28 research outputs found

    Pengembangan buku ajar digital Geografi SMA berplatform aplikasi 3D Page Flip dengan pendekatan STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematic) materi keragaman budaya di Indonesia

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    Today students live in a digital era. Such conditions affect the changing needs of textbooks as a source of learning for students. The purpose of this development research is to produce a digital textbook on cultural diversity in Indonesia with a 3D page flip application platform with a STEAM approach (Science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics). The design of this study uses the ADDIE model. Product trial results show that the percentage of the feasibility of textbooks is as much as 87 percent, which means it is very feasible to use. While the results of students' understanding test scores in the range of 76-85 with a percentage of 53 percent. These results indicate that students have a high level of understanding criteria.Dewasa ini peserta didik hidup di era digital. Kondisi yang demikian berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kebutuhan buku ajar sebagai sumber belajar bagi peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan buku ajar digital berplatform aplikasi 3D page flip dengan pendekatan STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematic) materi keragaman budaya di Indonesia. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Hasil uji coba produk menunjukkan bahwa persentase tingkat kelayakan buku ajar sebanyak 87 persen yang artinya sangat layak digunakan. Sedangkan hasil tes pemahaman peserta didik memperoleh nilai pada rentang 76-85 dengan persentase sebanyak 53 persen. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa peserta didik memiliki kriteria tingkat pemahaman yang tinggi

    Social Capital Based on Local Ecological Knowledge in the Bompon Watershed Community

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    Environmental ethics has an important position in the management and utilization of the environment; however, the paradigm of human interaction with the environment often creates gaps in ethical understanding. A range of negative impacts arise as a result of imperfect interactions between humans and the environment. Individuals and communities should focus on achieving sustainable environmental development. One such development is through social capital based on local ecological knowledge (LEK). The purpose of this study was to identify and describe a community of social capital based on LEK in accordance with the environmental ethics of the Bompon watershed community in Magelang Regency. We used qualitative descriptive methods; data were collected using interviews and observations. The results showed that social capital based on LEK in accordance with basic environmental ethics referred to experience, trust, adherence to values, regulations, and institutions in the Bompon watershed community. Keywords: Bompon Watershed Community, environmental ethics, local ecological knowledg

    Improving Critical Thinking Ability: Earthcomm Learning For Watershed Conservation Materials

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    Earth Science System in the Community is a learning model relevant to the 2013 curriculum and can improve students' critical thinking ability. The research aims to determine the effect of EarthComm learning models assisted by Avenza Maps application on students critical thinking ability. This type of research is a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research was held at High School 2 Mojokerto in the even semester 2019/2020. Data analysis using Independent Sample T-Test with IBM SPSS Statistics 22 for Windows. The results showed there was quite a significant difference between the critical thinking ability of the experimental class and the control class, evidenced by the value gain a score of the experiment class (28.11) more significant than the control class (19.89). EarthComm learning model assisted by Avenza Maps application affecting the students critical thinking ability because the syntax of EarthComm invites students to observe directly in the field. Through direct observation, students can feel and understand what is happening in the field to improve students' critical thinking ability. Suggestions are given to (1) the teacher of Geography subjects, hopefully, able to implement EarthComm learning model assisted by Avanza Maps application about the Earth system material that demands critical thinking capabilities in it; (2) further researchers, it is advisable to replace or add other bonded variable

    Digital Estuaries: Exploring the Pedagogical Benefits of Virtual Reality Media in Geography and Spatial Analysis

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    Learning eco-spatial concepts and estuary conservation concepts in Geography is often constrained by irrelevant learning media and limited field trips. As marine conservation is critical to addressing damage to coastal and marine ecosystems, there is an urgent need for innovative learning media that can bridge this gap. To address this, our research focuses on the development and evaluation of Virtual Reality Estuary learning media. This interactive tool provides a realistic virtual representation of the real world through a 360° panorama. It is designed to offer students an immersive experience, enhancing their understanding of the topics of eco-spatial concept and estuary conservation. We used a Research and Development (RD) approach using the Successive Approximations Model research method. This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is based on field data and product validation tests. Secondary data was obtained from literacy data from accredited journals. Data needs analysis using a questionnaire submitted to students. The analysis shows that the use of virtual reality media is needed in estuary learning. This research resulted in the development of Virtual Reality Estuary media. Virtual Reality Estuary media development products have gone through the media product validation test stage and material validation test with declared valid and feasible to use. So that students can do digital exploration through Virtual Reality Estuary in geography learning


