3,541 research outputs found

    A secure vault setup for a crypto wallet

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    In today's digital world, every user needs to store sensitive data, including personal information, cryptographic keys and/or passwords. For user convenience, this data is usually backed up on a cloud hosting so that users can have access to it from all their devices, However, this behaviour puts on risk user's privacy, since sensitive data is somehow "shared" with their cloud hosting provider. In this master thesis we present a secure cloud backup for arbitrary data that does not leak any information to the cloud provider. Before uploading any data to the cloud server, the data is locally encrypted by the user using a key securely derived from a password. For user convenience the same password is used to derive a key to authenticate with the cloud server; although the server by no means is able to compute the decryption key from it, and thus has no access to the stored data. We have developed the cloud server, a client library in JavaScript, and an example use case using a React app

    Asymmetry of Wigner's time delay in a small molecule

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    Ionization by an attosecond pulse launches an electron wave packet in the continuum which contains rich information about the pulse, the parent system, and the ionization dynamics. This emission process is not instantaneous in the sense that the electrons take a finite time to leave the potential. This time is closely related to the Wigner time. In this paper we introduce the stereo Wigner time delay, which measures the relative delay between electrons emitted to the left and right in an asymmetric system. We present a theoretical study of the delay in photoemission for a small asymmetric molecular system using the streaking technique. The stereo Wigner time delay shows advantages compared to previous schemes. Our numerical calculation shows that such a measurement removes the infrared laser-Coulomb coupling, which has been problematic in the interpretation of the measured delay in photoemission from atomic systems. © 2014 American Physical Society.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN)Centro de Laseres Pulsados (CLPU)Secretarıa Nacional de Ciencia Innovacion y Tecnologıa (SENACYT

    Retrieval of the amplitude and phase of the dipole matrix element by attosecond electron-wave-packet interferometry

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    We extend the ideas of wave-packet interferometry to implement the algorithm of spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER) for characterizing the amplitude and phase of electron wave packets. Single-photon ionization by an attosecond pulse launches an electron wave packet in the continuum. Ionization by a train of two attosecond pulses in the presence of a moderate infrared pulse creates an interferogram in the final photoelectron momentum distribution. From the interferogram, the complex electron wave function can be reconstructed. If the pulses are well characterized, the amplitude and phase of the bound-free dipole matrix element can be reconstructed over a wide energy range. This is demonstrated by application of the retrieval method to momentum distributions obtained by numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The case of Coulombic potentials requires appropriate treatment of the laser-Coulomb coupled dynamics. © 2013 American Physical Society.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN)Centro de Laseres Pulsados (CLPU)Secretarıa Nacional de Ciencia Innovacion y Tecnologıa (SENACYT

    Tribonacci Diophantine quadruples

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    In this paper, we show that there does not exist a quadruple of positive integers a1 < a2 < a3 < a4 such that aiaj + 1 (i≠ j) are all members of the Tribonacci sequence (Tn)n≥ 0

    Diseño de una estación meteorológica para la medición de temperatura, humedad,presión atmosférica y radiación solar en el área del Recinto Universitario Rubén Darío, la cual estaría ubicado en el Centro de Investigaciones Geo Científicas (CIGEO), en la UNAN Managua

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    El presente documento a desarrollar, consiste en el diseño de una estación meteorológica para la medición de las variables del clima como la temperatura, humedad relativa, presión atmosférica y radiación solar, la cual estaría ubicada en el centro de investigaciones geo científicas (CIGEO) de la UNAN-Managua, ya que dicho centro cuenta con los parámetros ovalado por la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), como es su ubicación y su área libre de obstáculos lo que garantizaría el buen funcionamiento de ésta estación. Es una alternativa de solución a la falta de una estación meteorológica en el Recinto Universitario Rubén Darío (RURD) ya que ésta, en cierta manera es indispensable para que la universidad esté al tanto de lo que sucede respecto a los elementos climáticos y estar a la expectativa de cualquier eventualidad que se pueda presentar y por ende evitar cualquier fenómeno fuera de lo común. El presente trabajo del diseño de la estación meteorológica se basó en cierta manera a la medición de las variables climáticas más comunes que suelen presentarse en un lugar dado, en este caso la universidad antes mencionada

