290 research outputs found


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    This article analyses the impact of Ruling 31/2010 of 28 June by the Constitutional Court on the regulation of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia on the subject of local governance. Specifically, it is focussed on the two most important questions: the conferring of powers to the Generalitat in the local sphere and the statutory regulation of the historical administrative demarcations (veguerías). In relation to the first of these questions, there is an exhaustive analysis of the state of jurisprudence of the constitutional Court on this matter, in order to later consider the content of the statutory regulations and the Ruling itself. From this, it concludes that in general terms the Court has not changed the basic lines of its jurisprudence, thus frustrating the attempt to increase the weight of autonomous powers set out by the statutory legislator. With respect to the veguerías, the analysis centres on the relation of the State to the constitutional guarantee of the province. The starting point for the interpretation by the Constitutional Court is also the maintenance of its traditional jurisprudence, preventing any attempt of substitution of the province, although it does leave the specific determination of the nature of the veguería in the hands of the Catalan legislator. In this sense, there is particular interest in the study of the recentLaw of veguerias, which according to the text, sets out from the identification of the difference between vegueria and province

    Video design adaptation to youtube advertising formats

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    Este trabajo en curso analiza cómo diferentes diseños publicitarios en términos de arousal (intensidad emocional) pueden contribuir a mejorar la efectividad de la video publicidad online. La literatura previa sugiere que un final con alto arousal puede incrementar la efectividad publicitaria. Para comprobar esta proposición, nuestra investigación combina diferentes metodologías: neurociencia aplicada al comportamiento del consumidor; un estudio de campo basado en una campaña publicitaria en YouTube y un estudio final. Los primeros resultados sugieren que el diseño publicitario ha de adaptarse a los nuevos formatos de video publicidad interactiva en función de los objetivos de los anunciantes.This work in progress analyzes how different arousal advertising design may enhance online video advertising effectiveness. Previous research suggests that arousing ending designs could increase ad effectiveness. To test this proposition, our research combines different methodologies: a consumer neuroscience pretest is used to identify high and low arousal sequences; a field study based on a YouTube ad campaign is used as an exploratory study which helps to determine the experimental scenarios to be used in the final study with a large sample size. Preliminary results suggest that ad design need to be adapted to new formats of interactive advertising depending on the advertisers’ goals

    Tres poetas

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    Tres ensayos sobre Alfonso Reyes, Federico García Lorca y Pedro Garfías: "Huellas hacia el mañana: mi página sobre Alfonso Reyes", "Trayectoria lírica de Federico García Lorca" y "Pedro Garfias, pastor de soledades". Reedición del libro publicado en 1986


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    Since companies are the bases of the economy in Mexico, there is an increased interest on the part of the government to boost their growth through various programs, but the increased international competition, mergers, acquisitions and recurring economic crises, give rise to a social and economic phenomenon that is repeated on a daily basis: "unemployment". To offset this problem, it is necessary to implement Outplacement programs that Mexican companies can follow internally and a solid strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which would be designed to restrain the periods of work cutback and minimize the psychological and social impact on those affected. This article discusses the importance of challenging a reality related to Outplacement for Mexican companies, the importance of this phenomenon as part of CSR and some ideas for profit and steps to implement a program

    Methylbenz[e]indenyl asymmetric ansa-metallocene and silylamido zirconium complexes

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    2-(2-Methylbenz[e]indenyl)-2-cyclopentadienyl-propane [MeC13H8CMe2C5H5] (1) (MBICMe2Cp), was synthesized by reaction of LiMBI with 6,6-dimethylfulvene. The silyl derivatives [MeC13H8SiMeRCl] (R=Me 2, H 4) were isolated by reaction of 2-methylbenz[e]indene (LiMBI) with SiMeRCl2 and further reactions of 2 and 4 with NaCp afforded the silyl-bridged compounds [MeC13H8SiMeRC5H5] (R=Me 3, H 5). Metallation of 1 and 3 with 2 equiv. of LiBu gave the dilithium salts Li2[MeC13H7EMe2C5H4)] (E=C 6, Si 7) which were reacted with ZrCl4(THF)2 to obtain the ansa-metallocenes [Zr(MeC13H7EMe2C5H4)Cl2] (E=C 8, Si 9). A similar reaction of 5 with 2 equiv. of LiBu provided a mixture of the two diastereomers [Zr{MeC13H7SiMeBuC5H4}Cl2] (10a, 10b). Analogous metallation of [MeC13H8SiMe2(NH-t-Bu)] gave Li2[MeC13H7SiMe2(N-t-Bu)] which was used to prepare the amidosilyl derivatives [M{MeC13H7SiMe2η-(N-t-Bu)}Cl2] (M=Zr 11, Ti 12) by reaction with ZrCl4(THF)2 and TiCl3(THF)3 and further oxidation with PbCl2 (Ti). All of the new complexes were characterized by elemental analysis and NMR spectroscopy, and the molecular structures of complexes 9 and 10a were studied by X-ray diffraction methods.Financial support of our work by MCyT (Project MAT2001-1309) is gratefully acknowledged. A.S. is grateful to Repsol-YPF for a fellowship

    Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups

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    Cooperativeness is a defining feature of human nature. Theoreticians have suggested several mechanisms to explain this ubiquitous phenomenon, including reciprocity, reputation, and punishment, but the problem is still unsolved. Here we show, through experiments conducted with groups of people playing an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma on a dynamic network, that it is reputation what really fosters cooperation. While this mechanism has already been observed in unstructured populations, we find that it acts equally when interactions are given by a network that players can reconfigure dynamically. Furthermore, our observations reveal that memory also drives the network formation process, and cooperators assort more, with longer link lifetimes, the longer the past actions record. Our analysis demonstrates, for the first time, that reputation can be very well quantified as a weighted mean of the fractions of past cooperative acts and the last action performed. This finding has potential applications in collaborative systems and e-commerce.This work was supported in part by MINECO (Spain) through grants PRODIEVO, FIS2011-25167, and FIS2009-09689, by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant MODELICO-CM, by Comunidad de Aragón (Spain) through a grant to the group FENOL, and by the EU FET Proactive project MULTIPLEX (contract no. 317532)

    Diastereoselective insertion of isocyanide into the alkyl metal bond of methylbenz[e]indenyl ansa-zirconocene complexes

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    Alkylation of ansa-zirconocene [Zr{(η5-C5H5)SiMe2(MBI)}Cl2] (MBI = η5-2-Me−C13H7) with MgRCl gave the dimethyl complex [Zr{(η5-C5H5)SiMe2(MBI)}Me2], but unresolvable mixtures containing mono-alkylated compounds were obtained when bulkier alkyls were used. However pure dialkyl complexes [Zr{(η5-C5H5)SiMe2(MBI)}R2] (R = CH2Ph, CH2SiMe3) were easily obtained using K(CH2Ph) and Li(CH2SiMe3) as alkylating agents. Diastereoselective insertion into the MBI-unprotected Zr−R bond was observed when all of these dialkyl complexes were treated with 2,6-xylyl isocyanide to give the iminoacyl compounds [Zr{(η5-C5H5)SiMe2(MBI)}R{CR[η2-N-(2,6-xylyl)]}] (R = Me, CH2Ph, CH2SiMe3). All of the new complexes were characterized by NMR spectroscopy and the X-ray molecular structures of the dibenzyl and the imino-benzyl compounds were determined. The catalytic activity for ethene polymerization and ethene/1-hexene copolymerization of the dichloro zirconocenes [Zr{(η5-C5H5)EMe2(MBI)}Cl2] (E = C, Si), activated with methylalumoxane (MAO), was measured.Repsol-YP

    Fractura bilateral de mandibular tras un tratamiento a largo plazo con bifosfonatos

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    Bisphosphonates represent type of medication used for treating numerous pathologies. In fact, more and more clinicians utilize bisphosphonates for dealing oncological diseases, rheumatic pathologies and severe osteoporosis. Despite its benefits, various undesirable side effects have also been associated with the use of these drugs. For instance, patients who receive bisphosphonates present a greater risk of suffering osteonecrosis of jaw. Indeed, the possibility of experiencing this complication is around 0,812% when bisphosphonates are administered intravenously. In contrast, the risk is about 0,01% with oral administration. However, when a tooth extraction is carried out the risk rises to 0,34%. This report presents the case of a 66 years old woman who suffered a bilateral jaw fracture after prolonged treatment with bisphosphonates. Interestingly, no invasive dental procedures were referred by patient. The main aim of this paper is to focus the attention on the serious complications that this treatment may show in the long term.Los bifosfonatos son fármacos ampliamente utilizados en el tratamiento de numerosas enfermedades. Diferentes profesionales utilizan los bifosfonatos para tratar complicaciones de patologías oncológicas, osteoporosis y patologías reumatológicas. Sin embargo, a pesar de los efectos benéficos, existen efectos secundarios consecuente al utilizo de este tipo de medicamento. Por ejemplo, la osteonecrosis maxilar es más frecuente en pacientes tratados con bifosfonatos. En este sentido, la posibilidad de desarrollar osteonecrosis maxilar es del 0,812% cuando la medicación es administrada por vía intravenosa y del 0,01% en caso de administración oral. Además, cuando se realiza una extracción dental el riesgo incrementa de un 0,34%. Este artículo presenta el caso de una paciente de 66 años que sufrió una fractura bilateral y espontanea de la mandíbula tras el utilizo de bifosfonatos durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Es importante enfatizar que, en este caso, el paciente no había sido sometido a intervenciones de cirugía oral en los meses previos. El principal objetivo de este estudio es focalizar la atención sobre las posibles complicaciones provocadas por este medicamento