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    PROJECT-BASED STUDENTS WORKSHEET TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' PANCASILA PROFILE IN HYBRID LEARNINGThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a changing impact on various aspects of life. One of them is the aspect of education which so far tends to be carried out in a conventional classical manner, which must develop towards digitalization. Therefore, this article discusses community service with the aim of improving the skills of teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java in making project-based worksheets with hybrid learning to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. The method adopted is empowerment through training and mentoring for teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java with three stages namely preparation, implementation and follow-up. Based on an analytical study, the results of community service activities showed a positive impact on improving the skills of teachers in schools under the auspices of YPK East Java in making project-based worksheets with hybrid learning. Thus, teachers in schools have skills in implementing learning that is able to support strengthening the profile of Pancasila students.Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak perubahan pada berbagai aspek kehidupan. Salah satunya yaitu aspek pendidikan yang selama ini cenderung dilaksanakan secara klasikal konvensional harus berkembang ke arah digitalisasi. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini membahas tentang pengabdian masyarakat dengan tujuan meningkatkan keterampilan guru-guru di sekolah yang ada di bawah naungan YPK Jatim dalam pembuatan LKPD berbasis project dengan hybrid learning untuk penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila. Metode yang ditempuh yaitu pemberdayaan melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan pada guru-guru di sekolah yang ada di bawah naungan YPK Jatim dengan tiga tahapan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan tindak lanjut. Berdasarkan kajian analisis, hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan dampak positif pada peningkatan keterampilan guru di sekolah yang ada dibawah naungan YPK Jatim dalam membuat LKPD berbasis project dengan hybrid learning. Sehingga, guru di sekolah mempunyai ketrampilan dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran yang mampu mendukung penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila


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    LEARN EARTH ROTATION AND REVOLUTION: DEVELOPMENT OF GEOROTATION MEDIA FOR LEARNING DIGITAL GEOGRAPHYLearning media is an intermediary in the delivery of information through various channels. The information conveyed can provide stimulation to students both in terms of thoughts, to the will that can improve the learning process. The use of learning media in geography can help students describe, describe, or describe things that are abstract and difficult to understand. This development research aims to develop a learning media in the form of applications that can be accessed on smartphones. This development research method uses ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The types of data in this development research are qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from criticism and suggestions from expert validators and trial respondents. Quantitative data in this development research is in the form of numerical scores in the questionnaire obtained from expert validators and trial respondents. The Georotation in this study has been tested on 36 students of class X-D SMAN 2 Probolinggo. The results of research on the development of Georotation media obtained a percentage of 98 percent of media expert validators, 77 percent of material expert validators, 97 percent of teacher responses, 83 percent of student responses as test subjects. Thus the results show that the development of Georotation very suitable for use in learning geography.Media pembelajaran sebagai perantara untuk merangsang kemampuan berpikir peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran Georotation yang dikembangkan untuk pembelajaran geografi. Desain penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan ADD (Analyze, Design, Development), merupakan bentuk modifikasi desain penelitian ADDIE. Jenis data dalam penelitian pengembangan ini yaitu data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari kritik dan saran oleh validator media, validator materi, dan responden uji coba. Data kuantitatif dalam penelitian pengembangan ini berupa skor angka dalam angket yang diperoleh dari validator materi, validator media, dan responden uji coba. Produk Georotation pada penelitian ini telah diuji cobakan kepada siswa kelas X-D SMAN 2 Probolinggo sejumlah 36 peserta didik. Hasil penelitian pengembangan Media Georotation memperoleh persentase 98 persen dari validator ahli media, 77 persen dari validator ahli materi, 97 persen dari tanggapan guru, 83 persen dari tanggapan peserta didik sebagai subjek uji coba. Dengan demikian hasil menunjukkan, bahwa pengembangan media pembelajaran Georotation sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran geografi

    Genius Solar System: Media Pembelajaran Geografi Berbasis Interactive Multimedia untuk Siswa SMA

