77 research outputs found

    Problematika Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to determine the problem of evaluating Arabic learning. This research used a qualitative descriptive and subjects were Arabic language teachers and grade IX students at SMPIT Insan Rabbani, Bekasi Barat. The data collection technique used observation, interview, and documentation techniques, while the data validation technique used triangulation techniques, namely triangulation of data sources and methods. data analysis. The results showed that: (1) the planning of the evaluation of Arabic learning at SMPIT Insan Rabbani is quite good; (2) the implementation of the evaluation of Arabic learning is carried out using the google form media; (3) the problem is that it is difficult to know the students’ Arabic skills and the character or behavior of the students are difficult to monitor. The location of the house is not covered by the internet network, including minimalist student internet quotas, or an unstable internet network. Efforts made by teachers in dealing with these problems by temporarily asking students to move locations that are accessible to the internet network

    Stylistics Literature in Qashidah Burdah by Imam Abu Abdillah bin Sa’id Al-Bushiry

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    Qashidah burdah is rich in linguistic style and content, however it is regrettable that many readers simply read without experiencing the beauty of language and the depth of meaning. Stylistic analysis may be used to examine the usage of linguistic style in literature and its consequences for meaning. The goal of this research is to define the components that influence the stylistics and linguistic style of qashidah burdah. To accomplish this purpose, a form of qualitative study using a content analysis technique was applied. According to the findings of the phonological analysis of qashidah burdah chapters 9 and 10, sawamit (consonant), sawait (vowel), and qafiyah (verse) were evaluated from a phonological aspect; As for the lexical aspect, there are 7 pairs of words at-Taraduf (synonyms) and a pair of adh-Dhiddhu (antonyms); From the grammatical aspect there is taqdim ta'khir and from the morphological aspect there is Ikhtiyar al-Sighah, al-'Uduul bi al-Sighah 'an al-Asl al-Siyaqi, Al-idmar fi maudi', and al-Izdiwaajiyah; from the aspect of language style there are assonance, alliteration, anastrophe, apostrophe, polysyndeton, ellipsis, and euphemism; and aspect of rhetoric there is simile, metaphor, epithet, synecdoche, irony, and personification.

    E-Service Quality and E-Wom Regarding Consumer Behavior Based on Maqashid Asy-Shariah

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    The E-commerce usage service quality index is the lowest among other parameters. The purpose of the study investigates the effect of e-Service Quality and e-WOM on consumer behavior using the maqasid ash-shariah approach. This research uses quantitative methods with an associative statistical approach. The results showed that e-service quality and e-WOM have a positive influence on consumer behavior. This means that when the e-service quality and Electronic Word of Mouth variables increase, so does the consumer behavior variable to make purchases in e-commerce transactions. The novelty of this research is the development of marketing management theory from the perspective of Islamic Economics in the digital era. Theoretical implications show that choosing the right e-service quality and e-WOM results in a positive response to the service quality of e-commerce users. From the perspective of Islamic Economics, the values of maqashid asy-syari'ah can influence the goal of achieving human welfare. So that all needs for goods/services have a benefit for human needs, be it dharuriyah, hajiyah and taxiniyah. The results of this research can be used as input for the Government to improve Electronic System Operator (PSE) services. So that later e-commerce can provide even better services.


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    Kredit merupakan salah satu system pengelolaan keuangan yang disediakan oleh Lembaga keuangan baik Bank ataupun non-Bank, metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif serta menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem kredit dan penanganan terhadap nasabah yang tidak disiplin dalam pelunasan kredit macet yang diterapkan di Lembaga Keuangan SMK Nurul Abror Al-Robbaniyin


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    There are still plenty of radicalism and intolerance in Indonesia, like suicide bombing, Bali bombing, police station attacks and so on. The Managing Director of Wahid Institutes, Yenny Wahid (2017) said that the survey's results show that there is an increase in radical understanding in Indonesia, numbering 600,000 or 0.4 percent of Indonesia's population. A misinterpretation of religious texts and particularly those concerning the theme of jihad is a contributing factor. The method of service is conducted through workshops and seminars. After the priests took part, they gained new positive insights into the spread of Pesantren deradicalization and tolerance

    Enhancement of software project performance by overcoming waste, volatility and constraints simultaneously

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    There have been many projects and researches conducted to identify software projects’ failure and success factors. The success factors were always remained as best practices as it favours desired results while the failure factors are always avoided as it yields undesired factors. However, it is least understood that focusing on avoiding a failure factor could actually influence other forms of failure risk(s). In this study, it has been understood through literature review that most of the findings on software projects failure factors have been repetitive for more than two decades. These failure factors commonality was then understood and categorized by bridging few studies and experts’ opinions based on three well-known theories; Lean, Requirement Volatility and Theory of Constraints. There are nine types of wastes, three types errors that leads to requirement volatility and eight types of constraints in relevance to software projects. Through literature and discussion with 15 experts it was apparent that there could be interdependency and interrelationship amongst these 20 variables. The relationship amongst the variables were studied by employing the DEMATEL methodology. DEMATEL was opted to show the Impact Relation Map which could serve as a good source of reference to help decision makers formulate their decisions pertaining these 20 variables. A Software Project Success Framework was then developed to assist the foundation for planning and prioritizing relevant mitigations and corrective measures about software projects failure factors. Requirement volatility has been emphasized as the main cause of software project failure. It does not only cause direct impact towards software projects failure but also influences other identified factors to affect the sotware project performance adversely