    Un marco de referencia para las Enseñanzas Artísticas Visuales en dispositivos móviles: Español

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    The entry of mobile devices into the teaching-learning process in education, occurred during the last years, has permeated all educational sectors, and has consequently required the incorporation in every discipline of new working methodologies or the adjustment of the existing ones. In any event, the incorporation of this kind of technology is demanding the implementation of organizational structures capable of adapting to the inherent potentialities of mobile devices, as well as to the different conceptual approaches in the teaching-learning process. In this work we propose a model of structure for the Visual Arts Education, which integrates the different phases and the necessary actions to be carried out, while considering learners as the central axis of the process. This model is based, on the one hand, on the definition of the learning setting, the strategic planning and the operational phase, and on the other hand, on the contexts and the working spaces from where the forms of intervention in the Visual Arts Education may be organised. As a final result, the instructional design of the mobile devices determines the planning of the actions in spaces of autonomous and authentic learning in which Visual Arts Education takes place. Finally, we propose the definition of the prototype, the test, the evaluation and the implementation of the strategy at the moment of production.La irrupción de los dispositivos móviles en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en educación, acaecido en los últimos años, ha permeado en todos los sectores educativos, y consecuentemente, ha requerido la incorporación en cada disciplina de nuevas metodologías de trabajo, o la adecuación de las existentes. En todos los casos, la incorporación de esta tecnología está demandando la concreción de estructuras organizativas capaces de adaptase a las potencialidades inherentes de los propios dispositivos móviles, y a los diversos enfoques conceptuales del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo de estructura para las Enseñanzas Artísticas Visuales que integra las distintas fases y actuaciones necesarias para llevarlo a cabo, manteniendo al alumnado como eje central del proceso. El modelo se fundamenta por un lado, en la definición del escenario de aprendizaje, de la planificación estratégica, y de la fase operativa, y por otro lado en los contextos y los espacios de trabajo desde los que organizar las formas de intervención en las Enseñanzas Artísticas Visuales. Como resultado, el diseño de la instrucción de los dispositivos móviles, determina la planificación de las acciones en espacios de aprendizaje autónomo y auténtico, en los que la educación artística visual se desenvuelve. Finalmente se plantea la definición del prototipo, prueba, evaluación, e implementación, de la estrategia en el momento de producción

    Heterogeneous networks do not promote cooperation when humans play a Prisoner's dilemma

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    It is not fully understood why we cooperate with strangers on a daily basis. In an increasingly global world, where interaction networks and relationships between individuals are becoming more complex, different hypotheses have been put forward to explain the foundations of human cooperation on a large scale and to account for the true motivations that are behind this phenomenon. In this context, population structure has been suggested to foster cooperation in social dilemmas, but theoretical studies of this mechanism have yielded contradictory results so far; additionally, the issue lacks a proper experimental test in large systems. We have performed the largest experiments to date with humans playing a spatial Prisoner's Dilemma on a lattice and a scale-free network (1,229 subjects). We observed that the level of cooperation reached in both networks is the same, comparable with the level of cooperation of smaller networks or unstructured populations. We have also found that subjects respond to the cooperation that they observe in a reciprocal manner, being more likely to cooperate if, in the previous round, many of their neighbors and themselves did so, which implies that humans do not consider neighbors' payoffs when making their decisions in this dilemma but only their actions. Our results, which are in agreement with recent theoretical predictions based on this behavioral rule, suggest that population structure has little relevance as a cooperation promoter or inhibitor among humans.Work supported by Fundación Ibercivis and projects MOSAICO, PRODIEVO, FIS2008-01240, FIS2009-13364-C02-01, FIS2009-12648-C03-02, and Complexity-NET RESINEE, from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain); by project MODELICO-CM from Comunidad de Madrid (Spain); and by a project to FENOL from Comunidad de Aragón (Spain)