13 research outputs found

    Specifics of computer discourse translation from English into Russian

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    Relevance of the problem under study is caused by need of further development of science and technology in Russia and abroad and it inevitably puts on the agenda the issue of information exchange in the field of scientific and technological achievements. This article is directed on identification and analysis of main features of translation of lexical and grammatical phenomena of computer discourse. The leading approaches to research of this problem are logical and linguistic analysis, method of actualization, selection, systematization and generalization with analysis of the specifics of lexical-grammatical phenomena of computer discourse point of translation studies. The main results of the study are that the concept of computer discourse and the characteristics of technical translation were analyzed; specificity of computer terminology translation was revealed; lexical and grammatical phenomena of computer discourse in terms of the theory of translation were investigated. The article may be useful for IT teachers when preparing teaching aids and manuals on languages, seminars and special courses on English in the field of information technology and dictionaries of the English and Russian languages.peer-reviewe

    Educational aspects of current mobile applications

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    Relevance of the issue under study is due to the necessity of educational mobile applications in learning process. The purpose of the article is to analyze current mobile applications on Google Android App Market in compliance with four educational aspects. The article outlines the opportunities how to use them in the learning process. The leading approach to the study is statistical analysis, along with selection, systematization and generalization of original facts and sources, that allowed us to study Android mobile applications. The results showed deficiency of ideal educational applications. The article may be useful for school teachers, lecturers and for self-education of the general public.peer-reviewe

    Análise estrutural e semântica de alguns termos epônimos de física para contribuição para o ensino e comunicação

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    Rapid development of new technologies and products due to discoveries in all fields of sciences, in the Physics field as well, leads to emergence of eponym terms. This phenomenon requires studying and analyzing these lexical units as they often may cause confusion for students as well as for science people in interpreting them in an appropriate way during the learning and communication processes. The relevance of the topic is in considering some linguistic peculiarities of eponyms and eponym term combinations to try to combine education issues and the results of the topic under discussion. Some structural and semantic differences of the same eponym terms in both languages may cause difficulties in their perception and intertransition. The paper provides a comparative analysis, processing, generalization and systematization of some structural and semantic peculiarities of Physics eponym terms in the English and Russian languages. On the base of the analysis of the differences of the lexical units given are the results on some linguistic peculiarities of eponyms in Physics field. The main result of the research is in revealing considerable discrepancies in the structure, meanings and ways of reflection of eponym lexical units in the analyzed languages and in the necessity of their consideration for making some possible contribution to education issues and terminology science. The practical significance of the paper is in combining linguistic analysis and language teaching technology.El rápido desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y productos debido a los descubrimientos en todos los campos de las ciencias, también en el campo de la física, conduce a la aparición de términos epónimos. Este fenómeno requiere el estudio y análisis de estas unidades léxicas ya que muchas veces pueden causar confusión tanto a los estudiantes como a los científicos al interpretarlas de manera adecuada durante los procesos de aprendizaje y comunicación. La relevancia del tema radica en considerar algunas peculiaridades lingüísticas de los epónimos y combinaciones de términos de epónimos para tratar de combinar las cuestiones educativas y los resultados del tema en discusión. Algunas diferencias estructurales y semánticas de los mismos términos epónimos en ambos idiomas pueden causar dificultades en su percepción e intertransición. El artículo proporciona un análisis comparativo, procesamiento, generalización y sistematización de algunas peculiaridades estructurales y semánticas de los términos epónimos de Física en los idiomas inglés y ruso. Sobre la base del análisis de las diferencias de las unidades léxicas dadas se encuentran los resultados sobre algunas peculiaridades lingüísticas de los epónimos en el campo de la Física. El principal resultado de la investigación es revelar discrepancias considerables en la estructura, significados y formas de reflexión de las unidades léxicas del epónimo en las lenguas analizadas y en la necesidad de su consideración para hacer alguna posible contribución a las cuestiones de educación y ciencia terminológica. La importancia práctica del artículo radica en la combinación de análisis lingüístico y tecnología de enseñanza de idiomas.O rápido desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e produtos devido a descobertas em todos os campos das ciências, também no campo da Física, leva ao surgimento de termos epônimos. Esse fenômeno requer o estudo e a análise dessas unidades lexicais, pois muitas vezes podem confundir os alunos e também os cientistas ao interpretá-las de forma adequada durante os processos de aprendizagem e comunicação. A relevância do tópico está em considerar algumas peculiaridades linguísticas de epônimos e combinações de termos de epônimos para tentar combinar questões de educação e os resultados do tópico em discussão. Algumas diferenças estruturais e semânticas dos mesmos termos epônimos em ambas as línguas podem causar dificuldades em sua percepção e intertransição. O artigo fornece uma análise comparativa, processamento, generalização e sistematização de algumas peculiaridades estruturais e semânticas dos termos epônimos da Física nas línguas inglesa e russa. Na base da análise das diferenças das unidades lexicais apresentadas estão os resultados sobre algumas peculiaridades linguísticas dos epônimos na área de Física. O principal resultado da pesquisa está em revelar discrepâncias consideráveis na estrutura, significados e formas de reflexão das unidades lexicais epônimas nas línguas analisadas e na necessidade de sua consideração para fazer alguma possível contribuição para as questões da educação e terminologia científica. O significado prático do artigo está na combinação de análise linguística e tecnologia de ensino de línguas

    Country-specific IT projects: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов ИВМиИТ - ВМК

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    Данное учебное пособие предназначено для занятий со студентами 1 и 2 курсов Института вычислительной математики и информационных технологий Казанского Федерального Университета, продолжающих обучение английского языка на базе программы средней школы, а также будет полезным любому читателю, интересующемуся англоговорящими странами (Канада, США, Австралия, Шотландия) в целом и IT изобретениями, сделанными в этих странах, в частности

    Contrastive Corpus Research in Bilingual Phraseography

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    The paper discusses linguistic issues presenting difficulties for bilingual lexicography. The purpose of the study is to use data of parallel English and Russian corpora for description of non-trivial features of English phraseological constructions on the brink of / on the threshold of in comparison with their Russian equivalents на Ðрани / на пороÐе in the process of compiling of an English-Russian phraseological dictionary. Some ideas of construction grammar are applied as theoretical basis of this research work. The analysis of usage frequency of phraseological constructions applying statistical methods is put forward in this work. The results of the study show that the use of parallel corpora helps to reveal specific character of their functional correlations and non-trivial semantic preferences of English phraseological constructions which do not have standard Russian equivalences. The need for a new dictionary is motivated by the fact that at present there are no English-Russian phraseological dictionaries based on corpora and authentic data in international lexicography. The use of corpora helps to provide new vision of a contextual behavior of phraseological constructions and restrictions of their usage, which is very important for the purposes of lexicographic description

    Approaches to Criteria Development Evaluating Efficiency of Innovative Forms of Teaching a Foreign Language

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    The urgency of the problem under study is due to the intensive development of information technologies and their ubiquitous distribution, which had a significant impact on the educational system, the development of new teaching aids and forms of organization of the educational process, such as distance learning. The development of IT encourages educational organizations to use innovative forms of education, for example, the use of robots as teachers or their assistants. In this regard, there is the problem of developing universal criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational process, organized using these tools. The purpose of the article is to develop universal criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the process of learning a foreign language, which can be used for a comparative analysis of various innovative means and forms of education. The leading approach to the study of this issue is a survey of an expert group and an analysis of existing works on this topic. The article also presents the results of a comparative analysis using these criteria of three forms of education: training with the presence of a teacher, distance learning and training with the help of a robot teacher. As a result of the study, universal criteria were developed for evaluating the effectiveness of the process of learning a foreign language, each of which was provided with a weighting factor, which made it possible to correctly process the results of a comparative analysis of various innovative forms of education. Article materials can be useful for teachers of foreign languages and educational organizations

    Comparison of Methods for classifying data for division into groups when learning English

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    The article deals with the possibility of applying methods of data analysis, in particular data classification, with the aim of dividing the students into groups when learning English. Purpose of the research is to compare methods for classifying data such as a method of k-nearest neighbors, and decision tree. It is necessary to define what the optimality criterion is and to compare models based on these methods. The result of the research detects two models, allowing the input data to divide students into groups to study the English language, and an analysis of the feasibility of their application

    Communication Problems: Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Autistic Children with Humanoid Robots

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need of society education to be focused on a humanitarian approach to provide education not only to healthy children but also to patients with autism. This article is focused on the search for educational tools using robotic technologies for teaching children with autism a foreign language. The methods used in this article are based on a comparative analysis of two approaches, such as the traditional method of teaching English and using robotic systems. The article reveals that traditional system of education, organization of the educational process, is not suitable for increasing the number of children with autism. The main result of the research is the developed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies for teaching children with autism a foreign language which is based on the analysis of the effectiveness of existing educational tools. Recommendations are developed. Materials of the article can be useful for researchers in this field, teachers dealing with autistic children for enrichment foreign language teaching methodology and pedagogy

    Country-specific IT projects: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов ИВМиИТ - ВМК

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    Данное учебное пособие предназначено для занятий со студентами 1 и 2 курсов Института вычислительной математики и информационных технологий Казанского Федерального Университета, продолжающих обучение английского языка на базе программы средней школы, а также будет полезным любому читателю, интересующемуся англоговорящими странами (Канада, США, Австралия, Шотландия) в целом и IT изобретениями, сделанными в этих странах, в частности

    Variety of exercises in teaching translation of scientific and technical texts

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    Relevance of the issue under study is due to the necessity of providing students of technical specialities (with low language level) with necessary translation skills. The purpose of the article is to develop a system of exercises for teaching scientific and technical translation for students of non-linguistic specialities in the program of continuing education “Translator in the sphere of professional communication”. The article outlines the opportunities how to use them in the teaching process. The leading approaches to the study are analyze and generalization of teaching experience of scientific and technical translation in Russian and foreign non-linguistic institutes of higher education, monitoring the activities of professional translators of scientific and technical texts, formation of methodical system of training when translating scientific and technical texts (from English into Russian). The results showed the absence of ideal teaching aids and special system of exercises that could be applied in preparation of translators in the field of “Information security”. The article may be useful for lecturers and for self-education of the general public