39 research outputs found

    GPRS telemetry system for high-efficiency electric competition vehicles

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    It has been generated a complete wireless electronic telemetry system for experimental electric competition vehicles. Its purpose is to optimize the processes of monitoring, analysis and evaluation of this type of vehicles designed by multidisciplinary groups of engineers, scientists, professors and students belonging to universities or research centers. Participation in competitions allows testing relevant developments and innovations in this technical field under severe real usage conditions and the system proposed offers a tool for real-time monitoring that is vital to optimize these processes during tests and races.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Smart-Cities urban mobility management architecture for electric vehicles

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    Improving efficiency is one of the most important objectives of the Smart Cities standards, and Electric Vehicles (EVs). TICS can help to soften one of their main limitations –autonomy– planning efficient driving strategies. This paper evaluates the physical variables that have an impact on the EV consumption and presents an electronic architecture to monitor them in an Experimental Ultralight Electric Vehicle. This system includes a set of very low cost sensors integrated with a data logger and a GPRS transmission system that can connect, in real time, with a control center where a route-finding reinforcement-learning algorithm that helps to find the most-effective route and reduce the time spent on urban environment tips.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Photovoltaic charging multi-station with modular architecture for Light Electric Vehicles

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    This paper deals with a modular architecture for recharging the batteries of light electric vehicles (LEVs) using a photovoltaic (PV) generator. The architecture is divided into two hierarchical levels. At the top level (master), a microcontroller tracks the maximum power point of the PV generator. This microcontroller executes a PID control algorithm whose output is the setpoint of the microcontrollers of the lower level. At the lower level (slaves) there is a microcontroller for each vehicle charging station. Each microcontroller controls the recharge current of the vehicle battery connected to the station by executing another PID control algorithm. The modular architecture allows the number of charging stations to be extended to 112. Other characteristics of the system are the automatic detection of the nominal voltage of the battery (it allows to recharge batteries of 24V, 36V or 48V, equally) and the inclusion of protection functions as battery overload or detection of not allowed batteriesUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Optimization of a low weight electronic differential for LEVs

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    It is presented a performance analysis of an Electronic Differential (ED) system designed for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). We have developed a test tricycle vehicle with one front steering wheel and two rear fixed units is a same axis with a brushless DC integrated in each of them. Each motor has an independent controller unit and a common Arduino electronic CPU based that can plan specific speeds for each wheels as curves are being traced. Different implementations of sensors (input current/torque, steering angle and speed of the wheels) are discussed related to hardware complexity, and performance obtained based on speed level requirements and slipping on the traction wheels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Design of Electric Racing Vehicles: An experience of interdisciplinary project-based education in engineering

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    This paper describes a project based learning program carried out in the E.T.S.I.I. of the University of Malaga, Spain, whose main objective is the organization of a team for the development of experimental electric racing vehicles and their evaluation in competitive races. It is shown the work done during the first two years of the project, highlighting the most important aspects of the experience: the training focused on senior students (capstone courses), the training focused on freshmen (cornerstone courses) and the university-industry collaboration for the manufacture of the prototypes and equipment designed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis de las instalaciones de alumbrado público en España a través de concursos públicos y tendencias de renovación y mejora en base a la eficiencia energética

