191 research outputs found

    Tall Buildings in Urban Context: Planning Indicators for Tall Buildings in the Urban Context

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    تعتبر الابنية العالية من مميزات المدن العالمية، اذ تعبر عن قوتها الاقتصادية وتعطيها رمزية تميزها على الصعيد المحلي والعالمي، اذ تخلق الابنية العالية مدن مستدامة وجاذبة للعيش والعمل ومزدهرة إذا ما خططت وصممت بشكل جيد، اذ يصل تاثيرها على السياق المجاور لها وفي بعض الاحيان على المدينة ككل، لذلك كان لابد من دراسة المؤشرات التخطيطية للابنية العالية في السياق الحضري. على وفق ذلك اعتمد البحث كمحور عام مفهوم الابنية العالية في السياق الحضري ، وقد تعددت الجوانب التخطيطية للابنية العالية بصورة عامة مع تنوع وتعدد التوجهات المعاصرة, واهتم البحث بالابنية العالية المفردة في السياق الحضري كمحور خاص, اذ تم استعراض العديد من الدراسات بهدف تحديد الفجوة المعرفية التي ادت الى بروز عدة مشاكل بحثية من حيث تعدد وتنوع الجوانب التخطيطية, , وبذلك تبلورت مشكلة البحث التي ركزت على اكثر النواحي نقصاً في الدراسات السابقة والمتمثلة قصور المعرفة المنظمة الشاملة للمؤشرات التخطيطية الخاصة بعلاقة الابنية العالية المفردة مع السياق الحضري وبما يرتبط بالواقع المحلي, وبذلك تحدد هدف البحث بطرح المعرفة الشاملة الاكثر تنظيماً  ووضوحاً للمؤشرات التخطيطية للابنية العالية المفردة في السياق الحضري وبما يرتبط بالواقع المحلي على وجه الخصوص, وقد استوجب تحقيق هذا الهدف اعتماد منهج تحليلي وصفي للدراسات والتجارب التطبيقية المرتبطة بالموضوع ضمن هيكل تسلسل بخطوات اساسية للبحث, تمثلت الخطوة الاولى ببناء اطار نظري شامل يعرف الابنية العالية المفردة في السياق الحضري , و تبلور في مفردتين اساسية هي: مقومات الابنية العالية, الجوانب التخطيطية للابنية العالية في السياق الحضري . وركزت الخطوة الثانية على تطبيق مفردات الإطار النظري على نماذج منتخبة من المشاريع المحلية، ومن ثم تحليل نتائج الدراسة العملية ومناقشتها، ليتم بعدها طرح الاستنتاجات النهائية.The tall buildings play an important role in giving a distinctive image for the city. It is one of the most important features of the big cities, as it enhances its value and reflects its urban economic and technological development, as well as the city's image for the local and the international levels. If they have been designed and planned well in its urban context. The tall buildings contribute to create a vibrant, prosperous, sustainable and attractive city for living and working, farther more optimize the energy and land use, providing public spaces, streets and spaces of social interaction as well as employing high technology, especially in infrastructure. The research adopted the tall buildings in the urban context as a general concept. The multiple contemporary trends of planning considerations for tall buildings in the urban context and the lack of a comprehensive picture resulted the special concept of the search "Tall buildings in the urban context ". Which was done by reviewing several international, Arabic and local studies for identifying the knowledge gap that led to the emergence of a research problem in terms of the multiplicity and diversity of planning aspects. Most of the international studies indicated them in general and selective, while the thesis was implicit and unclear in the Arab studies, and there were lack in local studies. The research problem, which focused on the most critical aspects of the previous studies, was characterized by the lack of comprehensive knowledge of the planning and designing indicators of the tall buildings relationship with the urban context and the local reality. For that objective goal of the research determined to provide the most comprehensive and clear knowledge of the planning and designing indicators of tall buildings in the urban context and in particular the local reality. The achievement of this goal necessitated the adoption of a descriptive analytical approach to the relevant studies and practical experiments within the structure of a sequence of basic steps for research. The first step was to construct a comprehensive theoretical framework that defines tall buildings in urban context. That resulted three aspects: general analytical aspects of tall buildings, planning considerations for tall buildings in the urban context، the second step focused on applying the concepts of the theoretical framework to selected models of local projects and analyzed them then discussion the results of the practical study, after that presenting the conclusions of the application within the local reality

