155 research outputs found

    A Novel DNA Sequence Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Cryptography Encoding Method

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    Abstractโ€” A novel method for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) has been proposed, based on the concept of how DNA sequence detects disease as both domains have similar conceptual method of detection. Three important steps have been proposed to apply DNA sequence for NIDS: convert the network traffic data into a form of DNA sequence using Cryptography encoding method; discover patterns of Short Tandem Repeats (STR) sequence for each network traffic attack using Teiresias algorithm; and conduct classification process depends upon STR sequence based on Horspool algorithm. 10% KDD Cup 1999 data set is used for training phase. Correct KDD Cup 1999 data set is used for testing phase to evaluate the proposed method. The current experiment results show that the proposed system has obtained good results and these results are equal to 86.36%, 49.69%, and 77.65% for detection rate, false alarm rate and accuracy respectively. These results are considered as a better result when it is compared with the other previous basic algorithms. It is possible to conclude that DNA sequence has potential for NIDS solution and it has potential improvement using a better encoding method

    Perception of young adults on the use of mobile learning for pre-marital course in Malaysia: A preliminary study

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    Mobile learning is a learning method delivered by using mobile devices and technologies. Previous studies indicate that mobile learning has potential to enhance formal as well as informal learning in Islamic marital practices. This study focuses on how young adults perceive the use of mobile devices for pre-marital course. Eighty participants in the pre-marital course held in Malaysia were gathered for the study. A structured questionnaire was distributed to the gathered participants and final results were based on their valid responses. The results indicate that participants' expectations on mobile learning expectations of mobile learning were very high and two-thirds of them were interested to learn more about Islamic marital practices through mobile learning. Based on the results, a few pedagogical recommendations have been made for the relevant authorities

    Hubungan antara Disiplin Mahasiswa dalam Tutorial dengan Prestasi Belajar pada Semester IX S1 PGSD di Kecamatan Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010

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    The development in our country include world education and technology must be have progress in order that we are good Quality educate from seen in other country. If your educate is very good surely my our country is welfare. So that evey nationality you can see education in your own country. In fact every nasionalism must be struggle good quality to education to progress in my country. World education from older until right now it is very important you can see development condition in our country measure from development education and technology. Eventhough situation correalate with discipline focusly secure, you can achieve in other word with prestasion. All people get achievement prestasion if they are have discipline personality. The brilliant college it is very correlate with discipline. So that in my research, The correlate between are discipline college in tutorial with learn prestasion at grade XI bachelor PGSD Region Kota Agung in Tanggamus. It is very significant correlate between discipline with prestasion learn college. Based argue Prof Dr.S.Prayudi Atmosudirjo โ€œ Keep attitude morality and discipline is educate and give good example to under person keep personality such as follow the rule,polite,and diligentlyโ€. In fact discipline surely diligently,follow the rule and polite. It is very correlate based teory development prestasion

    Preliminary study for customerโ€™s online shopping satisfaction from security perspective

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    The objective of this paper is to present the results of preliminary study that has been performed to measure the reliability of the ques-tionnaire for collecting the quantitative data for the proposed security model of online shopping satisfaction. This paper is endeavours of our previous paper, in which we have developed the research model. Quantitative methodology was adopted to conduct the study by collecting the data through survey questionnaire based on five point Likert scale. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) ver-sion 23.0 was used to analyse the data. Results shows that the Cronbachโ€™s alpha value to ensure the reliability of the items is โ‰ฅ 0.7, It means all our variables are acceptable for the further studies and for the actual data collection. This paper conclude that the pilot study is necessary phase to conduct before going to collect the actual data in order to avoid any ambiguity in items. Although the sample data is small for the pilot study still, it shows the strength between the related items

    Preliminary study on factors affecting E-commerce success: a modified Delone and McLean model

