626 research outputs found

    The faunal remains from Shaqadud

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    The Role of British Diplomats in Yazidis Affairs in Iraq 1932-1939

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    Studying the history of minorities in Iraq has been  an important field of interest for many scholars. This study (The Role of British diplomats in Yazidis Affairs in Iraq1932- 1939) is an attempt to present and analyze the role of the British diplomats  towards the affairs relating to Yazidi minority in Iraq during a very important period in the latter’s cotemporary history. The Yazidis who had been living in Sinjar  a sub-district of Mosul in northern Iraq had been  in continuous conflict with Ottoman authorities . This was partly due to their refusal to perform mandatory military service, (compulsory conscription,) and paying taxes. Ottoman campaigns were conducted against them to subjugate them by force to Ottoman rule. This was the reason for their isolating themselves  in the mountainous area far from the city center. When British had developed an influence in Iraq an opportunity was presented to the Yazidis to defend themselves. Their leaders asked British authorities to defend  their interests and to help them get rid of the oppression of the Ottomans. For the purpose of establishing British influence among the Yazidis , the former  called the Yazidi leaders to hold a conference and issue a plea to the  British authorities in Iraq to include them under British protection. Britain was planning  to set up a Yazidi princedom in Sinjar to serve as a buffer between Iraq and Syria, kipping Frances away from oil field

    Determination of IL-6 and CRP in Patients with Type Two - Diabetes Mellitus in Baghdad/ Iraq

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    يعد داء السكري ((DM Diabetes mellitus المعروف عالميا كمشكلة صحية الذي يؤدي الى الاعتلال و الموت . تتضمن الاضطرابات المناعية للمرض الاستجابة المناعية الخلوية للخلايا اللمفية T- cells التي تساهم في المسار الفسيولوجيPath physiological l لمرض السكري من النوع الثاني (Two- DM)  Diabetes   mellitus . شملت الدراسة (50) فرد تتراوح اعمارهم بين (15-85) سنة الذين حضروا الى مستشفى الكاظمية التعليمي في بغداد وقسمت الافراد الى مجموعتين الاولى تضمنت  (35) مريض  (20 انثى و 15 رجل) والمجموعة الثانية (15) فرد من الاصحاء  كسيطرة . تم فحص انترلوكين 6 - IL و البروتين الفعال C- ((CRP  لكل من مرضى السكري والاصحاء. فقد اشارت الدراسة بعدم وجود اختلاف معنوي(p≥0.05)  بين كل من CRP (-ve-) و CRP (+ve) في الدم السكري وكذلك بوجود اختلاف معنوي (p≥0.05)   في مستويات  الانترلوكين IL 6 - في المرضى السكري والأصحاء. لقد هدفت الدراسة تقييم ومقارنة انترلوكين 6-  ILو البروتين الفعال C- (CRP) في مرضى السكري في المرضى العراقيين في مدينة بغداد.Diabetes mellitus (DM) type Two is a major worldwide health problem leading to an increase mortality and serious morbidity. Immunological disturbances involving the cell mediated immune system and improper-lymphocyte function contributes to the path physiological of type Two- DM. The study consist of 50 subjects, ages ranging between (15-85) years who attended to Al-kazimaih medical hospital in Baghdad/Iraq which divided in to two groups; the first group consists 35 patient  (20 females and 15 male) and the second 15 (5 female and 10 males) normal healthy as a control. The patients with type Two -DM were detected for IL-6 and CRP markers so as for control by ELISA test and agglutination test respectively. The results revealed that’s no significant differences (p≥0.05) between the level of CRP in patients type Two- DM and level of CRP in control. So as there were significant differences (p≤0.05) between the levels of IL-6 concentrations in type Two- DM and control represented by increase of IL- 6 in control than in patients. This study aimed to assess and compare the level of serum IL-6 and CRP in patient of type Two- DM in Iraqi patients in Baghdad city


