37 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of chaperone effects of Archaeal C/D box sRNA binding on rRNA folding

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    Archaeal C/D box small RNAs (sRNAs) are homologues of eukaryotic C/D box small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). Their main function is guiding 2′-O-ribose methylation of nucleotides in rRNAs. The methylation requires the pairing of an sRNA antisense element to an rRNA target site with formation of an RNA–RNA duplex. The temporary formation of such a duplex during rRNA maturation is expected to influence rRNA folding in a chaperone-like way, in particular in thermophilic Archaea, where multiple sRNAs with two binding sites are found. Here we investigate possible mechanisms of chaperone function of Archaeoglobus fulgidus and Pyrococcus abyssi C/D box sRNAs using computer simulations of rRNA secondary structure formation by genetic algorithm. The effects of sRNA binding on rRNA structure are introduced as temporary structural constraints during co-transcriptional folding. Comparisons of the final predictions with simulations without sRNA binding and with phylogenetic structures show that sRNAs with two antisense elements may significantly facilitate the correct formation of long-range interactions in rRNAs, in particular at elevated temperatures. The simulations suggest that the main mechanism of this effect is a transient restriction of folding in rRNA domains where the termini are brought together by binding to double-guide sRNAs

    Conserved structured domains in plant non-coding RNA enod40, their evolution and recruitment of sequences from transposable elements

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    Plant long noncoding RNA enod40 is involved in the regulation of symbiotic associations with bacteria, in particular, in nitrogen-fixing root nodules of legumes, and with fungi in phosphate-acquiring arbuscular mycorrhizae formed by various plants. The presence of enod40 genes in plants that do not form such symbioses indicates its other roles in cell physiology. The molecular mechanisms of enod40 RNA function are poorly understood. Enod40 RNAs form several structured domains, conserved to different extents. Due to relatively low sequence similarity, identification of enod40 sequences in plant genomes is not straightforward, and many enod40 genes remain unannotated even in complete genomes. Here, we used comparative structure analysis and sequence similarity searches in order to locate enod40 genes and determine enod40 RNA structures in nitrogen-fixing clade plants and in grasses. The structures combine conserved features with considerable diversity of structural elements, including insertions of structured domain modules originating from transposable elements. Remarkably, these insertions contain sequences similar to tandem repeats and several stem-loops are homologous to microRNA precursors.</p

    Fungal metabarcoding data integration framework for the MycoDiversity DataBase (MDDB)

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    Fungi have crucial roles in ecosystems, and are important associates for many organisms. They are adapted to a wide variety of habitats, however their global distribution and diversity remains poorly documented. The exponential growth of DNA barcode information retrieved from the environment is assisting considerably the traditional ways for unraveling fungal diversity and detection. The raw DNA data in association to environmental descriptors of metabarcoding studies are made available in public sequence read archives. While this is potentially a valuable source of information for the investigation of Fungi across diverse environmental conditions, the annotation used to describe environment is heterogenous. Moreover, a uniform processing pipeline still needs to be applied to the available raw DNA data. Hence, a comprehensive framework to analyses these data in a large context is still lacking. We introduce the MycoDiversity DataBase, a database which includes public fungal metabarcoding data of environmental samples for the study of biodiversity patterns of Fungi. The framework we propose will contribute to our understanding of fungal biodiversity and aims to become a valuable source for large-scale analyses of patterns in space and time, in addition to assisting evolutionary and ecological research on Fungi

    Optimisations and challenges involved in the creation of various bioluminescent and fluorescent influenza a virus strains for in vitro and in vivo applications

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    Bioluminescent and fluorescent influenza A viruses offer new opportunities to study influenza virus replication, tropism and pathogenesis. To date, several influenza A reporter viruses have been described. These strategies typically focused on a single reporter gene (either bioluminescent or fluorescent) in a single virus backbone. However, whilst bioluminescence is suited to in vivo imaging, fluorescent viruses are more appropriate for microscopy. Therefore, the idea l reporter virus varies depending on the experiment in question, and it is important that any reporter virus strategy can be adapted accordingly. Herein, a strategy was developed to create five different reporter viruses in a single virus backbone. Specifically, enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP), far-red fluorescent protein (fRFP), near-infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP), Gaussia luciferase (gLUC) and firefly luciferase (fLUC) were inserted into the PA gene segment of A/PR/8/34 (H1N1). This study provides a comprehensive characterisation of the effects of different reporter genes on influenza virus replication and reporter activity. In vivo reporter gene expression, in lung tissues, was only detected for eGFP, fRFP and gLUC expressing viruses. In vitro, the eGFP-expressing virus displayed the best reporter stability and could be used for correlative light electron microscopy (CLEM). This strategy was then used to create eGFP-expressing viruses consisting entirely of pandemic H1N1, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 and H7N9. The HPAI H5N1 eGFP-expressing virus infected mice and reporter gene expression was detected, in lung tissues, in vivo. Thus, this study provides new tools and insights for the creation of bioluminescent and fluorescent influenza A reporter viruses. Copyright

