116 research outputs found

    Le corps, le rythme et l’esthĂ©tique sociale chez AndrĂ© Leroi-Gourhan

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    L’Ɠuvre d’AndrĂ© Leroi-Gourhan est traversĂ©e par une anthropologie du rythme. Celle-ci ne part pas d’une socialitĂ© constituĂ©e, de rythmes dits « sociaux », mais inscrit au contraire l’analyse de la rythmicitĂ© dans une approche de l’homme comme ĂȘtre vivant, comme totalitĂ© indivise. Elle pose en des termes renouvelĂ©s le problĂšme classique du groupement des hommes et des liens entre l’individu et son milieu. Avec la question de la genĂšse de la socialitĂ©, c’est le lien entre corporĂ©itĂ© et socialitĂ©, entre affect et symbole, qui est ici au cƓur d’une approche du rythme comme « insertion dans l’existence ».The entire works of Leroi-Gourhan are embedded in an anthropology of rhythm. The latter does not originate from a constituted sociality, from rhythms said to be “social”, but on the contrary the analysis of rhythmic is part of an approach of Man as a living being, as an indivisible whole. It renews the classical question of the grouping of humans and of the relationships between the individual and his background. With the question of the genesis of sociality, it is the link between corporeity and sociality, between affect and symbol, which are here at the heart of an approach of rhythm as an “insertion into existence”

    La mesure du travail téléphonique

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    Nous retraçons les dĂ©bats qu’accueille entre 1911 et 1938 la revue des Annales des Postes TĂ©lĂ©graphes et TĂ©lĂ©phones sur la question de la mesure du travail des opĂ©ratrices des centraux tĂ©lĂ©phoniques. Cette pĂ©riode charniĂšre, entre le rĂšgne du tĂ©lĂ©graphe et l’essor aprĂšs la Seconde Guerre des technologies numĂ©riques, voit les ingĂ©nieurs confrontĂ©s Ă  un problĂšme inĂ©dit, aprĂšs l’amĂ©lioration des lignes qui se poursuit parallĂšlement : l’optimisation du travail des opĂ©ratrices. Les propositions prĂ©sentĂ©es dans la revue, Ă©manant de traductions de publications Ă©trangĂšres, de comptes rendus de visites aux États-Unis ou de comptes rendus d’expĂ©riences, donnent Ă  voir les valeurs et les Ă©valuations morales qui trament bien souvent l’analyse rationnelle. Le travail est vu, selon les cas, comme un strict coĂ»t Ă  rĂ©duire, une activitĂ© dont le rendement doit ĂȘtre optimisĂ©, ou encore une valeur. La mise en regard des contributions des ingĂ©nieurs français et amĂ©ricains met en Ă©vidence deux façons d’opĂ©rer le passage d’une valeur-travail Ă  une valeur-utilitĂ© en matiĂšre tĂ©lĂ©phonique, soit deux cadrages de ce « service », associĂ©s aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s du dĂ©veloppement tĂ©lĂ©phonique dans chaque pays.Evaluating Telephone Labor, 1910-1938 This article examines the debates about the evaluation of telephone central operators labor published in the journal  Annales des Postes TĂ©lĂ©graphes et TĂ©lĂ©phones from 1911 to 1938. During the period between the reign of the telegraph and the post-war era of numeric technologies, engineers were faced with a new problem: given line improvement, how optimize the operators' labor? The published proposals were drawn from foreign publications, accounts of visits to the United States and other experiences. They express the values and moral judgments that often shape rational analysis. Labor was variously considered: simply as a cost to be reduced, or as an activity, the outputs of which should be optimized, or yet again as a value. Contributions from French and American engineers show two separate ways to pass from a work-based to a utility-based standard; in other words, two different ways of framing "service" derived from the specific development of telephone in each countr

    Pourquoi dĂ©passer l’image mĂ©caniste du Charlot des Temps modernes ? K. Burke, le travail et le pouvoir des images

