22 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between the State and Muslim Civil Society in Zakat Management in Indonesia

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    This article aims to discuss the relationship between the state and Muslim civil society in managing zakat in Indonesia. The practice of zakat management in Indonesia has experienced ups and downs in the context of relations between the state and Muslim civil society. However, this kind of relationship does not hinder efforts to manage zakat optimally. Zakat management through zakat institutions has great benefits when compared to non-institutionalized zakat management. This article attempts to answer the question of what is the relationship between the state and Muslim civil society in managing zakat in Indonesia? Why is institutionalizing zakat important in efforts to manage zakat in Indonesia? This article is a type of literature research with a ma'na cum maghza approach which has found, first, that the management of zakat is in the domain of Muslim civil society in its relations with the state, especially after Indonesia's independence. The relationship between the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) which is affiliated with the state and the National Amil Zakat Institute (LAZNAS) which is affiliated with Muslim civil society is synergistic in efforts to manage zakat optimally. However, after the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management, the state attempted to manage zakat nationally through the existence of BAZNAS. Secondly, zakat management in a zakat institution is important in an effort to optimize professional zakat management as indicated in Surah at-Taubah verse 60 which is represented through the existence of BAZNAS and LAZNA

    Condition of the Muslim Community Around Banyuputih After the Closure of Localizations

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    The Banyuputih localization complex started with the construction of the Banyuputih truck base around 1976 and then developing into a karaoke and prostitution place. This study aims to look at the socioeconomic circumstances of the Muslim neighborhood around the Banyuputih brothel after it was shut down by the Batang District Government in 2021. The type of research used is field research and uses a phenomenologi approach. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews and documentation. As for data analysis using descriptive qualitative analysis. The study's findings demonstrate that a thorough process of closing the localization complex and converting it to an Islamic center was followed, along with numerous considerations, rigorous research, and extensive outreach. Parents' growing conviction that young people are becoming more moral and that the use of alcohol and illegal drugs is declining has a positive social impact on the neighborhood. It is also a place for child-friendly religious tourism. The economic impact that is felt is a decrease in the amount of income until various adaptations are made such as switching professions, switching customers and controlling family needs

    Evaluation of Knowledge and Belief on False Reports and Misinformation from Social Media in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Web Based Cross-Sectional Survey in Karachi, Pakistan

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    COVID-19 has become a global pandemic declared by World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. This has put drastic impact on the world and many lives have been affected globally. As the cases of COVID-19 infected are increasing, the spread of fake news related to treatment and its prevention have led to a very difficult situation in controlling and containing the COVID-19 infection. It seems that general public tend to belief in rumors and share them on social media platforms that lead to misinformation which go viral and has created chaos among the general masses. The study evaluated the role of social media in false reporting and spreading misinformation in COVID-19 pandemic. Study also evaluated the knowledge, belief and awareness among general population of the Karachi city to provide insights and to enable ministries and policy makers to take suitable measures. This is a cross sectional study which was conducted from June to July 2020 in Karachi, Pakistan. A self-structured questionnaire was administered through Facebook and Whatsapp due to lockdown and increase risk of exposure from COVID-19 to the research assistants. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics of frequency counts, and percentages of quantitative variables and Chi square for the inferential variable at 0.05 level of significance. A total of 267 participants were sampled for the study. The study indicates that majority of the participants believed in the myths and false reports circulated on social media and usually share and forward such news without authentic references


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    Tax Avoidance mempunyai spektrum persoalan yang luas, salah satunya adalah transfer harga(transfer pricing). Transfer pricing merupakan salah satu cara yang dipakai oleh wajib pajakperusahaan multinasional untuk melakukan penghindaran pajak. Perilaku transfer pricing initidak dipandang sebagai perilaku yang melanggar norma hukum positif yang berlaku di negarakita. Padahal perilaku ini jelas-jelas telah menggerus pendapatan negara dari sektor perpajakan.Ada gap yang serius antara aras substansi yang menjadi tujuan hukum (doelmatigheid) denganaras kepastian hukum(rechtsmatigheid). Pada aras tujuan hukum bahwa aturan perpajakandimaksudkan untuk pengumpulan pajak, sedangkan pada aras kepastian hukum bahwapenghindaran pajak tidak dikategorikan sebagai perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan aturanperpajakan itu sendiri. Artinya penghindaran pajak bertentangan dengan tujuan hukumperpajakan. Peneliti melihat persoalan ini dari perspektif hukum Islam yang didasarkan padapendekatan normatif argumentatif. Penelitian ini telah menemukan adanya I’tikad tidak baik dariwajib pajak dalam memenuhi kewajibanya membayar pajak

    Recent studies on Indian primates show declining population trends, even in protected areas

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    Population size and geographical range are the key quantitative criteria used by the IUCN to assess the conservation status of a species. However, such information is often incomplete and inconsistent, even for seemingly abundant species. To assess the population and conservation status of Indian primates, we conducted a systematic review of recent research using the searching, appraisal, synthesis and analysis (SALSA) approach. We reviewed a total of 41 studies on Indian primates conducted during the last 2 decades (2000–2021) for information on various parameters that influence their conservation. We found that 20 out of a total of 26 primate species were evaluated for their population status, and the majority of these studies (71%) showed an overall declining population trend. Remarkably, all but one of the studies conducted exclusively within protected areas revealed declining population trends, whereas trends were more variable for primate populations in non-protected areas. Our data indicate that only 27% (n = 7) of Indian primate species have been surveyed or re-surveyed to assess their population status within the last 5 years. Although threats vary in time and space from species to species, 78% of the studies recorded natural system modifications including habitat loss and fragmentation among the main threats to the survival of Indian primates. Most studies on the population status of Indian primates have either been spatially limited or used outdated methods. We recommend that future studies adopt robust techniques to estimate populations and work across larger geographical scales to develop effective management strategies for the conservation of primates in India

