62 research outputs found


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    Petani kopi di daerah Kabupaten Mandailing Natal mempunyai pengetahuan tentang pengelolahan tanah dalam sistem pertanian berbasis kopi. Pengetahuan petani didapatkan dari wawancara langsung kepada petani, baik secara individu maupun secara kelompok. Pengetahuan masyarakat didapatkan berasal dari pengalaman dan petani mempelajarinya dari lingkungan sekitar serta didapat dari pelatihan yang sering diadakan oleh pemerintah setempat dengan tujuan pengembangan produksi petani secara maksimal. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari pemahaman petani kopi tentang konservasi, di sini petani sudah melakukan teknik konservasi seperti pembuatan teras, tanaman pelindung dan sebagainya. Walaupun para petani telah memahami tentang sistem konservasi dan pengolahan tanah, tetapi masih banyak juga petani yang tidak menerapkan sistem konservasi tersebut. Hal tersebut dikarenakan harga jual kopi yang rendah sedangkan biaya untuk menerapkan sistem konservasi dan pengolahan tanah mereka anggap mahal dan akan menambah biaya produksi kopi. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu hambatan bagi petani untuk melakukan teknik konservasi


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    This research is of a qualitative type, which aims to find out in depth about what causes it, why it is experienced, and how students experience difficulties in solving frequency distribution problems in statistics courses. This research was conducted at the Catholic University of Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The selection of research subjects used a purposive technique so that 1 KKMR subject, 1 KKMS subject and 1 KKMT subject were selected. The main instrument is the researcher himself while the supporting instruments use tests and interviews. Data collection uses triangulation techniques (test and interview techniques). Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that KKMR subjects experienced more difficulties than KKMS subjects and KKMT subjects, KKMS subjects experienced more difficulties than KKMT subjects, while KKMT subjects experienced fewer difficulties than KKMR subjects and KKMS subjects. KKMR subject difficulties due to low memory of arithmetic operation rules, low memory of formulas, and low memory of connection rules in math material, and KKMS subject difficulties due to low memory of arithmetic operation rules, and low memory of connection rules in material mathematics, while the difficulty of the KKMT subject was caused by mistakes and low memory of connection rules in mathematics material

    Upaya Melatih Kesadaran Masyarakat tentang Pentingnya Hidup Bersih dan Sehat

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    Salah satu Permasalahan di Desa Mendalo Indah adalah sampah. Hal ini disebabkan desa mendalo indah dekat dengan Kampus Universitas Jambi dan banyak perumahan dimana-mana. Hal ini mengakibatkan sampah dimana-mana karena kurang kesadaran masyarakat untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Selain kurang kesadaran memang tempat membuang sampah yang tidak ada. Maka dari itu tim PPM Universitas Jambi sebagai bentuk tri darma perguruan tinggi terutama pada daerah sekitar Kampus akan mengadakan pengabdian dengan tema pemberdayaan masyarakat desa mendalo indah melalui bank sampah untuk menjadi desa mandiri dan bersih berbasis entrepreneur. Metode pelaksanaan PPM meliputi : (1) workshop tentang bank sampah, (2) pembentukan pengurus bank sampah, (3) pembuatan secretariat bank sampah, (4) perekrutan nasabah, (5) menerima sampah plastic, (6) menjual sampah plastic, kertas dan besi, (7) membayarkan listrik dan air nasabah bank sampah. Dengan bank sampah ini diharapkan Desa Mendalo Indah menjadi bersih, mandiri dan sejahtera

    Perencanaan Strategis Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri IAIN Padangsidempuan

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang perencanaan strategis Perpustakaan lAIN Padangsidimpuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal Perpustakaan lAIN Padangsidimpuan, (2) menganalisis kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman yang dihadapi oleh Perpustakaan lAIN Padangsidimpuan, dan (3) rnengidentiflkasi rurnusan strategi berbasis analisis SWOT untuk perencanaan strategis jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Perpustakaan lAIN Padangsidimpuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang mendalam mengenai obyek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Proses analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 3 tahapan dari 5 tahapan urnum perencanaan strategis, yaitu 1 ). Penilaian lingkungan perpustakaan dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT, 2). ldentiftkasi isu-isu strategis, 3). Formulasi strategi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah konsep perencanaan strategis pengembangan Perpustakaan lAIN Padangsidimpuan yang terdiri dari perencanaan strategis jangka pendek dan jangka panjang