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    L’image de Charlot, issue des Temps modernes de Charlie Chaplin, semble incontournable pour illustrer le travail. Cet article vise Ă  comprendre la prĂ©gnance de cette image mĂ©caniste, et suggĂšre de s’en dĂ©faire pour contribuer Ă  renouveler les façons de figurer le travail. A l’heure oĂč travailler sollicite moins la force motrice des travailleurs que leur capacitĂ© Ă  gĂ©rer des alĂ©as, les reprĂ©sentations sociales dominantes du travail, issues du laboratoire industriel du XIXe siĂšcle, ne suffisent plus Ă  le mettre en mots, en images, et en partage. Les pistes ouvertes par Kenneth Burke, promoteur d’une « critique culturelle des symboles », suggĂšrent de substituer Ă  cette mĂ©taphore mĂ©caniste une mĂ©taphore poĂ©tique. Celle-ci permet de dĂ©crire les travailleurs comme des producteurs de formes : de maniĂšres de travailler et de vivre. En nous rendant attentifs Ă  leurs façons de s’approprier les formes contemporaines de travail, elle nous met aussi sur la voie de nouvelles images du travail.Charlot’s image, taken from Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times, seems unavoidable to illustrate work. This article intends to understand the pervasiveness of this mechanistic representation, and suggests to overcome it in order to help rejuvenate the way work is pictured. While nowadays work require less of workers strength and more of the ability to manage risk, the dominant social representations of work, anchored in the industrial laboratory that was the 19th century, fail to put it in words, pictures and common. Kenneth Burke, as a promoter of a “cultural critique of symbols”, suggest a replacement of the mechanistic metaphor by a poetic one. This would offer a description of workers as producers of forms creating new ways to work and live. And by poiting out how they take ownership of contemporary types of work, it also puts us on a path towards new images of work

    From Pragmatism to Today’s Work Dramas

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    Is there any reason to advocate for a new momentum in the “practice turn”? This article argues that the practice turn, already much inspired by pragmatist philosophers, namely Dewey and Mead, could be enhanced by drawing even more upon pragmatism. We begin with the view that focal cooperation activities have been an overriding concern among interactionist scholars. We contend this framework can be broadened by following Dewey’s proposal to shift in vision from interaction to transaction. It helps indeed taking into consideration a wide range of neglected but common situations, joint actions, and temporal processes. In particular, we show how the transactional view can foster the understanding both of the most intimate at work – its ethicizing, its moral network and personal styles –, and of the most public at work – its public images and public perspectives. We end up considering the significance of these moves to explore today’s work dramas and to meet the need to renew our images of work

    Suzanne de CheveignĂ© et FrĂ©dĂ©ric Joulian Ă©d., « Les natures de l’homme », Techniques & culture

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    Ce numĂ©ro thĂ©matique de Techniques et culture inaugure une nouvelle prĂ©sentation de la revue. Le format du volume est Ă©largi et le contenu richement illustrĂ©. Partant du dualisme classique « nature/culture », il se propose de « rendre compte des recherches actuelles sur les maniĂšres de penser les relations de l’homme et l’animal, l’homme et la nature ». Les Ă©diteurs du volume, dans leur introduction, sans nier les champs disciplinaires, s’engagent nettement dans une perspective pluridisciplin..

    Suzanne de CheveignĂ© et FrĂ©dĂ©ric Joulian Ă©d., « Les natures de l’homme », Techniques & culture

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    Ce numĂ©ro thĂ©matique de Techniques et culture inaugure une nouvelle prĂ©sentation de la revue. Le format du volume est Ă©largi et le contenu richement illustrĂ©. Partant du dualisme classique « nature/culture », il se propose de « rendre compte des recherches actuelles sur les maniĂšres de penser les relations de l’homme et l’animal, l’homme et la nature ». Les Ă©diteurs du volume, dans leur introduction, sans nier les champs disciplinaires, s’engagent nettement dans une perspective pluridisciplin..

    Au-delĂ  de l’intelligibilitĂ© mutuelle : l’activitĂ© collective comme transaction. Un apport du pragmatisme illustrĂ© par trois cas

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    La notion d’interaction, au cƓur de bien des approches issues de la tradition pragmatiste, a nourri des recherches focalisĂ©es sur la production d’intelligibilitĂ© mutuelle entre les participants, notamment dans le champ du travail. Cet article montre qu’il convient toutefois d’introduire une notion plus large, celle de transaction, pour caractĂ©riser l’apport de cette tradition. On peut alors saisir son actualitĂ© pour l’étude du travail dans nos sociĂ©tĂ©s de plus en plus technicisĂ©es et cosmopolites, en particulier lĂ  oĂč l’activitĂ© est menĂ©e par des participants aux perspectives radicalement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Trois Ă©tudes de cas, respectivement dans un centre de contrĂŽle du trafic tĂ©lĂ©phonique, dans des services pĂ©diatriques de soins d’urgence, et sur la pratique de jeux en ligne au travail, viennent illustrer notre argument. Ces activitĂ©s collectives ne reposent pas sur la recherche d’une intelligibilitĂ© mutuelle, mais sur des formes de vie dĂ©veloppĂ©es au travail, des rencontres ponctuelles entre des engagements qui s’ignorent et l’entrelacement par chacune des activitĂ©s. Dans ces contextes, la notion de transaction permet de porter une attention particuliĂšre au rĂŽle des dispositifs numĂ©riques, des tiers et des rythmes personnels.Interactions are at the core of major sociological approaches to work. Some lines of research have accounted for cooperative interactions which include incommensurate perspectives. But in this paper we argue that the notion of interaction needs to be extended to the notion of transaction, deeply rooted in the American pragmatist tradition. The shift from interaction to transaction allows for the study of a wide range of situations lacking mutual intelligibility. The main feature is the coexistence of cooperation and entirely asymmetric perspectives, not just for a transitory moment in the process of exchanging perspectives, but as a stabilized configuration. Such contexts mean coming to terms with long unnoticed but increasingly topical components of work environments. To understand these singular forms of coordination with minimal interactions, we need to take account of the role of digital artifacts, third-party participants, and personal rhythms. This paper draws on three studies conducted in different organizational settings: a telephone traffic control center, a pediatric emergency room, and on-line gaming in the workplace. Where collective activity does not mean mutual intelligibility, the analysis turns to the various forms of life developed in the process of work, the intermittent encounters between commitments that are unaware of one another, and the workers confronted with their multiple spaces of activit

