1,642 research outputs found

    Meta-Potentiation: Neuro-Astroglial Interactions Supporting Perceptual Consciousness

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    Conscious perceptual processing involves the sequential activation of cortical networks at several brain locations, and the onset of oscillatory synchrony affecting the same neuronal population. How do the earlier activated circuits sustain their excitation to synchronize with the later ones? We call such a sustaining process "meta-potentiation", and propose that it depends on neuro-astroglial interactions. In our proposed model, attentional cholinergic and stimulus-related glutamatergic inputs to astroglia elicit the release of astroglial glutamate to bind with neuronal NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit. Once calcium channels are open, slow inward currents activate the CaM/CaMKII complex to phosphorylate AMPA receptors in a population of neurons connected with the astrocyte, thus amplifying the local excitatory pattern to participate in a larger synchronized assembly that supports consciousness

    How the Discovery of Brain Correlates of Consciousness Supports Non-Reductive Physicalism

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    In this work I attempt to justify the claim that the discovery of statistically relevant brain correlates of consciousness supports Non-Reductive Physicalism. First I distinguish the main varieties of Reductive and Non-Reductive Physicalism, selecting the right one that is benefited by progress in brain sciences. Second, I discuss epistemological problems in the search of brain correlates of consciousness, focusing on the simultaneous occurrence of conscious activity, known by means of subjective report, and the corresponding brain activity, registered with the help of technology. Finally, I argue – using Salmon´s concept of Statistical Explanation - that statistics affords a distinction of causal (physical) from casual (illusory) correlations

    Consciousness and Cosmos: Building an Ontological Framework

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    Contemporary theories of consciousness are based on widely different concepts of its nature, most or all of which probably embody aspects of the truth about it. Starting with a concept of consciousness indicated by the phrase “the feeling of what happens” (the title of a book by Antonio Damásio), we attempt to build a framework capable of supporting and resolving divergent views. We picture consciousness in terms of Reality experiencing itself from the perspective of cognitive agents. Each conscious experience is regarded as composed of momentary feeling events that are combined by recognition and evaluation into extended conscious episodes that bind cognitive contents with a wide range of apparent durations (0.1 secs to 2 or more secs, for us humans, depending on circumstances and context). Three necessary conditions for the existence of consciousness are identified: a) a ground of Reality, envisaged as an universal field of potentiality encompassing all possible manifestations, whether material or 'mental'; b) a transitional zone, leading to; c) a manifest world with its fundamental divisions into material, 'informational' and quale-endowed aspects. We explore ideas about the nature of these necessary conditions, how they may relate to one another and whether our suggestions have empirical implications

    Cognitive deficits of schizophrenia: the flower workshop initiative

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    Advancement of research on the neurobiology of the schizophrenic brain has revealed a complex of factors, from genetic tendencies affecting the development of brain structure to functional impairment caused by defective molecular signaling. Recently, the attention of psychiatrists and mental health professionals has been directed to the presence of cognitive deficits, responsible for most of the obstacles to the social insertion of patients.The schizophrenic person has a difficulty to manage the flux of consciousness in social interactions. We address this difficulty with the Flower Arrangement Workshop, a methodology of Psycho-Social Rehabilitation that reduces the vulnerability of the schizophrenic in the social environment. The workshop was offered regularly (18 months) for a group containing 4 schizophrenic subjects.

    Perspectivas para o investimento em economia ecológica no Brasil

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    In this essay I discuss the ways to implement an ecological economic paradigm in Brazil, starting from the realization that our political trajectory has favored contrary proposals. From a future change in policy directions and changes in financial system legislation, I envision the possibility of financing sustainable environmental projects by means of quantitative and qualitative easing, using state digital currency, to be provided to producers and consumers through public and community banks. As an argument in favor of this kind of proposal, I make a brief philosophical analysis about the meaning of money, and I argue that today, with information technology, it is possible, even in fiscal crisis contexts, to generate money for specific purposes, such as financing of productive enterprises in ecological economy, and reinforcement of popular income to facilitate the consumption of the goods generated in these enterprises.Neste ensaio trato dos caminhos para implantação de um paradigma econômico ecológico no Brasil, partindo da constatação de que nossa trajetória política têm favorecido propostas contrárias. Vislumbro, a partir de uma futura mudança nos rumos políticos, e alterações na legislação do sistema financeiro, a possibilidade de financiamento de projetos ambientais sustentáveis por meio de “flexibilização” (easing) quantitativa e qualitativa, utilizando-se de moeda digital estatal fornecida a produtores e consumidores por meio de bancos públicos e comunitários. Como argumento favorável a este tipo de proposta, faço breve análise filosófica a respeito do significado da moeda, e argumento que na atualidade, com a tecnologia da informação, é possível, mesmo em ambientes de crise fiscal, gerar moeda para finalidades específicas, como o financiamento de empreendimentos produtivos em economia ecológica, e reforço da renda popular para facilitar o consumo dos bens gerados nestes empreendimentos

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    Transtorno mental: dificuldades enfrentadas pela família