    The Impact of Cognitive Biases on The Investment Decision of Individual Investors: The Role of Risk Propensity

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    This study investigates the impact of cognitive biases on individual investors' investment decisions using the mediation role of risk propensity. Data was collected from 320 investors with a minimum of one year of experience and over a 90-day time frame. A self-administered questionnaire was used, and statistical analysis was performed using smart PLS and SPSS. The results showed that cognitive biases have a positive impact on individual investment decisions, with an indirect effect supporting the meditation model between cognitive biases and investment decisions. The indirect effect of risk propensity also positively influences cognitive biases and investment decisions. This study contributes to the mediating role of risk propensity and validates it from an individual perspective, allowing for better understanding of the relationship between cognitive biases and investment decisions. The outcomes and implications of this research are relevant for behavioral finance-related research and can help individual investors, financial institutions, and governments better understand the role of investors' behavior in the stock market

    A Distance Based Method for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems

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    A new model for the weighted method of goal programming is proposed based on minimizing the distances between ideal objectives to feasible objective space. It provides the best compromised solution for Multi Objective Linear Programming Problems (MOLPP). The proposed model tackles MOLPP by solving a series of single objective sub-problems, where the objectives are transformed into constraints. The compromise solution so obtained may be improved by defining priorities in terms of the weight. A criterion is also proposed for deciding the best compromise solution. Applications of the algorithm are discussed for transportation and assignment problems involving multiple and conflicting objectives. Numerical illustrations are given for the proposed model

    Empirical Study of the Impact of Brand Name on Market Performance through Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Brand Loyalty as Moderator in Pakistani Context

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    This research examined the impact of sustainability based marketing asset (e.g., brand name) on market performance through the sustainable competitive advantage and with the moderating effect of brand loyalty. The data was collected from 360 respondents who were customers of hotels/restaurants, on likert scale from 1= strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree that was used to empirically test the hypotheses. Primarily the current research is carried out to know the relationship among the brand name, brand loyalty, sustainable competitive advantage and market performance in Pakistani hotel/restaurants industry. The current research is conducted through questionnaire-based survey from individuals who were the customers of hotel/restaurants in Pakistan. Structural equation modeling technique is adopted through AMOS version 23. The results of the research show that sustainable competitive advantage partially mediates the relationship between brand name and market performance and brand loyalty moderates the relationship between sustainable competitive advantage and market performance. The results of this research are beneficial for the service industry and help the marketers in formulating their marketing strategies to attract the more and more customers toward service industry. In addition, according to researcher knowledge sustainable competitive advantage was not studied as a mediator between sustainability-based marketing asset (e.g., brand name) and market performance and brand loyalty as a moderator between sustainable competitive advantage and market performance before this study

    Empirical Study of the Impact of Brand Name on Market Performance through Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Brand Loyalty as Moderator in Pakistani Context

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    This research examined the impact of sustainability based marketing asset (e.g., brand name) on market performance through the sustainable competitive advantage and with the moderating effect of brand loyalty. The data was collected from 360 respondents who were customers of hotels/restaurants, on likert scale from 1= strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree that was used to empirically test the hypotheses. Primarily the current research is carried out to know the relationship among the brand name, brand loyalty, sustainable competitive advantage and market performance in Pakistani hotel/restaurants industry. The current research is conducted through questionnaire-based survey from individuals who were the customers of hotel/restaurants in Pakistan. Structural equation modeling technique is adopted through AMOS version 23. The results of the research show that sustainable competitive advantage partially mediates the relationship between brand name and market performance and brand loyalty moderates the relationship between sustainable competitive advantage and market performance. The results of this research are beneficial for the service industry and help the marketers in formulating their marketing strategies to attract the more and more customers toward service industry. In addition, according to researcher knowledge sustainable competitive advantage was not studied as a mediator between sustainability-based marketing asset (e.g., brand name) and market performance and brand loyalty as a moderator between sustainable competitive advantage and market performance before this study

