107 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic variables influencing housing prices in Vilnius

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    The way macroeconomic variables such as unemployment/GDP per capita/inflation/wages/internal migration influenced housing prices (nominal house prices and housing rent prices) in Vilnius in 2006–2019 has been investigated in the research. Conditions under which different macroeconomic variables could influence housing prices were established in the research. Lower unemployment, higher GDP per capita and inflation rate were all related to higher nominal house prices in Vilnius. Higher GDP per capita, wages and internal migration were positively related to housing rent prices in Vilnius. Analyzed macroeconomic variables all together explained 88 percent of variance of nominal house prices in Vilnius over the period of 2006–2019 and 80 percent of variance of housing rent prices in Vilnius over the same period. First published online 02 December 202

    Nuteistųjų adaptaciją pataisos įstaigose prognozuojantys veiksniai

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    Adaptation to imprisonment in a correctional facility is a convicted person’s psychological and behavioural response to the environment of a correctional facility and the imprisonment situation (Fedock, 2017). Convicted persons who have successfully adapted to the new environment are able to satisfy their basic needs, do not come into conflicts with the correctional facility administration or other inmates, and do not experience strong negative emotions, among other things. There seems to be a relationship between maladaptation to a correctional facility and a lower motivation to modify one’s criminal behaviour as well as recidivism (Loper, 2002; Zamble & Porporino, 1988). While inmates’ adaptation to imprisonment in correctional facilities and factors predicting this adaptation have received significant attention from foreign researchers over the last several decades, it still remains an under-researched field in Lithuania. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that predict convicted persons’ adaptation to imprisonment in Lithuanian correctional facilities. The study sample included male inmates (N = 331) aged 18 to 68 (M = 35,17, SD = 10,75) from five correctional facilities in Lithuania. Adaptation was evaluated using the Prison Problem Scale (Zamble & Porporino, 1988), Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988). Factors related to adaptation were assessed using the Criminal Sentiments Scale – Modified (CSS-M, Simourd, 1997) and the demographic information questionnaire. Poorer adaptation to a correctional facility was observed among those study participants who were underage, when they faced a conviction for the first time, who had been unemployed or used drugs before incarceration as well as those who haven’t remained in contact with their romantic partner or friends during imprisonment. Poorer adaptation to a correctional facility also correlated with more pronounced criminal attitudes. The study found that the factors that best predicted adaptation was criminal attitudes and staying in touch with friends or a romantic partner. The factors explained up to 16% of the variance of variables used to assess adaptation.Adaptacija pataisos įstaigoje – tai įkalinto asmens psichologinis ir elgesinis atsakas į pataisos įstaigos aplinką ir įkalinimo situaciją (Fedock, 2017). Sėkmingai adaptavęsi nuteistieji geba patenkinti savo pagrindinius poreikius, nekonfliktuoja nei su pataisos įstaigos administracija, nei su kitais nuteistaisiais, nepatiria stiprių neigiamų emocijų ir t.t. Manoma, kad nesėkminga adaptacija pataisos įstaigoje siejasi su mažesne motyvacija keisti savo nusikalstamą elgesį ir recidyvu (Loper, 2002; Zamble & Porporino, 1988). Nors nuteistųjų adaptacija pataisos įstaigose ir ją prognozuojančiais veiksniais užsienio mokslininkai domisi jau kelis dešimtmečius, Lietuvoje tokių tyrimų ypač trūksta. Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti laisvės atėmimo bausmę atliekančių nuteistųjų adaptaciją Lietuvos pataisos įstaigose prognozuojančius veiksnius. Tyrime dalyvavo nuteistieji vyrai (N = 331) iš 5 Lietuvos pataisos įstaigų, jų amžius svyravo nuo nuo 18 iki 68 metų (M = 35,17, SD = 10,75). Adaptacijai įvertinti buvo naudojama Kalėjimo problemų skalė (Zamble & Porporino, 1988), Beck depresijos klausimyno antroji leidimo versija (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) ir Beck nerimo klausimynas (Beck, Epstein, Brown,  & Steer, 1988). Adaptacijos veiksniai buvo įvertinti demografinių duomenų anketa bei Kriminalinių nuostatų modifikuota skale (Simourd, 1997). Nustatyta, jog adaptaciją geriausiai prognozuoja kriminalinės nuostatos ir bendravimas su draugais arba partnere. Tirti veiksniai paaiškino iki 16 % adaptaciją vertinančių kintamųjų sklaidos

    The need and benefit of slab track: case of Lithuania

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    Kolosijeci na čvrstoj podlozi se već nekoliko desetljeća koriste u svijetu. No kolosijeci sa zastornom prizmom su još uvijek mnogo popularniji, prije svega je to predodređeno nižim cijenama. U radu su dani pregled i analiza razvoja kolosijeka na čvrstoj podlozi, uključujući njihove prednosti i nedostatke. Rad također ističe i slučajeve, temeljene na zahtjevima Litvanskih željeznica, u kojima bi primjena kolosijeka na čvrstim podlogama mogla donijeti ekonomske i tehničke prednosti. Prikazan je i sustav odlučivanja koji bi pomogao u ispravnom odabiru konstrukcije u početnoj fazi projektiranja.Slab track structures have been used in the world for several decades now. However, the ballasted track is still much more popular compared to slab track structures, which is primarily due to its lower price. This article reviews and analyses development of slab tracks, with their advantages and disadvantages. Based on conditions prevailing on Lithuanian railways, the paper also distinguishes cases in which slab track structures could be of benefit, both economically and technologically. The decision-making system that would help make the right choice at the initial stage of structural design is also presented

    Approach to rational calculation of superelevation in dual gauge track

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    One of the technical possibilities to solve a gauge crossing is to install a dual gauge. This solution has several advantages and disadvantages discussed in this paper. Lack of experience of maintenance and lack of standards for the design of dual track are among the most important disadvantages. The wheel and rail interface on track curves is more difficult than in straight sections. Therefore, the subject of the present article is a geometrical parameter of dual gauge track, i.e., the rail superelevation, which has an impact on the wheel–rail interaction at curves and influences the value of uncompensated acceleration, occurring when a train passes a curve, and, consequently, the intensity of rail wear. The objective of the present article is to analyse the features of dual gauge track and the superelevation calculation methodology considered, to present the approach to rational calculation of superelevation for dual gauge track of Šeštokai–Mockava (Lithuania–Poland) using several calculation versions as well as to make recommendations for the calculation of superelevation

    Nusikalstamo elgesio rizikos vertinimas Lietuvoje: esama situacija ir raidos tendencijos

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    This paper examines the process of risk assessment of criminal behaviour in Lithuania. It addresses the presentation of risk assessment concepts, international and national trends in risk assessment procedures, and analysis of common characteristics of risk assessment instruments adapted in Lithuania. The paper comprises, first, a presentation of positive and statutory innovations related to risk assessment instruments approbation in Lithuania. The authors admit that the Lithuanian correctional system is following new trends of risk assessment. Contemporary and worldwide known risk instruments such as OASys, HCR-20, SVR-20, SARA, B-SAFER, PCL: SV were approved in Lithuania and put into practice. The use of these instruments enables practitioners to provide the scientific, evidence-based risk assessment that is necessary for effective offender punishment and risk management planning. It should be noted, that great attention is provided to risk assessment data reliability and validity to scientific research, thus assuring the qualification of assessors in Lithuania. Secondly, the paper describes difficulties encountered by specialists implementing penal and supervisory reforms. Mostly the discussion is concentrated on the problems related to the application of risk assessment instruments and the interpretation of assessment results in decision-making process related to the offender punishment peculiarities. Though the Lithuanian Justice system is implementing risk assessment as an obligatory procedure, however, recently it is mostly concentrated on the general risk assessment; the specified risk (e.g., sexual, violent) assessment is applied more rarely. In result, the specified risk assessment is not emphasised in the social research conclusions of parole. Accordingly, the parole commission and court representatives have no possibility to consider this type of information in making their decisions. The attention should also be directed to the practitioners’ work overload problems. The increasing number of criminals is related to the increasing demand of risk assessment procedures and risk management planning. However, the number of specialists working in this area and offenders that should be assessed is disproportionate. It leads to the constant work overload and turnover of qualified staff. Lastly, the paper presents recommendations for practitioners on how risk assessment and management practices and processes could be understood, and gives directions for a more proficient risk application of risk assessment instruments. It is obvious that cooperation between scientists and practitioners would lead to a more effective application of assessment instruments.Straipsnyje pristatoma nusikalstamo elgesio rizikos vertinimo situacija Lietuvoje: analizuojama rizikos vertinimo samprata, šio proceso pasaulinės ir nacionalinės raidos tendencijos bei pateikiama Lietuvoje taikomų rizikos instrumentų bendrųjų charakteristikų apžvalga. Taip pat aptariamos pozityvios ir teisės aktais įtvirtintos naujovės, susijusios su nusikalstamo elgesio rizikos vertinimo instrumentų aprobavimu, bei sunkumai, su kuriais susiduria specialistai, vykdydami bausmės ir priežiūros planavimo reformas. Straipsnyje pateikiamos išvados ir rekomendacijos padės praktikams geriau suvokti nuteistųjų rizikos vertinimo ir valdymo procesą bei efektyviau taikyti rizikos vertinimo instrumentus