    RAPD Profiles of Rhynchostylis gigantea (Lindl.) Ridl. Collected from Puspa Nirmala Orchids Banyumas, Central Java

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    Rhynchostylis gigantea (Lindl.) Ridl. is an orchid species spread over Southeast Asia countries. This species is very popular among ornamental plant collectors, especially due to its densely pack inflorescences. Hence, it is commercially found in many ornamental plant nursuries, such as Puspa Nirmala Orchids Banyumas, Central Java. Further development of the species should be supported by scientific data, particularly regarding the genetic variation. One of the molecular markers commonly used to study genetic variation is Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). This study aims to assess genetic variation of R. gigantea cultivars of Puspa Nirmala Orchids Banyumas collection  by RAPD profiles. Genomic DNAs were extracted from leaf samples of eight R. gigantea individuals, while RAPD markers were amplified using five random primers (OPA-15, OPK-16, OPP-15, OPP-08 and OPO-08). Descriptive analysis was employed on the data obtained. It was revealed that all of the primers resulted in a 100% monomorphism. This indicates an extremely low genetic variation among R. gigantea population of Puspa Nirmala Orchids collection, which is probably due to the same origin from a selected hybrid of the same crosses

    The Determination Model to Use E-Learning

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    This research aim to examine the factors that influence intention to use  e-learning services. This research was conducted at Mercubuanan Universitas .The method of data collection is using primary data from 96 students who ever use e-learning through questionnaires, direct observation of the object under study and literature study by use a sample survey methodology. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 17 software. The result of analysis for this model shows that perceived easy of use and attitude affect the intention to use e-learning. This means that the intention to use e-learning is influenced by the construct perceived ease of use and attitude. The implication of this research is relevant to the management university to consider factor of perceived ease of use and attitude in applying and developing e-learning in the University system. Keywords : E-Learning, intention, attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-21-09 Publication date:July 31st 2019

    The Effect of Trust and Service Quality to Customer Value Moderated by the Perceived Ease of Use (Case Study Bluebird Taxi in Indonesia)

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    Taxi is one of the means of land transportation growing and developing quite rapidly since the 90s has become one of the prima donas of alternative transportation in Indonesia. PT. Blue Bird Pusaka is a business entity that concentrates one of its business sectors in the transportation services industry sector, namely taxis. The rapid development of the business world today causes companies to face intense competition. Competition is not only between conventional taxi companies but also with online taxis. Blue Bird's revenue in 2015 still recorded a pretty good revenue growth performance. However, once entering 2016, Blue Bird's income continues to decline every quarter. In the first quarter of 2016, Blue Bird's revenue was valued at Rp1.27 trillion, down 11 percent from the fourth quarter of 2015 amounting to Rp1.43 trillion. In the following quarter, Blue Bird's revenue reached Rp1.19 trillion, down 6 percent from the first quarter of 2016. In the third quarter, the company's revenue dropped again to Rp1.17 trillion. In the fourth quarter, the company earned revenues of Rp1.15 trillion, down 2 percent from the previous quarter. In early 2017, the downward trend in Blue Bird's income continued. In the first quarter of 2017, the company's revenue dropped 10 percent by posting revenues of Rp1.03 trillion. This achievement has also been the lowest point since 2015. This study aims to examine the phenomenon of customer value, seen from the trust and quality of service and perceived ease of use as a moderating variable. This type of research is a conclusive design research that is the type of inference research that aims to test a particular hypothesis, either through in-depth research on a problem (descriptive) or looking for relationships between variables (correlative) between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The analytical method uses testing with Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with its analysis tool SPSS 22. The outcome of this study shows that trust has a positive effect on customer value and service quality has a positive effect on customer value. Perceive ease of use as  moderating variable between trust and service quality to customer value both of them are negatively and significantly. This condition occurs because most respondents aged 35 years and over where the category of respondents are not too familiar with technology and the use of technology for them is not something that makes it easy to interact. Keywords: trust, service quality, perceived ease of use, customer value DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-18-09 Publication date:June 30th 2020


