261 research outputs found


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    Independendensi auditor dengan jelas disebutkan di dalam kode etik dan di dalam norma pemeriksaan akuntansi. Independensi harus ditafsirkan sebagai bebas dari bujukan, pengaruh, atau dari siapapun juga yang mempunyai kepentingan dengan audit. Jika auditor mengikuti keinginan klien yang berlawanan dengan pertimbangan sendiri, maka pendapat yang dikemukakan auditor itu tidak ada artinya. Independensi akuntan publik hanya dapat dianggap rusak apabila akuntan publik pelapor mengetahui atau patut mengetahui keadaan atau hubungan yang mungkin mengkompromikan independensinya. Akuntan publik harus mengevaluasi independensi apakah resiko yang ada signifikan atau tidak dan apakah resikodalam keadaan atau hubungan tersebut dapat diukur dengan pengamanan yang menekan resiko sebagai pertimbangan untuk menerima atau menolak penugasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah kualitas auditor mempunyai hubungan terhadap independensi auditor, apakah keahlian auditor mempunyai pengaruh terhadap independensi auditor, dan hubungan auditor dengan klien mempunyai pengaruh terhadap independensi auditor. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dalam bentuk kuesioner dengan metode Simple Random Sampling. Adapun respondennya adalah 145 auditor di 30 KAP. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis apakah antara hubungan auditor dengan klien, keahlian, dan kualitas auditor mempunyai hubungan terhadap independensi auditor, uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Regresi Linier Berganda. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa hipotesis yang pertama hubungan antara Hubungan Auditor dengan Klien (X1) dengan Independensi Auditor (Y), teruji kebenarannya. Hipotesis kedua dimana Keahlian Auditor (X2) dengan Independensi Auditor (Y), tidak teruji kebenarannya. Dan hipotesis ketiga dimana Kualitas Auditor (X3) dengan Independensi Auditor (Y), teruji kebenarannya

    Polymer Hydrogels for Wastewater Treatment

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    The pollution of water resources turns into a worldwide problem because of the indiscriminate disposal of pollutants both organic and inorganic in nature. It stays hard to manner or control the purification of wastewater before it flows to water reservoirs. The growing interest in the improvement and application of novel hydrogels in wastewater remedy is due to its particular chemical characteristics along with hydrophilicity, sensitivity, and functionality. Hydrogels exhibit superior overall performance inside the adsorptive removal of a wide variety of aqueous pollutants along with heavy metals, nutrients, and toxic dyes. In this chapter, we are focusing on the behavior and importance of the hydrogels used so far for the removal of both organic and inorganic pollutants from wastewater. With this contribution, we will be able to elaborate the answer for why these hydrogels are superior than other materials used for the same purpose. More attention is given to the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater using different hydrogel systems


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Pengaruh Current Account Saving Account (CASA) dan Fee- Based Income (FBI) terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) ada BankBJB Syariah periode 2016-2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidak pengaruh Current Account Saving Account (CASA) dan Fee Based Income (FBI) terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) baik secara parsial maupun simultan pada Bank BJB Syariah periode 2016-2020. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif, dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan bulanan Bank BJB Syariah selama periode 2016-2020 dengan jumlah sample 60. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Uji Statistik Deskriptif, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Uji Regresi Sederhana dan Uji Regresi Berganda menggunakan bantuan aplikasi IBM SPSS Sratistic 24. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel Current Account Saving Account (CASA) tidak berpengaruh terhadap Return On Asset (ROA), kemudian variabel Fee-Based Income (FBI) berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Return On Asset (ROA). Dan secara simultan variabel Current Account Saving Account (CASA) dan Fee-Based Income (FBI) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Return On Asset (ROA)

    An eco-friendly dyeing of woolen yarn by Terminalia chebula extract with evaluations of kinetic and adsorption characteristics

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    In the present study Terminalia chebula was used as an eco-friendly natural colorant for sustainable textile coloration of woolen yarn with primary emphasis on thermodynamic and kinetic adsorption aspects of dyeing processes. Polyphenols and ellagitannins are the main coloring components of the dye extract. Assessment of the effect of pH on dye adsorption showed an increase in adsorption capacity with decreasing pH. Effect of temperature on dye adsorption showed 80 °C as optimum temperature for wool dyeing with T. chebula dye extract. Two kinetic equations, namely pseudo first-order and pseudo second-order equations, were employed to investigate the adsorption rates. Pseudo second-order model provided the best fit (R2 = 0.9908) to the experimental data. The equilibrium adsorption data were fitted by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. The adsorption behavior accorded well (R2 = 0.9937) with Langmuir isotherm model. Variety of eco-friendly and sustainable shades were developed in combination with small amount of metallic mordants and assessed in terms of colorimetric (CIEL∗a∗b∗ and K/S) properties measured using spectrophotometer under D65 illuminant (10° standard observer). The fastness properties of dyed woolen yarn against light, washing, dry and wet rubbing were also evaluated