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    Electronic commerce has gained the popularity since last two decades, due to its recompenses towards the online transactions. Academicians and e-retailers eagerly want to identify the factors which affect the e-commerce success. The main intention of this study to investigate the factors which are essential to draw the net benefits of e-commerce from an individual perspective rather than the organization perspective. The proposed framework in this paper is based on Mclean and Delone 2003 IS success model along with two extra variables that are privacy and trust. In this paper, the author discussed the result of the pilot study. The authors designed the quantitative research questionnaire by adopting the items from the previous studies and conducted the pilot study to check the reliability of the questionnaire. The overall value for Cronbach's alpha was 0.89 and also the Cronbach's alpha value for individual constructs were greater than 0.7, which indicates that there is a strong relation between the items. This research engrossed on four factors that are system quality, service quality, privacy, trust, that are essential for achieving the user satisfaction which in turn leads to achieve the e-commerce net benefits. In addition to service quality and system quality, trust and privacy are the important factors that affect the net benefits through user satisfaction, hence the modified version of Delone and Mclean IS success model from individual perspective is proposed

    Determining the traffic safety management criteria in highway maintenance works from road users' perspective / Suhaila Ali, Nur'ain Ismail and Norakmarwati Ishak

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    Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death, injury and disability around the world. Each year nearly 1.2 million people die and millions more are injured or disabled as a result of road crashes, mostly in the urban areas of developing countries. Better plans, transparent process, and public support are some of the benefits that road managers can obtain by educating and involving the general public. This research examines the perception of highway users towards the installation of the traffic safety equipments during the road maintenance works. Besides that, the research will also determine the traffic safety management criteria in ensuring the traffic control signs and equipments are meeting the highway users' needs. The respondents are consisting of highway users from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur. A survey will be conducted by researcher on the installation of traffic safety equipment applicable on highway maintenance work towards the perception of highway user according to homogeneity factors that classified also into two categories which are 'age and gender of the drivers' and 'type of vehicle'. Questionnaire was produce to identify the overall perception of highway user towards the installation of traffic safety equipment that used during maintenance work progress. In addition, the traffic safety management criteria will be determined in ensuring the traffic control signs and equipments are meeting the highway users' needs. The researcher found that the overall perceptions of the respondents stated the installation of the traffic safety equipments during the road maintenance works progress is at below average level. In term of traffic safety management criteria it must have criteria like all the traffic safety equipment should be more brighter and easy to see from long distance, will instruct drivers to follow a path away from where work is being done and concessionaire should aware their equipment in good condition and should do routine maintenance. From the analysis have been carried out, the result shows that the management should improves the safety in work zones from the perception of respondents were analysed and discussed

    Feature selection algorithms for Malaysian dengue outbreak detection model

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    Dengue fever is considered as one of the most common mosquito borne diseases worldwide. Dengue outbreak detection can be very useful in terms of practical efforts to overcome the rapid spread of the disease by providing the knowledge to predict the next outbreak occurrence. Many studies have been conducted to model and predict dengue outbreak using different data mining techniques. This research aimed to identify the best features that lead to better predictive accuracy of dengue outbreaks using three different feature selection algorithms; particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA) and rank search (RS). Based on the selected features, three predictive modeling techniques (J48, DTNB and Naive Bayes) were applied for dengue outbreak detection. The dataset used in this research was obtained from the Public Health Department, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The experimental results showed that the predictive accuracy was improved by applying feature selection process before the predictive modeling process. The study also showed the set of features to represent dengue outbreak detection for Malaysian health agencies

    Periodontal health status of Malaysian diabetic children and adolescent: a hospital based case-control study in Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan

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    Background: factor for periodontal disease (PD). PD includes a spectrum of disorders ranging from gingivitis to periodontitis. If undetected and left untreated the disease can lead to early tooth loss. Assessing PD health is beneficial for keeping good oral health, which affects on glycemic control of the children and adolescent with DM. To evaluate the periodontal health status of Malaysian diabetic children and adolescents compared to healthy controls. Periodontal health related parameters were clinically assessed in 32 children and adolescents (10-19 years of age) with diabetes and 32 non-diabetic control subjects. Age, gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), CDC percentiles and smoking status matching were done and purposive sampling was applied. HbA1C (%) results within 3-6 months before oral health assessment was used to define glycemic control status of the subjects. A cross analysis and Independent sample-t test were applied to infer periodontal health status difference between cases and controls. Most of the cases were Type-1 DM (68.8%) and diagnosed less than five years (68.2%). The cases had manifested an increased gingival inflammation and calculus significantly compared to controls. Regarding PD health assessment; clinical attachment loss (CAL), gingival index (GI), Modified Turesky Quigley Hein plaque index (TQHI) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were not significantly different between cases and controls except for probing pocket depth (PPD); mean of (SE) (1.81ยฑ0.13) compared to controls (1.65 ยฑ0.06). Higher mean of (SE) GI (0.9ยฑ0.82) were also noticed among cases than those of (0.8ยฑ0.11) controls. Periodontal screening & prevention programs at early age for DM children and adolescent should be considered for both oral health and glycemic controls. A further study with controlling; Insulin treatment, types of DM, DM duration, and oral hygiene practice and dietary habits should be conducted for more valid results

    Vape shop retailersโ€™ perception and behavior of electronic nicotine delivery systems use at the Kuantan District: a preliminary report

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    Background/ Aims: The opening of new vape shops has sprouted tremendously with the growing popularity of electronic nicotine delivery systems (END). Shop retailers become an essential source of information, advice, and influence for consumers on their vaping habits however the research on vape shop retailers is lagging despite the popularity of END. The survey aimed to assess the retailersโ€™ knowledge and behavior of END usage. Methodology: The questionnaire was adapted from two previously published research on vape. The surveys were conducted among 30 retailers at 17 vape shops in the Kuantan district using the convenient sampling method. The sampling method were used because the data on vape shop not available for Kuantan district and for ease of pre-liminary data collection. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 25.0 and presented as descriptive statistics. Results: Most of the retailers are young adults (80%), of Malay race (93.3%), literate from secondary school and college (46.7%), and work as a salesman (56.7%) at the vape shop. Most retailers perceived END as safer than a combustible cigarette (88%), the END could help in quitting combustible cigarettes (83.3%), and they had successfully ceased smoking after shifting to vaping (83.3%). The retailersโ€™ believed END is, on average, safer than products (eg, nicotine patch, gum, and inhaler). Likewise, they perceived it as having less harmful effects on general, lung, and oral health as compared to combustible cigarettes. Conclusion: Generally, vape retailers perceived END as a safe product to substitute for the more harmful combustible cigarette. They were unaware of the compelling scientific literature that distinguishes between the harms and benefits of END. Hence, educating vape shop retailers on the benefits and harms of e-cigarettes is also an important part of the smoking education campaign

    Analysis of the fatty acid composition of Caulerpa lentillifera using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

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    Caulerpa lentillifera, also known as Sea Grape or Green Caviar is a type of green seaweed from the class of Caurlepacea and species of Lentillifera. They are common seaweed communities in tropical and subtropical waters. They have different biochemical compounds from various seaweedspecies. However, the study onphytochemical components andthe biological activity of C. lentillifera are not fully understood yet. This study was carried out to determine the best extraction solvents and to evaluate the phytocomponent in the n- hexane, Dichloromethane (DCM) and methanol extract of C. lentillifera using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. C. lentillifera was collected from the coastal area of Sabah, Malaysia. Then, it was subjected for purification, drying and soxhlet extraction process using n- hexane, DCM and methanol. Only fatty acid compound was analysed using a Perkin Elmer Turbo Mass Spectrophotometer. It showed that, methanol is the most efficient solvent as it recorded the highest extraction yield in C. lentillifera. Twenty phytocomponents have been identified from all extracts of C. lentillifera by GC-MS analysis. This analysis discovered the presence of major constituents like palmitic acid, oleic acid, pentadecanoic acid, behenic acid, myristic acid, etc. Many studies have shown that, most of the identified major compounds were proven to exhibit antibacterial, antifungal, anti- inflammatory, antiviral, etc. Thus, it is apparent that C. lentillifera has the potential to be used as seaweed of phytopharmaceutical importance as it contains numerous bioactive compounds
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