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    Using a qualitative methodology (open interviews, story-drawing and thematic analysis), we identify and analyze 4 categories (temporal mismatching, guilt, conflict and loss) found in the discourse of mothers (and one sister) of psychiatric patients receiving treatment at the Center for Psycho-Social Care (NAPS) in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, and also evaluate the importance of such categories with a view to understanding the dynamical relationships among mental health services, patients and their families.Usando una metodología cualitativa (entrevistas abiertas, diseño-historia y análisis temático) en este trabajo identificamos y analizamos 4 categorías (descompás temporal, culpa, conflictos y pérdidas) presentes en el discurso de madres (y una hermana) de pacientes psiquiátricos del Núcleo de Atención Psicosocial (NAPS) de Ribeirão Preto/SP, y evaluamos su importancia de acuerdo con el objetivo de entender la dinámica de la relación entre servicio de salud mental, paciente psiquiátrico y su familia.Utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa (entrevistas abertas, desenho-estória e análise temática) identificamos e analisamos 4 categorias (descompasso temporal, culpa, conflitos e perdas) presentes no discurso de mães (e uma irmã) de pacientes psiquiátricos do Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial (NAPS) de Ribeirão Preto/SP, e avaliamos sua importância conforme o objetivo de se entender a dinâmica da relação entre serviço de saúde mental, paciente psiquiátrico e sua família


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    (This article is part of a project by Trans/Form/Ação: Unesp Philosophy Journal. It is the Authorial Philosophy Dossier, to be published in 2022.) Sentience, defined as the ability to experience basic sensations such as hunger and thirst, heat and cold, is a psychobiological phenomenon involving dynamic patterns of electrochemical waves in living systems, both in animals and in plants. The process of feeling can be studied in two ways: a) Identification and analysis of the universal temporal patterns that characterize feeling, whose study would be Sentiomics; b) Identification and report of the variety of qualitative conscious experiences, from a first-person perspective, whose study would be Qualiomics. Qualiomics is undoubtedly a challenge to conventional science, as stated in the “hard problem of consciousness” (Chalmers, 1995), as the first-person perspective is not accessible to conventional scientific measurement methods and explanations. Sentiomics, focusing on dynamic patterns that define the ability to feel, is therefore susceptible to empirical and experimental treatment. In this article, we propose to contextualize the philosophical assumptions and problems of Sentiomics and present some of its various applications, focusing on the relationship between Sentiomics, music and consciousness.(Este artigo faz parte de um projeto da Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp. Trata-se do Dossiê Filosofia Autoral, a ser publicado em 2022.) A sentiência, definida como a capacidade de se ter experiência de sensações básicas como fome e sede, calor e frio, é um fenômeno psicobiológico, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de ondas eletroquímicas, em sistemas vivos, tanto em animais quanto em plantas. O processo de sentir pode ser estudado em duas modalidades: a) Identificação e análise dos padrões temporais universais que caracterizam a sentiência, cujo estudo seria a Sentiômica; b) Identificação e relato da variedade de experiências conscientes qualitativas, na perspectiva de primeira pessoa, cujo estudo seria a Qualiômica. A Qualiômica é, sem dúvida, um desafio para a ciência convencional, como afirmado no “problema difícil da consciência” (Chalmers, 1995), pois a perspectiva de primeira pessoa não é acessível aos métodos de medição e às explicações científicas convencionais. A Sentiômica, enfocando padrões dinâmicos que definem a capacidade de sentir, é, portanto, suscetível de um tratamento empírico e experimental. Neste artigo, propomos contextualizar pressupostos e problemas filosóficos da Sentiômica e apresentar algumas das suas diversas aplicações, com foco na relação entre Sentiômica, música e consciência

    Short-and Long-Term Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy Combined with Strength Training in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Background: Both physical activity and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can reduce knee osteoarthritis (KOA) inflammation. We conducted a randomized clinical trial to investigate the short- and long-term effectiveness of LLLT combined with strength training in persons with KOA. Methods: Fifty participants were randomly divided in two groups, one with LLLT plus strength training (n = 26) and one with placebo LLLT plus strength training (n = 24). LLLT and strength training were performed triweekly for 3 and 8 weeks, respectively. In the laser group, 3 joules 904 nm wavelength laser was applied to fifteen points (45 joules) per knee per session. Patient-reported outcomes, physical tests, and ultrasonography assessments were performed at baseline and 3, 8, 26, and 52 weeks after initial LLLT or placebo therapy. The primary outcomes were pain on movement, at rest, at night (Visual Analogue Scale), and globally (Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) subscale). Parametric data were assessed with analysis of variance using Šidák’s correction. Results: There were no significant between-group differences in the primary outcomes. However, in the laser group there was a significantly reduced number of participants using analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and increased performance in the sit-to-stand test versus placebo-control at week 52. The joint line pain pressure threshold (PPT) improved more in the placebo group than in the laser group, but only significantly at week 8. No other significant treatment effects were present. However, pain on movement and joint line PPT were worse in the placebo group at baseline, and therefore, it had more room for improvement. The short-term percentage of improvement in the placebo group was much higher than in similar trials. Conclusions: Pain was reduced substantially in both groups. LLLT seemed to provide a positive add-on effect in the follow-up period in terms of reduced pain medication usage and increased performance in the sit-to-stand test.publishedVersio


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    A impermeabilização do solo é uma das principais consequências do processo de metropolização. A infi ltração da água no solo é comprometida e afeta a recarga dos aquíferos, processo ímpar para a manutenção do equilíbrio da dinâmica dos recursos hídricos. Belo Horizonte se insere neste contexto por ser uma metrópole de confi guração espacial complexa, com extensa macha urbana. Assim, este trabalho objetiva interpretar a evolução histórica de ocupação urbana nas zonas de recarga de aquíferos de Belo Horizonte. Com o auxílio de técnicas de geoprocessamento, o crescimento da mancha urbana foi sobreposto às áreas de topo. Análises geoestatísticas foram realizadas para o período entre 1918 e 2007, corroboradas por dados demográfi cos. Os resultados indicam uma expressiva ocupação dos topos, comprometendo severamente a dinâmica do ciclo hidrológico