350 research outputs found

    Közgazdász hallgatók pénzügyi kultúrája

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    The crisis of 2008 drew attention to the low level of financial knowledge among the population bringing research into financial literacy to the fore. The literature has given priority to young people, because in order to be able to avoid a future crisis, it is necessary to develop the next generation’s financial literacy. In our research financial literacy (described by its three components – financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitudes) of 3rd year economics students from a Hungarian university was examined and compared to “average” young people from previous studies not receiving financialeconomic knowledge in the frame of organized education. Our major findings include that examined students significantly undervalued their own financial knowledge in spite of being above average; their financial behaviour shows no significant difference compared to “average” young people (except the acquisition of information prior to the purchase of financial products) as well as their financial attitudes that is above average similarly to the previous research findings. Besides this we found no evidence of the fact that financial knowledge gained in secondary school increases financial literacy that suggests developing financial literacy is not even late in higher education

    Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: A narrative review to inform dietetics practice

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    Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are common nutrition-impact symptoms experienced by cancer patients. They exert a detrimental effect on dietary intake, risk of malnutrition and quality of life. While CINV are primarily managed with medication, dietitians play an important role in the management of CINV-related complications such as reduced dietary intake. This review discusses the burden of nausea and vomiting which cancer patients can experience, including its effect on quality of life, nutrition status, and treatment outcomes. Implications for dietetic practice include the need to explore the nature of reported symptoms, identify predisposing risk factors, and to consider the use of a variety of interventions that are individualised to the patient’s symptoms. There are little clinical data regarding effective dietetic interventions for nausea and vomiting. In summary, this review discusses dietetic-related issues surrounding CINV including the pathophysiology, risk factors, prevalence, and both pharmacological and dietetic treatment options

    The correlations of the particle size, calorific value, moisture- and ash content of waste derived fuel, and examination of its heavy metal content

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    Significant development has taken place in the field of waste management recently in the preparation of the energetic exploitation of recyclable, non-hazardous municipal solid waste. With mechanical-biological waste treatment, 35-40% of the weight of this waste can be made appropriate for energetic exploitation, mainly for co-incineration in cement factories and power plants. The recoverability of waste derived fuel produced in mechanical-biological waste treatment plants highly depends on the burning and combustion technological properties of the mixture, and on its compounds influencing burning and different emissions. Waste recovery facilities do not take over fuel below a specific calorific value and over a given heavy metal, halogen and pollutant content. In our research we were looking for correlations in the particle size, calorific value, moisture-, ash- and heavy metal content of waste derived fuel. On the basis of the measurement results, the connection between the particle size fractions and the fuel properties can clearly be stated. The fractions of smaller particle size have higher moisture-, ash- and heavy metal content, while the fractions of bigger particle size have higher calorific value

    Rendszermodellezés és részvétel: egy magyar kísérlet tanulságai

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    A részvétel kérdése nem csupán egy absztrakt társadalom- vagy politikaelméleti probléma, hiszen a részvételi folyamatok tervezésénél és lebonyolításánál nagyon is gyakorlati szempontok kerülnek előtérbe. Kit vonjunk be, hogyan, milyen módon történjen ez a bevonás, és ennek milyen hatása lesz rövid és hosszú távon – ezek olyan kérdések, amelyeket egy folyamat tervezésénél és a módszer kiválasztásánál figyelembe kell venni. Az utóbbi években egy új típusú részvételi megközelítés jelent meg a társadalomtudományok módszertani eszköztárában, amelyben a résztvevők közösen komplex oksági modelleket dolgoznak ki egy adott témában, és ez alapján fogalmaznak meg javaslatokat. A tanulmány a megközelítés hazai adaptációjának kísérletét és annak módszertani tanulságait mutatja be a részvétel szempontjából

    Effect of spinning workouts on affect

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    Background: Numerous physical exercises trigger positive changes in affect after relatively short workouts. Spinning, also known as indoor-cycling, is a very popular form of exercise, especially among women, but its impact on affect have not been examined to date. Aims: The purpose of the current work was to investigate the possible benefits of spinning on affect in self-controlled and in instructor-led exercise sessions. Methods: Using baseline measures and pre-to post-exercise design with a psychometrically validated questionnaire, the net effects of spinning (without music) on positive-and negative-affect were measured in two exercise conditions: (1) self-controlled workout (i.e. without an instructor) and (2) instructor-led workout. After both conditions, 18 women rated the extent which they enjoyed the exercise session on a 10-point Likert scale. Results: The findings revealed that positive affect increased while negative affect decreased after both workouts. Exerted effort, measured through the heart rate, did not differ between the two conditions. However, participants enjoyed more the instructor-led exercise session than the self-regulated workout (effect size, Cohen´s d = 0.93). Conclusions: This research reveals that spinning improves post-exercise affect, even without music and regardless of instructor´s presence. Therefore, it demonstrates the net benefits of this popular exercise on affect

    Risk of disordered eating in emerging adulthood: Media, body and weight-related correlates among Hungarian female university students

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    Background: University years often are accompanied by dramatic lifestyle changes which may result in an elevated risk of disordered eating among females. We examine the associations of disordered eating with body image, weight and media-related variables. Methods: Hungarian female university students (N = 261, mean age = 22.0 years; SD = 2.2 years) were the study participants using online data collection. The Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26) was used to assess levels of and risk for disordered eating. Results: Findings indicated 24.1 percent of disordered eating in this sample. Weight and body-related attitudes and behaviors were the strongest correlates. Students with family’s eating disorders, body dissatisfaction, those engaged in sporting and dieting tendencies, and being susceptible to media messages were particularly at risk. Dieting was associated with a higher score on the disordered eating scale among sporting students, internalization of thin and athletic body type from the media could play a role; BMI was a correlate only in oral control. Conclusions: Our paper highlights the role of body dissatisfaction, sporting and slimming tendencies, sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, and family’s eating pathology in helping understand female university students’ disordered eating. There is a limited role that social media plays in part, due to their possible age-related experiences and skills on how to cope with this pressure
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