2,858 research outputs found

    Comparação do duplo produto em teste aeróbico e um teste repetições máximas

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    Introdução: O duplo produto, o consumo de oxigênio que miocárdio faz através do esforço, é um método não invasivo e uma das melhores formas quando se trata de segurança na pratica de atividade física. Objetivo: Comparar a resposta do duplo produto em teste aeróbio e um teste repetições máximas em supino. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados neste trabalho 18 homens com idade média 24,88 ± 1,96 anos, massa corporal 84,00 ± 8,25 kg, estatura 1,79 ± 0,07m e índice de massa corporal(IMC) 26,23 ± 1,36 kg/m². As coletas foram realizadas em 3 dias distintos: No primeiro dia foram feitas as coletas antropométricas e teste de carga para o grupo do exercício resistido; No segundo, foi realizado o teste de 1600m para o grupo do exercício aeróbio e no terceiro foi realizado o protocolo de exercício resistido no supino reto. Os dados coletados foram analisados utilizando o software SPSS versão 21 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, EUA). A análise descritiva dos dados foi realizada e expressa em média e desvio padrão. A normalidade dos dados de cada grupo foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk. A análise foi realizada por uma ANOVA one-way, com tratamento de Bonferroni. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi de p 0,05. Resultados: Durante o exercício resistido, teve uma elevação significativa na frequência cardíaca (FC) (p=0,001) no momento pós exercício em relação ao repouso, dez minutos após o exercício a frequência cardíaca reduziu (p=0,003). A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) não obtiveram mudanças significativas durante o exercício resistido. O duplo Produto (DP) se elevou consideravelmente no pós exercício (p=0,003) e reduziu após 10 minutos (p=0,006) em relação ao momento pós. Durante o exercício aeróbio, a FC se elevou (p=0,001) no momento pós em relação ao repouso e reduziu 10 minutos após (p=0,001). A PAS se elevou no momento pós (p=0,001) e reduziu aos níveis basais 10 min após. A PAD elevou (p=0,035) no momento pós e voltou ao repouso 10 minutos após. O DP elevou (p=0,001) no momento pós e reduziu (p=0,001) 10 minutos após. Conclusão: Concluímos que os exercícios com duração mais longa trazem respostas mais significativas ao duplo produto. Diante disso, o exercício aeróbio traz mais respostas cardiovasculares do que o exercício resistido.Introduction: The monitoring of the double product, the consumption of oxygen that myocardium does through effort, is a noninvasive method and one of the best ways when it comes to safety in the physical activity practice. Objective: This study aims to compare the response of the double product of 1600M aerobic test and a maximum repetitions test in bench press at 70% of 1RM, identify in this way what type of protocol has a better cardiovascular response. Material and Methods: Were evaluated in this study 18 men with an average age of 24.88 ± 1.96 years, body mass of 84.00 ± 8.25 kg, height 1.79 ± 0.07 m and body mass index (BMI) of 26 23 ± 1.36 kg / m². Samples were collected on three different days: On the first day were made anthropometric collections and load test for the resistance exercise group; On the second day, was held the 1600m test for the aerobic exercise group and on the third day was performed the resistance exercise protocol in the bench press. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The descriptive analysis was performed and expressed as mean and standard deviation. The normality of the data of each group was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni treatment. The statistical significance level adopted was the p 0.05. Results: During the resistance exercise there was a significant increase in the heart rate (HR) (p = 0.001) at the time after exercise compared to the rest moment, ten minutes after exercise the heart rate decreased (p = 0.003). There were not significant changes in the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during resistance exercise. The double product (DP) increased considerably in post-exercise (p = 0.003) and reduced after 10 minutes (p = 0.006) compared to the post-exercise. During the aerobic exercise, HR was raised (p = 0.001) in the post time in relation to the rest moment and reduced 10 minutes after (p = 0.001). The SBP was raised in the post time (p = 0.001) and reduced to baseline levels after 10 min. The PAD increased (p = 0.035) in the post time and came to the rest moment 10 minutes later. The DP increased (p = 0.001) in the post time and decreased (p = 0.001) 10 minutes later. Final Considerations: We conclude that the exercises with longer duration provide more meaningful answers to the double product. Therefore, aerobic exercise provides more cardiovascular responses than to resistance exercise

