1,918 research outputs found

    Método CCCP de orientação de estudos

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    O autor relata experiência docente na qual constatou a preocupação dos alunos com o desempenho acadêmico. A partir de sua experiência na elaboração de provas, desenvolveu método de orientação de estudos, que indica quais os itens são comumente mais arguidos nas provas, podendo ser utilizado em várias disciplinas. Os estudos devem ser conduzidos para a assimilação de Conceitos, Características, Classificações, Comparações e Provas (exemplos e contas). O nome CCCP foi adotado como estratégia mnemônica para facilitar a memorização. A utilização do Método CCCP favorece a obtenção de bons resultados nas notas, com boas consequências para os alunos

    Método ASES para estudo de textos longos: aproximação, scanning, extração e saturação

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    A inabilidade dos alunos recém-ingressados na universidade em estudar livros universitários, abaixa o desempenho acadêmico e eleva a evasão. O artigo descreve um método adequado ao estudo de texto longos, que foi desenvolvido a partir da experiência empírica do autor, que resultou na sua aprovação em concursos públicos. O método ASES é baseado na identificação e assimilação das informações mais importantes e tem quatro fases distintas que formam o acrônimo ASES: “Aproximação”, “Scanning”, “Extração” e “Saturação”. A primeira fase (“Aproximação”) consiste em ler o sumário e folhear os capítulos a serem estudados. A segunda fase (“Scanning”) consiste em ler todo o texto com atenção, destacar as informações mais importantes, identificadas segundo o método CCCP e fazer anotações de rodapé, aplicando as técnicas de Interrogação elaborativa; de Auto explicação; de Mnemônico visual e de Palavra-chave mnemônica. A terceira fase (“Extração”) consiste em extrair do texto o conteúdo destacado e anotações e montar resumos, tabelas, esquemas, mapas conceituais e mentais em um extrato de volume único. O resumo deve ser completo, contendo os elementos de maior importância, e deve conter uma apreciação. As representações visuais das informações (tabelas, esquemas, mapas conceituais e mapas mentais) devem ser elaboradas utilizando as técnicas descritas na literatura. A quarta fase (“Saturação”) consiste em, durante vários dias, reler o extrato várias vezes e praticar exercícios, consolidando o conhecimento. O método ASES utiliza, em conjunto, nove técnicas de estudo recomendadas pela literatura e sua utilização contribui para a melhoria do desempenho acadêmico e diminuição da evasão das universidades

    Coordinated waves of actomyosin flow and apical cell constriction immediately after wounding

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    We are grateful for funding from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/41884/2007), Human Frontier Science Program (RGP/2007), and European Research Council (2007-StG-208631).Epithelial wound healing relies on tissue movements and cell shape changes. Our work shows that, immediately after wounding, there was a dramatic cytoskeleton remodeling consisting of a pulse of actomyosin filaments that assembled in cells around the wound edge and flowed from cell to cell toward the margin of the wound. We show that this actomyosin flow was regulated by Diaphanous and ROCK and that it elicited a wave of apical cell constriction that culminated in the formation of the leading edge actomyosin cable, a structure that is essential for wound closure. Calcium signaling played an important role in this process, as its intracellular concentration increased dramatically immediately after wounding, and down-regulation of transient receptor potential channel M, a stress-activated calcium channel, also impaired solin, protein, also impaired the wound response, indicating that cleaving the existing actin filament network is an important part of the cytoskeleton remodeling process.publishersversionpublishe

    An MCDM approach to the selection of novel technologies for innovative in-vehicle information systems

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    Driving a car is a complex skill that includes interacting with multiple systems inside the vehicle. Today’s challenge in the automotive industry is to produce innovative In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) that are pleasant to use and satisfy the costumers’ needs while, simultaneously, maintaining the delicate balance of primary task vs. secondary tasks while driving. The authors report a MCDM approach for rank ordering a large heterogeneous set of human-machine interaction technologies; the final set consisted of hundred and one candidates. They measured candidate technologies on eight qualitative criteria that were defined by domain experts, using a group decision-making approach. The main objective was ordering alternatives by their decision score, not the selection of one or a small set of them. The authors’ approach assisted decision makers in exploring the characteristics of the most promising technologies and they focused on analyzing the technologies in the top quartile, as measured by their MCDM model. Further, a clustering analysis of the top quartile revealed the presence of important criteria trade-offs.Operational Competitiveness Program – COMPETE, QREN (Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional), European Regional Development Funds (European Union), R&D project in joint-promotion (HMIEXCEL-2013-2015 36265/2013) HMIEXCEL - I&D crítica em torno do ciclo de desenvolvimento e produção de soluções multimédia avançadas para automóvelStrategic program FCT-UID/EEA/00066/2013Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (IF/00217/2013)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PD/BD/105966/2014

