169 research outputs found

    Strategi peningkatan citra Madrasah: Studi kasus di Madrasah Tsanawiyah NU Pakis Kabupaten Malang

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    ABSTRAK Strategi peningkatan citra Madrasah adalah hal yang perlu dilakukan, terlebih oleh Madrasah swasta yang memiliki index prestasi akademik maupun non akademiknya rendah. Madrasah Tsanawiyah NU Pakis kabupaten Malang adalah Madrasah yang melakukan peningkatan citra di Madrasahnya. Dengan beberapa strategi yang dimiliki kini Madrasah Tsanawiyah NU Pakis Kabupaten Malang telah menjuarai berbagai perlombaan, baik tingkat Malang Raya, Provinsi bahkan tingkat Nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang digunakan yaitu dasar primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisis data meliputi reduksi data, data display, penarikan/ verifikasi. Informan penelitian adalah Kepala Sekolah, wakil ketua kesiswaan, penaggung jawab program ubudiyah, pembiasaan, inovasi dan ekstrakurikuler. Uji keabsahan data dengan melakukan perpanjangan pengamatan, triangulasi, dan meningkatkan ketekunan. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Dasar pemikiran yang mendorong peningkatan citra madrasah di Madrasah Tsanawiyah NU Pakis Kabupaten Malang yaitu, siswa tidak kerasan di dalam kelas saat proses pembelajaran, tutur kata siswa kurang sopan kepada guru, sholat siswa tidak terkontrol. 2) Strategi peningkatan citra madrasah di Madrasah Tsanawiyah NU Pakis Kabupaten Malang yaitu mengadakan musyawarah bersama tim manajemen madrasah tsanawiyah NU Pakis, membentuk program ekstrakurikuler dan ubudiyah. 3) Dampak peningkatan citra madarasah di Madrasah Tsanawiyah NU Pakis Kabupaten Malang yaitu, peningkatan jumlah siswa, kualitas pembelajaran, kualitas lulusan, dan persepsi wali murid yang positif dalam menilainya. adanya persepsi positif masyarakat, maupun wali murid dalam hal ini bisa membawa review positif terhadap MTs NU Pakis Kabupaten Malang. ABSTRACT The strategy of improving the image of Madrasa is something that needs to be done, especially by private junior high school that have low academic and non-academic achievement indexes. Junior high school NU Pakis Malang district is a Madrasah that is doing image enhancement in its junior high school. With several strategies currently owned by Junior high school NU Pakis Malang Regency has won various competitions at the Malang Raya, Provincial and even National levels This study uses a qualitative approach. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Technical data analysis includes data reduction, data display, withdrawal/verification. Research informants are the principal, vice chairman of student affairs, the person in charge of the ubudiyah program, habituation, innovation and extracurricular activities. Test the validity of the data by extending observations, triangulation, and increasing persistence. The findings show that: 1) The rationale for improving the image of Junior high school NU Pakis Malang Regency, namely, students do not feel at home in the classroom during the learning process, students' words are not polite to the teacher, students' prayers are not controlled. 2) The strategy for improving the image of Junior high school NU Pakis, Malang Regency, namely holding a discussion with the management team of the Junior high school NU Pakis, forming extracurricular and ubudiyah programs. 3) The impact of improving the image of Junior high school NU Pakis, Malang Regency, namely, an increase in the number of students, quality of learning, quality of graduates, and positive perceptions of parents in assessing them. the existence of a positive perception of the community, as well as parents of students in this case can bring a positive review of Junior high school NU Pakis Malang Regency. مستخلص البحث إن إستراتيجية تحسين صورة المدارس الدينية أمر يجب القيام به ، لا سيما من قبل المدارس الخاصة التي لديها مؤشرات تحصيل أكاديمية وغير أكاديمية منخفضة. المدرسة الثانوية نحضة العلماء فاكيس مالنج هي مدرسة تقوم بتحسين الصورة في مدرستها. مع العديد من الاستراتيجيات التي تمتلكها حاليًا فاز المدرسة الثانوية نحضة العلماء فاكيس مالنج بالعديد من المسابقات على مستوى والمقاطعات وحتى الوطنية تستخدم هذه الدراسة مقاربة نوعية. البيانات المستخدمة هي البيانات الأولية والثانوية. تم تنفيذ تقنيات جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلات المتعمقة والملاحظة والتوثيق. يتضمن تحليل البيانات الفنية تقليل البيانات وعرض البيانات والسحب / التحقق. وكان مقدمو البحث هم المدير ونائب رئيس شؤون الطلاب والمسئول عن برنامج العبودية والتعود والابتكار والأنشطة اللامنهجية. اختبار صحة البيانات من خلال توسيع نطاق الملاحظات ، والتثليث ، وزيادة الثبات. تظهر النتائج ما يلي: (۱) الأساس المنطقي الذي يشجع على تحسين صورة المدارس الدينية في المدرسة الثانوية نحضة العلماء فاكيس مالنج, ، أي من مشاكل المدارس الدينية ، يتم تشكيل برنامج غير منهجي يهدف إلى زيادة اهتمامات الطلاب ومواهبهم حتى يتمكنوا من ذلك. تصبح صورة إيجابية للمدارس ، ثم يتشكل برنامج العبودية الإشكالي. الذي يهدف إلى تحسين قدرات الطلاب التعليمية على قراءة القرآن ، والعبادة الجماعية لصلاة الضحى والظهور والعصر ، بحيث تكون هناك صورة إيجابية عن المدرسة. (۲) تتم إستراتيجية تحسين صورة المدارس الدينية في المدرسة الثانوية نحضة العلماء فاكيس مالنج, مدارس من خلال مداولات فريق إدارة والمعلمين واجتماعات اللجان التي تعقد في نهاية كل فصل دراسي وفي نفس الوقت تنفيذ برنامج نشاط المدرسة الجديد ، التنشئة الاجتماعية لجميع الآباء من خلال توزيع الدعوات. (۳) تأثير تحسين صورة المدارس الدينية في المدرسة الثانوية نحضة العلماء فاكيس مالنج, أي زيادة عدد الطلاب سنويًا ، وجودة التعلم ، وجودة الخريجين ، والتصورات الإيجابية للآباء في تقييمهم. إن وجود تصور إيجابي للمجتمع ، وكذلك أولياء أمور الطلاب في هذه الحالة يمكن أن يوفر مراجعة إيجابية في المدرسة الثانوية نحضة العلماء فاكيس مالنج

