3,018 research outputs found

    David Negro : un judío cortesano en la coyuntura portuguesa de 1383-1385

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    Aportación al estudio de los judíos cortesanos portugueses, en especial, el caso de Don David Negro. Consejero y funcionario regio del Rey Don Fernando y, más tarde, rabí de Castilla, en el reinado de Juan I. Don David participó en la rebelión política de 1383 - 1385 que culminó en la ascensión al trono de Mestre de Avis, Don João I de Portugal.Contribution to the study of Portuguese Judaic courtiers, in particular of Don David Negro. King Fernando's councilor and royal servant, and the later rabbi in Castilla, during the reign of Juan I. Don David took part in the political rebellion of 1383 - 1385 which resulted in the rise of the Master of Avis to the throne of Portugal - D. João I

    Implications of Sediment Geochemistry and Diet Habits in Fish Metal Levels and Human Health Risk

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    In this study the concentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn in muscle and liver tissues was compared between four estuarine fish species (Centropomus parallelus, Genidens genidens, Diapterus rhombeus, and Mugil liza) to assess contamination levels and the influence of eating habits on metal distribution and human health risk by consumption. In general, liver tissue showed higher metal contents than muscle. Between metals, Fe and Zn contents were relatively higher for both tissues in all analyzed populations. Based on the observations, the variability of metal levels between species is associated with their transfer from the contaminated sediments, where diet habits associated with the substrate result in higher metal accumulation in fish, exerting great influence than bioaccumulation by trophic level. The estimated daily intake (EDI), target hazard quotients (THQ) and the total target hazard quotients (TTHQ), below 1 for all metals on muscle tissues, are suggested the absence of health hazard for the human population. However, high levels of Pb and Zn in liver tissue may endanger predators

    Resistance to recombinant human erythropoietin therapy in haemodialysis patients: Focus on inflammatory cytokines, leukocyte activation, iron status and erythrocyte damage

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    Anaemia is a common complication in haemodialysis patients. This condition is associated to a decreased bone marrow production of erythrocytes, mainly due to the inability of the failing kidneys to secrete erythropoietin (EPO). The introduction of recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) therapy led to a significant reduction in anaemia and improved patients’ quality of life. However, there is a marked variability in the sensitivity to rhEPO, with up to 10-fold variability in dose requirements to achieve correction of anaemia. Approximately 5-10% of the patients show a marked resistance to rhEPO therapy. rhEPO resistance is associated to an increased morbidity and mortality of haemodialysis patients. In this paper a revision of the mechanisms underlying resistance to rhEPO therapy will be performed, with particular emphasis on inflammatory cytokines, leukocyte activation, iron status, and erythrocyte damage

    #Mulherespodcasters : uma análise da resistência feminista na podesfera brasileira

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    Along with other media that developed on the internet, the podcast has gradually gained public and space in Brazil. In an essentially qualitative approach, despite considering quantitative data, this research has as main objective to understand what are the characteristics of feminist resistance built in the Brazilian podosphere by women podcasters. To achieve the results, I propose first a bibliometric and exploratory research considering the articles on podcast published in the Congresses of the Brazilian Society of Social Communication - Intercom. Based on these studies, it was possible to illuminate theoretical questions about the characteristics of the media, as well as to gather considerations about its functioning as a tool for disseminating content. For the empirical research, I carried out a survey of the most listened to programs in the country according to data from the 2018 PodPesquisa that had women on the team. As a tool for data collection, I applied semi-structured interviews with women producers of these programs who volunteered to participate in the study, and as a method, the Thematic Analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin (2011). 17 women who produced podcasts were interviewed, all of whom were cisgender women, mostly in their 30s. Almost 90% of the participants declared themselves to be white, and just over half are heterosexual. Only four respondents have children and 80% of them have completed higher education. Among the results found, it is noteworthy that even though they are not part of an organized collective, and having divergences from feminist conceptions, the women podcasters interviewed form a feminist activism concerned with making the podosphere a space of security and equality for women and other social minorities.Em conjunto com outras mídias que se desenvolveram na internet, o podcast tem progressivamente ganhado público e espaço no Brasil. Em uma abordagem essencialmente qualitativa, apesar de considerar dados quantitativos, esta pesquisa tem como principal objetivo compreender quais as características da resistência feminista construída na podosfera brasileira pelas mulheres podcasters. Para alcançar os resultados, proponho primeiramente uma pesquisa bibliométrica e exploratória considerando os artigos sobre podcast publicados nos Congressos da Sociedade Brasileira de Comunicação Social – Intercom. A partir desses estudos foi possível iluminar questionamentos teóricos sobre as características da mídia, bem como reunir ponderações sobre seu funcionamento como ferramenta de difusão de conteúdo. Para a pesquisa empírica, realizei um levantamento dos programas mais escutados do país segundo os dados da PodPesquisa de 2018 que possuíam mulheres na equipe. Como ferramenta para coleta de dados, apliquei entrevistas semiestruturadas com mulheres produtoras desses programas que se voluntariaram a participar do estudo, e como método, a Análise Temática proposta por Laurence Bardin (2011). Foram entrevistadas 17 mulheres produtoras de podcasts, sendo todas elas mulheres cisgênero, em sua maioria na faixa dos 30 anos. Quase 90% das participantes se declararam brancas, e pouco mais da metade são heterossexuais. Apenas quatro entrevistadas têm filhos e 80% delas possui ensino superior completo. Entre os resultados encontrados destaca-se que mesmo não compondo um coletivo organizado, e possuindo divergências de concepções feministas, as mulheres podcasters entrevistadas formam uma militância feminista preocupada em transformar a podosfera um espaço de segurança e de igualdade para mulheres e outras minorias sociais.São Cristóvão, S

    The HIF System Response to ESA Therapy in CKD‐Anemia

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    Anemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with disease progression and increased mortality. This anemia is mainly due to inadequate production of erythropoietin (EPO) by the failing kidneys, resulting from the reduction in renal EPO‐producing cells (REPC) or from dysregulation of the hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF) system that regulates several genes related to hypoxia, angiogenesis, fibrosis and glucose metabolism, among others. In this chapter, we present a review on the HIF system in CKD‐anemia, the HIF response to erythropoiesis‐stimulating agents (ESA) therapy and its potential involvement in the development of ESA resistance by enhancing kidney fibrosis and inflammation. Due to concerns related to ESA use, new drugs to correct anemia are under study, being the prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors the most promising candidates