24 research outputs found

    Severidad clínica del Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad según niveles de sintomatología depresiva: un estudio comparativo

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    Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: https://repositorio.uc.cl/handle/11534/64390Antecedentes: es frecuente la comorbilidad entre el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad (TLP) y el Trastorno Depresivo Mayor, la cual empeora el curso y el resultado del tratamiento. Respecto al diagnóstico de TLP, existen controversias entre el modelo categórico del DSM-IV y el modelo alternativo de la Sección III del DSM-5. Objetivo: comparar la severidad sintomatológica del TLP en personas con características de dicho trastorno y distintos niveles de sintomatología depresiva utilizando ambos modelos diagnósticos. Metodología: se incluyeron personas, de muestra clínica y comunitaria, con características de TLP, establecidas mediante Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder (Zanarini y cols., 2015), para luego utilizar Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (Kroenke y cols., 2001) y dividir la muestra en dos subgrupos: personas con sintomatología depresiva leve/moderada y sintomatología severa. Finalmente, se utilizó t-Student para comparar ambas muestras utilizando tanto Level of Personality Functioning Scale – Brief Form 2.0 (Weekers, y cols., 2019), representando en este estudio al modelo diagnóstico dimensional; y, mediante ZAN-BPD, representando al modelo categórico. Resultados: las personas con características de TLP y síntomas depresivos severos presentan mayor severidad sintomatológica general y específica del TLP; particularmente, en los síntomas afectivos. Esto reflejado al usar ambos modelos diagnósticos. Conclusiones: la comorbilidad entre TLP y depresión agrava la sintomatología de TLP.Chile. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Escuela de Psicología: Beca de Excelencia Académic

    Estudio comparativo de indicadores a adicción a las redes sociales en adolescentes de instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de Arequipa

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    Actualmente a nivel mundial el uso redes sociales ha adquirido mayor presencia y relevancia, sobretodo en adolescentes. El uso de éstas puede llegar a realizarse de forma desmedida y excesiva, trayendo consecuencias negativas de diversa índole para el usuario. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar formas de uso de las redes sociales e indicadores de adicción en el uso de redes sociales en adolescentes de la ciudad de Arequipa y compararlos respecto al tipo de Institución Educativa, Pública o Privada, que procede el adolescente. Encontrar además cuál es la red social con mayor uso entre los adolescentes de la ciudad de Arequipa, así como identificar diferencias respecto al sexo del usuario y la frecuencia de uso de las redes sociales. Se trata de una investigación cuantitativa, no experimental, de diseño comparativo. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes Sociales (ARS), de Escurra y Salas (2014), a una muestra de 363 estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos que pertenecen a Instituciones Educativas Públicas presentan mayor obsesión por el uso de redes sociales, frente a los alumnos de Instituciones Educativas Privadas, quienes por su parte, evidencian mayor falta de control personal en el uso de redes sociales y mayor uso excesivo de éstas. Además los alumnos de Instituciones Educativas Privadas acceden entre una a dos veces al día a las redes sociales, mayormente mediante el uso de teléfonos inteligentes o computadora en casa; mientras que los estudiantes de Instituciones Educativas Públicas lo hacen entre una a tres veces por semana, mediante el uso de computadoras en cabinas de internet. Tanto hombres como mujeres acudirían a las redes sociales con similar frecuencia; donde Facebook es la red social favorita entre los usuarios.Tesi

    Social partners going digital: using digital tools and adapting social dialogue processes

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoDigital transformation is changing the world of work. This report looks at how social partners - the actors involved in the regulation of employment relationships - are increasingly adopting technological solutions to improve the services that they provide to their members and facilitate collective bargaining processes. Technological tools offer social partners the opportunity to enhance consultation, engage with their members through digitised processes, improve services and increase networking activities, as well as addressing the issue of membership decline. The findings of this report show that the extent to which the social partners use digital technologies varies greatly across the EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom. Provisions in collective agreements on several aspects of digitalisation have been identified in about half of the countries. Through these provisions, social partners encourage their members to boost training on digital skills, ensure fair and safe working conditions and take account of data protection and employee monitoring practices. The European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation has provided inspiration to national-level organisations, and follow-up actions in this regard have the potential to greatly benefit their members