    Le sens de la MESURE: Manifeste pour l’Économie en Sociologie : Usage de soi, Rationalisation et EsthĂ©tique au travail (chantier)

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    La notion d’économie est une notion ancienne aux contours conceptuels riches. « Art de bien gĂ©rer la maison » nous diront les dictionnaires Ă©tymologiques en rappelant le sens des deux racines grecques : oikos (maison) et nomos (loi). L’ « Ă©conomie politique », expression apparue au dĂ©but du XVIIĂšme siĂšcle chez Antoine de MontchrĂ©tien, n’est en ce sens qu’un dĂ©rivĂ© : l’art de bien gĂ©rer la maison du Prince, la maison commune, la CitĂ© (polis). Cette expression ne s’est vĂ©ritablement imposĂ©e qu’au cours du XIXĂšme siĂšcle. ParallĂšlement Ă  l’ « Ă©conomie politique », on a continuĂ© durant ce siĂšcle Ă  s’intĂ©resser Ă  « l’économie domestique » (curieux plĂ©onasme grĂ©co-latin), Ă  « l’économie rurale », Ă  « l’économie manufacturiĂšre », Ă  « l’économie commerciale », Ă  « l’économie industrielle » qui coiffait les trois prĂ©cĂ©dentes
 [Premier paragraphe

    Valuation Studies? Our Collective Two Cents

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    This article presents the results of a poll made among the members of the editorial and advisory boards of Valuation Studies. The purpose is to overview the topic that is the remit of the new journal. The poll focused on three questions: 1. Why is the study of valuation topical? 2. What specific issues related to valuation are the most pressing ones to explore? 3. What sites and methods would be interesting for studying valuation? The answers to these questions provided by sixteen board members form the basis of the article. Based on these answers, it identifies a number of themes concerning the study of valuation, elaborating on the rationale for attending to valuation, the conceptual challenges linked to this, and the specific issues and sites that deserve further attention

    Organised Genome Dynamics in the Escherichia coli Species Results in Highly Diverse Adaptive Paths

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    The Escherichia coli species represents one of the best-studied model organisms, but also encompasses a variety of commensal and pathogenic strains that diversify by high rates of genetic change. We uniformly (re-) annotated the genomes of 20 commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains and one strain of E. fergusonii (the closest E. coli related species), including seven that we sequenced to completion. Within the ∌18,000 families of orthologous genes, we found ∌2,000 common to all strains. Although recombination rates are much higher than mutation rates, we show, both theoretically and using phylogenetic inference, that this does not obscure the phylogenetic signal, which places the B2 phylogenetic group and one group D strain at the basal position. Based on this phylogeny, we inferred past evolutionary events of gain and loss of genes, identifying functional classes under opposite selection pressures. We found an important adaptive role for metabolism diversification within group B2 and Shigella strains, but identified few or no extraintestinal virulence-specific genes, which could render difficult the development of a vaccine against extraintestinal infections. Genome flux in E. coli is confined to a small number of conserved positions in the chromosome, which most often are not associated with integrases or tRNA genes. Core genes flanking some of these regions show higher rates of recombination, suggesting that a gene, once acquired by a strain, spreads within the species by homologous recombination at the flanking genes. Finally, the genome's long-scale structure of recombination indicates lower recombination rates, but not higher mutation rates, at the terminus of replication. The ensuing effect of background selection and biased gene conversion may thus explain why this region is A+T-rich and shows high sequence divergence but low sequence polymorphism. Overall, despite a very high gene flow, genes co-exist in an organised genome