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    Nanostructured perovskite oxides of Ba0.2Sr0.8Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF) were synthesized through the co-precipitation method. The thermal decomposition, phase formation and thermal expansion behavior of BSCF were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and dilatometry, respectively. XRD peaks were indexed to a cubic perovskite structure with a Pm3m (221) space group. All the combined oxides produced the desired perovskite-phase BSCF. The microstructures were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TEM analysis showed that BSCF powders had uniform nanoparticle sizes and high homogeneity. The cross-sectional SEM micrograph of BSCF exhibited a continuous and no delaminated layer from the electrolyte-supported cell. The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of BSCF was 16.2×10-6 K-1 at a temperature range of 600°C to 800°C. Additional experiments showed that the TEC of BSCF is comparable to that of Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (SDC) within the same temperature range. The results demonstrate that BSFC is a promising cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells

    Pastoralist knowledge of sheep and goat disease and implications for peste des petits ruminants virus control in the Afar Region of Ethiopia

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    Pastoralist areas of Ethiopia are vulnerable to drought, causing livelihood loss and famine. One approach to increasing pastoralist resilience is the control of livestock disease, but there is limited information from pastoralist areas to inform control strategies. This study aimed to explore pastoralist concepts of small ruminant disease and implications for infectious disease surveillance and control in the pastoralist Afar Region. During 2013–14, qualitative and quantitative methods were applied in two villages of one district in the mid-west of the region. Semi-structured group interviews, incorporating participatory tools, explored pastoralist knowledge of small ruminant diseases and their impact. These were followed by multiple visits in different seasons to 70 households for semi-structured and informal interviews, observation of management practices, clinical examinations, and weekly questionnaires of mortality and morbidity. Thematic analysis was applied to interview transcripts and field notes, and descriptive statistical analysis to quantitative data. Afar concepts of disease causation, terminology and treatment were predominantly naturalistic, related to observable signs and physical causes, rather than personalistic factors (misfortune due to magical or spiritual agents). Disease occurrence was associated with malnutrition and adverse weather, and disease spread with contact between animals during grazing, watering and migration. Disease occurrence varied by season with most syndromes increasing in frequency during the dry season. Names for disease syndromes were related to the main clinical sign or body part affected; 70 terms were recorded for respiratory syndromes, diarrhoea, sheep and goat pox, lameness, skin diseases, ectoparasites, urinary and neurological syndromes and abortion. Some syndromes with pathognomonic signs could be linked to biomedical diagnoses but most were non-specific with several possible diagnoses. The syndromes causing greatest impact were diarrhoea and respiratory disease, due to mortality, reduced milk production, weight loss, abortion, weak offspring and reduced market value. Afar applied a range of traditional methods and modern medicines to prevent or treat disease, based on livestock keeper knowledge, advice of local specialists and occasionally advice from district veterinarians or animal health workers. In relation to surveillance for peste des petits ruminants (PPR), several terms were used for PPR-like syndromes, depending on the predominance of respiratory or diarrhoea signs. Therefore, whenever these terms are encountered during surveillance, the associated disease events should be fully investigated and samples collected for laboratory confirmation. The Afar naturalistic concepts of disease parallel biomedical concepts and provide a good foundation for communication between veterinarians and pastoralists in relation to PPR surveillance and control measures

    A case report on Kawasaki disease

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    Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute vasculitis of children that leads to coronary artery aneurysms in ≈ 25 of untreated cases. It has been reported worldwide and is the leading cause of acquired heart disorder in children in developed countries. The diagnosis of KD is made on basis on the clinical findings. Atypical KD includes patients who don't meet all the criteria for opinion. The main complication of Kawasaki complaint is coronary aneurysm, and the treatment is intravenous immunoglobulin and aspirin. Another dose of immunoglobulin is given if the patient doesn't ameliorate, and several other treatment options have been proposed over the last many years as alternate and third line options. The AHA criteria, which incorporate suggestions for laboratory tests and early echocardiography, are helpful for diagnosing incomplete KD. Diagnosis is based on the presence of fever lasting longer than 5 days and four of five specific clinical criteria. In Japan, at least five of six criteria (fever and five other clinical criteria) should be fulfilled for the determination of KD. From the Japanese circulation society joint working groups criteria (JCS 2008, Guidelines for diagnosis and management of cardiovascular sequela in KD), KD can be diagnosed indeed when fever lasts lesser than 5 days. Though, according to the American heart association (AHA) criteria, fever lasting more than 5 days is essential for KD diagnosis. The use of intravenous immunoglobulin is well established in KD. Aspirin has been used in KD for anti-inflammatory effect, and low-dose aspirin is recommended to reduce the risk of thrombosis

    Improving the Antibacterial Activity of Ceftazidime by Inulinase Purified from Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Inulinase is an enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of inulin, a plant stored polysaccharide, into fructoses and fructo- oligosaccharides that have a large spectrum of applications ranging from food industry to bioethanol production and pharmacology.Eight isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from agricultural rhizosphere soil samples with isolation percentage(32%)   and screened for higher inulinase production and found that Staphylococcus aureusS3 was the best producer. Inulinase was  partially purified with ammonium sulfate at 70% saturation and the specific activity reached to (7.01)U/mg protein. Inulinase led to enhancement ceftazidime activity against the bacteria and  gram positive bacteria more sensitive than negative bacteria to combination of inulinase and ceftazidime. These finding indicate that antistaphylococcal activity of ceftazidime antibiotic has increased in the presence of inulinase enzyme and the inulinase may be useful adjuvant agent for the treatment of S. aureus infections in combination with this antibiotic

    First report of grapevine dieback caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum in Basrah, Southern Iraq

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    In Basrah, grapevines suffer from dieback. Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum were isolated from diseased grapevines, Vitis vinifera L. and identified based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The results of the pathogenicity test conducted under greenhouse conditions for L. theobromae and N. dimidiatum reveal that both species were the causal agents of grapevines diebacks in Basrah, Southern Iraq. A brief description is provided for the isolated species.Key words: grapevine, dieback, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), rDNA, Iraq

    Olefin Polymerization by Dinuclear Zirconium Catalysts Based on Rigid Teraryl Frameworks: Effects on Tacticity and Copolymerization Behavior

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    Toward gaining insight into the behavior of bimetallic catalysts for olefin polymerization, a series of structurally related binuclear zirconium catalysts with bisamine bisphenolate and pyridine bisphenolate ligands connected by rigid teraryl units were synthesized. Anthracene-9,10-diyl and 2,3,5,6-tetramethylbenzene-1,4-diyl were employed as linkers. Bulky Si^iPr_3 and SiPh_3 substituents were used in the position ortho to the phenolate oxygen. Pseudo-C_s and C_2 symmetric isomers are observed for the binuclear complexes of bisamine bisphenolate ligands. In general, binuclear catalysts show higher isotacticity compared to the monozirconium analogues, with some differences between isomers. Amine bisphenolate-supported dizirconium complexes were found to be moderately active (up to 1.5 kg mmol_(Zr)^(–1) h^(–1)) for the polymerization of 1-hexene to isotactically enriched poly-1-hexene (up to 45% mmmm) in the presence of stoichiometric trityl or anilinium borate activators. Moderate activity was observed for the production of isotactically enriched polypropylene (up to 2.8 kg mmol_(Zr)^(–1) h^(–1) and up to 25.4% mmmm). The previously proposed model for tacticity control based on distal steric effects from the second metal site is consistent with the observed behavior. Both bisamine bisphenolate and pyridine bisphenolate supported complexes are active for the production of polyethylene in the presence of MAO with activities in the range of 1.1–1.6 kg mmol_(Zr)^(–1) h^(–1) and copolymerize ethylene with α-olefins. Little difference in the level of α-olefin incorporation is observed between mono- and dinuclear catalysts supported with the pyridine bisphenolate catalysts. In contrast, the size of the olefin affects the level of incorporation differently between monometallic and bimetallic catalysts for the bisamine bisphenolate system. The ratio of the incorporation levels with dinuclear vs mononuclear catalysts decreases with increasing comonomer size. This effect is attributed to steric pressure provided by the distal metal center on the larger olefin in dinuclear catalysts