    Video games and didactics of ancient world: a proposal for the subject of Geography and History for first and second-year secondary education in Cantabria

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    RESUMEN En la actualidad, los videojuegos se han posicionado como la forma de entretenimiento más consumida entre la población joven de nuestro país, por encima incluso del cine y la televisión. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha, aún parece existir por parte de los docentes un escaso uso de los videojuegos como un medio educativo más para el desarrollo de sus clases. Desde la propia invención de los videojuegos en la década de los 70, estos elementos de ocio han estado acompañados de duras controversias, lo que ha supuesto que haya ciertos prejuicios sobre sus posibles usos en la educación. No obstante, en los últimos años, existe un consenso entre investigadores de diversos ámbitos -tanto a nivel nacional como internacional- que subrayan las potencialidades didácticas de los videojuegos, a pesar de que se siguen manteniendo ideas enfrentadas sobre sus potenciales ventajas, lo que hace que estos medios sean aún objeto de debate en medios de comunicación, en centros educativos y en la sociedad en general. En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster analizaremos, primeramente, las potencialidades y limitaciones de los videojuegos para posteriormente plantear una propuesta didáctica en el marco legislativo de la LOMCE y LOMLOE en los cursos de 1º y 2º de la ESO, basándonos en las experiencias de algunos de los investigadores más importantes de nuestro país en materia de videojuegos y educación.ABSTRACT Currently, video games have positioned themselves as the most consumed form of entertainment among the young population of our country, even above cinema and television. However, to date, there still seems to be little use by teachers of video games as another educational medium for the development of their classes. Since the very invention of video games in the 1970s, these leisure elements have been accompanied by harsh controversies, which has led to certain prejudices about their possible uses in education. However, in recent years, there is a consensus among researchers from various fields -both nationally and internationally- that underline the educational potential of video games, even though conflicting ideas continue to be held about their potential advantages, which makes that these media are still the subject of debate in the media, in educational centers and in society in general. In this Master's Thesis we will analyze, firstly, the potentialities and limitations of video games to later propose a didactic proposal in the legislative framework of the LOMCE and LOMLOE in the 1st and 2nd ESO courses, based on the experiences of some of the most important researchers in our country in the field of video games and education.Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundari

    Central Modulation of Neuroinflammation by Neuropeptides and Energy-Sensing Hormones during Obesity

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    Centralnervoussystem(CNS)sensesenergyhomeostasisbyintegratingbothperipheralandautonomicsignalsandrespondingto thembyneurotransmittersandneuropeptidesrelease.Althoughitispreviouslyconsideredanimmunologicallyprivilegedorgan, we now know that this is not so. Cells belonging to the immune system, such as B and T lymphocytes, can be recruited into the CNS to face damage or infection, in addition to possessing resident immunological cells, called microglia. In this way, positive energybalanceduringobesitypromotesaninflammatorystateintheCNS.Saturatedfattyacidsfromthediethavebeenpointed out as powerful candidates to trigger immune response in peripheral system and in the CNS. However, how central immunity communicatestoperipheralimmuneresponseremainstobeclarified.Recentlytherehasbeenagreatinterestintheneuropeptides, POMC derived peptides, ghrelin, and leptin, due to their capacity to suppress or induce inflammatory responses in the brain, respectively. These may be potential candidates to treat different pathologies associated with autoimmunity and inflammation. In this review, we will discuss the role of lipotoxicity associated with positive energy balance during obesity in proinflammatory responseinmicroglia,BandTlymphocytes,anditsmodulationbyneuropeptides