    Mapeamento da cobertura da terra dos Parques Estaduais do Jalapão (PEJ), Cantão (PEC) e município de Itaguatins (Tocantins)Land cover mapping in state parks Jalapão, Cantão and municipality Itaguatins (Tocantins)

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    O estado do Tocantins não possui um programa de monitoramento continuo de sua cobertura vegetal, o que levou a formalização de um convenio entre o Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia, por meio do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, e o Instituto Natureza do Tocantins, com o intuito de solucionar esta problemática. Para isso, foram adquiridas cenas do sensor TM/Landsat-5, referentes ao período de estiagem de 2007, abrangendo os Parques Estaduais do Jalapão (PEJ), Cantão (PEC) e o município de Itaguatins, sendo georreferenciadas, convertidas as imagens-fração, segmentadas e classificadas. Identificaram-se as classes: área urbana, agropecuária, bancos de areia, capoeira, campo limpo e sujo, cerrado sentido restrito denso e/ou típico, cerrado sentido restrito ralo e/ou rupestre, corpos hídricos, deposição de areia, floresta estacional semidecidual aluvial, floresta estacional semidecidual submontana, mata ciliar, mata-de-galeria, pecuária e vereda. Os índices de Exatidão Total / Kappa para o PEJ, PEC e Itaguatins foram de 78,38% / 0,72; 86,67% / 0,69 e 84,62% / 0,81; respectivamente. Estes dados confirmam a eficiência da metodologia aplicada, podendo ser implementada em um programa de monitoramento da cobertura vegetal do Estado.Abstract Tocantins state does not have a program of continuous monitoring of its vegetation. This situation leaded to a formal agreement between the Ministry of Science and Technology, through the National Institute of Space Research and the Nature Institute of Tocantins, with the aim at solving the problem of monitoring vegetation. Hence, scenes were acquired from the sensor TM/Landsat-5, during the period of droughts in 2007, covering the state parks Jalapão (PEJ), Cantão (PEC) and the municipality of Itaguatins. Those data were geographically referred, converted into images-fraction, segmented and classified. Classes were, then, identified as: urban, agriculture, sand banks, secondary vegetation, grassland cerrado, woodland cerrado, wooded cerrado, water bodies, sand deposition, alluvial forest, submontane forest, riparian forest, gallery forest, cattle rising and moist grassland. Indices of Total Accuracy / Kappa for PEJ, PEC and Itaguatins were 78,38% / 0,72; 86,67% / 0,69 and 84,62% / 0,81, respectively. These data confirm the efficiency of the methodology applied, which can be implemented in a program for monitoring the vegetation of the state

    Contagem de células somáticas e características produtivas de vacas da raça holandesa em lactação

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    Subclinical mastitis results in the decrease of milk and fat production. This disease is detected using somatic cell counts. The objective of this study was to quantify the relation of somatic cell levels, transformed into linear score (LS), and the production of milk and fat during 305 days of lactation, peak milk production, and the lactation duration time of Holstein cattle. Data were gathered concerning 147 closed lactations of Holstein cows (83 primiparous and 64 multiparous) from a confined herd in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Statistical analyses were performed through the general linear model procedure. The productive characteristics of multiparous, but not primiparous cows, were affected acording to the linear score. An increase in the average linear score during lactation resulted in the decrease of fat and milk production in the 305 days of lactation. The increase in the average linear score at the beginning of the lactation period resulted in a decrease of milk production at the peak of lactation.A mastite subclínica, diagnosticada através da contagem de células somáticas, afeta negativamente a pecuária leiteira diminuindo a produção de leite e de gordura. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de se quantificar o efeito do nível de células somáticas, transformado para escore linear (EL), sobre a produção de leite e gordura em 305 dias de lactação, produção de leite no pico e duração da lactação de bovinos da raça holandesa. Foram levantadas informações referentes a 147 lactações encerradas de vacas da raça holandesa (83 primíparas e 64 multíparas), de um rebanho confinado do Estado de São Paulo. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o procedimento de modelo lineares generalizados. Contrariando a literatura, as características produtivas dos animais primíparos não sofreram efeito do escore linear. Provavelmente este fato ocorreu devido a quase inexistência de animais primíparos com EL maior que 4,5. O aumento do escore linear médio durante a lactação levou a diminuição da produção de leite e gordura em 305 dias de lactação. O aumento do escore linear médio durante o início da lactação levou a diminuição da produção de leite no pico da lactação