    Investigating the Antimicrobial Efficiency of Staple Food Against Enteric Pathogens

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    Background: The advent of antibiotics has significantly decreased human death rates. However, the problem of antibiotic overuse and the number of individuals who maintain a suspicious and defensive stance towards medicines remain unresolved concerns. Hence, it is important to investigate the antibacterial efficacy of commonly consumed dietary items. Results and Discussion: This research examined the antibacterial activity of thirteen different daily vegetables and fruits. Among them, the extract from Citrus limon (Eureka) had the highest efficacy as an antibacterial agent against Gram-positive bacteria. The study involved quantifying the antibacterial efficacy of Citrus limon (Eureka) extract by measuring the diameter of the antibacterial zone and determining the cell concentration in the sample using an Ultraviolet Spectrometer. The results revealed a positive correlation between the antibacterial ability of the extract and its quantity, as well as a negative correlation between the inhibition degree of S. aureus and the quantity of Citrus limon (Eureka) extract. Conclusion: The study revealed that the extract derived from Citrus limon (Eureka) has robust antibacterial properties against gram-positive bacteria while demonstrating no discernible effect on gram-negative bacteria

    Kajian Numerik Infiltrasi Flue Gas pada Komponen Lance Tube Soot Blower Tipe PS-SL

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    One failure that often occurs in the sootblower is that it breaks in the lance tube caused by corrosion. Based on the results of the root analysis the failure of the cause of corrosion in the component lance tube is caused by the occurrence of flue gas infiltration which results in blockage of the vent valve. This causes the remaining blowing medium cannot be pushed into the furnace and if left for too long will cause condensation in the lance tube. Condensation mixed with corrosive substances from flue gas can accelerate the corrosion rate on the lance tube. The simulation was carried out using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method assisted by Fluent ANSYS 17.2 software. Corrosive substances in flue gas are modeled as inert particles of fly ash using DPM (Discrete Phase Model). To overcome the infiltration problem, angular variations were made in the converging section of the under-expanded nozzle on the lance tube. The concentration of DPM particles is compared to the cross section to find out how many corrosive particles enter the soot blower. Particle concentrations at angles of 10º 15º and 20º are 2,043 kg/m³, 0.515 kg/m³, 0475 kg/m³, respectively. While the mass fraction is 0.0069, 0.0017, 0.0016, respectively. The simulation results show a reduction in infiltration with the addition of an angle to the nozzle, with an angle of 20º showing the best results


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    Memadamkan api dilakukan secara manual oleh manusia yang mana membutuhkan banyak tenaga dalam memadamkan apinya. Oleh karena itu, dengan seiring berkembangnya kemajuan elektronika dan teknologi informatika, manusia dapat menciptakan robot pemadam api untuk membantu manusia dalam memadamkan api yang dikendalikan melalui smartphone dengan pemantauan bluetooth android. Dengan menggabungkan penggunaan smartphone android dengan arduino uno atmega328 serta bluetooth yang berfungsi sebagai penerima dan pengirim perintah dalam memadamkan api pada robot pemadam api, sehingga kegiatan memadamkan api menjadi lebih ringan dan efisien. Robot pemadam api ini juga dilengkapi dengan sensor api sebagai pendeteksi api dan arduino fan module berfungsi untuk memadamkan api. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya robot pemadam api beroda dengan pemantauan berbasis bluetooth dapat mendeteksi api (pada sensor api) dan kipas menyala untuk memadamkan api secara otomatis, di mana dalam menggerakkan robotnya masih secara manual sesuai perintah melalui aplikasi yaitu dengan menggunakan bantuan smartphone yang terhubung dengan bluetooth HC-05 yang berada pada robot