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    Tulisan ini membahas peran penting kader jurnalistik dalam menghidupkan dan memperkuat media lokal di desa-desa. Media lokal memiliki potensi besar untuk menjadi suara desa, menyampaikan informasi yang relevan, dan mendorong partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan desa. Namun, banyak media lokal di desa menghadapi tantangan dalam hal keterbatasan sumber daya, kualitas konten, dan akses teknologi. Kader jurnalistik, yang merupakan warga desa terlatih dalam bidang jurnalisme, dapat memberikan kontribusi berharga dalam mengatasi kendala ini. Mereka memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan konten berita yang informatif, mendidik masyarakat dalam mengakses dan menggunakan media lokal, serta menggalang dukungan untuk perkembangan media ini. Tulisan ini akan mendiskusikan definisi kader jurnalistik, kontribusi mereka dalam menghidupkan media lokal, dampak positif dari keberadaan mereka, serta tantangan dan kendala yang mereka hadapi. Selain itu, rekomendasi akan diajukan untuk memperkuat peran kader jurnalistik dalam membangun suara desa melalui media lokal


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    Pengembangan ekonomi lokal di desa-desa memiliki potensi yang besar untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pedesaan. Tulisan ini membahas pentingnya menyusun profil ekonomi lokal sebagai alat untuk mengungkap potensi ekonomi di tingkat desa dan mempromosikannya secara efektif. Profil ini mencakup identifikasi sumber daya alam, produk lokal unggulan, serta peran masyarakat desa dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus dari beberapa desa, penulisan ini juga mengilustrasikan bagaimana menyusun profil ekonomi lokal telah memberikan manfaat konkret, seperti meningkatkan promosi dan pemasaran produk desa, menarik investasi dari luar, dan memperkuat identitas lokal. Namun, ada sejumlah tantangan yang harus dihadapi, termasuk keterbatasan sumber daya, kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat, dan implementasi program yang efektif

    Dyeing studies and fastness properties of brown naphtoquinone colorant extracted from Juglans regia L on natural protein fiber using different metal salt mordants

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    In this study, wool fibers are dyed with a natural colorant extracted from walnut bark in presence and absence of mordants. The effect of aluminum sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and stannous chloride mordants on colorimetric and fastness properties of wool fibers was investigated. Juglone was identified as the main coloring component in walnut bark extract by UV visible and FTIR spectroscopic techniques. The results showed that pretreatment with metallic mordants substantially improved the colorimetric and fastness properties of wool fibers dyed with walnut bark extract. Ferrous sulfate and stannous chloride mordanted wool fibers shows best results than potassium aluminum sulfate mordanted and unmordanted wool fibers. This is ascribed due to strong chelating power of ferrous sulfate and stannous chloride mordants

    Particulate matter dispersion and haze occurrence potential studies at a local palm oil mill.

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    The emissions from palm oil industry through incineration and open burning are the major sources of air pollutions contribution in Malaysia. The consequence of increasing the particulate concentration, the particulate matter dissolves with vapour and grows into droplets when the humidity exceeds approximately 70% and causing opaque situation known as haze. This work focuses on the dispersion particulate matter from palm oil mill. Gaussian Plume Model from a point source, subject to various atmospheric conditions is used to calculate particulate matter concentration then display the distribution of plume dispersion using geographic information system. Atmospheric Stability, mixing height, wind direction, wind speed, natural and artificial features play an important role in dispersion process. Study on the dispersion of particulate matters and the haze potential are presented as a case study in this paper. The data obtained will be served as the purpose of modeling the transport of particulate matter for obtaining permits and prevention of significant deterioration to the environment

    Late Concomitant Pseudoaneurysm and Arteriovenous Fistula of the Subclavian Artery: A Developing Country Perspective

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    Concomitant subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous (AV) fistula has been rarely reported. We report a case of late concomitant pseudoaneurysm and AV fistula of the subclavian artery caused by a gunshot wound. Open surgical approach with an infraclavicular approach was used, subclavian artery was repaired with a Gortex interposition graft and subclavian vein was ligated. The postoperative course was uneventful. In developing countries, where the endovascular expertise is unavailable or if the lesion is large, open surgical approach provides similar results as an endovascular approach

    Adsorption of nickel on electric arc furnace slag: batch and column studies

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    The ability of electric arc furnace slag (EAFS), a by-product of the steel industry to adsorb nickel [Ni(II)] from an aqueous solution, was investigated by both batch and column operations. The characterization studies showed the mesoporous nature of EAFS with dominance of acidic sites. The adsorption was found to be dependent on the adsorbent dosage, contact time, the pH, and initial metal ion concentration. Optimum Ni(II) uptake was 160.92 mg/g at 1000 mg/L initial concentration with equilibration time 216 h. Adsorption follows the pseudo-second-order kinetics model. Linear and non-linear isotherm models revealed the applicability of the Langmuir model confirming monolayer adsorption. Both the column bed capacity and the exhaustion time increased with increase in bed height. The saturation time was found to increase from 42 to 46 h with a decrease in the flow rate from 15 to 5 mL/min. The bed depth saturation time and Thomas models were evaluated. The experimental breakthrough curves agreed well with the predicted model