    Hedonic Shopping Experience as Work, Excitement, Fun: Analyzing Adolescents Purchasing Behavior towards Pop-Up Retail Stores

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    The purpose of the quantitative research was to analyze three objectives: (1) to analyzing of youngster’s hedonic shopping experience with dimensions of adventure shopping and gratification shopping, (2) analyzing youngster’s attitude towards pop-up stores and (3) to examine youngsters buying behavior towards pop-up retail stores. The data were collected from 338 students in the University of the Punjab. The data were collected using a close-ended questionnaire. The quantitative research method was used in this current study. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaire from Punjab University Lahore Pakistan. IBM AMOS and SPSS were used for analysis. It is concluded that hedonic shopping experience, youngsters buying behavior, and attitude are positively related to each other. This research has certain limitation as perusing convenience sampling. Future research may try to overcome such shortcomings. This research had concentrated only on teenagers and has not considered other individuals. Furthermore, this study was carried out mainly on students of the University of the Punjab. This was a demographical limitation. Other age groups may have different approaches. This study was conducted solely in Lahore. Pakistan. Other cities and provinces were not focused upon. By considering the results of this study, the study requires the important maintenance in the literature of PURS ideas. This research will be supportive for scholars, merchants, traders and publicizing specialists. This research will add value to the existing literature and will provide help to recognize the Youth Buying Behavior via youth attitude. The outcomes of this study showed the significance and non-significance between the mediating relationships of attitude

    When, What and How Much to Buy? Analyzing Consumer’s Price Perception and Behavioral Intention in ISP industry of Pakistan

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    In Pakistan’s internet service provider (ISP) industry, the sales promotion does effect in the form of downloading limits, level of discounts and payment methods to the consumer buying behavior. Sales promotion is one of the most effective ways to persuade consumers because it leads to actual physical use of the product. In Pakistan the internet service provider sector has grown since 1992. Each year, the internet service providers improve their services and consumer approach through different sale promotion techniques to stay up with the everyday competition. This paper analysis different marketer’s point of view and serves as an abridging platform between the consumer approach and the market for nourishing and further strengthening sales promotion campaigns in Pakistan’s ISP’s industry

    An area-optimized N-bit multiplication technique using N/2-bit multiplication algorithm

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    A unique design for an optimized N-bit multiplier is proposed and implemented which utilizes a modified divide-and-conquer technique. The conventional technique requires four N/2-bit multipliers to perform N-bit multiplication, whereas the proposed design uses only one multiplier module in hardware to perform the functionality of four modules. It uses Dadda algorithm in its multiplier module. It has been implemented using Verilog HDL, and a good accuracy of results was observed in simulations which effectively verify its functionality. Design was also synthesized on various FPGAs including Spartan 3E, Virtex-5 and Virtex-7. Performance summary, after place and route, showed that the proposed approach significantly reduces hardware utilization. Furthermore, the proposed design is almost 75% more efficient in terms of resources utilization and operating frequency as compared to the conventional design

    Evaluation of Fractal Dimension and Topographic Surface Roughness (Vertical Dissection) in Astore-Deosai-Skardu Region in GIS Environment Using ASTER GDEM

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    Fractal investigation is a valuable technique to model and quantify the composite patterns of natural similarobjects. This study investigates Neotectonics using ASTER-GDEM. Fractal technique for extraction of topographicfractal dimension (Dtopo) and vertical dissection (Rtopo-surf) were used to assess the Neotectonics deformation.Geomorphological regions can be demarcated by using above mentioned procedures as they reveal the topographicevolutionary stages as an evaluation of topographic textures. The idea is to recognize the zones that are stronglyinfluenced by Neotectonics. Astore-Deosai-Skardu (ADS) region in Gilgit-Baltistan was selected for this purpose as itlies between MKT and MMT which is experiencing surface topographic deformation (STD) caused by anti-clock-wiseprogression and subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasia. The results obtained illustrates that Dtopo and Rtopo-surf showanomalies in the ADS region that clearly represent a robust control of nearby MMT, MKT and KkF and highlights theirsignificance to describe regions vulnerable to Neotectonics and related deadly events threatening precious human livesand infrastructure damages