    Mass anti-austerity protests in Portugal are emerging out of social movements which have been fighting against precarious conditions in the labour market

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    Tiago Carvalho, Nuno de Almeida Alves, David Cairns and Ana Alexandre report on recent mass street protests in Portugal against the government’s painful austerity programme. These demonstrations, with the most recent instance estimated to encompass one million people across 40 towns and cities, have emerged as a consequence of longer standing social movements which have sought to overturn a broader trend within Portugese society towards the growth of precarious working conditions, where low pay is coupled with little employment protection

    Plano de marketing do lançamento de uma água gourmet

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    Mestrado em MarketingEste projecto traduz-se na apresentação de um plano de marketing para o lançamento de uma água gourmet. O produto dá pelo nome de "Danke Cristal" e fará parte da unidade de negócio das águas & cervejas da empresa Sumol+Compal com o crescimento do portefólio da Água Serra da Estrela. O plano de marketing tem como principais objectivos reforçar a presença da marca no mercado das águas engarrafadas, posicionar a marcar no mercado das águas gourmet e, assim, aumentar a quota de mercado da Água Serra da Estrela.This project consists in the presentation of a marketing plan to launch a premium water. The products name is "Danke Crystal" and will be part of the business unit of waters & beers of Sumol+Compal Group, by growing the portfolio of Serra da Estrela Water. The marketing plan has as main objectives to reinforce brand presence on the market of bottled water, place the brand on the premium water market and thereby increase the market share of Serra da Estrela Water

    Resgatar a democracia? A emergência e declínio de novas redes de ativismo nos protestos anti-austeritários em Portugal