    Mathematical Learning Approach for Special Education Pupils: The Effectiveness of Mauselis Board in Improving Adding Skills

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    Mathematic learning difficulties are common, significant, and worthy of serious attention. Many issues that have had an impact on bilingual education have also had an impact on Special Education.  One of the issues is, adding skill. Adding skill is one of the most crucial skills that every pupil needs to acquire with learning disabilities. The use of ‘MauSeLis Board’ (Maujud-Sebut-Tulis) which means ‘Concrete-Pronounce-Write’ in the classroom has been an effective tool for helping Special Education pupils in building up their skills in adding and reading the numbers aloud. This study investigates the improvement of the pupils with learning disabilities’ adding skill in Mathematic subject at school. The study's sole objective was (i) to identify the Mauselis board's effectiveness in Mathematical subjects among Special Education pupils. The MauSeLis board was invented for teaching and learning purposes based on the Bruner Theory and CRA Model (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract). The data collection was conducted through pre-test and post-test conducted on 20 pupils with learning disabilities as respondents in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The study found significant differences in terms of their adding-questions scores before and after using MauSelis Board in teaching and learning sessions. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage to describe the Pre and Post Test results. The research study's finding showed a positive result as the Special Education pupils who involved in the study showed consistent improvement throughout the sessions. This study also found that MauSeLis Board in teaching and learning sessions is a highly effective approach that develops a deep and better understanding of mathematic skill among the Special Education pupils as well as contributing to active, fun, and meaningful learning session. In conclusion, this study summarises that the teaching and learning approach among special needs pupils should emphasize effective hands-on activities rather than rote learning

    Mathematical Learning Approach for Special Education Pupils: The Effectiveness of Mauselis Board in Improving Adding Skills

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    Mathematic learning difficulties are common, significant, and worthy of serious attention. Many issues that have had an impact on bilingual education have also had an impact on Special Education.  One of the issues is, adding skill. Adding skill is one of the most crucial skills that every pupil needs to acquire with learning disabilities. The use of ‘MauSeLis Board’ (Maujud-Sebut-Tulis) which means ‘Concrete-Pronounce-Write’ in the classroom has been an effective tool for helping Special Education pupils in building up their skills in adding and reading the numbers aloud. This study investigates the improvement of the pupils with learning disabilities’ adding skill in Mathematic subject at school. The study's sole objective was (i) to identify the Mauselis board's effectiveness in Mathematical subjects among Special Education pupils. The MauSeLis board was invented for teaching and learning purposes based on the Bruner Theory and CRA Model (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract). The data collection was conducted through pre-test and post-test conducted on 20 pupils with learning disabilities as respondents in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The study found significant differences in terms of their adding-questions scores before and after using MauSelis Board in teaching and learning sessions. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage to describe the Pre and Post Test results. The research study's finding showed a positive result as the Special Education pupils who involved in the study showed consistent improvement throughout the sessions. This study also found that MauSeLis Board in teaching and learning sessions is a highly effective approach that develops a deep and better understanding of mathematic skill among the Special Education pupils as well as contributing to active, fun, and meaningful learning session. In conclusion, this study summarises that the teaching and learning approach among special needs pupils should emphasize effective hands-on activities rather than rote learning

    Bantuan Australia terhadap Malaysia semasa konfrontasi Indonesia, 1963-1966

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    Konfrontasi Indonesia Malaysia 1963-1966 telah melakar sejarah ketenteraan buat Sejarah Malaysia. Malaysia yang baru dibentuk terpaksa berdepan dengan ancaman kedaulatan dari negara jiranya Indonesia. Penubuhan Malaysia telah mendapat tentangan hebat dari Rejim Sukarno yang mendakwah bahawa Malaysia adalah neo-kolonialsme barat untuk mengancam kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Tindakan subversif telah dilancarkan dengan menceroboh dan menyerang pos pertahanan Malaysia di sempadan Borneo-Kalimantan Indonesia melibatkan sempadan Sarawak-Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar) dan sempadan Sabah-Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan bantuan ketenteraan Australia kepada Malaysia. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan ialah kajian kepustakaan dan kajian Arkib. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Malaysia telah mengaktifkan perjanjian pertahanan yang telah dimeterai di bawah perjanjian Anglo Malayan Defencer Agreement (AMDA) yang terdiri daripada Malaysia, British, Australia (1957 dan 1963). Implikasi kajian ini menguguhkan pertahanan Malaysia bagi menangani ancaman percerobohan dan serangan tentera Indonesia. Menyedari akan hakikat itu, maka penelitian ini lebih memfokuskan kepada penglibatan tentera Australia dalam upaya membantu pertahanan Malaysia khususnya di wilayah sempadan Borneo
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