    Social partners going digital: using digital tools and adapting social dialogue processes

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    La xarxa de corresponsals d'Eurofound ha contribuït a aquest informe i en concret l'Alejandro Godino com així s'expressa a l'Annex 3: Network of Eurofound CorrespondentsDigital transformation is changing the world of work. This report looks at how social partners - the actors involved in the regulation of employment relationships - are increasingly adopting technological solutions to improve the services that they provide to their members and facilitate collective bargaining processes. Technological tools offer social partners the opportunity to enhance consultation, engage with their members through digitised processes, improve services and increase networking activities, as well as addressing the issue of membership decline. The findings of this report show that the extent to which the social partners use digital technologies varies greatly across the EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom. Provisions in collective agreements on several aspects of digitalisation have been identified in about half of the countries. Through these provisions, social partners encourage their members to boost training on digital skills, ensure fair and safe working conditions and take account of data protection and employee monitoring practices. The European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation has provided inspiration to national-level organisations, and follow-up actions in this regard have the potential to greatly benefit their members

    Does Embryo Culture Medium Influence the Health and Development of Children Born after In Vitro Fertilization?

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    In animal studies, extensive data revealed the influence of culture medium on embryonic development, foetal growth and the behaviour of offspring. However, this impact has never been investigated in humans. For the first time, we investigated in depth the effects of embryo culture media on health, growth and development of infants conceived by In Vitro Fertilization until the age of 5 years old. This single-centre cohort study was based on an earlier randomized study. During six months, in vitro fertilization attempts (No. 371) were randomized according to two media (Single Step Medium--SSM group) or Global medium (Global group). This randomized study was stopped prematurely as significantly lower pregnancy and implantation rates were observed in the SSM group. Singletons (No. 73) conceived in the randomized study were included (42 for Global and 31 for SSM). The medical data for gestational, neonatal and early childhood periods were extracted from medical records and parental interviews (256 variables recorded). The developmental profiles of the children in eight domains (social, self-help, gross motor, fine motor, expressive language, language comprehension, letter knowledge and number knowledge--270 items) were compared in relation to the culture medium. The delivery rate was significantly lower in the SSM group than in the Global group (p<0.05). The culture medium had no significant effect on birthweight, risk of malformation (minor and major), growth and the frequency of medical concerns. However, the children of the Global group were less likely than those of the SSM group to show developmental problems (p = 0.002), irrespective of the different domains. In conclusion, our findings showed that the embryo culture medium may have an impact on further development

    Harnessing the power of comparative genomics to support the distinction of sister species within Phyllosticta and development of highly specific detection of Phyllosticta citricarpa causing citrus black spot by real-time PCR

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    Citrus crops are affected by many fungal diseases. Among them, Citrus Black Spot caused by the ascomycete Phyllosticta citricarpa is particularly economically damaging wherever it occurs. Many other species of Phyllosticta are described on Citrus, but only P. citricarpa is considered a quarantine pest on the European continent. In order to prevent the introduction of this species into Europe, it is essential to have a detection test which can reliably identify it, and not confuse it with other species present on citrus, notably P. paracitricarpa. The latter taxon has recently been described as very close to P. citricarpa, and most detection tests do not allow to distinguish the two species. In this work, we exploited the genomic data of 37 isolates of Phyllosticta spp. from citrus, firstly to assess their phylogenetic relationships, and secondly to search for genomic regions that allowed the definition of species-specific markers of P. citricarpa. Analysis of 51 concatenated genes separated P. citricarpa and P. paracitricarpa in two phylogenetic clades. A locus was selected to define a hydrolysis probe and primers combination that could be used in real-time PCR for the specific detection of the quarantine species, to the exclusion of all others present on Citrus. This test was then thoroughly validated on a set of strains covering a wide geographical diversity, and on numerous biological samples to demonstrate its reliability for regulatory control. The validation data highlighted the need to check the reliability of the test in advance, when a change of reagents was being considered