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    Esta tese ocupa-se das novas redes de ativismo político surgidas em torno das grandes manifestações que decorreram em em Portugal entre 12 de março de 2011 e 2 de março de 2013. Foi o período em que se acentuaram as medidas de austeridade impostas na sequência dos desenvolvimentos da crise financeira de 2008, num país semiperiférico inserido na Europa comunitária. O uso da Internet e do Facebook para a convocação de protestos, uma inovação de reportório de contestação que recentemente ganhara fulgor nas Primaveras Árabes, foi ao encontro de um sentimento de descontentamento e não-representatividade face às estruturas políticas tradicionais, permitindo abrir um novo campo de mobilização autónomo aos partidos e aos sindicatos. Um campo que seria acesamente disputado por ativistas. Geração à Rasca, Plataforma 15 de Outubro e Que Se Lixe A Troika emergiram em torno da adesão de uma parte significativa da população aos protestos. Apesar de surgida dentro do capitalismo neoliberal global, a crise foi sentida de diversos modos e intensidades nos diferentes países, levando a que dinâmicas transnacionais anteriores, como a do Movimento pela Justiça Global, se virassem para as lutas especificas dos respetivos Estados-Nação. Esta etnografia é baseada numa observação participante, efetuada em Lisboa, com recurso ao on e ao offline, junto dos grupos e estruturas que se destacaram nas promoções dos protestos, em especial o Que Se Lixe a Troika, que tinha adquirido primazia durante o período em que foi efetuado o trabalho de campo. Procurou-se compreender se a mobilização então criada conseguiu ultrapassar o domínio da partidocracia, mantendo os cidadãos em participação política ativa fora dos movimentos tradicionais. Madrid, Atenas e Nova Iorque foram outras cidades que conheceram grandes protestos, prolongados em Acampadas com grande impacto junto das populações, e os seus casos foram focados como termo de comparação. Em Portugal, a larga adesão aos protestos ficou circunscrita aos momentos pontuais de manifestações alimentadas pela reação direta à aplicação de medidas austeritárias especificas. Nunca chegou a tomar uma forma de defesa de modelos alternativos que procurassem romper com a hegemonia do capitalismo neoliberal. A falta de capacidade de mobilização continuada em Portugal acabaria por contribuir para que rapidamente as redes de ativismo se movessem para uma zona de confluência com as estruturas políticas tradicionais. Ao contrário do que aconteceu em Espanha e na Grécia, onde as Acampadas deram origem a mobilizações autónomas alargadas, que deixaram um lastro que posteriormente contribuiu para a afirmação do Podemos e do Syriza, que vieram mudar o quadro partidário desses países. Construída em torno de multipertenças, a enorme heterogeneidade das redes de ativismo que emergiram em Portugal levou a que tivesse ficado limitada a posições de protesto e assente em laços de fraca densidade que se revelaram efémerosThis thesis deals with the new networks of political activism arising around the great demonstrations that took place in Portugal between March 12, 2011, and March 2, 2013. It was the period when the austerity measures imposed following the developments of the 2008 financial crisis in a semi-peripheral country within the European Community were most agressive. The use of the Internet and Facebook to convene protests, an innovation in the repertoire of political opposition that had gained momentum during the recent Arab Spring, went along with a feeling of discontent and lack of representation through traditional political structures, opening a new field of mobilization autonomous of parties and trade unions. A field that would be fiercely disputed by activists. Geração à Rasca, Plataforma 15 de Outubro, and Que Se Lixe a Troika emerged when a significant part of the population were joining the protests. Although it happened within global neoliberal capitalism, the crisis was felt in different ways and intensities in different countries, leading previous transnational dynamics, such as the Global Justice Movement, to focus on the specific struggles of their nation-states. This ethnography is based on a participant observation, carried out in Lisbon, using the on and offline, within the groups and structures that stood out in the promotion of demonstrations, specially Que Lixe a Troika, which was most prominent during the period of fieldwork. We aimed to understand if the mobilization then created managed to overcome the rule of partidocracy, keeping citizens in active political participation outside traditional movements. Madrid, Athens and New York were other cities where protests took place, prolonged in "Acampadas" with great impact on populations, and their cases were highlighted for comparison purposes. In Portugal, widespread adherence to protests was limited to the occasional moments of demonstrations fueled by direct reaction to the application of specific austerity measures. Never assuming the form of a defense of alternative models that seeked to breach the hegemony of neoliberal capitalism. The lack of capacity for continued mobilization in Portugal would eventually be a factor in leading activist networks to move rapidly to a zone of confluence with traditional political structures. This is contrary to what happened in Spain and Greece, where the encampments gave rise to extensive autonomous mobilizations, leaving a legacy which later contributed to the affirmation of Podemos and Syriza, changing the party system of these countries. Built around multiple belongings, the enormous heterogeneity of the networks of activism that emerged in Portugal contributed to their ended up limited to positions of protest, based on low density ties which proved to be ephemeral

    HateBR: A Large Expert Annotated Corpus of Brazilian Instagram Comments for Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection

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    Due to the severity of the social media offensive and hateful comments in Brazil, and the lack of research in Portuguese, this paper provides the first large-scale expert annotated corpus of Brazilian Instagram comments for hate speech and offensive language detection. The HateBR corpus was collected from the comment section of Brazilian politicians' accounts on Instagram and manually annotated by specialists, reaching a high inter-annotator agreement. The corpus consists of 7,000 documents annotated according to three different layers: a binary classification (offensive versus non-offensive comments), offensiveness-level classification (highly, moderately, and slightly offensive), and nine hate speech groups (xenophobia, racism, homophobia, sexism, religious intolerance, partyism, apology for the dictatorship, antisemitism, and fatphobia). We also implemented baseline experiments for offensive language and hate speech detection and compared them with a literature baseline. Results show that the baseline experiments on our corpus outperform the current state-of-the-art for the Portuguese language.Comment: Published at LREC 2022 Proceeding

    Tratamento dado ao tema “Homossexualidade” em artigos do Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Uma Revisão Crítica