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, sebanyak 92,6 siswa kesulitan pada materi dinamika planet bumi sebagai ruang kehidupan. Karakteristik materi dinamika planet bumi sebagai ruang kehidupan bersifat abstrak sehingga membutuhkan visualisasi agar dapat lebih jelas bagi siswa. Namun, media yang digunakan oleh guru tidak membantu siswa memvisualisasi dan belum pernah menggunakan interactive multimedia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran Genius Solar System berbasis interactive multimedia serta menguji kelayakan media yang dikembangkan. Metode pengembangan media menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahapan, yaitu analyze, design, development, implement, dan evaluation. Jenis data yang digunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dalam proses akumulasi data menggunakan angket, wawancara serta dokumentasi kegiatan dengan teknik analisis data berbentuk presentase. Produk media pembelajaran Genius Solar System akan melalui tahap uji coba kelayakan kepada 30 siswa kelas X IPS 5 di SMA Negeri 1 Lawang. Uji kelayakan oleh validator ahli media (91%) dan ahli materi (98%) terkategori sangat layak atau sangat valid. Sedangkan hasil uji coba kelayakan oleh siswa sebesar 88% dan guru sebesar 94%. Berdasarkan perolehan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk media Genius Solar System yang telah dikembangkan dapat dikategorikan atau dikatakan sangat layak atau sangat valid untuk dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran


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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran geografi menghasilkan siswa yang mampu berpikir spasial, sehingga dapat memahami lingkungan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui media Google Earth dengan Problem Based Learning berpengaruh  terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa SMA. Jenis penelitian yaitu eksperimen semu dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas XA dan XB SMA 1 Selong, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan tes dengan instrumen berupa soal kemampuan berpikir spasial. Analisis data menggunakan uji T berbantuan SPSS 24. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media Google Earth dengan Problem Based Learning berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa. Permasalahan spasial yang disajikan dalam media menggambarkan fenomena secara nyata, sehingga siswa dapat memahami materi dengan baik. Media Google Earth dengan Problem Based Learning mengarahkan siswa untuk memecahkan permasalahan spasial dan melatih siswa kreatif menemukan solusi dari fenomena geosfer, sehingga kemampuan berpikir spasial meningkat. Abstract:  Geography learning produces students who are able to think spatially, so they can understand the environment well. This study aims to determine the Google Earth media with Problem Based Learning affects the spatial thinking ability of high school students. The type of research is a pseudo-experiment with research subjects of XA and XB high school students of SMA 1 Selong, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The data collection technique used tests with instruments in the form of spatial thinking skills questions. The results of this study concluded that the use of Google Earth media with Problem Based Learning had an effect on students' spatial thinking skills. Spatial problems presented in the media describe real phenomena, so students can understand the material well. Google Earth media with Problem Based Learning directs students to solve spatial problems and trains students to creatively find solutions to geospheric phenomena, so that spatial thinking skills increase

    Spatial Acumen in the Digital Age: The Transformative Power of STEM-Enriched Mobile Textbooks in Geography

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    Integrating technology into learning has become a pivotal necessity in the digital age. This underscores the imperative for educators, serving as facilitators, to organize and implement digital technology within instructional processes adeptly. Central to this application is educators’ perceptions of the utilization of mobile digital textbooks. Crucially, this study, rooted in a qualitative research design, sought to elucidate teachers’ perceptions regarding the employment of the Mobile Digital Textbook, integrated with a STEM approach, to enhance students’ spatial thinking and Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Data collection was meticulously executed through semi-structured interviews involving fifteen geography educators from eight East Java, Indonesia, secondary institutions. With the aid of NVIVO software, the data were systematically organized and categorized based on pre-established criteria. The findings revealed a predominantly positive perception among the fifteen participants towards using the Mobile Digital Textbook with the STEM approach in fostering students’ spatial thinking and HOTS. The implications of this research underscore the significance of continuous training and support for educators in assimilating digital technology, particularly mobile digital textbooks, to elevate instructional quality and cultivate students’ advanced cognitive abilities

    Digitalization of Sanja Village Vegetation Conservation Through 360° Virtual Exploration to Support Smart Eco-Tourism Development in the Tosari Area

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    Tosari Village is one of the tourist support villages in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) area and has a tourist village known as Sanja Village. Sanja Village tourism is a form of ecological conservation, which utilizes the potential of the land with the presence of various vegetation supporting the land which is arranged and this potential is used as an ecotourism area. Based on survey results, observations and interviews with Sanja Desa managers, it is clear that there are still shortcomings in packaging content and tourism branding in the current digital era. So in this case there is a need for technological innovation that is in line with tourism trends, one of which is Virtual Exploration which is able to fully explore tourist destinations virtually. The development of virtual exploration is able to build smart eco-tourism in Sanja village. The development stages in this research start from planning, preparation, implementation and reporting. Through virtual exploration of vegetation conservation, Sanja Desa is able to support the development of smart ecotourism in Tosari village. The development of virtual exploration is a form of digitalization by exploring the diversity of vegetation conservation, ecology and culture in 360°, capable of creating a tourist experience that is realistic to visit before Sanja Village. The digitalization of Sanja village ecotourism is able to create sustainable development of Tosari village