3,095 research outputs found

    The transregional innovation processes - the key challenge for the trans borders regions

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    The competitiveness of regions it is strong linked with innovation dynamics. This dynamics requires the involvement of different actors of the territory, namely, the set of actors with capacity and power to influence the territorial activities: the governance system. Thus, the vigorous attitude and participation of the firms and of institutional associative actors on innovation pressure the innovative performance of the territory. Hence, the aim of this paper is analyse the process of innovation in a transterritorial view and illustrate a perspective of innovation that reflect the better performance innovative of the territory depends of different characteristics of the milieu and evaluate the important conditions for dynamics of innovation. We use the results of survey applied to a vast set of firms and institutional/associative actors for distinguish profiles of involvement in innovation activities and for analyse and perceive which attributes or variables of territory are related with the best performance on innovation. The study looks at five sub regions of the transborder region of central region Portuguese and Spanish: Raia Central Ibérica (three Portuguese and two Spanish).

    The Effect of Recency to Human Mobility

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    In recent years, we have seen scientists attempt to model and explain human dynamics and, in particular, human movement. Many aspects of our complex life are affected by human movements such as disease spread and epidemics modeling, city planning, wireless network development, and disaster relief, to name a few. Given the myriad of applications it is clear that a complete understanding of how people move in space can lead to huge benefits to our society. In most of the recent works, scientists have focused on the idea that people movements are biased towards frequently-visited locations. According to them, human movement is based on an exploration/exploitation dichotomy in which individuals choose new locations (exploration) or return to frequently-visited locations (exploitation). In this work, we focus on the concept of recency. We propose a model in which exploitation in human movement also considers recently-visited locations and not solely frequently-visited locations. We test our hypothesis against different empirical data of human mobility and show that our proposed model is able to better explain the human trajectories in these datasets

    O processo de transformação da universidade brasileira e os professores universitários à luz da lei nº 5540/68: Passado ou presente?

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    O presente artigo pretende realizar algumas reflexões iniciais sobre o processo de transformação da universidade brasileira e a questão da formação de professores universitários à luz da Lei nº 5.540/68This article intends to carry out some initial reflections about the Brazilian University and University teacher education processes of transformation promoted by Federal Law nº. 5540/68 es_E

    Imagery and Arguments Pertaining to the Issue of Free Immigration in the Anglo-Irish Press in Rio de Janeiro

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    This paper will examine the early relationship between a mid – to late nineteenth century Anglo-Irish newspaper, ‘The Anglo-Brazilian Times’ (1865- 1884), and the political élites of the Brazilian Second Empire (1840-1889). The argumentation departs from the hypothesis that Great Britain, from around 1865 onwards, had devised a plan whereby Brazil would be persuaded into abolishing slavery through the liberalization of her immigration policy. This way, the massive introduction of Europeans into the country would render slavery obsolete. The activities of the editor and proprietor of that newspaper, the Irish- born journalist William Scully, look consistent with that course of action and seem to have relied at least partially on the financial support of the British Government. This strategy was short-lived and seems to have generated a serious political crisis in Brazil, which would have accounted for the failure of an English-speaking colony that was established on the margins of the Itajahy- Mirim river valley, in 1867, in the southern Brazilian province of Santa Catarina. That colony was partially occupied by Irish settlers introduced in Brazil in connection with Scully.This paper will examine the early relationship between a mid – to late nineteenth century Anglo-Irish newspaper, ‘The Anglo-Brazilian Times’ (1865- 1884), and the political élites of the Brazilian Second Empire (1840-1889). The argumentation departs from the hypothesis that Great Britain, from around 1865 onwards, had devised a plan whereby Brazil would be persuaded into abolishing slavery through the liberalization of her immigration policy. This way, the massive introduction of Europeans into the country would render slavery obsolete. The activities of the editor and proprietor of that newspaper, the Irish- born journalist William Scully, look consistent with that course of action and seem to have relied at least partially on the financial support of the British Government. This strategy was short-lived and seems to have generated a serious political crisis in Brazil, which would have accounted for the failure of an English-speaking colony that was established on the margins of the Itajahy- Mirim river valley, in 1867, in the southern Brazilian province of Santa Catarina. That colony was partially occupied by Irish settlers introduced in Brazil in connection with Scully

    Semilinear fractional differential equations: global solutions, critical nonlinearities and comparison results

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    In this work we study several questions concerning to abstract fractional Cauchy problems of order α ∈ (0, 1). Concretely, we analyze the existence of local mild solutions for the problem, and its possible continuation to a maximal interval of existence. The case of critical nonlinearities and corresponding regular mild solutions is also studied. Finally, by establishing some general comparison results, we apply them to conclude the global well-posedness of a fractional partial differential equation coming from heat conduction theory.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superiorFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloMinisterio de EducaciónMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Andalucí

    Os Processos Territoriais de Inovação: A abordagem dos Sistemas de Inovação e a Perspectiva Transfronteiriça

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    The competitiveness of the territories depends on a great effort in innovation terms, what requests a solid national, regional and local innovation systems. The capacity of innovation of the border areas, specially of the Raia Central Ibérica, with economic reality of periphery space and of diffuse industrialization, it could start with the organization of the innovation system in a transborder perspective. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to characterize the innovation system on both sides of the border of the Raia Central Ibérica and to analyse how transborder systems of innovation works beginning with the identification of the main actors territorially integrated in the region and that in interaction could create synergies and a wider use of the local potentialities

    A model for the classification of companies credit risk

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    O processo de gerenciamento de risco de crédito em instituições financeiras vem passando por uma revisão ao longo dos últimos anos. Nesse contexto, diversas novas técnicas de mensuração de risco de crédito e tomadores têm sido desenvolvidas e implementadas por grandes Bancos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um modelo de classificação de risco para avaliar o risco de crédito de empresas no mercado brasileiro. O modelo foi construído com base em uma amostra de empresas de capital aberto classificadas como solventes ou insolventes no período entre 1994 e 2004. A técnica estatística utilizada no desenvolvimento do modelo foi a regressão logística. As variáveis independentes são índices financeiros calculados a partir das demonstrações contábeis e utilizados para representar a situação econômico-financeira das empresas. A validação do modelo foi efetuada utilizando o método Jackknife e uma Curva ROC. Os resultados do estudo indicam que o modelo de classificação de risco desenvolvido prevê eventos de default com um ano de antecedência com bom nível de acurácia. Os resultados, também, indicam que as demonstrações contábeis contêm informações que possibilitam a classificação das empresas como prováveis solventes ou prováveis insolventes.The process of credit risk management in financial institutions has been revised in recent years. In this context, large banks have developed and implemented several new techniques for measuring borrowers credit risk. This research aims to develop a risk classification model to assess the credit risk of companies in the Brazilian market. The model was built based on a sample of publicly traded companies classified as solvent or insolvent during the period from 1994 to 2004. Logistic regression was used to develop the model. The independent variables of the model are financial ratios, calculated from the financial statements and used as proxies of companies economic and financial situation. The validation of the model was done using the Jackknife method and a ROC Curve. The results of the study indicate that the risk classification model developed predicts default events one year prior to failure with good level of accuracy. The results also indicate that financial statements contain information that allow for the classification of companies as probably solvent or probably insolvent