in Banto grass extract using different solvents. The research followed a descriptive approach and used UV-Vis Spectrophotometry as the analytical method. The findings showed that the vitamin C content varied significantly in Banto grass extracts prepared with distilled water, ethanol, and methanol solvents. The extract prepared with methanol had the highest vitamin C content of 4,030 ppm, which was more than the eco-enzyme water extract that contained 4,030 ppm of vitamin C. However, the extracts prepared with distilled water and ethanol solvents had lower vitamin C levels of 2,507 ppm and 3,687 ppm, respectively. This research highlights the potential of Banto grass as a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential for collagen formation, wound healing, and antioxidant activity, leading to faster wound healing and optimal tissue repair

    Comparison of Nutritional Content of Spinach (Amaranthus gangeticus L.) Cultivated Hydroponically and Non-Hydroponically

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    The objectives of this study to determine the comparison of the nutritional content of spinach cultivated hydroponically and non-hydroponically, especially the content of Vitamin C. This research was conducted at the Wire House Biology Laboratory of Padang State University in May - July 2020. This research is a descriptive study. The analysis was carried out Spinach Nutrition. Hydroponic spinach samples were obtained from the Hydroponic Community of West Sumatra in Alai Padang, while the non-hydroponic samples were purchased at Pasar Raya Padang, the analysis of vitamin C content was carried out by the Spectrophotometric Method. From the research that has been done, it is found that the average content of hydroponic spinach vitamin C is 1.45 ppm and non-hydroponic 1.60 ppm. The conclusion of the research is that the content of Vitamin C in hydroponic cultivated spinach is lower than that of spinach cultivated non-hydroponically

    Validity of the Human Respiratory System Booklets as Learning Suplement for Student Class VIII Junior High School

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    The education system in curriculum 2013 is emphasizing the active participation of students in learning by making students as subjects of learning. The application of the role of students as learning subjects can be maximized by the use of instructional media. Learning media commonly used in schools are students' books and student worksheets. The analysis that has been carried out reveals that the student book and the Student Worksheet have a weakness that is the appearance that does not attract students' interest and is not accompanied by relevant illustrations. This weakness was later made a reference to develop a respiratory system booklet in humans as a supplement to natural science learning for students of grade VIII junior high school. This research is a research development using the Plomp method. The research phase consisted of the preliminary research, development and prototypingt phase, and assessment phase. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. The booklet is validated by two validators. The booklet assessment stage is done by evaluating one using three students with different academic abilities. The results are obtaining booklets with a validation value of 89.56%. This study uses a self-evaluation questionnaire, expert reviews, and one-on-one evaluation. The conclusion obtained is that the booklet has very valid criteria and is very suitable for use as a learning supplement

    Analisis Penerapan Flipped Learning dalam Pembelajaran

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    Teknologi digital berkembang pesat dan sangat berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran berbasis digital dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran flipped learning menjadi solusi bagi peserta didik agar dapat mengakses sumber belajar pada ruang dan waktu yang tidak terbatas. Model flipped learning terdiri dari tiga kegiatan yaitu pre-class, in class dan out of class. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review terhadap 10 artikel dalam 6 tahun terakhir. Sumber data yaitu jurnal ilmiah dalam database Google Scholar dan situs jurnal lainnya yang relevan. Teknik analisis data dengan cara menganalisis, mendeskripsikan, dan menyimpulkan data secara deskripsi. Hasil yang didapatkan terdapat peningkatan motivasi belajar peserta didik yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor yang mendukung yaitu pembelajaran flipped learning dan media multimedia interaktif. Selain itu, flipped learning  berpengaruh secara positif terhadap hasil belajar. Hal ini disebabkan juga oleh faktor lain yang mendukung yaitu pembelajaran flipped learning dan media pembelajaran interaktif (live worksheet, interactive notebooks, video pembelajaran)

    Effect of Discovery Learning with Science Literacy Toward Students Sains Learning Competences at VII Grade

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    Student's learning competency which mostly still under Minimum Criterion. This is caused by lack of preparation of student in face of learning process and also more dominated by teacher centered), so the less effective learning process. These problems can be solved by applying discovery learning models containing literacy science. This research is an experimental research with randomized control group design posttest only design. The population of this study is all of the class VII registered in the academic year 2017/2018. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique that is class VII1 as control class and class VII3 as experiment class. The research instrument used is posttest for knowledge competence and affective and psychomotor observation sheet to see students' affective and psychomotor competence. Hypothesis in this study was tested using t test. The result of the research, concluded that the application of discovery learning model of science literacy can improve the learning competence of science (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) students of class VII