558 research outputs found

    Factors encouraging and hindering a wider acceptance and more frequent utilization of mobile payment systems: an empirical study among mobile phone subscribers in Turkey

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    Purpose- This research deals with determining the factors that affect adoption of mobile payment technology among consumers, in Turkey. It seeks to find any patterns and connections that may be of aid in framing an implementation strategy for facilitating further adoption. It has gathered different definitions of “mobile payment” in literature and used a consumer side definition. Methodology- A survey is conducted among mobile phone subscribers in Istanbul, Turkey for primary data collection phase of this research. Istanbul is the city that holds the biggest population and has the highest amount of mobile phone subscribers in the country. Istanbul’s current population is more than 15.6million and mobile phone subscriptions are more than 22million as of 2019. Survey responses have been analysed with structural equation modelling and results are presented in the corresponding sections. Findings- Empirical findings of the research show that factors such as usefulness, security, social influence, ease of use, enjoyment and innovativeness have positive effects on use of mobile payments among consumers. Factors such as attractiveness of alternatives and new technology anxiety have negative effects on use of mobile payments. Conclusion- This research has shown that mobile payments are a potential mainstream trend for the near future. Several benefits of the mobile payment value chain for both technology providers and the consumers have been identified. Other findings of this research can be stated as the challenges which the stakeholders are experiencing while trying to extend mobile payment technologies to a wider consumer base. Therefore, the results and the variables can be used by service providers who want to launch new mobile payment solutions for similar markets and they can take actions for getting more efficient results accordingly.Publisher's Versio


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    The aim of this study is to compare the physical activity levels of middle school and high school students in Çanakkale province. The study included 426 female and 417 male students aged 10-17 years who voluntarily participated. The PAQ survey developed by Kowalski et al. was used to determine physical activity levels of students participating in the study. The responses of students to the survey questions had mean and standard deviation calculated and the T test used for analysis with SPSS. For middle school students, the mean age of female students was 12.16±1.23 and the mean age of male students was 12.23±1.24 years. For high school, the mean age of female students was 16.31±1.17 and the mean age of male students was 16.32±1.29 years. In terms of BMI, the value for female middle school students was 18.95±3.13 and for male middle school students was 19.18±3.78, while for female high school students it was 20.92±3.31 and for male high school students it was 22.21±5.36. The physical activity scores for female and male middle school students were 2.71±0.79 and 2.93±0.77, respectively. The physical activity scores for female and male high school students were 1.88±0.61 and 2.36±0.73, respectively. For middle school students the physical activity scores were found to be high for both genders compared to high school students. Physical activity scores for female students were lower compared to males in both school types.  Article visualizations

    Farklı partenogenetik aktivasyon sürelerinin fare embriyo gelişimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri

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    In the present study we investigate the effects of parthenogenetic activation on in vitro embryo development and quality in different activation periods. oocytes were obtained 14 hours after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection from superovulated B6D2F1 female mice then parthenogenetic activation started 18 hours after hCG injection. The oocytes were activated at different activation periods for 3, 4, 5 or 6 hours in 10 mM strontium chloride (SrCl2)+ 5 μg/mL-1 Cytohalasine B (CB) + 5 nM Trichostatin A (TSA) containing a Ca 2+ free Chatot Ziomek Brinster (CZB) activation medium, followed by further incubation for two hours at 37°C and 5% CO2 in embryo culturing medium + TSA. The results in the present study suggested that the parthenogenetic activation of the 6 hour activation period was found to be higher than at 3, 4 and 5 hours.Çalışmamızın amacı, partenogenetik aktivasyonda farklı aktivasyon sürelerinin in vitro embriyo gelişimi ve kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Superovule B6D2F1 ırkı dişi farelere uygulanan insan koryonik gonadotropin (hCG) enjeksiyonundan 14 saat sonra oositler elde edildi ve 18 saat sonra partenogenetik aktivasyona başlandı. Oositler, 10 mM stronsiyum klorür (SrCl2) + 5 μg/mL-1 sitokalazin B (CB) + 5 nM trikostatin A (TSA) Ca 2+ içermeyen Chatot Ziomek Brinster (CZB) medyumu içerisinde 3, 4, 5 ve 6 saat bekletildi. Aktivasyon sonrası, embriyo kültür medyumu + TSA’da inkübatörde 37°C ve %5 CO2 ortamında 2 saat bekletildi. Son olarak, tüm embriyolar 120 saat süre ile kültüre edildi. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar göre, 6 saatlik partenogenetik aktivasyon başarısının, 3, 4 ve 5 saatlik sürelere göre daha yüksek olduğu saptandı

    Analyzing Exchange Market Pressure Dynamics with Markov Regime Switching: The Case of Turkey

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    This study analyzes the dynamics of exchange market pressure in Turkey by employing the Markov regime switching model for the period from January 2006 to December 2019. Our findings show that there are two regimes in the foreign exchange market, characterized as low- and high-pressure periods. The domination of the high-pressure regime in the sample period indicates that depreciation pressure prevails in the Turkish foreign exchange market. During this regime, the pressure is aggravated by the rising inflation, credit growth, and VIX, and the falling of short-term external debt. Thus, in the presence of capital flows, the preferences of policy authorities regarding price stability and growth determine the course of the pressure. When these policy choices favor credit-driven growth, depreciation pressure in the foreign exchange market is exacerbated through the current account deficit

