27 research outputs found

    Proposed Integrated System for Library Services and Online Education: A Pakistani Perspective

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    Purpose: Education is the basic need of each community member and educational institutions play a vital role in the development of any community and country as a whole. Also, libraries plays significant role in educating people or fulfilling educational needs of the society members. COVID-19 pandemic affects all sectors of life including educational institutes. However, libraries play dramatic role in the delivery of electronic services like e-thesis, e-books, e-research articles and virtual reference. The proposed study will provide a step-by-step guideline to individual researchers, research organizations, educational assessments organizations, government departments and policy development departments to plan and execute such innovative projects for the betterment of the educational system in the country. Similarly, libraries will get benefit to engage officially in providing e-services to community members. Through this proposed proposal the researchers may be able to identify the current status of educational institutions and their libraries in Pakistan in terms of educational institutions\u27 and their libraries strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the delivery of online educational programs and e-services of libraries during COVID-19 pandemic or in such other accidental situations. Research Methodology: The proposed study will be conducted through Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Research to meet study objectives. Practical Implications: The proposed study will help in identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to online educational programs and e-services of libraries. Also, propose suggestions to educational institutions and libraries on the basis of identified strengths and opportunities for their better utilization. Similarly, it will identify the issues like weaknesses and threats to online educational programs and libraries in universities and will propose strategies for covering such deficiencies for the smooth delivery of online education and library online services while utilizing the existing resources. Also, benchmarking other developed organizations and may introduce resource sharing modules among the different organizations to overcome less developed organizations\u27 deficiencies while utilizing developed organizations existing resources


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    Lahoo Rang Falestine" is very important in novel writing. It shows the change in every field of life on a global scale. These important changes have taken place at the political, economic, cultural, social, and cultural levels and have affected the entire era. In the present era, many traditions and values ​​have been broken and at the same time, the system that has been going on for years has been disrupted. There have been many losses but some good results. People's thoughts and feelings changed. In this novel, along with science and art, some movements also took place, which affected the intellect and consciousness of the present age. A new philosophical perspective on life began and these new ideas, and thoughts seemed to be in tune with the old traditions. During this period, complex issues of minorities, exploitation of minorities, sectarianism, political corruption, youth issues, the crisis of civilization and values, and misdeeds of the ruling class began to be written on the page. Novel writing has been the cradle of civilization from the very beginning. Various arts flourished in it. Literature, philosophy, history, etc. in Urdu got extraordinary development. India has been a land of development of various disciplines in which literature has special significance. Different languages ​​are spoken here and different languages ​​have their literary capital. The novel is considered a style of storytelling anyway. The novel is a genre of literature that is very interesting because the canvas of the novel is much wider than other genres of literature

    Pemikiran Ibnu Miskawaih Tentang Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Kitab Tahdzibul Akhlak

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the thought of Ibn Miskawaih about moral education in the book Tahdzibul Akhlak, for the purpose of this research; 1) What moral values are contained in the book of Ibn Miskawaih’s Tahdzibul Akhlak? To achieve the research objektives, the literature study research method is used. The study agreed to examine Ibn Miskawaih’s expectations about moral education in the book of Tahdzibul Akhlak.The data in this study were taken primary data and secondary data. Primery data is taken from the book of Tahdzibul Akhlak by Ibn Miskawaih, while secondary data is taken from the literature that discusses the title of the study. While what is done in this research is historical philosophical. Then conclusions can be drawn from the research as well as an answer to the formulation of the research problem.Based on the research, conclusions are also obtained that answer the research question viz. 1) the moral values contained in the book of Ibn Miskawaih’s Tahdzibul Akhlak are read; the deity of God which is related to man’s faith in his Lord, the moral of welfare, social character, and freedom and responsibility. 2) the pillars of Ibn Miskawaih moral education in the book of Tahdzibul Akhlak which regulates, controls, justice, and love and friendship

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Revolution in the Making

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    Since the flight of a kite by some Chinese, thousands of years ago, the UAVs have developed to the level of unleashing immeasurable destruction even without endangering the life of the „man in the loop‟. This paper traces the history of the drones in the modern times while focusing on the American utilization of the UAVs in the wars of the twenty-first century. Drones basically address the „friction‟ element of the war. While analyzing the technical aspects of the UAVs, the article assesses the revolution these have brought in the conduct of the warfare. There are issues of collateral damage being labeled against the use of UAVs, but there is no denying the fact that these are the best weapons available in the arsenal to minimize the number of civilian casualties – as compared with the manned aircrafts and the casualties caused by the missiles fired from the aircraft carriers at times stationed hundreds of miles away. Pilotless target aircraft (PTA), Reconnaissance UAVs, and Strike UAVs or UCAVs are the three main types of Drones according to their function. The advantages of the UAVs over the manned aircrafts are the performance of dull, dirty, and dangerous work, their development and use being economical, their tactical advantage of not endangering the life of the controller, and most recently their use in the civilian arena like the flood relief activities, monitoring of the borders, reconnaissance of the areas after accidents or natural disasters, etc. Biggest challenges in the development of the drones are enhancing the endurance and autonomy of the UAVs, in-flight refueling, increasing the payload capacity, having less numbers of satellites, and most importantly the issues related with the international law and the attached ethical issues. With the successful tests of Burraq, Pakistan has also joined the club of the states developing the UAVs and the race is still „on‟