    Investigation into traffic flows on high intensity streets of Vilnius city

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    The measurements and analysis of traffic intensity were performed in the capital city – Vilnius, the largest urban area in Lithuania. Vilnius is a centre of business, industry and tourism, and therefore traffic intensity remains the highest in this part of the country. The intensity of vehicle traffic is not only generally calculated but also simultaneously classified which means is divided predefining vehicles into beforehand established categories. Data on traffic flows are used in a road maintenance program for calculating and assessing air pollution, ensuring traffic safety, regulating traffic flows etc. The article presents the methods for measuring traffic intensity which are and were used for calculating traffic intensity not only in the streets of Vilnius but also across Lithuania. Data on vehicle intensity and classification are collected either using technologies (loop and tube detectors, counters and video detectors) or expressing them visually. The article presents the dynamics of changes in the traffic volume on the roads of Lithuania for the period 2000–2009. Also, this article examines traffic intensity of all transport means, including trucks in the permanent traffic volume measuring stations that were installed near the roads in Vilnius zone (data on traffic for the period 2005–2009) and the streets of Vilnius city (data on traffic for the period 2007–2009). Data on traffic intensity were obtained by the Road Research Laboratory of the Road Department of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in cooperation with the State Enterprise Transport and Road Research Institute (TRRI). First published online: 10 Feb 201

    Laisvės atėmimo bausmę atliekančių nuteistųjų asmenybės charakteristikos taikant MMPI-2

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    [only abstract in English; full article and abstract in Lithuanian] The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) is the most widely used self-report test used for screening of personality and psychopathology in a variety settings including forensic setting. The research in various populations of offenders confirms them possessing characteristics such as antisocial, lacking of impulse control, irresponsible, etc., and these characteristics are captured by the MMPI-2 scales. The goal of this study was to evaluate personality characteristics of incarcerated male and female offenders with the MMPI-2 and to analyse the results in light of results from other offender population studies. The finding of current study shows that the MMPI-2 characteristics of Lithuanian incarcerated offenders generally appear to be similar to those obtained in other cultural environments. Incarcerated offenders were best defined by higher Psychopathic Deviate (Pd), Paranoia (Pa), Antisocial Behavior (RC4), Ideas of Persecution (RC6), Discontraint (DISC), Overcontrolled Hostility (O-H), MacAndrew Alcoholism Revised (MAC-R) scales scores and lower scores of Ego Strength (Es) and Sociala Responsibility (Re) scales. This study has confirmed the results of earlier research and justified the MMPI-2 application for psychological assessment in Lithuanian offenders’ sample.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Minesotos daugiafazis asmenybės aprašas-2 (MMPI-2) yra vienas dažniausiai pasaulyje naudojamų savistata paremtų klausimynų, skirtų pradiniam asmenybės savybių ir psichopatologijos įvertinimui įvairiausiose srityse, įskaitant ir teisėsaugą. Skirtingose nuteistųjų asmenų populiacijose atliekamuose tyrimuose dažniausiai nustatoma, kad teisės pažeidėjams būdingas asocialumas, impulsų kontrolės stygius, neatsakingumas ir kitos charakteristikos, atsispindinčios atskirų MMPI-2 skalių įverčiuose. Šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti laisvės atėmimo bausmę Lietuvoje atliekančių vyrų ir moterų asmenybės charakteristikas naudojant MMPI-2 ir išanalizuoti rezultatus gretinant juos su įprastai teisės pažeidėjų populiacijų tyrimuose gaunamais rezultatais. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Lietuvos nuteistuosius charakterizuojančios skalės atitinka kitose kultūrinėse aplinkose atliktų tyrimų rezultatus. Laisvės atėmimo bausmę atliekančius nuteistuosius geriausiai charakterizavo aukštesni Psichopatiškumo (Pd), Paranojiškumo (Pa), Antisocialaus elgesio (RC4), Persekiojimo idėjų (RC6), Nesivaldymo (DISC), Perdėtai kontroliuojamo priešiškumo (O-H), MacAndrew taisytos alkoholizmo (MAC-R) skalių įverčiai bei žemesni Ego stiprumo (Es) ir Socialinės atsakomybės (Re) skalių įverčiai. Gauti rezultatai atitinka daugelio kitų tyrimų rezultatus, ir tai pagrindžia MMPI-2 naudojimą nuteistųjų psichologiniam įvertinimui Lietuvoje