    Relations of Religion Science and Philosophy

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    DergiPark: 326038trakyasobedIn this article we deal with religion, philosophy and science together almost first time. In religion philosophy relations theology and philosophy relations deserves attention and philosophy of religion or philosophical theology unites these two areas. Strict rasionalizm, critical rasionalism and fideism are main approaches for this reletionships. In relations of religion and science there are five approaches: conflict, dialog, differentiation, integration and islamization of science. Religion focuses why of events and the other areas how of eventsBu makalede din, bilim ve felsefe ilişkileri nerdeyse ilk defa üçü bir arada ele alınmaktadır. Din ve felsefe ilişkilerinde teoloji ile felsefe ilişkileri dikkat çekerken, bu iki alanı din felsefesi veya felsefi teoloji birleştirmektedir. Bu ilişkiye üçlü bir yaklaşım söz konusudur: katı akılcılık, fideizm ve eleştirel akılcılık. Din ve bilim ilişkilerinde dörtlü bir tasnif söz konusudur. Bunlar; çatışma, diyalog, farklılaşma ve entegrasyondur. Buna bir de bilginin İslamileştirilmesi eklenebilir. Dinin bilgi kaynağı vahiy, felsefenin bilgi kaynağı akıl ve bilimin bilgi kaynağı ise deney ve gözlemdir. Din olayların niçini üzerinde dururken, felsefe ve bilim nasılı üzerinde durmaktadı

    A simple heart valve replacement technique which improves surgical time

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    Aim of the study: Different heart valve replacement techniques have been described in the literature. In the present study, a simple and very fast heart valve replacement technique is presented. Material and methods: In a two-year period, 87 patients with the diagnosis of mitral valve disease, aortic valve disease or combined valve disease underwent valve replacement performed by the same surgeon. In this technique, the valve was implanted with the valve clamped to the surgical dressing without the assistant holding it. Patients with coexisting surgical pathologies were excluded from the study. A control group was created among the patients who were operated on during the same time period by different surgeons with the assistant holding the prosthesis. Control group operations were done by conventional valve holding and suturing techniques. Results: Mean age of the patients was 61.6 ± 3.2 years. Mitral valve replacement (MVR) was done to 51 patients, aortic valve replacement (AVR) to 12 patients and both aortic and MVR to 24 patients. Aortic cross clamp duration was 30.7 ± 3.3 min for MVR, 34.8 ± 6.2 min for AVR and 69.1 ± 6.1 min for both valve replacements. Aortic clamping durations were significantly higher in the conventional implantation technique. Discussion: The described technique has many advantages such as short myocardial ischemia duration, better exposure of the surgical field and facilitation of assistance. © 2014 Termedia Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved

    Internal change mechanism of integrated reporting: A field study

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    Integrated reporting has a considerable impact on the decision-making of all stakeholders in firms. Moreover, the increasing importance of integrated reporting has brought about changes in the reporting process. The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal changes in the integrated reporting process in Turkish business entities. To achieve this purpose, a semi-structured interview with managers of these entities was conducted. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed then the results were evaluated. We find that entities undergo a structural internal change that affects all components of firms in their reporting process, due to the impact of integrated reporting implementation and expectation

    A Novel Blind Adaptive Beamformer with Robustness against Mutual Coupling and Miscalibration Effects

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    Beamforming techniques utilized either at the transmitter or the receiver terminals have achieved superior quality-of-service performances from both the multi-antenna wireless communications systems, communications intelligence and radar target detection perspectives. Despite the overwhelming advantages in ideal operating conditions, beamforming approaches have been shown to face substantial performance degradations due to unknown mutual coupling effects and miscalibrated array elements. As a promising solution, blind beamformers have been proposed as a class of receiver beamformers that do not require a reference signal to operate. In this paper, a novel gradient-based blind beamformer is introduced with the aim of mitigating the deteriorating effects of unknown mutual coupling or miscalibration effects. The proposed approach is shown to find the optimal weights in different antenna array configurations in the presence of several unknown imperfections (e.g., mutual coupling effects, miscalibration effects due to gain and phase variations, inaccurate antenna positions). By providing numerical results related to the proposed algorithm for different array configurations, and bench-marking with the other existing approaches, the proposed scheme has been shown to achieve superior performance in many aspects. Additionally, a measurement-based analysis has been included with validation purposes.Comment: Presented in EuCAP 2023, Copyright IEE