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    The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this study is to explore and explain exactly what kind of religious construction of kiai pesantren about pluralism and multiculturalism, the basis of references used, because it is related to the kiai’s point of view in resolving social conflicts that sometimes occur in the community. The data research was collected through survey and depth interview with some kiai pesantren in East Java. Data analysis was conducted with qualitative narrative and through Forum Group Discussion (FGD). The result shows that the mapping of religious construction of kiai pesantren in East Java consists of (1) religious construction with inclusive and exclusive categories and (2) religious construction with exclusive categories. Realitas pluralitas dalam konteks kemanusiaan merupakan kehendak Allah SWT, tugas manusialah memelihara dan mengembangkan rasa saling menghormati dan menghargai sesama (toleran). Dalam hal ini, tujuan penelitian ini mengeksplorasi dan menjelaskan dengan tepat konstruksi religius kiai pesantren tentang pluralisme dan multikulturalisme, dasar referensi yang digunakan, karena ini terkait dengan sudut pandang Kiai dalam menyelesaikan konflik sosial yang kadang-kadang terjadi di masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survei dan wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa kiai pesantren di Jawa Timur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan narasi kualitatif dan melalui Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembangunan agama Pesantren Kiai di Jawa Timur pada pluralisme dan multikulturalisme dapat dipetakan menjadi dua, yaitu (1) konstruksi keagamaan dengan kategori inklusif dan eksklusif dan (2) konstruksi keagamaan dengan kategori eksklusif

    Aeroallergen sensitizations with special reference to fungi sensitization

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    The present study is aimed to profile the prevalence and determine the risk of aeroallergen sensitization including fungi on gender, ethnicity, and age groups. 225 of the university community population were interviewed using a standard questionnaire by allergists to collect information on demographic including gender, ethnicity, and age. To confirm the prevalence of the aeroallergens sensitization, the gold standard procedure, i.e. skin prick testing was performed using commercial aeroallergens. Of the subjects, 93 (41.3%) were categorised as atopic. The most prevalent positive SPT among the general and the atopic population were house dust mites, (32.4%; 78.5%), followed by German cockroach (20%; 48.3%), fungal (7.55%; 18.2%), and cat dander (4.8%; 11.8%) respectively. The prevalence of fungi sensitization among the atopic population is doubled to the general population and considerably high compared to the World Allergy report. Among the 17 fungal sensitized subjects, 9 (52.9%) were monosensitized to Aspergillus fumigatus, 4 (23.5%) to Penicillium notatum, 2 (11.8%) to Candida albicans, and one (5.9%) to Alternaria alternata. One (5.9%) subject was oligosensitized to both Alternaria alternata and Aspergillus fumigatus. Male subjects were with the higher risk to fungi sensitization compared to female, Chinese ethnicity subjects to other ethnicities, and subjects with ≥20 years of age to other age groups. Sensitization is high to both Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium notatum. Thus, it is an indicator not to be taken lightly as these fungi are also highly prevalent at UPSI and have been associated with the sick building syndrom

    Advances in neuroproteomics for neurotrauma: unraveling insights for personalized medicine and future prospects

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    Neuroproteomics, an emerging field at the intersection of neuroscience and proteomics, has garnered significant attention in the context of neurotrauma research. Neuroproteomics involves the quantitative and qualitative analysis of nervous system components, essential for understanding the dynamic events involved in the vast areas of neuroscience, including, but not limited to, neuropsychiatric disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, mental illness, traumatic brain injury, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and other neurodegenerative diseases. With advancements in mass spectrometry coupled with bioinformatics and systems biology, neuroproteomics has led to the development of innovative techniques such as microproteomics, single-cell proteomics, and imaging mass spectrometry, which have significantly impacted neuronal biomarker research. By analyzing the complex protein interactions and alterations that occur in the injured brain, neuroproteomics provides valuable insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neurotrauma. This review explores how such insights can be harnessed to advance personalized medicine (PM) approaches, tailoring treatments based on individual patient profiles. Additionally, we highlight the potential future prospects of neuroproteomics, such as identifying novel biomarkers and developing targeted therapies by employing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). By shedding light on neurotrauma’s current state and future directions, this review aims to stimulate further research and collaboration in this promising and transformative field