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    We examined how homosexuality was treated in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis from 1968 to 2010. Ten articles were selected according to the inclusion criterion (i.e., articles that dealt with homosexuality or related topics). The selection was conducted using a digital search based on the following terms: gay, LGB, LGBT, homosexual, homosexuality, homosexualism, bisexual, bisexuality, bisexualism, transexual, transexuality, transexualism, transvestism, transvestic, lesbianism, lesbian, sexuality, sexual, sex, gender, male, and female. The articles were then classified according to the following unit of analysis: “view of homosexuality as a deviant or non-deviant feature.” Five articles presented the view of homosexuality as a deviant feature, two articles presented a positive notion of the topic, and three articles did not clearly mention any view on the theme. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of historical conditions and social values on clinical behavior analysis practices.   Keywords: homosexuality; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis; clinical behavior analysis; behavioral treatment of sexual devianceO presente estudo analisa de que maneira o tema “homossexualidade” foi tratado no periódico Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA) no período de 1968 até 2010. Foram selecionados dez artigos que atenderam ao critério de inclusão por tratar do tema homossexualidade ou assunto correlato. Os artigos foram selecionados por meio de busca informatizada nos títulos, utilizando os termos: gay, LGB, LGBT, homosexual, homosexuality, homosexualism, bisexual, bisexuality, bisexualism, transexual, transexuality,transexualism, transvessm, transvestic, lesbianism, lesbian, sexuality, sexual, sex, gender, male, female. Em seguida, foram classificados utilizando-se a unidade de análise “visão da homossexualidade como desvio ou não”. Verificou-se que cinco artigos apresentaram uma visão da homossexualidade como desvio, dois não a consideraram assim e, em três, o tema não foi mencionado ou o posicionamento não ficara claro. Os resultados permitiram discutir a suscetibilidade das práticas da comunidade de clínicos a condições históricas e valores sociais vigentes.   Palavras-chave: homossexualidade, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, análise comportamental clínica, tratamento comportamental de desvios sexuais

    Biological screening of herbal extracts and essential oil from Plectranthus species: α-amylase and 5-lipoxygenase inhibition and antioxidant and anti-Candida potentials

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    The phenolic compound content, the antioxidant and α-amylase inhibition potentials of different extracts of the Plectranthus amboinicus, P. barbatus and P. ornatus were evaluated. We also evaluated the influence of plant growth and harvest time on the chemical composition of the essential oil (EO) of P. amboinicus, its antioxidant and anti-Candida activities and the α-amylase and lipoxygenase inhibitions. The turbo-extract of P. barbatus showed the greatest phenolic compound content and antioxidant activity. No α-amylase inhibition activity was observed in the analyzed extracts, but the turbo-extraction and refluxing extracts possessed high antioxidant activities. Protected cultivation and morning harvest conditions gave the best antioxidant activities, which was associated to the highest carvacrol content. P. amboinicus EO antioxidant activity could contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress in diabetes. Causal Candida strains of diabetic foot ulcers showed sensitivity to P. amboinicus EO. C. albicans and C. dubliniensis were the most sensitive of the selected Candida strains. Turbo-extracts or refluxing of the three species extracts and the EO of P. amboinicus should be considered as a potential candidate for the management the complications of type 2 diabetes

    Influence of light quality on in vitro growth and essential-oil composition of Chenopodium ambrosioides L.

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    Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (CA) is a medicinal plant extensively used for its anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antileishmanial and antidiarrheal properties. One of the most important factors that regulates the growth and development of plants in vitro is light. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine how spectral composition of light influences in vitro growth and chemical composition of CA essential oil (EO). To do that, nodal segments of CA were inoculated in a growth medium and cultured for 40 days in a growth room with different diodes emitting lights: blue (B), red (R), white (W), combinations of blue and red (B:R=1:1; 2:1; 1:2, respectively) and cool white fluorescent lamp (F). The chemical profiles of CAplant specimens grown under lights of different quality were mutually compared using principal component analysis (PCA). The results of PCA showed significant light-quality-related variations in EO profiles (Fig. 1): monochromatic B light inhibited the biosynthesis of ascaridole, while W, B:R=1:2 and 2:1 lights promoted ascaridole production. The herein obtained results suggest that explants kept in a growth room with W or B:R=2:1 lights had optimal chemical profile