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    Adanya pandemi menjadikan permasalahan terhadap mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya, terlebih pada pembelajaran jarak jauh. Dengan praktek pembelajaran serba online menjadikan mahasiswa kurang mengaktualisasikan potensi yang dimilikinya dan terlena dalam keadaan pandemi. Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dan memberikan solusi atas problematika mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan potensi diri di era pandemi covid-19.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni library research atau penelitian pustaka. Data yang didapat kemudian diintegrasikan dengan berbagai sumber terkait. Hasil penelitian ini bisa didapatkan bahwa dalam memaksimalkan aktualisasi potensi diri bisa menggunakan banyak metode pengembangan, salah satunya adalah metode double movement yaitu gerakan dari Dosen kepada mahasiswa dan gerakan dari mahasiswa ke dosen. Dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis online bukan hanya dosen yang harus aktif. Mahasiswa memiliki potensi yang beragam maka pada pembelajaran daring menjadi kesempatan mahasiswa mengaktualisasikan potensi sesuai fitrahnya. Proses pembelajaran tidak hanya sekedar mendengarkan dosen berceramah, tetapi mahasiwa juga secara mandiri aktif memahami, menganalisis, membaca, menulis karya ilmiah, mengadakan eksperimen, menanggapi dan ikut aktif dalam setiap diskusi

    Acid impregnated honeydew rind activated carbon for chromium and zinc removal

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    Heavy metal contamination in aqueous media and industrial discharges are among the significant environment problems, which have to be encountered due to the toxic nature and the accumulation of these metal ions in the food chains. This study has upcycled an agricultural waste namely honeydew rind (HDR) as a precursor in activated carbon (AC) adsorbent preparation using chemical activation process for Cr(III) and Zn(II) removal from synthetic wastewater. Prior to the AC production, physiochemical characteristics of the HDR were analyzed by means of XRF, FESEM, TGA and FTIR. Optimization of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) of 10%-30% v/v impregnation agent generated honeydew rind impregnated activated carbon (ACS) and honeydew rind impregnated activated carbon (ACP). Optimization of carbonization temperature involved temperature of 430°C-490°C for H2SO4 and 450°C-510°C for H3PO4. Batch experiment study was conducted at constant value of 100 mL of synthetic wastewater, 125 rpm shaking rotation at ambient temperature. Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET), Langmuir and Freundlich were tested for isotherm adsorption while pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order were examined in kinetic behavior investigation. The column study was run under constant bed height, flow rate, inlet metal concentration of 25 cm, 16 mL/min, 1000 mL (Cr(III)); 400 mg/L (Zn(II)) respectively at ambient temperature. Boehm titration indicated that ACS and ACP are classified as acidic AC. The highest iodine number value (528.63 mg/g) and BET surface area (591.25 m^2/g) were obtained by 20% v/v ACS and carbonized at 470°C. The highest iodine number value (1174.19 mg/g) and BET surface area (1272.38 m^2/g) were achieved by 20% v/v and carbonized at 490°C. Textural analysis produced an average pore diameter of 4.46 nm for the ACS and 2.92 nm for the ACP respectively. Batch adsorption analysis resulted in an optimum condition occurring at pH 4.5, 0.1 g of ACS and ACP, 40 minute contact time and 1000mg/L for Cr(III) and pH 5.5, 0.1 g of ACS and ACP with a 40 min contact time and 400 mg/L for Zn(II). Cr(III) maximum removal was 83.49% using ACS and 88.88% using ACP respectively while Zn(II) maximum removal was 81.55% using ACS and 84.13% using ACP respectively. It was demonstrated that high metal removal was achieved due to high range of metal concentration used in the study

    Pengamanan Pesan Rahasia dengan Algoritma Vigenere Cipher Menggunakan PHP

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    A message security system to maintain the confidentiality of data information is very important. To achieve this, a security system is required to maintain the confidentiality of information. Encrypting information sent for cryptographic purposes confidentiality, integrity, authentication and irrefutable proof is one of the methods used for this purpose. Algorithm is a collection of problem-solving commands. Algorithm also has a process of repetition (iteration) and decisions that cannot be made. Vigenere cipher is one of the traditional cryptographic algorithms with multiple alphabetical substitution. PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a scripting language that is commonly used to create dynamic web applications by deploying them on servers. The purpose of this research is to secure secret messages using the Vigenere Cipher algorithm using PHP
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