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    Increased environmental awareness and the need to optimize public resources of municipalities are driving today a generalized process of improving street lighting facilities in a number of towns across the country. This trend coincides and finds its motivation and justification essentially with the rise of marketing of lighting equipment based on LED technology.The performances of facilities at the public level, are considering running through the gradual and call for public tenders. This paper has gathered information from multiple Sheets of Administrative Clauses and tender documents Pre-registration techniques, some projects or audits of external energy savings annexes, published between 2014 and 2016 multiple geographic locations, population sizes and objectives to be achieved, with the we have designed a sketch of the general state in which such facilities were conventional lighting technologies as being upgraded to meet: • The new current regulations, both current as energy efficiency, if they exist for their autonomous region, night sky protection against light pollution.• Establish new criteria for safety and quality assurance facilities such as those established by the Spanish Lighting Committee (CEI) and the Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), Ministry of Industry Government of Spain.• Getting the maximum possible energy and economic savings.El aumento de la conciencia medioambiental y la necesidad de optimizar los recursos públicos de los municipios están impulsando en la actualidad un proceso generalizado de mejorar de las instalaciones de alumbrado público en un gran número de núcleos urbanos de todo el país. Esta tendencia coincide y encuentra su motivación y justificación esencialmente con el auge de la comercialización de equipos de iluminación basados en tecnología LED.Las actuaciones de las instalaciones, a nivel público, se están planteando y ejecutando mediante la convocatoria paulatina de concursos públicos. En este trabajo se ha recopilado información de múltiples “Pliegos de Cláusulas Administrativas” y “Pliegos de Preinscripciones Técnicas”, algunos con proyectos o auditorias de ahorro energéticos externos anexos, publicados entre 2014 y 2016 de múltiples localizaciones geográficas, tamaños de población y objetivos a alcanzar, con los que hemos diseñado un boceto del estado general en el que se encontraban este tipo de instalaciones con tecnologías de iluminación convencionales y como se están actualizando para cumplir con: • Los nuevos reglamentos vigentes, tanto de eficiencia energética vigente como, si existen para su Comunidad Autónoma, de protección de cielo nocturno contra la contaminación lumínica.• Establecer nuevos criterios de seguridad y garantía de calidad en este tipo de instalaciones como los establecidos por el Comité Español de Iluminación (en adelante CEI).• Conseguir los máximos ahorros energéticos y económicos posibles

    Consolidation of an EV Project Based Learning program integrated within a complete Bachelor Engineering Degree

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    Proyecto docente para el aprendizaje de competencias fundamentales de la ingeniería a través del aprendizaje basado en un proyecto multianual y multidisciplinar coordinado sobre las asignaturas troncales de este tipo de grados. Los resultados obtenidos son del tipo docente, funcionales y científicos que han permitido fabricar varios modelos de vehículos eléctricos ligeros con los que se ha acudido a competiciones internacionales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    DC Network Indoor and Outdoor LED Lighting

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    LED lighting products have become a significant revolution in this technological sector. These components are, by nature, digital emitters created with semiconductor crystals that are powered with very low voltage and direct current (DC). Under these conditions, they have become one of the most relevant actors in the present tendency that is recovering the DC as the channel to transport and distribute energy and is reinforcing the photovoltaic (PV) panels as a relevant sustainable energy source that allows to improve the efficiencies of all types of lighting installations with the local self-generated energy. An analysis of the working principles of this component and the mechanism implemented for their control as lighting equipment to be powered with both conventional alternate current (AC) and DC is presented. A specific differentiation is done upon indoor and outdoor applications where new standards and regulations, specific technical procedures, and singular experimental project descriptions are detailed. The results expose the advantages and difficulties of implementation of this new DC paradigm, the main conclusion obtained up to this moment, and trends of future evolution

    Electrical consequences of large-scale replacement of metal halide by LED luminaires

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    The recent trend for large-scale replacement of luminaires using discharge light sources with LED luminaires without any significant adjustments to the electrical installation has generated controversy. This study examines the main electrical measures in a large outdoor lighting installation before and after the replacement of a large number of metal halide floodlights with LED luminaires. The electrical parameters of both technologies are discussed in detail and compared, with special attention given to the odd-numbered harmonics of voltage and current, the generated wave deformation, currents in the neutral conductor, the wattless reactive volt amps and the peak inrush currents. At cold start-up, the LED luminaires generate large power-on currents, much larger than those generated by the metal halide lamps, despite requiring 36% less real installed power. This is a basic problem to be solved when planning a public lighting renovation with LED luminaires as the rest of electrical parameters are reduced. To address this problem, it is proposed to energise the luminaires using magneto-thermal protection circuits with slow trip curves that will tolerate the large short-term inrush currents

    Variable impedance LED matrix control system for lamps in PV applications

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    The interest in LED lighting has been growing recently due to the high efficacy, lifelime and ruggedness that this technology offers. However the key element to guarantee those parameters with these new electronic devices is to keep under control the working temperature of the semiconductor crystal. This paper propases a LED lamp design that fulfils the requ irements of a PV lighting systems, whose main quality criteria is reliability. It uses directly as a power supply a non·stabilized constant voltage source, as batteries. An electronic control architecture is used to regulate the current applied to the LEO matri)( according to their temperature and the voltage output value of the batteries with two pulse modulation signals (PWM) signals. The first one connects and disconnects the LEOs to the power supply and the second one connects and disconnects several emitters to the electric circuit changing its overall impedance. A prototype of the LEO lamp has been implemented and tested at different temperaturas and battery voltages