3,227 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Policies to Increase Social Mobility and Growth in Bolivia

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    Poverty in Bolivia continues to be among the highest in Latin America despite decades of concerted national and international efforts to reduce it. Bolivia has meticulously followed the recommendations of the Washington consensus at the same time as external aid has been generous and foreign direct investment has boomed. Nevertheless, average productivity and incomes remain at the same low level as they were 50 years ago. This paper suggests that the failure of previous development policies is due to a lack of social mobility in the country. Without social mobility, there is little incentive for people to invest in human and physical capital, and without investment there cannot be productivity growth. In addition, the lack of social mobility implies an inefficient use of human capital, and it hinders the construction of efficient social mechanisms for redistribution and consumption smoothing over the life-cycle.Social Mobility, Development, Public Policy, Bolivia

    Mission Quality Assurance Virtual Training and Certification Using the NASA Academy of Aerospace Quality

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    Many educational entities are involved in developing space bound payloads. These payloads are designed, constructed and tested under diverse conditions and by largely “amateur” teams. The Academy of Aerospace Quality (AAQ) is an open-access online resource that provides quality assurance training to students and faculty involved in payload projects. AAQ’s goal is to provide assistance in assuring that payloads are “successful” from a quality standpoint. The NASA AAQ is also being used by other, non-academic entities. This paper describes the resources and functions available on the AAQ website and how they can be used by project teams to support the training of their members on quality assurance topics

    Role of anionic phospholipids in the adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to high salinity

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    The importance of the content of anionic phospholipids [cardiolipin (CL) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)] in the osmotic adaptation and in the membrane structure of Bacillus subtilis cultures was investigated. Insertion mutations in the three putative cardiolipin synthase genes (ywiE, ywnE and ywjE) were obtained. Only the ywnE mutation resulted in a complete deficiency in cardiolipin and thus corresponds to a true clsA gene. The osmotolerance of a clsA mutant was impaired: although at NaCl concentrations lower than 1.2 M the growth curves were similar to those of its wild-type control, at 1 .5 M NaCl (LBN medium) the lag period increased and the maximal optical density reached was lower. The membrane of the clsA mutant strain showed an increased PG content, at both exponential and stationary phase, but no trace of CL in either LB or LBN medium. As well as the deficiency in CL synthesis, the clsA mutant showed other differences in lipid and fatty acids content compared to the wild-type, suggesting a cross-regulation in membrane lipid pathways, crucial for the maintenance of membrane functionality and integrity. The biophysical characteristics of membranes and large unilamellar vesicles from the wild-type and clsA mutant strains were studied by Laurdan's steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. At physiological temperature, the clsA mutant showed a decreased lateral lipid packing in the protein-free vesicles and isolated membranes compared with the wild-type strain. Interestingly, the lateral lipid packing of the membranes of both the wild-type and clsA mutant strains increased when they were grown in LBN. In a conditional IPTG-controlled pgsA mutant, unable to synthesize PG and CL in the absence of IPTG, the osmoresistance of the cultures correlated with their content of anionic phospholipids. The transcriptional activity of the clsA and pgsA genes was similar and increased twofold upon entry to stationary phase or under osmotic upshift. Overall, these results support the involvement of the anionic phospholipids in the growth of B. subtilis in media containing elevated NaCl concentrations.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat


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    Godišnji financijski izvještaji bi trebali prikazivati istinit, fer, pouzdan i nepristran pregled imovine, obveza, kapitala, dobiti ili gubitaka u određenoj poslovnoj godini. Budući da je računovodstveni regulatorni okvir do nekih granica fleksibilan, poduzetnici to često zloupotrebljavaju. Upravo mogućnost odabira određene računovodstvene politike, te samo utvrđivanje fer vrijednosti predstavljaju područja na koja utječu subjektivni stavovi menadžmenta te pripadaju području rizika. Glavni cilj revizije je provjera i ocjena financijskih izvještaja te upravo pojavom tog postupka povećava se razina povjerenja i sigurnosti u same financijske izvještaje. Ovim radom željela se skreniti pozornost na moguće netočne iskaze uslijed pogreške ili prijevare na poziciji dugotrajne materijalne i nematerijalne imovine te analiza istih. Analizom je utvrđeno da je većina hotela koji listaju na burzi u 2017. godini izvršila ispravak i prikazala svoj financijski položaj realno i objektivno, te je time zabilježeno manje modificiranih mišljenja koji za osnovu uzimaju greške na poziciji dugotrajne materijalne i nematerijalne imovine.The annual financial statements should show a true, fair, reliable and impartial review of assets, liabilities, capital, gains or losses in a given business year. Since the accounting regulatory framework is flexible to some limits, entrepreneurs often abuse them. Precisely the option of selecting a particular accounting policy, and just determining fair value, represent areas influenced by subjective managerial attitudes and belong to the risk area. The main purpose of the audit is to verify and evaluate the financial statements, and as a result of this process, the level of trust and confidence increases in the financial statements. This paper wanted to draw attention to possible incorrect statements as a result of errors or deception in the position of long-term material and non-material assets and their analysis. The analysis found that most of the hotels listed on the stock exchanges in 2017 made a correction and presented their financial position in a realistic and objective manner and thus recorded less modified opinions based on taking long-term tangible and intangible assets

    Role of anionic phospholipids in the adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to high salinity

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    The importance of the content of anionic phospholipids [cardiolipin (CL) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)] in the osmotic adaptation and in the membrane structure of Bacillus subtilis cultures was investigated. Insertion mutations in the three putative cardiolipin synthase genes (ywiE, ywnE and ywjE) were obtained. Only the ywnE mutation resulted in a complete deficiency in cardiolipin and thus corresponds to a true clsA gene. The osmotolerance of a clsA mutant was impaired: although at NaCl concentrations lower than 1.2 M the growth curves were similar to those of its wild-type control, at 1 .5 M NaCl (LBN medium) the lag period increased and the maximal optical density reached was lower. The membrane of the clsA mutant strain showed an increased PG content, at both exponential and stationary phase, but no trace of CL in either LB or LBN medium. As well as the deficiency in CL synthesis, the clsA mutant showed other differences in lipid and fatty acids content compared to the wild-type, suggesting a cross-regulation in membrane lipid pathways, crucial for the maintenance of membrane functionality and integrity. The biophysical characteristics of membranes and large unilamellar vesicles from the wild-type and clsA mutant strains were studied by Laurdan's steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. At physiological temperature, the clsA mutant showed a decreased lateral lipid packing in the protein-free vesicles and isolated membranes compared with the wild-type strain. Interestingly, the lateral lipid packing of the membranes of both the wild-type and clsA mutant strains increased when they were grown in LBN. In a conditional IPTG-controlled pgsA mutant, unable to synthesize PG and CL in the absence of IPTG, the osmoresistance of the cultures correlated with their content of anionic phospholipids. The transcriptional activity of the clsA and pgsA genes was similar and increased twofold upon entry to stationary phase or under osmotic upshift. Overall, these results support the involvement of the anionic phospholipids in the growth of B. subtilis in media containing elevated NaCl concentrations.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Generating Stable Bioluminescent Cell Lines by Retroviral Transduction

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    This project focuses on improving tumor in vivo imaging techniques. It is difficult to accurately in vivo image orthotopic tumors using CT scans alone. Muriglo provides the capability to visualize in vivo bioluminescent signals emanating from intact tissues. We can coregister CT scans captured with the SARRP with luciferase signals captured with the Muriglo and locate tumor isocenters for image-guided radiation. We may then direct radiation to neoplastic tissue while also sparing the maximum amount of healthy tissue. To do this we must genetically engineer cells to express luciferase. We propose a protocol to use a retrovirus to create stable cell lines that express firefly luciferase for bioluminescence. We will also determine the optimal dosage of the G418 antibiotic for selection

    Enhanced Photodegradation of Synthetic Dyes Mediated by Ag3PO4-Based Semiconductors under Visible Light Irradiation

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    [EN] Four silver phosphate-based materials were successfully synthesized, characterized, and evaluated, together with TiO2, in the photodegradation of synthetic dyes (tartrazine, Orange II, rhodamine, and Brilliant Blue FCF) under two irradiation sources centered at 420 and 450 nm. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images showed different topologies of the synthesized materials, whereas diffuse reflectance spectra demonstrated that they display absorption up to 500 nm. Degradation experiments were performed in parallel with the silver materials and TiO2. Upon irradiation centered at 420 nm, the abatement of the dyes was slightly more efficient in the case of TiO2-except for Orange II. Nevertheless, upon irradiation centered at 450 nm, TiO(2)demonstrated complete inefficiency and silver phosphates accomplished the complete abatement of the dyes-except for Brilliant Blue FCF. A careful analysis of the achieved degradation of dyes revealed that the main reaction mechanism involves electron transfer to the photogenerated holes in the valence band of silver photocatalysts, together with the direct excitation of dyes and the subsequent formation of reactive species. The performance of TiO(2)was only comparable at the shorter wavelength when hydroxyl radicals could be formed; however, it could not compete under irradiation at 450 nm since the formed superoxide anion is not as reactive as hydroxyl radicals.This research was funded by Spanish Government (Grant SEV-2016-0683), Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo Program) and H2020/Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions under the AQUAlity project (Reference: 765860). The authors would like to acknowledge H2020/Marie Sk¿odowska-Curie Actions under the AQUAlity project (Reference: 765860). Consellería d¿Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (PROMETEO/2017/075 and GRISOLÍAP/2017/005) is gratefully acknowledged.Pavanello, A.; Blasco-Brusola, A.; Johnston, PF.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Marín García, ML. (2020). Enhanced Photodegradation of Synthetic Dyes Mediated by Ag3PO4-Based Semiconductors under Visible Light Irradiation. Catalysts. 10(7):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal10070774S117107Boczkaj, G., & Fernandes, A. (2017). Wastewater treatment by means of advanced oxidation processes at basic pH conditions: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 320, 608-633. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2017.03.084Miklos, D. B., Remy, C., Jekel, M., Linden, K. G., Drewes, J. E., & Hübner, U. (2018). Evaluation of advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment – A critical review. Water Research, 139, 118-131. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2018.03.042Gągol, M., Przyjazny, A., & Boczkaj, G. (2018). 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    Effect of Poly(Oxanorbonene)- and Poly(Methacrylate)-Based Polyzwitterionic Surface Coatings on Cell Adhesion and Gene Expression of Human Keratinocytes

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    Polyzwitterions are generally known for their anti-adhesive properties, including resistance to protein and cell adhesion, and overall high bio-inertness. Yet there are a few polyzwitterions to which mammalian cells do adhere. To understand the structural features of this behavior, a panel of polyzwitterions with different functional groups and overall degrees of hydrophobicity is analyzed here, and their physical and biological properties are correlated to these structural differences. Cell adhesion is focused on, which is the basic requirement for cell viability, proliferation, and growth. With the here presented polyzwitterion panel, three different types of cell-surface interactions are observed: adhesion, slight attachment, and cell repellency. Using immunofluorescence methods, it is found that human keratinocytes (HaCaT) form focal adhesions on the cell-adhesive polyzwitterions, but not on the sample that has only slight cell attachment. Gene expression analysis indicates that HaCaT cells cultivated in the presence of a non-adhesive polyzwitterion have up-regulated inflammatory and apoptosis-related cell signaling pathways, while the gene expression of HaCaT cells grown on a cell-adhesive polyzwitterion does not differ from the gene expression of the growth control, and thus can be defined as fully cell-compatible