Hubungan antara Disiplin Mahasiswa dalam Tutorial dengan Prestasi Belajar pada Semester IX S1 PGSD di Kecamatan Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010


The development in our country include world education and technology must be have progress in order that we are good Quality educate from seen in other country. If your educate is very good surely my our country is welfare. So that evey nationality you can see education in your own country. In fact every nasionalism must be struggle good quality to education to progress in my country. World education from older until right now it is very important you can see development condition in our country measure from development education and technology. Eventhough situation correalate with discipline focusly secure, you can achieve in other word with prestasion. All people get achievement prestasion if they are have discipline personality. The brilliant college it is very correlate with discipline. So that in my research, The correlate between are discipline college in tutorial with learn prestasion at grade XI bachelor PGSD Region Kota Agung in Tanggamus. It is very significant correlate between discipline with prestasion learn college. Based argue Prof Dr.S.Prayudi Atmosudirjo “ Keep attitude morality and discipline is educate and give good example to under person keep personality such as follow the rule,polite,and diligently”. In fact discipline surely diligently,follow the rule and polite. It is very correlate based teory development prestasion

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