35 research outputs found

    Improving ecological forecasts using model and data constraints

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    Terrestrial ecosystems are essential to human well-being, but their future remains highly uncertain, as evidenced by the huge disparities in model projections of the land carbon sink. The existence of these disparities despite the recent explosion of novel data streams, including the TRY plant traits database, the Landsat archive, and global eddy covariance tower networks, suggests that these data streams are not being utilized to their full potential by the terrestrial ecosystem modeling community. Therefore, the overarching objective of my dissertation is to identify how these various data streams can be used to improve the precision of model predictions by constraining model parameters. In chapter 1, I use a hierarchical multivariate meta-analysis of the TRY database to assess the dependence of trait correlations on ecological scale and evaluate the utility of these correlations for constraining ecosystem model parameters. I find that global trait correlations are generally consistent within plant functional types, and leveraging the multivariate trait space is an effective way to constrain trait estimates for data-limited traits and plant functional types. My next two chapters assess the ability to measure traits using remote sensing by exploring the links between leaf traits and reflectance spectra. In chapter 2, I introduce a method for estimating traits from spectra via radiative transfer model inversion. I then use this approach to show that although the precise location, width, and quantity of spectral bands significantly affects trait retrieval accuracy, a wide range of sensor configurations are capable of providing trait information. In chapter 3, I apply this approach to a large database of leaf spectra to show that traits vary as much within as across species, and much more across species within a functional type than across functional types. Finally, in chapter 4, I synthesize the findings of the previous chapters to calibrate a vegetation model's representation of canopy radiative transfer against observed remotely-sensed surface reflectance. Although the calibration successfully constrained canopy structural parameters, I identify issues with model representations of wood and soil reflectance that inhibit its ability to accurately reproduce remote sensing observations

    Cutting out the middleman: calibrating and validating a dynamic vegetation model (ED2-PROSPECT5) using remotely sensed surface reflectance

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    Ecosystem models are often calibrated and/or validated against derived remote sensing data products, such as MODIS leaf area index. However, these data products are generally based on their own models, whose assumptions may not be compatible with those of the ecosystem model in question, and whose uncertainties are usually not well quantified. Here, we develop an alternative approach whereby we modify an ecosystem model to predict full-range, high spectral resolution surface reflectance, which can then be compared directly against airborne and satellite data. Specifically, we coupled the two-stream representation of canopy radiative transfer in the Ecosystem Demography model (ED2) with a leaf radiative transfer model (PROSPECT 5) and a simple soil reflectance model. We then calibrated this model against reflectance observations from the NASA Airborne VIsible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and survey data from 54 temperate forest plots in the northeastern United States. The calibration successfully constrained the posterior distributions of model parameters related to leaf biochemistry and morphology and canopy structure for five plant functional types. The calibrated model was able to accurately reproduce surface reflectance and leaf area index for sites with highly varied forest composition and structure, using a single common set of parameters across all sites. We conclude that having dynamic vegetation models directly predict surface reflectance is a promising avenue for model calibration and validation using remote sensing data.https://gmd.copernicus.org/preprints/gmd-2020-324/gmd-2020-324.pdfFirst author draf

    A community convention for ecological forecasting: output files and metadata

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    This document summarizes the open community standards developed by the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI) for the common formatting and archiving of ecological forecasts and the metadata associated with these forecasts. Such open standards are intended to promote interoperability and facilitate forecast adoption, distribution, validation, and synthesis. For output files EFI has adopted a three-tiered approach reflecting trade-offs in forecast data volume and technical expertise. The preferred output file format is netCDF following the Climate and Forecast Convention for dimensions and variable naming, including an ensemble dimension where appropriate. The second-tier option is a semi-long CSV format, with state variables as columns and each row representing a unique issue date time, prediction date time, location, ensemble member, etc. The third-tier option is similar to option 2, but each row represents a specific summary statistic (mean, upper/lower CI) rather than individual ensemble members. For metadata, EFI expands upon the Ecological Metadata Language (EML), using additional Metadata tags to store information designed to facilitate cross-forecast synthesis (e.g. uncertainty propagation, data assimilation, model complexity) and setting a subset of base EML tags (e.g. temporal resolution, output variables) to be required. To facilitate community adoption we also provides a R package containing a number of vignettes on how to both write and read in the EFI standard, as well as a metadata validator tool.First author draf

    Permafrost Measurements Best Practice: GCW’s contribution to standardization of global observations

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    The Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), in the context of the framework of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), published the Measurement of Cryospheric Variables, Volume II of the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation in 2018, in which best practice for observations of snow parameters was included. As a follow-up effort, measurement best practices for the other cryosphere components are under development, including permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. The measurement best practice for permafrost aims to define reference methods for the configuration and ongoing operation of stations for in situ observations in high mountains and polar regions. It will: address gaps in the existing permafrost monitoring systems, define methods for improving traceability and comparability, recommend instrumental characteristics and provide measurements uncertainty evaluation. A further objective is to support capacity building of countries in terms of developing a permafrost observation network. A Task Team within the framework of GCW was established, to lead the development and publication of a complete guide to the measurements of permafrost variables. The documents in preparation will be coordinated with the ongoing revision of Products and Requirements of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Permafrost Essential Climate Variable (ECV), including existing variables measured by the GTN-P (Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost). Further, the needs of developing Essential Arctic Variables (EAV) and Shared Arctic Variables (SAV) identified at the Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) are considered. The work will be based on existing methodologies, promoting and recommending methods to improve data reliability and traceability, also for the implementation of new stations

    EFI Forecast Example

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