    Lietuvos nuteistųjų pakartotinio nusikalstamumo rizikos veiksniai: OASys metodikos diskriminantinio validumo analizė

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    Contemporary studies seek to identify re-offending behavior nature and its background. There are a lot of distinguished criminal factors, which lead to re-offending behavior. Researches have divided these factors to two groups: static (fixed) and dynamic (changeable) or defined as criminogenic needs. The satisfaction of criminogenic needs would decrease the probability of future criminality. In the current study were assessed static and dynamic risk factors of Lithuanian incarcerated offenders (n = 200) sample of 12 different Lithuanian correctional institutions. The OASys is a dynamic risk/need assessment instrument that has been used to assess static factors and criminogenic needs of Lithuanian sample. Results indicated that most of the OASys scales of risk factors significantly correlate. Findings from the research analysis also indicate that all OASys scales are good at offender’s differentiations. The comparison of offenders based of the first conviction age results identified statistically significant differences between means of criminogenic needs. Research results indicate that OASys risk assessment instrument differenciates and estimates different offender risk groups. The results of this research will be used for futher studies to establish dynamic risk factors prognostic power of re-offending.Naujausiuose moksliniuose tyrimuose, nagrinėjančiuose pasikartojančio nusikalstamo elgesio prigimtį ir jo priežastis, dažniausiai skiriami konkretūs teisės pažeidėjo pakartotinio nusikalstamumo rizikos veiksniai, kurie skirstomi į dvi grupes. Viena iš jų yra statiniai veiksniai (laikui bėgant nesikeičia), antroji – dinaminiai (besikeičiantys). Dinaminiai rizikos veiksniai dar apibūdinami kaip kriminogeniniai poreikiai. Juos patenkinus sumažėja pakartotinio nusikalstamumo rizika. Tyrime taikant Jungtinėje Karalystėje sukurtą ir Lietuvoje adaptuojamą OASys metodiką buvo įvertinti dvylikoje skirtingų Lietuvos įkalinimo įstaigų kalinčių Lietuvos teisės pažeidėjų (n = 200) statiniai rizikos veiksniai ir įvairių gyvenimo sričių kriminogeniniai poreikiai (teisės pažeidėjo nusikalstamumo istorija, gyvenimo sąlygos, išsimokslinimas, mokymasis bei galimybė įsidarbinti ir kt.). Nustatyta, kad dauguma OASys skalių, įvertinančių teisės pažeidėjo kriminalinę istoriją ir skirtingus kriminogeninius poreikius, teigiamai koreliuoja tarpusavyje. Lyginant teisės pažeidėjų grupes atsižvelgiant į pirmojo teistumo amžių buvo nustatyti reikšmingi OASys vertinamų kriminogeninių poreikių įverčių vidurkių skirtumai aštuoniose iš dvylikos skalių. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad OASys metodika diferencijuoja skirtingą žalos riziką keliančias teisės pažeidėjų grupes

    Examining the Convergent Validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure Using a Sample of Incarcerated and on Probation Lithuanian Juveniles

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    The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM) is based on the triarchic psychopathy model proposed by Patrick, Fowles, and Krueger in 2009. This paper assesses the convergent validity of TriPM using a number of measures for a sample of adolescents who are either incarcerated or on probation. These included the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START: AV); the Subtypes of Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire (STAB); the Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified (CSS-M); and the Measure of Criminal Social Identity (MCSI). The results showed significant di erences between groups that are incarcerated and those on probation, with the incarcerated sample of juveniles exhibiting higher ratings in terms of Disinhibition and lower ratings for Boldness. The TriPM measures examined also show expected positive correlations with concurrent measures related to criminal behavior in both of the aforementioned samples of juveniles. A di erent pattern of correlations was observed between Boldness and STAB scales, with a large positive correlation found in the incarcerated sample, while no significant correlations were detected in the probation sample. The results support the usefulness of TriPM in assessing the psychopathy in samples of the juvenile o enders chosen for our research purposes

    Analysis and Evaluation of Short City Tunnel Lighting Solutions

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    The study focused on the lighting in road tunnels within the city of Vilnius. The condition of the lighting was assessed both visually and through measurements of road surface illumination (brightness). High-quality lighting in road tunnels is crucial for ensuring safe and optimal conditions for car travel. Well-designed lighting reduces stress, enhances information visibility for drivers, ensures uniform visibility throughout the tunnel, and promotes efficient energy use. After analysing the data, the required road surface luminance was calculated following the technical regulations applicable to road tunnel lighting design in other countries. The results suggest a need to update the lighting in existing road tunnels by adopting new types of lamps, adjusting their arrangement, and enhancing the physical characteristics of the tunnels