82 research outputs found

    Magnetic catalysis in flavored ABJM

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    We study the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking in the ABJM Chern-Simons matter theory with unquenched flavors in the Veneziano limit. We consider a magnetized D6-brane probe in the background of a flavored black hole which includes the backreaction of massless smeared flavors in the ABJM geometry. We find a holographic realization for the running of the quark mass due to the dynamical flavors. We compute several thermodynamic quantities of the brane probe and analyze the effects of the dynamical quarks on the fundamental condensate and on the phase diagram of the model. The dynamical flavors have an interesting effect on the magnetic catalysis. At zero temperature and fixed magnetic field, the magnetic catalysis is suppressed for small bare quark masses whereas it is enhanced for large values of the mass. When the temperature is non-zero there is a critical magnetic field, above which the magnetic catalysis takes place. This critical magnetic field decreases with the number of flavors, which we interpret as an enhancement of the catalysis.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures; v2: refs added; v3: revised version, new subsection on running mass added, discussion clarifie

    Quantum phase transitions with dynamical flavors

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    We study the properties of a D6-brane probe in the Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena (ABJM) background with smeared massless dynamical quarks in the Veneziano limit. Working at zero temperature and nonvanishing charge density, we show that the system undergoes a quantum phase transition in which the topology of the brane embedding changes from a black hole to a Minkowski embedding. In the unflavored background the phase transition is of second order and takes place when the charge density vanishes. We determine the corresponding critical exponents and show that the scaling behavior near the quantum critical point has multiplicative logarithmic corrections. In the background with dynamical quarks the phase transition is of first order and occurs at nonzero charge density. In this case we compute the discontinuity of several physical quantities as functions of the number N-f of unquenched quarks of the background.Peer reviewe

    Cold holographic matter in the Higgs branch

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    We study collective excitations of cold (2 + 1)-dimensional fundamental matter living on a defect of the four-dimensional N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory in the Higgs branch. This system is realized holographically as a D3-D5 brane intersection, in which the D5-brane is treated as a probe with a non-zero gauge flux across the internal part of its worldvolume. We study the holographic zero sound mode in the collisionless regime at low temperature and find a simple analytic result for its dispersion relation. We also find the diffusion constant of the system in the hydrodynamic regime at higher temperature. In both cases we study the dependence on the flux parameter which determines the amount of Higgs symmetry breaking. We also discuss the anyonization of this construction. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.Peer reviewe

    D3-D5 theories with unquenched flavors

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    We construct the string duals of the defect theories generated when N_f flavor D5-branes intersect N_c color D3-branes along a 2+1 dimensional subspace. We work in the Veneziano limit in which N_c and N_f are large and N_f/N_c is fixed. By smearing the D5-branes, we find supergravity solutions that take into account the backreaction of the flavor branes and preserve two supercharges. When the flavors are massless the resulting metric displays an anisotropic Lifshitz-like scale invariance. The case of massive quarks is also considered.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; v2: references adde

    Non-relativistic anyons from holography

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    We study generic types of holographic matter residing in Lifshitz invariant defect field theory as modeled by adding probe D-branes in the bulk black hole spacetime characterized by dynamical exponent z and with hyperscaling violation exponent theta. Our main focus will be on the collective excitations of the dense matter in the presence of an external magnetic field. Constraining the defect field theory to 2 + 1 dimensions, we will also allow the gauge fields become dynamical and study the properties of a strongly coupled anyonic fluid. We will deduce the universal properties of holographic matter and show that the Einstein relation always holds. (C) 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Collective excitations of massive flavor branes

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    We study the intersections of two sets of D-branes of different dimensionalities. This configuration is dual to a supersymmetric gauge theory with flavor hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation of the gauge group which live on the defect of the unflavored theory determined by the directions common to the two types of branes. One set of branes is dual to the color degrees of freedom, while the other set adds flavor to the system. We work in the quenched approximation, i.e., where the flavor branes are considered as probes, and focus specifically on the case in which the quarks are massive. We study the thermodynamics and the speeds of first and zero sound at zero temperature and non-vanishing chemical potential. We show that the system undergoes a quantum phase transition when the chemical potential approaches its minimal value and we obtain the corresponding non-relativistic critical exponents that characterize its critical behavior. In the case of (2 + 1)-dimensional intersections, we further study alternative quantization and the zero sound of the resulting anyonic fluid. We finally extend these results to non-zero temperature and magnetic field and compute the diffusion constant in the hydrodynamic regime. The numerical results we find match the predictions by the Einstein relation. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe