51 research outputs found

    La comunicación en la relación de ayuda al paciente en enfermería: saber qué decir y qué hacer = Communication in the aid relationship to the nursing patient: knowing what to say and to do

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    Resumen: La tarea de comunicarnos ha existido desde siempre. Como seres humanos que interactuamos con nuestro entorno, emitimos continuamente mensajes- verbales o no verbales-, al mundo que nos rodea. Desde Enfermería, para establecer una correcta relación de ayuda con el paciente, debemos saber comunicarnos. Para ello, debemos de adquirir una serie de habilidades y destrezas que nos aseguren el bienestar del paciente en su aspecto holístico (bio- psico- social) tales como empatizar o una escucha activa basada en el respeto. En definitiva, saber qué decir, cómo decirlo y qué hacer ante cualquier situación en la que, lo que esté en detrimento no sea el ámbito físico o social del individuo, sino el psicológico. Palabras clave: comunicación, relación de ayuda, enfermería, paciente, empatía Abstract: The task of communicating has always existed. As humans we interact with our environment, continuously we emit messages (verbal or non-verbal), to the world around us. From Nursing to establish a correct support relationship with patients, we must learn to communicate. For this we need to acquire a range of abilities and skills that will ensure the wellbeing of the patient in a holistic aspect (bio-psycho-social) such as empathy and active listening based on respect. In short, knowing what to say, how to say and what to do in any situation in which, it is not detrimental to the physical or social individual, but it is in psychological. Keywords: communication, aid relationship, nursing, patient, empath

    Dynamic adaptation of service compositions with variability models

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    Web services run in complex contexts where arising events may compromise the quality of the whole system. Thus, it is desirable to count on autonomic mechanisms to guide the self-adaptation of service compositions according to changes in the computing infrastructure. One way to achieve this goal is by implementing variability constructs at the language level. However, this approach may become tedious, difficult to manage, and error-prone. In this paper, we propose a solution based on a semantically rich variability model to support the dynamic adaptation of service compositions. When a problematic event arises in the context, this model is leveraged for decision-making. The activation and deactivation of features in the variability model result in changes in a composition model that abstracts the underlying service composition. These changes are reflected into the service composition by adding or removing fragments of Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) code, which can be deployed at runtime. In order to reach optimum adaptations, the variability model and its possible configurations are verified at design time using Constraint Programming. An evaluation demonstrates several benefits of our approach, both at design time and at runtime.This work has been developed with the support of MICINN under the project everyWare TIN2010-18011 and co-financed with ERDF.Alférez Salinas, GH.; Pelechano Ferragud, V.; Mazo, R.; Salinesi, C.; Díaz, D. (2014). Dynamic adaptation of service compositions with variability models. Journal of Systems and Software. 91:24-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2013.06.034S24479

    Development of clinically relevant in vivo metastasis models using human bone discs and breast cancer patient-derived xenografts

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    Background Late-stage breast cancer preferentially metastasises to bone; despite advances in targeted therapies, this condition remains incurable. The lack of clinically relevant models for studying breast cancer metastasis to a human bone microenvironment has stunted the development of effective treatments for this condition. To address this problem, we have developed humanised mouse models in which breast cancer patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) metastasise to human bone implants with low variability and high frequency. Methods To model the human bone environment, bone discs from femoral heads of patients undergoing hip replacement surgery were implanted subcutaneously into NOD/SCID mice. For metastasis studies, 7 patient-derived xenograft tumours (PDX: BB3RC32, ER+ PR+ HER2−; BB2RC08, ER+ PR+ ER2−; BB6RC37, ER− PR− HER2− and BB6RC39, ER+ PR+ HER2+), MDA-MB-231-luc2, T47D-luc2 or MCF7-Luc2 cells were injected into the 4th mammary ducts and metastases monitored by luciferase imaging and confirmed on histological sections. Bone integrity, viability and vascularisation were assessed by uCT, calcein uptake and histomorphometry. Expression profiling of genes/proteins during different stages of metastasis were assessed by whole genome Affymetrix array, real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Importance of IL-1 was confirmed following anakinra treatment. Results Implantation of femoral bone provided a metabolically active, human-specific site for tumour cells to metastasise to. After 4 weeks, bone implants were re-vascularised and demonstrated active bone remodelling (as evidenced by the presence of osteoclasts, osteoblasts and calcein uptake). Restricting bone implants to the use of subchondral bone and introduction of cancer cells via intraductal injection maximised metastasis to human bone implants. MDA-MB-231 cells specifically metastasised to human bone (70% metastases) whereas T47D, MCF7, BB3RC32, BB2RC08, and BB6RC37 cells metastasised to both human bone and mouse bones. Importantly, human bone was the preferred metastatic site especially from ER+ PDX (100% metastasis human bone compared with 20–75% to mouse bone), whereas ER-ve PDX developed metastases in 20% of human and 20% of mouse bone. Breast cancer cells underwent a series of molecular changes as they progressed from primary tumours to bone metastasis including altered expression of IL-1B, IL-1R1, S100A4, CTSK, SPP1 and RANK. Inhibiting IL-1B signalling significantly reduced bone metastasis. Conclusions Our reliable and clinically relevant humanised mouse models provide significant advancements in modelling of breast cancer bone metastasis

    Angiotensin II type 1/adenosine A2A receptor oligomers: a novel target for tardive dyskinesia

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    Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a serious motor side effect that may appear after long-term treatment with neuroleptics and mostly mediated by dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs). Striatal D2R functioning may be finely regulated by either adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) or angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R) through putative receptor heteromers. Here, we examined whether A2AR and AT1R may oligomerize in the striatum to synergistically modulate dopaminergic transmission. First, by using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, we demonstrated a physical AT1R-A2AR interaction in cultured cells. Interestingly, by protein-protein docking and molecular dynamics simulations, we described that a stable heterotetrameric interaction may exist between AT1R and A2AR bound to antagonists (i.e. losartan and istradefylline, respectively). Accordingly, we subsequently ascertained the existence of AT1R/A2AR heteromers in the striatum by proximity ligation in situ assay. Finally, we took advantage of a TD animal model, namely the reserpine-induced vacuous chewing movement (VCM), to evaluate a novel multimodal pharmacological TD treatment approach based on targeting the AT1R/A2AR complex. Thus, reserpinized mice were co-treated with sub-effective losartan and istradefylline doses, which prompted a synergistic reduction in VCM. Overall, our results demonstrated the existence of striatal AT1R/A2AR oligomers with potential usefulness for the therapeutic management of TD

    Functional and pharmacological role of the dopamine D4 receptor and its polymorphic variants

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    The functional and pharmacological significance of the dopamine D4 receptor (D4R) has remained the least well understood of all the dopamine receptor subtypes. Even more enigmatic has been the role of the very prevalent human DRD4 gene polymorphisms in the region that encodes the third intracellular loop of the receptor. The most common polymorphisms encode a D4R with 4 or 7 repeats of a proline-rich sequence of 16 amino acids (D4.4R and D4.7R). DRD4 polymorphisms have been associated with individual differences linked to impulse control-related neuropsychiatric disorders, with the most consistent associations established between the gene encoding D4.7R and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance use disorders. The function of D4R and its polymorphic variants is being revealed by addressing the role of receptor heteromerization and the relatively avidity of norepinephrine for D4R. We review the evidence conveying a significant and differential role of D4.4R and D4.7R in the dopaminergic and noradrenergic modulation of the frontal cortico-striatal pyramidal neuron, with implications for the moderation of constructs of impulsivity as personality traits. This differential role depends on their ability to confer different properties to adrenergic a2A receptor. (a2AR)-D4R heteromers and dopamine D2 receptor (D2R)-D4R heteromers, preferentially localized in the perisomatic region of the frontal cortical pyramidal neuron and its striatal terminals, respectively. We also review the evidence to support the D4R as a therapeutic target for ADHD and other impulse-control disorders, as well as for restless legs syndrome

    Essential control of the function of the striatopallidal neuron by pre-coupled complexes of adenosine A2A-dopamine D2 receptor heterotetramers and adenylyl cyclase

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    The central adenosine system and adenosine receptors play a fundamental role in the modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission. This is mostly achieved by the strategic co-localization of different adenosine and dopamine receptor subtypes in the two populations of striatal efferent neurons, striatonigral and striatopallidal, that give rise to the direct and indirect striatal efferent pathways, respectively. With optogenetic techniques it has been possible to dissect a differential role of the direct and indirect pathways in mediating 'Go' responses upon exposure to reward-related stimuli and 'NoGo' responses upon exposure to non-rewarded or aversive-related stimuli, respectively, which depends on their different connecting output structures and their differential expression of dopamine and adenosine receptor subtypes. The striatopallidal neuron selectively expresses dopamine D2 receptors (D2R) and adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR), and numerous experiments using multiple genetic and pharmacological in vitro, in situ and in vivo approaches, demonstrate they can form A2AR-D2R heteromers. It was initially assumed that different pharmacological interactions between dopamine and adenosine receptor ligands indicated the existence of different subpopulations of A2AR and D2R in the striatopallidal neuron. However, as elaborated in the present essay, most evidence now indicates that all interactions can be explained with a predominant population of striatal A2AR-D2R heteromers forming complexes with adenylyl cyclase subtype 5 (AC5). The A2AR-D2R heteromer has a tetrameric structure, with two homodimers, which allows not only multiple allosteric interactions between different orthosteric ligands, agonists, and antagonists, but also the canonical Gs-Gi antagonistic interaction at the level of AC5. We present a model of the function of the A2AR-D2R heterotetramer-AC5 complex, which acts as an integrative device of adenosine and dopamine signals that determine the excitability and gene expression of the striatopallidal neurons. The model can explain most behavioral effects of A2AR and D2R ligands, including the psychostimulant effects of caffeine. The model is also discussed in the context of different functional striatal compartments, mainly the dorsal and the ventral striatum. The current accumulated knowledge of the biochemical properties of the A2AR-D2R heterotetramer-AC5 complex offers new therapeutic possibilities for Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, SUD and other neuropsychiatric disorders with dysfunction of dorsal or ventral striatopallidal neurons

    A new species of Varanus (Anguimorpha: Varanidae) from the early Miocene of the Czech Republic, and its relationships and palaeoecology

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    Skeletal remains of a new early Miocene (Ottnangian, MN 4 mammal zone) monitor lizard, Varanus mokrensis sp. nov., are described from two karst fissures in the Mokrá-Western Quarry (1/2001 Turtle Joint; 2/2003 Reptile Joint), Czech Republic, providing the first documented example of a European varanid for which osteological data permit a well-supported assignment to the genus Varanus. The new species is morphologically similar to the Recent Indo-Asiatic varanids of the Varanus bengalensis group. It differs from all other Varanus species on the basis of a single autapomorphy and a combination of 11 characters. As a distinguishing feature of V. mokrensis, the parietal and squamosal processes of the postorbitofrontal form a narrowly acute angle. The teeth show distinct, smooth cutting edges along the mesial and distal margins of the apical portion of their crowns. This feature is not observed in most extant Asiatic Varanus species and may represent a plesiomorphic condition. The results of parsimony phylogenetic analyses, with and without character reweighting, reveal poor resolution within Varanus. A Bayesian analysis shows V. mokrensis to be closely related to extant representatives of the Indo-Asiatic Varanus clade, with close affinities to the V. bengalensis species group. The topology of the Bayesian tree supports the hypothesis that Miocene monitors from Mokrá are representatives of a lineage that is ancestral to the well-defined clade of extant African varanids, including the early Miocene V. rusingensis. In addition, our results support a Eurasian origin for the varanid clade. The extant African Varanus species probably originated in the late Oligocene. The radiation of African varanids probably occurred during the late Oligocene to early Miocene time interval. The occurrence of Varanus in the early Miocene of Mokrá-Western Quarry corresponds to the warm phase of the Miocene Climatic Optimum. Remains of a diverse aquatic and heliophobe amphibian fauna at the 2/2003 Reptile Joint site indicate more humid conditions than those at the 1/2001 Turtle Joint site

    Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts

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    Augmenting measure sensitivity to detect essential, dispensable and highly incompatible features in mass customization

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    International audienceMass customization is the new frontier in business competition for both manufacturing and service industries. To improve customer satisfaction, reduce lead-times and shorten costs, families of similar products are built jointly by combining reusable parts that implement the features demanded by the customers. To guarantee the validity of the products derived from mass customization processes, feature dependencies and incompatibilities are usually specified with a variability model. As market demand grows and evolves, variability models become increasingly complex. In such entangled models it is hard to identify which features are essential, dispensable, highly required by other features, or highly incompatible with the remaining features. This paper exposes the limitations of existing approaches to gather such knowledge and provides efficient algorithms to retrieve that information from variability models