    Müşteri memnuniyet indeks modelinde yapay sinir ağları kullanımı

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    The concept of customer satisfaction has attracted much attention in recent years. A key motivation for the growing emphasis on customer satisfaction is that higher satisfaction can lead to a stronger competitive position resulting in higher market share and profit, reduce price elasticity, lower business cost, reduce failure cost, and reduce the cost of attracting new customers. The purpose of customer satisfaction index (CSI) models is to measure the quality of the goods and services as experienced by the customers that consume them. The independent and uniform measurement characteristics of the CSI model provide a useful tool for tracking performance and systematic benchmarking over time. A major advantage of the measurement model is the use of generic questions, which are sufficiently flexible to be used across a wide variety of products and services. In this study, a new customer satisfaction index model is developed considering the previous CSI models such as American Customer Satisfaction Index and European Customer Satisfaction Index. The proposed model was applied for Turkish mobile phone sector since the competition in this industry results a dynamic product development and an increasing demand for that products. CSI models are designed as a structural equation model (SEM) which consists of well established theories and approaches in customer behaviour. The constructs of the CSI models are latent variables indirectly described by a block of measurement variables. The structural model of the proposed CSI consists of 6 latent variables with their 23 observable variables. The latent variables of the model are company image, customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. A survey instrument, developed to measure the manifest variables, was conducted to 700 mobile phone users. Besides the model questions, some demographic questions (e.g. age, gender, education level etc.) are also included in the survey. The structural model of the present model is analyzed using variance based Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. The main concern of the PLS is related to the explanatory power of the path model along with the significance level of standardized regression weights. An iterative scheme of simple and/or multiple regressions contingent on the particular model is performed until a solution converges on a set of weights. The general applicability of a SEM model depends on the reliability and validity of the modelling results. Reliability and validity of the proposed CSI model were assessed by checking unidimensionalty of the blocks, individual item reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. All test results satisfy the crucial requirements for validity and reliability of structural model. In this study, a feed forward neural network model is proposed as an alternative to simple or multiple regression methods for the inner model estimation of the CSI. The use of artificial neural networks (NN) gained popularity in different fields, and some studies have demonstrated the superiority of NN over multiple regression. NN simulates human cognition by modelling the inherent parallelism of neural circuits in the brain using mathematical models of how the circuits function. However, the NN approach has been applied more recently to customer satisfaction and loyalty analysis. In this study there are 5 different inner models estimating 5 different endogenous latent variables of the CSI model. Each inner model was estimated using three-layer feed forward neural networks. A sigmoid function is used in the hidden layer, and a linear function in the output layer. The data was divided into two sets, 75 percent for training, and 25 percent for testing. Training is performed using the Levenberg Marquardt back propagation algorithm, and the weights are initialized using Nguyen Widrow algorithm. After the NN is trained it was evaluated for the test data. Root mean squared error and R square scores were used as performance criteria. The use of NN provides a powerful estimation for the inner models used in the CSI. The results of the CSI model as a whole can be a valuable guide for the managers in formulating competitive marketing strategies. Considering the results of the CSI model, the limited resources of the firms can be allocated for critical factors which have important impacts on satisfaction. In conclusion, the CSI model provides important information for the purchase decisions of the customers and lead to improvements in the quality of goods and services they consume. Keywords: Customer satisfaction index, partial least squares, neural networks. Müşteri memnuniyet indeks modelleri son yıllarda birçok ülkede yaygın olarak uygulanmaktadır. Müşteri memnuniyet indekslerinin en büyük özelliği yapısındaki ölçüm faktörlerinin ürün ve hizmet sektöründe rahatlıkla kullanılabilmesine  imkan sağlamasıdır. Bu sayede güvenilir bir ölçekle firmalar arasında, sektörler arasında ve ülke çapında karşılaştırmalı bir memnuniyet ölçümü mümkün olmaktadır. Müşteri memnuniyet indeks modelleri, müşteri memnuniyeti ile ilişkili gizli (latent) değişkenler ve bu gizli değişkenleri ölçen ölçüm değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkilerden oluşan yapısal eşitlik modelleridir. Bu çalışmada diğer ülkelerde kullanılan müşteri memnuniyet indeks modellerinden yola çıkarak ülkemiz şartlarında kullanılabilecek bir müşteri memnuniyet indeks modeli geliştirilip test edilmiştir. Model, 6 gizli değişken ve bunlara bağlı toplam 23 ölçüm değişkeninden oluşmaktadır. Modele uygun olarak hazırlanan anket formu kullanılarak, cep telefonu sektöründe 700 kullanıcı ile yüz-yüze anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Müşteri memnuniyet indeks modelindeki gizli değişkenler ve ölçüm değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiler kısmi en küçük kareler yöntemiyle tahmin edilmiştir. Müşteri memnuniyet indeks modelinin güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik test sonuçları modelin genel uygulanabilirliğini göstermektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca, gizli değişkenler arası ilişkilerin oluşturduğu iç modellerin tahmininde Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) metodu önerilmiştir. Yapısal modeller için tasarlanan YSA modeli 3 katmanlı ileri beslemeli ve geri yayılımlı bir modeldir. Gizli katmanda sigmoid transfer fonksiyonu, çıkış katmanında ise doğrusal transfer fonksiyonu kullanılmıştır. Bu şekilde 5 farklı iç modelin tahmini için yapay sinir ağları metodunun kullanımı modellerin açıklayıcılık gücünü artırmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Müşteri memnuniyet indeksi, kısmi en küçük kareler, yapay sinir ağları.&nbsp