    Dengue Outbreaks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan in 2017: An Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System (IDSRS)-Based Report

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    Snažni bočni vjetrovi koji pušu na mostovima i vijaduktima mogu dovesti do gubitka dinamičke stabilnosti vozila koja prelaze most. Da bi se omogućio nesmetan i siguran promet čak i u slučajevima nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta uzrokovanih snažnim bočnim vjetrom, na mostove se postavljaju zaštitni vjetrobrani. Karakteristike strujanja zraka preko mosta su značajno promijenjene u slučaju postavljanja vjetrobrana različitih visina i poroznosti. U okviru ovog rada ispitan je utjecaj visine vjetrobrana te utjecaj poroznosti vjetrobrana na karakteristike strujanja zraka oko vozila koje se nalazi na mostu. Vjetrobran je postavljen samo na uzvodni rub mosta, a za vozilo je korišten model Ahmedovog tijela koji je u svim simulacijama postavljen na udaljenost 2 m nizvodno od vjetrobrana. Pri računalnim simulacijama korišten je model stacionarnog trodimenzijskog turbulentnog strujanja nestlačivog fluida te k-ω SST model turbulencije sa standardnim zidnim funkcijama. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na značajan utjecaj vjetrobrana na koeficijente tlaka na površini vozila. Manja poroznost vjetrobrana i veća visina vjetrobrana uzrokuju smanjenje koeficijenta tlaka na nastrujavanoj površini vozila. Iako su vrijednosti koeficijenta tlaka na površini vozila za male poroznosti vjetrobrana relativno male, raspodjela vrtložnosti struje zraka sugerira da može doći do povećanih vrijednosti standardnih devijacija aerodinamičkih sila koje djeluju na vozilo. Karakteristike vjetrobrana imaju bitan utjecaj na raspodjelu brzine strujanja zraka uzvodno od vozila, odnosno u prostoru između vjetrobrana i vozila. Smanjenjem poroznosti vjetrobrana se brzine strujanja zraka u tom području značajno smanjuju. Utjecaj poroznosti vjetrobrana na raspodjelu brzine strujanja zraka u ovom području je značajniji u odnosu na utjecaj visine vjetrobrana. Aerodinamičke sile i momenti zabilježeni na vozilu su značajno smanjeni kada je vjetrobran postavljen na most. Rezultati dobiveni u okviru ovog rada sugeriraju da je, s obzirom na aerodinamičke sile koje djeluju na vozilo, optimalna visina vjetrobrana 5 m uz njihovu poroznost u iznosu od 30%.Strong cross winds that commonly blow on bridges and viaducts may cause dynamic instabilities of vehicles crossing the bridge. To allow for safe traffic even in the periods of bad weather conditions such as strong cross winds, bridges are equipped with wind barriers. Flow characteristics around the bridge are significantly modified with respect to the wind barrier height and porosity. In the present work, the influence of wind barrier height and porosity on flow characteristics around the vehicle passing the bridge was studied. The wind barrier was placed on the windward bridge-deck edge only, while the Ahmed body was used as a vehicle. It was placed 2 m downwind of the wind barrier. In the computational simulations, the stationary 3D turbulent incompressible flow was modeled together with the k-ω SST turbulence model and standard wall functions. The obtained results generally show a significant influence of the wind barrier on the pressure coefficients observed on the vehicle surface. Smaller porosity and larger height of the wind barrier causes smaller pressure coefficients on the windward side of the vehicle. Even though the pressure coefficients on the vehicle for the low-porous wind barrier are relatively small, the distribution of the flow vorticity suggests larger values of the standard deviation of the aerodynamic forces acting on the vehicle. Wind-barrier characteristics proved to have a large influence on the distribution of flow velocity in the area upstream of the vehicle and downstream of the wind barrier. For smaller porosities of the wind barrier, flow velocities in this area are significantly smaller. The influence of the porosity on the distribution of flow velocities in this area is relatively larger compared to the height of the wind barrier. The aerodynamic forces and moment are generally smaller when the wind barrier is in place. The obtained results suggest that the 5 m high and 30% porous wind barrier is optimal with respect to the aerodynamic forces and moment acting on the vehicle on the bridge

    Synthesis of Rubidium-doped Calcium Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications

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    Due to high biocompatibility, bioactivity, and natural occurrence in bones and teeth, synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHAp) is a widely applied biomaterial in tissue engineering, including orthopedic surgery and dentistry. However, the brittle nature and low strength reduce its durability, which can be improved by doping metal ions. Rubidium (Rb) is an essential trace element that works as an antibacterial agent in the human body; therefore, it can be doped in synthetic Ca-HAp to promote its durability. In this work, Rb-doped calcium hydroxyapatite (Rb-HAp) nanoparticles are synthesized by the coprecipitation method at low temperatures. Phase purity, crystallinity, doping level, and mechanical properties are investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), and micro-hardness tester. It is observed that a minute quantity (≈ 0.02%) of Rb remained in the apatite structure when 5% of Rb+ is doped via in situ method. Moreover, small dopant concentration did not affect the crystal structure and the tensile strength of HAp