    Identification of conserved secondary structures and expansion segments in enod40 RNAs reveals new enod40 homologues in plants

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    enod40 is a plant gene that participates in the regulation of symbiotic interaction between leguminous plants and bacteria or fungi. Furthermore, it has been suggested to play a general role in non-symbiotic plant development. Although enod40 seems to have multiple functions, being present in many land plants, the molecular mechanisms of its activity are unclear; they may be determined though, by short peptides and/or RNA structures encoded in the enod40 genes. We utilized conserved RNA structures in enod40 sequences to search nucleotide sequence databases and identified a number of new enod40 homologues in plant species that belong to known, but also, to yet unknown enod40-containing plant families. RNA secondary structure predictions and comparative sequence analysis of enod40 RNAs allowed us to determine the most conserved structural features, present in all known enod40 genes. Remarkably, the topology and evolution of one of the conserved structural domains are similar to those of the expansion segments found in structural RNAs such as rRNAs, RNase P and SRP RNAs. Surprisingly, the enod40 RNA structural elements are much more stronger conserved than the encoded peptides. This finding suggests that some general functions of enod40 gene could be determined by the encoded RNA structure, whereas short peptides may be responsible for more diverse functions found only in certain plant families

    Examples of enod40 domain 2 evolution in families Asterales (), Brassicales () and Solanales ()

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Identification of conserved secondary structures and expansion segments in enod40 RNAs reveals new enod40 homologues in plants"</p><p></p><p>Nucleic Acids Research 2007;35(9):3144-3152.</p><p>Published online 22 Apr 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC1888808.</p><p>© 2007 The Author(s)</p> Nucleotide positions are given in . The conserved closing stem is boxed. The insertion locations are indicated by small arrows, inserted nucleotides are in different letter font. Large arrows indicate the transitions between structures of various species determined by insertions (but they should not always correspond to real evolutionary events that may occur in reverse order or include branching). Species names are abbreviated by first two characters, for complete names see

    Secondary structure and function of the 5′-proximal region of the equine arteritis virus RNA genome

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    Nidoviruses produce an extensive 3′-coterminal nested set of subgenomic mRNAs, which are used to express their structural proteins. In addition, arterivirus and coronavirus mRNAs contain a common 5′ leader sequence, derived from the genomic 5′ end. The joining of this leader sequence to different segments (mRNA bodies) from the genomic 3′-proximal region presumably involves a unique mechanism of discontinuous minus-strand RNA synthesis. Key elements in this process are the so-called transcription-regulating sequences (TRSs), which determine a base-pairing interaction between sense and antisense viral RNA that is essential for leader-to-body joining. To identify RNA structures in the 5′-proximal region of the equine arteritis virus genome that may be involved in subgenomic mRNA synthesis, a detailed secondary RNA structure model was established using bioinformatics, phylogenetic analysis, and RNA structure probing. According to this structure model, the leader TRS is located in the loop of a prominent hairpin (leader TRS hairpin; LTH). The importance of the LTH was supported by the results of a mutagenesis study using an EAV molecular clone. Besides evidence for a direct role of the LTH in subgenomic RNA synthesis, indications for a role of the LTH region in genome replication and/or translation were obtained. Similar LTH structures could be predicted for the 5′-proximal region of all arterivirus genomes and, interestingly, also for most coronaviruses. Thus, we postulate that the LTH is a key structural element in the discontinuous subgenomic RNA synthesis and is likely critical for leader TRS function

    Comparison of folding predictions for 16S rRNA 5′-domain in the absence () and presence () of sRNA4

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Computer simulation of chaperone effects of Archaeal C/D box sRNA binding on rRNA folding"</p><p>Nucleic Acids Research 2006;34(7):2015-2026.</p><p>Published online 13 Apr 2006</p><p>PMCID:PMC1435978.</p><p>© The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved</p> The inset shows the refolding of the structure after sRNA4 release