    Decision support visualization approach in textile manufacturing a case study from operational control in textile industry

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    Decision support visualization tools provide insights for solving problems by displaying data in an interactive, graphical format. Such tools can be effective for supporting decision-makers in finding new opportunities and in measuring decision outcomes. In this study, was used a visualization tool capable of handling multivariate time series for studying a problem of operational control in a textile manufacturing plant; the main goal was to identify sources of inefficiency in the daily production data of three machines. A concise rule-based model of the inefficiency measures (i.e. quantitative measures were transformed into categorical variables) was developed and then performed an in-depth visual analysis using a particular technique, the categorical time series plots stacked vertically. With this approach were identified a wide array of production inefficiency patterns, which were difficult to identify using standard quantitative reporting - temporal pattern of best and worst performing machines - and critically, along with most important sources of inefficiency and some interactions between them were revealed. The case study underlying this work was further contextualized within the state of the art, and demonstrates the effectiveness of adequate visual analysis as a decision support tool for operational control in manufacturing.This study was partially conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-010145-FEDER-007653). This work was also supported by the following grants: FCT project PTDC/MHC/PCN/1530; FEDER Funds through the "Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE" program and by National Funds through FCT "Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia" under the project: FCOMP-010124-FEDER-PEst-OE/EEI/UI0760/2011, PEst-OE/EEI/UI0760/2014, PEst2015-2020 and UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Radiographic bone evaluation after periodontal full mouth disinfection treatment in women undergoing chemotherapy or hormone therapy with tamoxifen

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    To radiographically evaluate the alveolar bone level after periodontal full mouth disinfection (FMD) treatment in women during chemotherapy (CHE) and hormone therapy with Tamoxifen (TAM). Material and Methods: This is an uncontrolled clinical trial with a convenience sample of women in antineoplastic treatment (CHE and TAM) and non-surgical periodontal FMD treatment. The Radiographic examination consisted of four bitewing radiographs and six periapical radiographs of the upper and lower anterior teeth, acquired according to the parallelling standard technique at three times: before (T0), 3 (T3) and 6 (T6) months after periodontal treatment. The alveolar crest level in the interproximal area of each tooth was measured by two calibrated observer using magnifying glass and digital caliper. Statistical analysis was performed for evaluation of the three times in each experimental group using the Friedman test (p 0.05). Conclusion: Patients undergoing chemotherapy and hormone therapy with Tamoxifen showed better alveolar bone levels after six months of periodontal FMD treatment. The current antineoplasic therapy did not influence the results obtained with periodontal treatment16121922

    Efeito do nível de células somáticas sobre os constituintes do leite I-gordura e proteína

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    To evaluate the effects of somatic cell count (SCC) on the concentrations of milk fat and protein, eletronic analysis of 6112 samples were carried out at the Laboratory of Lactation Phisiology from the Department of Zoology, ESALQ - Univesity of São Paulo. All the SCC data were transformed to a linear score. Increases in the SCC score were associated with increases in fat and protein concentrations. This relationship was highly significant (p<0.0001), but only 6.97% of the fat concentration and 12.3 % of the protein concentration could be accounted for variation of the SCC.Foram analisadas eletronicamente 6.112 amostras de leite para CCS e concentração de gordura e proteína com o objetivo de verificar como estes teores são alterados pelo aumento da CCS. A CCS foi transformada para escore linear. O aumento do escore levou a um aumento da concentração de gordura, e a um aumento da concentração de proteína. Estes aumentos foram altamente significativos (p<0,0001), porém apenas 6,97% da variação da concentração de gordura e 12,3% da variação da concentração de proteína foram devidos à variação das CCS