    Research Output of Government College University Lahore, Pakistan: A Bibliometric Study Based on Scopus Database from 1908 to 2020

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    Abstract Purpose – The main purpose of the current study was to explore the research output of Government College University, Lahore Pakistan in terms of publications, citation trends, major research areas, co-authorship patterns, preferred journals, keywords used, and funding sponsored. Design/methodology/approach – Current study used bibliometric analysis methodology for achieving the objectives. Data were extracted from the Scopus database through a query. Query was executed in June 2021 at Prince Sultan University; Saudi Arabia and 6085 publications were retrieved. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were also defined. The results were filtered according to the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Finally, 6008 records were included in the final analysis which included articles, conference papers, reviews, and book chapters from 1908 to June 13, 2021. MS Excel, VOS Viewer, and Biblioshiny software were used for data analysis. Findings – Findings showed that publications and citation trends of Government College University remained low. However, the progress of publication and citations started in 2005. The top ten research areas were consisted of science subjects. Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities had no publications in the top ten areas. The majority of collaborated work from GC University authors was observed with the University of the Punjab, Lahore, University of Sargodha, and the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. GC University authors also collaborated with international authors, but this collaboration was less as compared to collaboration at the national level. The top funding sources for research was HEC Pakistan. However, international funding sources were also found. Originality/Value – Current study is unique because, with the best of research knowledge, no study has been conducted regarding the research productivity of GC University, Lahore in past. The current study has practical implications in the sense that it is helpful for authorities of the University in allocating funds for research. The current study provides a comprehensive and collective picture of the research productivity of GC University, Lahore which helps to identify weak and strong areas related to research. Keywords: Bibliometric Study, Government College University, Lahore. Research Productivity, Bibliometric Analysis

    Model Pengembangan Anoa (Buballus Depressicornis Dan Quarlesi) Berbasis Masyarakat, Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah.

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    Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah terletak antara 2°22‟ Lintang Utara dan 3°48‟ Lintang Selatan, serta 119°22‟ dan 124°22‟ Bujur Timur. Batas wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Laut Sulawesi dan Provinsi Gorontalo, sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Provinsi Maluku, sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Provinsi Sulawesi Barat dan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, dan sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Selat Makassar. Sulawesi Tengah merupakan provinsi terbesar di Pulau Sulawesi, dengan luas wilayah daratan 61.841,29 km2 (Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 18 tahun 2013) yang mencakup semenanjung bagian timur dan sebagian semenanjung bagian utara serta Kepulauan Togean di Teluk Tomini dan Kepulauan Banggai di Teluk Tolo, dengan luas wilayah adalah 189.480 km2, dengan panjang garis pantai 4.013 km2

    “شامِ شعرِ یاراں ”: مغالطے اور وضاحتیں

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    Mushtaq Ahmad Yousifi is not only a milestone in the Urdu satirical and humorous tradition, but all his creations have captivated an era. They offer an unparalleled example, but his latest work, ”Shaam-e-Sheir-e-Yaraan“, has been the subject of debate in some Literary circles in various respects in this regard. There is less emphasis on authorship, which has affected Yousefi's literary reputation. In this article, scribe summarizes this discussion and tries to present a critical and research review of ”Shaam-e-Sheir-e-Yaraan“.

    Strategi Gerakan Politik Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru

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    Aspects of the Need of Brotherhood Among Muslims in Contemporary World عصر حاضر میں مسلمانوں میں جذبہ اخوت کی ضرورت کے پہلو

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    Islam has anxious on Islamic brotherhood and called all Muslims as brothers to each other. It becomes a stronghold of protection for the enemies. In this, lies our success and solution to all our problems. It can help you get through a hard time and gives you a sense of safety.  There are many challenges in life, and many of these are almost impossible to overtake alone. To navigate these challenges most effectively, having a reliable companion is invaluable. Brotherhood transcends the realm of ordinary friendship; it embodies a profound connection. This connection may exist irrespective of blood ties, signifying a bond that withstands the tests of time and circumstance. In Contemporary World, Muslim face too much Problems and challenges .They need relation of Brotherhood to overcome their problems and challenges. The study was basically planned to address that In Contemporary World, Muslims are weaker than the enemy in many fields۔ The primary aim of this research was that muslim overcome their weakness throug relation of Brotherhood. Keywords: Brotherhood, Muslim, Contemporary World